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Joss Whedon is nearing a deal to write, direct, and produce a Batgirl pic for WB

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Are there going to be sub universes in the DCEU?

Shazam universe with Black Adam and Shazam movies.

Batfamily Universe: Nightwing, Batgirl, Batman.

Villian Universe: Lobo, Deadshot, Suicide Squad and Gotham Sirens

League Universe: Flash, Cyborg, Superman, Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Lanten Corps

Dark Universe: Justice League Dark, possible solo Constantine movie


people fuck with Whedon cape stuff after Ultron? and that awful Bruce-Natasha shit? and generic 3rd act CGI gore?

AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. Marvel took a massive L for his trash film, now DC will do the same.Good luck DC brehs.

Ah yes, that $1.4bil L that Marvel took on their movie that received average or above average reviews.

You're right, we should all worry for DC right now.
Time to put on my fancasting cap.

Camila Mendes.


Age of Ultron is the partner film that you can point to when folks argue that BvS making money means it was a good film. BVS has significant issues, but Age of Ultron was aggressively boring.

Films with serious issues make money too.

Eh, they're really not in the same ballpark in terms of reception at all though, be it from critics, audiences, or box office performance.
I'm aware it's an unpopular opinion that I find the first Avengers to be one of the weaker films in the MCU, didn't particularly care for it when I saw it on opening night, and I still don't. Age of Ultron is among the worst superhero movies in recent memory. I'm fairly certain that whatever movie he churns out for WB, I won't care for it - but man does WB/DC fucking need Joss Whedon right now.
Whedon: Snyder, how do I make my Batgirl movie not look like a TV show?

Snyder: Use Instagram X-PRO II filter.

Whedon: Got it.

Snyder: 👍

Whedon: 🙏

Snyder: ✌️


One at the top of the page
Why'd you clip out my Buffy qualifiers in those posts?

Never said Whedon was a gawd or anything, I just think he's a logical fit for this particular material. Had they put him on The Batman, I would've raged. Said so not too long ago.

You guys are projecting.
I remember people were saying Ludi Lin(Black Ranger) for Nightwing when it was announced and I was just like "Wut" but after the movie I could possibly see that as well.

Wouldn't mind that all.

Also, Bob Morley for Jason Todd/Red Hood, please.

His performance as Bellamy Blake on The 100 sold me on the idea. He's also of Filipino heritage, so that'd be a plus too.
DC would get massive points for casting a minority in the role.

Batman in general is so white. Batfamily could use some colour.

It'd be nice for sure. While we know her dad is played by J.K. Simmons, her mother is up in the air. And don't know if you'd get it from Whedon, all things considered. But for all we know she's cast elsewhere first.
I don't really like Whedon that much (except Doc Horrible) but I think this is good news? Possibly? I mean I guess it's a sign that they're not about to cancel the whole universe suddenly.
Lmao, this perfectly describes a lot of the thread.

Anyway, I'm hype. I like Batgirl and I like a decent amount of Whedon's work.

Real quick to hate Whedon after Avengers and AoU, but the moment he joins your "team" he is your new God....


who in the hell are you guys talking about, lol. everybody expected some hypocrites to come out of the woodwork at some point but y'all are imagining things at the moment for sure to fit your narrative. bizarre.

anyways hopefully WB teaches Whedon how to shoot a movie and not have ABC Network-tier lighting for its scenes. Avengers is a straight up bad looking movie outside of some cool effects shots tbh.

And you can't even use the aspect ratio as an excuse because there are so many beautiful films shot in 1:85:1.

as much as I dislike the guy though he prolly is a good fit for Batgirl (the hipster one). wish him well. really hoping he reins in his wittiness though. his writing can be funny but it becomes overkill very quickly. and please WB don't let him hire any of his usuals like that wasteman Coulson or Amy Acker. I beg of you.

plus with Killing Joke and Jason Todd confirmed. And Wayne Manor burnt to the ground...maybe Joker did this all in one night? I wonder if this movie will show some of that or just skip it.
I'm not huge on Whedon in general but he at least has a grasp on characters and will write his ass off. This is a pretty big get for WB, I can't lie.

I just hope the sole snarky character here is Batgirl. Oh and that WB leaves him the fuck alone so he can turn out something good and more DC directors don't get scared of having their movies killed before they are in theaters.

DC would get massive points for casting a minority in the role.

Batman in general is so white. Batfamily could use some colour.

3 female led comic book movies, with Batgirl as a minority.


Fuck, I wan't this now.
who in the hell are you guys talking about, lol. everybody expected some hypocrites to come out of the woodwork at some point but y'all are imagining things at the moment for sure to fit your narrative. bizarre.

anyways hopefully WB teaches Whedon how to shoot a movie and not have ABC Network-tier lighting for its scenes. Avengers is a straight up bad looking movie outside of some cool effects shots tbh.

And you can't even use the aspect ratio as an excuse because there are so many beautiful films shot in 1:85:1.

as much as I dislike the guy though he prolly is a good fit for Batgirl (the hipster one). wish him well. really hoping he reins in his wittiness though. his writing can be funny but it becomes overkill very quickly. and please WB don't let him hire any of his usuals like that wasteman Coulson or Amy Acker. I beg of you.

plus with Killing Joke and Jason Todd confirmed. And Wayne Manor burnt to the ground...maybe Joker did this all in one night? I wonder if this movie will show some of that or just skip it.

I thought the blurb said they weren't doing the hipster version.


Enjoyed Whedon's Marvel work, not so big on his touch crossing over to DC, but oh well. Hoping for the best all the same.
Anna Kendrick would be dope. But I guess they're not going with the new 52 one, or what?

They are, but the pre-redesign version, written by Gail Simone. Honestly, I doubt that it matters much anyway, Whedon will pick and choose the elements he wants to adapt.

I like Kendrick but I don't really buy her as a fighter. And I think I'd prefer an unknown.


Are there going to be sub universes in the DCEU?

Shazam universe with Black Adam and Shazam movies.

Batfamily Universe: Nightwing, Batgirl, Batman.

Villian Universe: Lobo, Deadshot, Suicide Squad and Gotham Sirens

League Universe: Flash, Cyborg, Superman, Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Lanten Corps

Dark Universe: Justice League Dark, possible solo Constantine movie

If they want to play it safe they should focus on the Bat-Family Universe and Villain Univers.

Batman is by far and away the most popular and commercially viable DC character. If you're going to build a cinematic universe build it around this character first! Especially since the Batman related characters (Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Harlequin and Deadshot) have probably been the best thing in the DCEU so far.

The Villain Universe is also a smart investment since thats an areas where Marvel is lacking (so it will allow the DCEU to fill a void and do something new). On top of that, a lot of the best DC Villains come from Batman so the two universes would be closely linked.

Once you get these two basic things right then they can try and introduce the more ambitious projects into the DCEU (Green Lantern, Flash, Constantine etc).
Also with some of these fan casts, gotta wonder what age range we're talking. Bruce is older than Affleck who is mid-40s. J.K. is in his 60s. If I had to guess, Dick and Barbara are late-20 to early-30s. Jason a little younger.
Isn't Bruce supposed to be Affleck's actual age more or less?

I imagine Dick Grayson will be like late 20s or 30 and Barbara mid to late 20s too.
Also with some of these fan casts, gotta wonder what age range we're talking. Bruce is older than Affleck who is mid-40s. J.K. is in his 60s. If I had to guess, Dick and Barbara are late-20 to early-30s. Jason a little younger.

Harley would technically be 25-ish in Suicide Squad so age stuff isn't a huge deal.
I don't think Batgirl will be out of the 20's either way and around that age it isn't a huge deal in relation to the actress.

Nightwing though legitimately needs to be something like 28-33.
Messing with Nightwing's age literally screws with everything, Batgirl has some breathing room.
who in the hell are you guys talking about, lol. everybody expected some hypocrites to come out of the woodwork at some point but y'all are imagining things at the moment for sure to fit your narrative. bizarre.

anyways hopefully WB teaches Whedon how to shoot a movie and not have ABC Network-tier lighting for its scenes. Avengers is a straight up bad looking movie outside of some cool effects shots tbh.
Its nice to know we're still on this narrative. I get that Avengers' aesthetic isn't for everyone but even still the idea that it doesn't 'look like a movie' always struck me as an intensely lazy criticism.

Anyway, this movie will hopefully be alright but I didn't expect Suicide Squad to be so awful given who was behind the camera and WB still managed to butcher it. Hopefully they've learnt.


Flash is stalled with no director. Shazam is stalled. Man of Steel 2 remains in the dark until they confirm a director.

So, on your list, Black Adam, in production at another studio, is the sole film with real movement on it.

To state it without being vague, WB is clearly doubling down on what they feel is the strongest part of their DC properties: Batman and his adjacent universe.
I tought Matthew Vaughan was attached to mos2
When the dust settles Age of Ultron will be looked upon with glistening eyes.

I laughed a good 5 minutes, good joke breh.


And Thor 2 Shuld've won an oscar right?
Take off them Feige Blinders

The Villain Universe is also a smart investment since thats an areas where Marvel is lacking (so it will allow the DCEU to fill a void and do something new). .

Oh yes cant forget about those great DC villains like Generic Orc monster and Hot Topic bum joker.

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