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Joe Rogan: "Video Games Are a “Problem” and Gamers Are Wasting Their Time"


Thing is though for the past 4 months, or maybe more for others... That there's been jack all else to do as I've been under lockdown due to it being deadly and having no job to actually go to. So I'm sorry Joe that I've been wasting my life doing nothing. But reality gave us all nothing to do!

This has been the JonnyMP3 experience.


Gold Member
And here I thought I was a real samurai. :)

I’ve heard stories from wives who said their husband gamed and didn’t pay attention to them, didn’t do the dishes, didn’t check on the baby, and etc. Women don’t want be 2nd to video games. Evilore is right about priorities.


I mainly think it's just another hobby and as good as any other, buuuuut there is a part of me that thinks endlessly playing the same multiplayer game is somehow more of a waste of time than other gaming.

I don't really know why, and it's probably just my prejudice. But it just seems uniquely futile, doing the same thing over and over again. It seems closer to some kind of addiction.

Years ago a friend of a friend found out that he'd spent a month of the last 6 months just playing Call of Duty online. He had a full time job, and a girlfriend. So he'd spent more than half his free time over 6 months just playing fucking COD. That's not right.

I think that's what I don't like about it: you can never be good enough. You're always competing against the next most obsessive person so the trend is always to spend more and more time playing. I think that's why I never even touch multiplayer stuff. I just don't have any intention of getting drawn in to the cycle.
Quit gaming 29 years ago. Bought and own the company, Tesla. I'm dating a famous artist, and we have a kid due soon (maybe I'll name it something crazy). I make a shit ton of gualla-gualla and will be purchasing the country of Russia this spring. I've never stopped partying, and I don't know what it's like to be home, as I have never slept a minute in my existence. I'm enjoying my retransformation from an inter dimensional galaxy. Stop trying to be like me, Elon Musk. It's fucking cringetopia.
You and Amber Turd need to apologize to Johnny Depp RIGHT NOW.


As someone that used to bar crawl all night and drive home, gaming is safe and keeps me out of trouble. Met many sketchy people and found myself in situations that weren’t safe or time well spent!

Don’t listen to him Gaf, stay home and stay safe! I enjoy supporting this wonderful industry that provides us great memories, a way to safely connect, and endless hours of entertainment.
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I agree with him, the older I get the less games I play, but I still enjoy games as a medium of expression and being part of the community and hype.
Hell, most games that I follow are still remakes of games I played 10 or more years ago such as Shadow of the Colossus. lol

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I mean we can't all make hundreds of millions getting high and talking to people and calling it hard earned success

Insane Metal

Gold Member
I mean, you can say that about pretty much anything.

Like "oh sex is great, it feel great. But you don't get anywhere just by having sex". (Unless of course you're a porn actor/actress).


Joe loves video games, that's part of what he's saying. But like any other form of media, then can suck you in for too much time if you let them, and it becomes a problem if it's holding you back from other areas of your life.

I think that was his point. This isn't some all games are bad Luddite hot take or anything. He even says things like dogs are social candy that can keep you away from proper human socialization, obviously he loves his dog, he's just saying everything in moderation.
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He's right, about all of entertainment, when overdone.

Entertainment is great for a break from the real world, but if it ever starts to supersede the real world, well, you've locked yourself in a pale imitation of the real thing.

It may be a bit more complex for people with dire social inhibitions, or with the state of the world the way it is today, but that is a general truth, and I'm glad someone is saying it.

Balance in all things.
Strangely most people doing martial arts don't go on to own a school or even enter into tournaments. While there is the inherent physical and usually associated mental benefits to physical activity he's off base pushing a narrative that consumerism isn't the mainstay of the few that enter tournies or own schools. It's a silly statement.

The intelligent part of the statement is gaming can be a waste of time and can be addictive. Keep your gaming in check, your life priorities up front and enjoy your entertainment.

However, the idea that gaming can't lead gamers into fulfilling career paths is silly. A similar percentage of gamers in fact do go to compete or even become inspired to learn about coding or animation or audio or lighting or script writing or networking etc. Just like a love of movies can turn into an arts or tech career, gaming has a wealth of job opportunities. One could more than reasonably argue far more diverse and accessible job opportunities exist in gaming than martial arts that Joe raised.

I would have preferred if he went with balance over sensationalism; do an hour of gaming, do an hour of martial arts. Balance of all things, one would think a student of martial arts, such as Joe, would understand balance.
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Gold Member
one and done.

a lot of hobbies don't get you anywhere, it doesn't mean that they are a waste of time.



Any time you are having fun isn't wasted time.
I suppose that all depends......while you may be having fun, if you were supposed to be out maybe trying to get a job or doing some important work for your job but instead you got hooked into a game you can make the argument that while yes you had fun you definitely wasted your time on the game vs what should have been applied to other things.

That said I think there is a happy medium that can be achieved. Gaming is entertainment so it's no different than watching a movie or television... You just need to make sure you prioritize properly and put important things in front of gaming and/or other entertainment when needed.


That's tight and all Joe, but I'm in quarantine.

You might as well say that reading fiction is a waste of time, etc.


Snake Oil Salesman
He's right, about all of entertainment, when overdone.

Entertainment is great for a break from the real world, but if it ever starts to supersede the real world, well, you've locked yourself in a pale imitation of the real thing.

It may be a bit more complex for people with dire social inhibitions, or with the state of the world the way it is today, but that is a general truth, and I'm glad someone is saying it.

Balance in all things.

Have you heard about anyone dying while reading Moby Dick or The Brothers Karamazov? Because World of Warcraft has a left a few victims in it's wake.

Videogames are a different beast. And unlike other media, it's rapidly improving at engaging it's audience.


Thing is though for the past 4 months, or maybe more for others... That there's been jack all else to do as I've been under lockdown due to it being deadly and having no job to actually go to. So I'm sorry Joe that I've been wasting my life doing nothing. But reality gave us all nothing to do!

This has been the JonnyMP3 experience.
You could use the time to learn a new skill that would help you transition to something better or something you’ve always wanted to do. It never hurts to have another skill in your arsenal. Maybe you’re fine where you are, no judgment here.


You could use the time to learn a new skill that would help you transition to something better or something you’ve always wanted to do. It never hurts to have another skill in your arsenal. Maybe you’re fine where you are, no judgment here.
Unfortunately the thing I really wanted to do this year was... Go travelling. 😔


Gaming, sex and sometimes drinks are the 3 things that I will spend money on after all the basic necessities.
I love gaming, almost as much as twitterimg/instagraming/snapchatting/youtubbing. American tech has given my life meaning and is deforming my child’s brain so I dont have to.
That's what I do on my free time as well, just that my job isn't involved with these at all.


Gaming shouldn't be a crutch nor encapsulate your life, it's just a hobby. It can even boost other parts of your life in a lot of ways if done in moderation.

Also I've found that people who define the value of their time solely in terms of money end up miserable. It's an empty endeavor.


Henry Cavill plays video games regularly and makes more money than you're ever make.

And that guy fucks.
Joe is talking about the danger of losing control of your time. I personally know a few close people that got lost in the loop and stopped moving on with their lives. I got stuck for a couple of years myself after finishing collage. this can also be said of social media.


Gold Member
It's called entertainment. I can watch a lot of movies that are fun but learn nothing. I can read a book that is fun but I learn nothing. Video games are no different in that regard.
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One thing Joe does show his ass on regularly is his growing disconnection with the average everyday American.

Joe is inspiring due to his sense of drive, radical interests, ability maintain them alongside his podcasting, stand up work, and UFC gigs.

His whole rant of, "Why do people work cubicle jobs when they could just follow their passions and make millions?" shtick is a sore spot for me, and this feels right in the same gamut. Not everyone is gifted or lucky enough to rise to the top. Joe should understand this.

Joe thinks everyone should go around bow hunting, microdosing, and hiking all day when they need to worry about paying their mortgage and feeding their kids. Why on Earth would they sit around playing games when they could be doing what he enjoys instead?

He's a solid dude and very inspirational. I'm a big fan. He's not without his stupid takes though.

Basically he's saying follow your passions and dont bitch. Some people have a passion for playing games, Joe. It's okay too.


Have you heard about anyone dying while reading Moby Dick or The Brothers Karamazov? Because World of Warcraft has a left a few victims in it's wake.

Videogames are a different beast. And unlike other media, it's rapidly improving at engaging it's audience.

Still true for all of entertainment. I do see that you want to make a wider point about video games being worse, but losing yourself in entertainment and fantasy in general, is a much better warning, as it speaks loudly to a variety of people doing that same thing, even going as far as social media and pornography.

I'd also point out that a few Koreans keeled over in an internet cafe, because they don't even have the restraint to eat, drink, sleep, and pee, is hardly a representation of how the majority, or anyone really, interacts with games.


Joe Rogan is what you get when you have someone who is clueless who thinks he knows what he's talking about, but has a platform he can spew loudly from.
Joe is talking about the danger of losing control of your time. I personally know a few close people that got lost in the loop and stopped moving on with their lives. I got stuck for a couple of years myself after finishing collage. this can also be said of social media.

Exactly right, if gaming comes at the cost of your social lives, work or fitness he’s not wrong.

Don’t see the issue with what he said at all, particularly when he’s talked about being addicted to gaming in the past.


Hard to Kill
Alright guys I know it's easy to raise the pitchforks and to some extent there's some truths in what he said but it cruelly need nuances.
Simply because it can also be said for every form of art.
But some games, music movies etc... can absolutely make you reflect about society, humanity even politics.

But listenning to nicki minaj for example doesn't really make you think.

Video games are entertainment and technicaly entertainment is pointless.It can be a runaway, an exutory.

But it can directly or indirectly teaches you.

For example I'm french and you know the reputation about frenchs (not the white flag but about speaking or understanding english)and believe me it's mostly due to the way english is taught in our school.But I also grew up playing games and especiallt Goldeneye for the N64... and most of the objectives were in english which frustrated me when I was younger so I had to understand empirically what everything meant which is ahrd when you are between 4 and 6 years old.But I progressed thanks to it and in a way and with a desire that school never managed to transmit to me.

The end result is that I never had to work in english for all of my scholarity and sometimes was correcting the teacher about the english language (that should tell you why french people speak a really bad english).

Did all these hours spent playing games were pointless then? Of course not but some games might have been a waste of time since they didn't teach me anything.

So while some games can be just about entertainment and considered a waste of time there's a galaxy of enriching games that can teach or move you, make you progress as a human being or intellectualy.
That's what art is sometimes pointless and sometimes so deep that it changes you.Sometimes without you even noticing.
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