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iOS Gaming September 2016 | I don't have unlimited money


Hmm, so let's see. The first interesting part was actually the settings. How you can cap the FPS at either 30 or 60, and how you can choose between low, medium and high settings in visuals. A restart will apply those settings. The use of the accelerometer to move the rod can also be disabled or enabled.

Anyway, I tried a single game where you can choose between many different venues, the rules and the time. So you start out in this starting zone you see below, the rest of the players are AI controlled. You run out unto the ice and finds a spot you want to drill. This is done from that birdseye view and you tap where you want your character to go; talking about character, the customizations are very limited. When you have found your spot, you tap a button and it'll drill a hole. Here you can choose which kind of food you want at the end of your rod, which rod you want to use and which hook to use; you can buy more items in the shop and coins are earned as rewards. You tap a button and the hook goes down in the water. While waiting, you need to keep away the ice from the water, as the water will eventually turn to ice because of the cold temperatures.

After a while your rod will move, and it's time to tap that rod-icon for it to pull up. And that's it. Rules can be all from catching the most weight, the most, the most different kinds of fish and so on. When time is almost running out it is time to run back to the starting zone for your catch to be counted. The game also comes with Tournament play but I haven't tried out that format yet, and there's no online play.

What I am most disappointed with is the whole tap-tap-tap gameplay. All in all, you really don't have to do much, and I know that goes along with fishing, but it would still be nice if they had added some kind of gameplay element, or at least asked you to do some different movements. The most you can do is move around your rod while fishing. I'm also disappointed in no online play, as this would no doubt be more fun playing against others. So if they eventually add an online mode, there could be potential in this title.

Wow. Didn't expect you to give that detailed of impressions.

I don't know. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

Thanks for the response!

Really? I felt that at least Asphalt 8 had some of the best arcade racing on the platform. Solid tracks, good sense of speed, good controls, aggressive racing, a ton of post-release support, and you aren't limited by energy or fuel or any kind of timers

Agreed. Sense of speed, some really great track design, stunts, spot on controls especially for drifting and that takedown action like the Burnout games make this by far my favorite iOS racers. I actually like it more than the premium AG Drive. Granted, I'd prefer the premium experience but as you mention there isn't any limit on racing in Asphalt 8 (I think there may be for multiplayer but I don't get into that much anyway).

The Metal only courses with like 24 (?) cars are also insane.


On another note, I wanted to say I'm having fun with Teeny Titans. It wasn't a game that stirred too much interest in me as I am not familiar with the show and the whole collecting thing doesn't appeal to me. But with the sale and having read a lot of good comments about it, I decided to give it a shot. I'm glad I did.

A steal for $.99 if you don't have it already.

AppUnwrapper put together some good tips / guide for noobs too:



And last but not least, I downloaded Severed on my iPhone 6S Plus and think I'm going to enjoy it more. I think games with those kind of swipe mechanics work better on phones as compared to my mini 2.
The Power Rangers-inspired tactical RPG/tv studio management game Chroma Squad is coming to iOS early next year



i don't replay games - is this like 99 where you have to to "get" the story, or can i play once and enjoy it? how long is a single run through?

Jumping back a bit in the thread to explain this about Steins;Gate, because I'm guessing more people will be asking about this in the next couple weeks. I'll spoiler it in case anyone really doesn't want to know how this works, but I don't spoil anything besides how getting endings works mechanically.

Steins;Gate is structured in chapters. After a certain point about halfway through the game, each chapter will start having a very obvious choice at the end. This determines if you continue to the next chapter or get a what-if style ending branching from that point. There are no "bad ends" (though some of the endings aren't ideal for the protagonist); the endings aren't super meaty but they do last a few scenes. It's a really simple structure that works very well; you know exactly what you're getting into and it immediately branches from the choice so afterwards you can just reload and continue without having to skip through text you've already seen.

Then there's the final ending flags. There are two versions of the final chapter. If you trigger none of the ending flags, you get one of them (which is almost certainly what you'll get the first time through, as you should). If you get any, the other happens. That version has another regular ending (not all the flags; this is important to see for the sequel) and the true ending (all the flags); thankfully, there is a flag in the last chapter so it's not a hassle to see both. These flags do lead to you seeing some extra scenes, so it's not just skipping all the way through, at least.

So basically: play through the game normally, saving before the end of each chapter and seeing each ending as you go before reloading to continue to the next chapter. After you finish the final chapter, reload a save about halfway through the game and use a guide to trigger all the ending flags up until the final chapter. Save right before the final flag, don't trigger it, and see that ending; reload and trigger it to see the true ending. And that's it. It's very simple in practice, particularly as the only skipping you'll have to do is right at the very end for getting the new final chapter. Unlike 999, I would say that the only "essential" endings are the three in the final chapters, but some of the other endings were pretty interesting, give side characters more of a focus, and it's so easy to do them (since all you have to do is reload after with 0 duplicate text) that there's seriously no point to not doing them.

That will take you about 40-50 hours. I also did another skip-filled run to get some missable stuff for trophies, and I liked doing that because there's some cool foreshadowing in early chapters that I was able to notice that time, but it's not essential at all. Yeah.


Forgot to mention it earlier- slowly been playing more of Skyfish.

It still feels rough, in my opinion. Visually, it looks great, but I still find the movement/combat kinda finnicky and the puzzles aren't anything special. The first boss also stood out to me. It has some annoying to dodge attacks, given that it's not always easy to aim your line to pull yourself out of the way. Then when I was fighting it again for one of the achievements (just not using any equipment), I realized how much of a joke it was: just sitting in front of it attacking it repeatedly killed it before it took away half my health. I was already disappointed that it was a boss with a health bar instead of a Zelda-style puzzle fight, and realizing that only made it more of a let down.
It looks like we are getting our own "No Man's Sky" with 5 planets in the main story, and 500 millions of planets to explore in the galaxy:

Wondered how long that would take, i thought No Mans Sky would work really well as a mobile game.

i like Morphite's art style a lot too.


We already have a better suited version of No Man's Sky on iOS.

It's called Out There Omega :p

Actually it may be just a coincidence but from the little I played No Man's Sky...a lot was borrowed from Out There (the Alien language the most obvious).

Matt Frost

We already have a better suited version of No Man's Sky on iOS.

It's called Out There Omega :p

Actually it may be just a coincidence but from the little I played No Man's Sky...a lot was borrowed from Out There (the Alien language the most obvious).

I was very surprised to find that as well. Didnt show almost anything regarding those aspects before release and they are veeeery similar: inventory, upgrades, monoliths (they even react the same), alien language, .... but worse. I felt that Out There was better in almost everything -except the 3D and the planets being fully explorable-, Out There had more quality and polish. I wish No Man's Sky did something similar regarding the story, much better in Out There (the scene where you find the alien cube is amazing, while the ending after collecting the cubes is dull in NMS). And the music is way better in OT as well... Out There is still one of the best games ever... still play it (only reached the green ending)... curious to see the new new iOS games that looks like NMS... sorry for the block of text but I just woke up and I am extremely tired xD


Submerged (by the creators of Lilly) is coming this week to iOS after being out for a while on PC / Consoles. Sadly it didn't really review well so I'm not expecting much from it:

Yeah, I had high hopes for it even on consoles but it got pretty roundly trashed (sitting at like 47 on Metacritic). Destructoid (which gave it a 3/10) said you've seen everything the game has to offer in the first 10 minutes.

Probably be a good game to show off for visuals though.


I was very surprised to find that as well. Didnt show almost anything regarding those aspects before release and they are veeeery similar: inventory, upgrades, monoliths (they even react the same), alien language, .... but worse. I felt that Out There was better in almost everything -except the 3D and the planets being fully explorable-, Out There had more quality and polish. I wish No Man's Sky did something similar regarding the story, much better in Out There (the scene where you find the alien cube is amazing, while the ending after collecting the cubes is dull in NMS). And the music is way better in OT as well... Out There is still one of the best games ever... still play it (only reached the green ending)... curious to see the new new iOS games that looks like NMS... sorry for the block of text but I just woke up and I am extremely tired xD

I didn't play NMS enough to form a solid opinion, but I totally agree on Out There, it's still a masterpiece and I still play it.
I don't think it's fair to compare the titles, but yeah imho NMS borrowed a TON from Out There (something you'll never read on mainstream magazines...but still).
I also like 2D and imagination much more than 3D.
Music is no match too, the vocals are fantastic in Out There (in Chronicles they are even better).

If you saw only the Green ending...your are missing out tough!!!
Blue and Red it's where the story really gets panned out, and Gold is the fitting conclusion (Gold is super hard and adds new mechanics towards the end....mechanics I really liked and I hope they will be included and expanded in an hypothetical sequel).
Gold feels like a new game...with car multiple stages objectives.

Be sure to activate the new Omega features that make the game easier (just not the feature that turns visited planets in wormholes of course) and eventually don't be shy to play on easy...game is that good anyway and the endings are really worth it if you like scifi.



What's the right answer??

I was playing Hard last night and stopped and am trying to return to my game. Enough time passed that it had to load the app up again and this is what came up. I just want to continue my game! So should I say no?

Edit: I said No and it restarted. Yes means continue? I'm so confused.


What's the right answer??

I was playing Hard last night and stopped and am trying to return to my game. Enough time passed that it had to load the app up again and this is what came up. I just want to continue my game! So should I say no?

Edit: I said No and it restarted. Yes means continue? I'm so confused.

"Yes" means that you want to continue your playthrough. "No" will end your last playthrough. Bad wording, and hopefully something they'll fix in the next update.

Matt Frost

I didn't play NMS enough to form a solid opinion, but I totally agree on Out There, it's still a masterpiece and I still play it.
I don't think it's fair to compare the titles, but yeah imho NMS borrowed a TON from Out There (something you'll never read on mainstream magazines...but still).
I also like 2D and imagination much more than 3D.
Music is no match too, the vocals are fantastic in Out There (in Chronicles they are even better).

If you saw only the Green ending...your are missing out tough!!!
Blue and Red it's where the story really gets panned out, and Gold is the fitting conclusion (Gold is super hard and adds new mechanics towards the end....mechanics I really liked and I hope they will be included and expanded in an hypothetical sequel).
Gold feels like a new game...with car multiple stages objectives.

Be sure to activate the new Omega features that make the game easier (just not the feature that turns visited planets in wormholes of course) and eventually don't be shy to play on easy...game is that good anyway and the endings are really worth it if you like scifi.

I like 3D but Out There has much more better art style than NMS in that regard, agreed. And same about the audio part, much much better in OT. I wish NMS devs asked OT devs to make the game, then it would have been perfect. OT just pours quality at every turn


Junior Member
What's the right answer??

I was playing Hard last night and stopped and am trying to return to my game. Enough time passed that it had to load the app up again and this is what came up. I just want to continue my game! So should I say no?

Edit: I said No and it restarted. Yes means continue? I'm so confused.
I had previously read a comment about the bad wording, and thought it couldn't be true. Then I saw this screenshot, and thought, "that's easy enough, choosing yes will restart." ...But then I read the edit.

I guess that's what you get for using only New Zealand for your English soft-launch
j/k, you hobbits!

EDIT: Is there a dedicated Pokemon Go thread? I wanted to ask about the appraisal system, and if a pokemon with a mid/low appraisal can ever be powered up enough to change the appraisal.


I had previously read a comment about the bad wording, and thought it couldn't be true. Then I saw this screenshot, and thought, "that's easy enough, choosing yes will restart." ...But then I read the edit.

I guess that's what you get for using only New Zealand for your English soft-launch
j/k, you hobbits!

EDIT: Is there a dedicated Pokemon Go thread? I wanted to ask about the appraisal system, and if a pokemon with a mid/low appraisal can ever be powered up enough to change the appraisal.
Both Pokemon Go and Lumines have their own OT threads. Pokemon Go is in Community.

I wonder if we will get Ace Attorney 6 at some points. It's actually weird how we still haven't gotten Ace Attorney 4...


I got to say, I was caught very surprised when I started up Disney Crossy Road for the first time in a while yesterday. Crossy Road is one of my favorite games in recent years and when they combined that with my favorite company and brand in Disney, I were stunned.

Fast forward to the latest update, which brought with it new Monsters Inc figures, it also brought a whole new system or two. Weekly challenges has been added, and makes you go for certain objectives with chosen characters, which adds some depth and new a new layer to the game which I love.

Although it has also added lives, tickets and bundles. Now it is clear, that they would like to monetize it as much as possible, and I am not one against these practices but again, I couldn't stop feeling surprised, that I were now equipped with 5 lives and that I would lose one if I quit my objective. I haven't tested it out, but I can see them feeling inspired by the likes of Candy Crush, and that I will either have to wait for new lives and tickets, or pay up. I'll look more into it this week.

Another thing is the bundles. Most of them are currently on sale, where you can get one that comes with 5 figures for just $22! You'll have instant access to five figures if you buy said bundle. What also surprised me was the normal price, which is a haunting $27 for 5 figures, 100 coins and 100 tickets if I remember correctly. Just wow.

This does not feel good to me, but I do understand they also want to maximize their profit on such a success product.


Some more images/GIFs

System map and warp

Space battle

What's sad is that this could end up being better than No Man's Sky. But I think this is the devs as Aralon and Exiles, which haven't had a great track record lately with big places to explore but sparsely populated and dull. Then again, this kind of game may lend itself better to the sparcely populated part.

Edit: Nope. This is We're Five Games (Hammer Bomb) so that could be a good thing.


Galak Z is a fantastic game. Have it on PS4. I'll be interesting to see what they changed to make it fit mobile since it has different controls from a normal twin stick shooter.

A mech mode sounds cool. That alone might persuade me to double dip.

But it has mech mode on ps4....

Morphite seems like a blatant ripoff. Developed in China?


But it has mech mode on ps4

You know. I need to go back and check that out. Was it added in an update?

Still wonder how much it is going to be compromised for mobile (they've already said that it won't be the same). But it's a great game so I'll be anxious to see how it ends up turning out.


You know. I need to go back and check that out. Was it added in an update?

Still wonder how much it is going to be compromised for mobile (they've already said that it won't be the same). But it's a great game so I'll be anxious to see how it ends up turning out.

no it was in from the start its a great game
But it has mech mode on ps4....

Morphite seems like a blatant ripoff. Developed in China?
It's more Metroidvania, with bosses to defeat, weapons and abilities to unlock/upgrade, etc.

Not that I'm complaining, a built-for-mobile take is better than any port would be


But it has mech mode on ps4....

Morphite seems like a blatant ripoff. Developed in China?

It's more Metroidvania, with bosses to defeat, weapons and abilities to unlock/upgrade, etc.

Not that I'm complaining, a built-for-mobile take is better than any port would be

Considering how NMS turned out, I'd much rather have a Metroidvania version of NMS than the original.


Junior Member
If that game is a fraction of the fun and wonder of NMS, it'll be an insta-buy. Crescent Moon was asking for level designers for it only a few days ago, so I would imagine it's a long ways off.


A bit sad after PAX.
I was hoping for much more regarding indies and iOS, or some big name dropped.

I was hoping for Darkest Dungeon announcement, Banner Saga 2 date, Stasis date (it's almost done but won't be out before Cayne free expansion and devs' new kickstarter, so it's months off at earliest), Galak-Z (shown the new mech mode, looks amazing but I'm not expecting it before next year), Pyre announcement...and many other things (Antioch, Sigma Theory, etc...).

I'm not expecting much from tomorrow Apple keynote (traditionally not that games friendly), besides probably the new Epic game (which I'm really interested in but still...).

Not that I'm without games to play (currently playing the heck out of ENYO, Solitairica, yet to really try Guild of Dungeoneering...and for some reason I started Sorcery again, must be hype at work).
And I have yet to get Samarost 3 which I briefly saw on iPad and it looks GORGEOUS.


This does not feel good to me, but I do understand they also want to maximize their profit on such a success product.

For something on the level of a Disney, it isn't surprising. I bet the impulse sales they get from parents trying to placate their children is way up there. Kids are an easy target. There's a barbie app that hits you with an ad before the game even loads up for the first time.


For something on the level of a Disney, it isn't surprising. I bet the impulse sales they get from parents trying to placate their children is way up there. Kids are an easy target. There's a barbie app that hits you with an ad before the game even loads up for the first time.

Which is why I am not surprised.

I'm not one against F2P or IAP though.


I just got an iPhone se and now i need some games.
Are there any good games to play on the Small Screen?

On Android i already played puzzle and Dragon, Brave frontier and the like.

Anything like that maybe?


Saint Nic
I got to say, I was caught very surprised when I started up Disney Crossy Road for the first time in a while yesterday. Crossy Road is one of my favorite games in recent years and when they combined that with my favorite company and brand in Disney, I were stunned.

Fast forward to the latest update, which brought with it new Monsters Inc figures, it also brought a whole new system or two. Weekly challenges has been added, and makes you go for certain objectives with chosen characters, which adds some depth and new a new layer to the game which I love.

Although it has also added lives, tickets and bundles. Now it is clear, that they would like to monetize it as much as possible, and I am not one against these practices but again, I couldn't stop feeling surprised, that I were now equipped with 5 lives and that I would lose one if I quit my objective. I haven't tested it out, but I can see them feeling inspired by the likes of Candy Crush, and that I will either have to wait for new lives and tickets, or pay up. I'll look more into it this week.

Another thing is the bundles. Most of them are currently on sale, where you can get one that comes with 5 figures for just $22! You'll have instant access to five figures if you buy said bundle. What also surprised me was the normal price, which is a haunting $27 for 5 figures, 100 coins and 100 tickets if I remember correctly. Just wow.

This does not feel good to me, but I do understand they also want to maximize their profit on such a success product.

So my wife and I have been playing this since it came out and have all but a few figures now. I've never been a huge fan of the daily login characters because there are SO many of them, but it is what it is. This new stuff is pretty bummer.

The weekend challenges are basically little mini objectives that you have to complete in a run. If you die, you can pay some tickets ($) to revive or call it quits (costs 1 life). You regenerate lives at 1 per 20 minutes. You can also skip objectives for like 10 tickets.

My issue is that the objectives range from super easy to stupid hard/impossible. You need to complete a LOT of objectives to get the special characters, which I'm not a fan of. There was one this past weekend to destroy 25 obstacles with one of the Pirates characters. I literally played the level for 15 minutes straight and could NOT complete this objective. I had 24/25 for nearly 10 of those 15 minutes. NONE of the obstacles or boxes would break. I finally said fuck it and died on purpose. I will screw around with the weekend challenges, but I'll likely never finish it and get the special character. Not if they keep making the missions broken like that.

The special characters let you earn blue coins, and as awesome as it would have been to have, I'm not paying money to speed that process up. We bought the doubler when the game came out and have been happy with that. I like the new challenges and new characters, but I'm not thrilled with the crazy monetization techniques being put into place. Thankfully, you don't need to buy those packs as you can unlock the characters through the coin machine. It's not a big deal for someone like me who has been playing since release, even during the time when the daily present was broken (double presents, multiple times a day). But newer players will likely be discouraged by that site.


i've been playing it through Test Flight, it's pretty rough tbh. should probably go back and give the latest build a go.

We should also add each other as friends when I get access later in the week. Although, they still haven't accepted my request to join their Facebook page, as they suggest we do.
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