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JUNE! Comics OT Before Four Dollar Books and Toasters!

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Have any of you guys ever read the Ostrander/Mandrake Spectre series from the 90s?


It basically spits in the eye of everyone who thinks Superman or the Eternals or whoever are too powerful to write interesting stories about, since it takes the notion of a being who is an aspect of God second only to Jesus and Michael and runs with it.

And the way it uses the Christian mythos, it's like, I can't believe DC ever allowed this to be published at all, let alone the main DCU.

Anyway, Ostrander is kind of in that A- range of writer, but it is pretty damn compelling for the far-reaching ideas and sheer spectacle, if a bit preachy at times. This book almost single-handedly redeemed 90s DC for me. Almost.
Is this collected anywhere? I've always wanted to read it.
Is anyone reading Superman now? It seemed to get pretty poor reviews all around and a creative hot-potato and i never gave it a chance because i hated the preview pages where they had Clark go to Lois' door and her boyfriend answered and it was all depressing and not something i cared to give money to.

I'm up to issue 7 or 8 or so. It's pretty B grade, but it's kinda colourful and fun and Superman punches stuff. Helspont was a good choice for an enemy for him, that matchup works. But the series is nothing you'd feel bad for missing.

I don't know if the Spectre series is collected anywhere, I'm assuming there must be some tpbs floating around somewhere, but nothing convenient.


Man Dominuque Laveau got cancelled too brahs. :(

*imagines DC offices*

"We're canceling Voodoo"

"The New 52 book or the Vertigo book?"

"We have two? Both i guess."

Also, Frankenstein #6-8. was a lot better than the first 5 issues. Issue 9 though had the poor job of being The Rot leftovers, with Frank stumbling upon the aftermath of an Animal Man scene and fighting some Rot. It was mostly a throwaway issue outside of a few good character interactions.

DC really loves those crossovers, seems like so many books i read are crossing over in one way or another.


At this point, Catwoman might as well not even have a head. Since i'm not dropping all of dc yet :p, i'm going to only buy the Zero issues that sound really good.

*looks at sales charts* Defenders is TANKING harder than i would ever imagine. Just below Green Arrow at #99 out of 100.

It really is just a cluster fuck of a book
I get it every month because it is my only Doctor Strange hook up, but it has none of what made the classic Defenders even remotely interesting.
Hell the line up from the Fear Itself mini would probably have been more entertaining.
Is anyone reading Superman now? It seemed to get pretty poor reviews all around and a creative hot-potato and i never gave it a chance because i hated the preview pages where they had Clark go to Lois' door and her boyfriend answered and it was all depressing and not something i cared to give money to.

I don't think anyone is reading Superman. Action Comics by G.Morrison is probably the best super hero comic on the stands though

I just. What the fuck? How do you even?

"The firm's co-publisher Dan DiDio told Digital Spy that he felt the title's characters were being overused, and chose to "rest" them for the time being."

Clearly. Every fucking title, as soon as I pop the cover, I'm like "OH BOY, ROCKET RED AGAIN. OH AND HEY, FIRE AND ICE. HAVEN'T SEEN THOSE TWO BEFORE." </Sarcasm>


That explanation makes no sense. It was selling 30k+ a month. And they are letting sub 15k titles live. Cool logic brah.
Both apparently, Voodoo Child is canceled after issue #7.

Not surprising. Issue #3 sold like sub 7k comics.

Incidentally, on that note, the "Culling" bump seems to have taken Legion Lost from 16k to 23k. Wonder how many of those will stay on it. I know people have had issues with it, but I have a special place in my heart for the Legion, and if nothing else, Legion Lost has given me some AMAZING single character focused issues. In particular, the Dawnstar and Tellus issues were quite enjoyable.
I'm starting to obsessively check the Sullivan's Sluggers page to see how close we are to the next bonus. I want that slipcover. Pretty sure the foldout unlock will happen by tomorrow, but I dunno if it can get 10k more in 4 days for the slipcover.


I just read Batman: The Killing Joke and thought it was amazing. For now I'm trying to get into Spider-man and Batman and my GF bought 'The Amazing Spider-man Essentials Vol. 1' for me, since I want to try to read the start of each hero. Is there something that is similar for Batman or would it be better to avoid them and go for the newer issues? And would it be preferred to go for the Omniibus/Marvel Masterworks editions over the Essentials? As far as I know, the Essential volumes span way farther than the Omnibus/Masterworks do.
I just read Batman: The Killing Joke and thought it was amazing. For now I'm trying to get into Spider-man and Batman and my GF bought 'The Amazing Spider-man Essentials Vol. 1' for me, since I want to try to read the start of each hero. Is there something that is similar for Batman or would it be better to avoid them and go for the newer issues? And would it be preferred to go for the Omniibus/Marvel Masterworks editions over the Essentials? As far as I know, the Essential volumes span way farther than the Omnibus/Masterworks do.

It's a little bit more unconventional since it focuses alot on Lt. Gordon, but I recommend Batman: Year One, as a pretty decent way to get into the "beginnings" of Batman.
Not surprising. Issue #3 sold like sub 7k comics.

Incidentally, on that note, the "Culling" bump seems to have taken Legion Lost from 16k to 23k. Wonder how many of those will stay on it. I know people have had issues with it, but I have a special place in my heart for the Legion, and if nothing else, Legion Lost has given me some AMAZING single character focused issues. In particular, the Dawnstar and Tellus issues were quite enjoyable.

I prefer LL to Legion, the team is just more interesting and compelling.

I want Amethyst so bad, I may even buy two.
I just read Batman: The Killing Joke and thought it was amazing. For now I'm trying to get into Spider-man and Batman and my GF bought 'The Amazing Spider-man Essentials Vol. 1' for me, since I want to try to read the start of each hero. Is there something that is similar for Batman or would it be better to avoid them and go for the newer issues? And would it be preferred to go for the Omniibus/Marvel Masterworks editions over the Essentials? As far as I know, the Essential volumes span way farther than the Omnibus/Masterworks do.

The essentials are def the way to go if you're trying to sample each character, but you should know that a lot of those can be hokey by modern standards as they are very "of the time", so if you can enjoy that aspect of them and laugh them off as opposed to roll your eyes, you're good to go.

Batman is an interesting topic, as the original batman stuff from the 30's has a batman that is totally different from the way batman is now. I would encourage you read Year One as someone else suggested, then start on the new ongoing series that just began last year


Super Member
I read Action Comics 9 and more stories from Earth-23 could be rad.

Not only does that Superman actively command the Justice League, and all of the other superhuman teams, he uses his presidential powers to call Earth-born nations to action. He does the latter without even using his metahuman persona. Incredible.

His page-count is almost wasted on Superdoom (who wasn't the most subtle allegory either :p).


I just. What the fuck? How do you even?

"The firm's co-publisher Dan DiDio told Digital Spy that he felt the title's characters were being overused, and chose to "rest" them for the time being."

Clearly. Every fucking title, as soon as I pop the cover, I'm like "OH BOY, ROCKET RED AGAIN. OH AND HEY, FIRE AND ICE. HAVEN'T SEEN THOSE TWO BEFORE." </Sarcasm>


That explanation makes no sense. It was selling 30k+ a month. And they are letting sub 15k titles live. Cool logic brah.

Is it confirmed that JLI is cancelled and not just renamed? I know that the one issue is the "last" one, but then there's the annual that makes that seem a bit suspicious. It almost seems like something that will be rebooted in the near future.

JLI just seemed like such a wasted potential anyway. If the stories are just big action stories with no humor at all then what's the point and how does it differ much from JLA or even Stormwatch? People liked JLI, and I loved it, in the late 80s and early 90s because it focused on character and had humor. The new version didn't really do either.
I see DC was SERIOUS about making all of their characters thug-killaz:


DC thinks guns + hoodies = badass


So he has the most powerful weapon in existence and he's pictured with a gun...

Does the gun fire radion bullets or something? Dumbass cover just to elicit the very responses you see in this thread.


Well, he's Arabic, not muslim so far. Tattoos arent exactly halal in Islam.

But yeah, it's arabic for courage

Yeah I know that. Did DC ever talk bout this GLs background ? If he is black and muslim, then the meltdowns will be something to behold.


Yeah I know that. Did DC ever talk bout this GLs background ? If he is black and muslim, then the meltdowns will be something to behold.

No, we dont anything outside of what we can figure out by the tattoo. Every comic website is actually doing a good job with their headlines and stating that's he arabic. Havent read a single one saying muslim. Good job comic journalism


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
No, we dont anything outside of what we can figure out by the tattoo. Every comic website is actually doing a good job with their headlines and stating that's he arabic. Havent read a single one saying muslim. Good job comic journalism

why would they make an issue over a potentially muslim character? they shout their gay characters from the rooftops, so shouldnt they do the same?(if he is muslim anyway?)


Saint Nic
It keeps getting better and better. :)

Sullivan's Sluggers said:


why would they make an issue over a potentially muslim character? they shout their gay characters from the rooftops, so shouldnt they do the same?(if he is muslim anyway?)

Oh, its not about shouting it to rooftops like they eventually will once Didio does a press piece with USAToday. I just enjoy that sites arent doing Arabic=muslim

Jedeye Sniv

I don't think anyone is reading Superman. Action Comics by G.Morrison is probably the best super hero comic on the stands though

What?? I'm probably as big a Morrison fan as you will ever find and even I think that Action Comics is a bit of a muddled mess. Not a patch of Snyder's Batman run right now (or even Batman Inc), or stuff like WatXM over at Marvel.

Official Press Release

This August, celebrate Spider-Man&#8217;s 50th anniversary as the amazing dream team of Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos introduce someone new to the Marvel Universe that will have everyone asking &#8211; &#8220;Who Is Alpha?&#8221;

But in order to find out, you&#8217;ll have to be amongst the first to pick up Amazing Spider-Man #692 &#8211; the special anniversary issue you&#8217;ve been waiting 50 years for!

Written by DAN SLOTT
Source (Comic Book Resources)

Any guesses?
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