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Just got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed.

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Get a variety to prevent you from going crazy:

- Those alternative-meal protein shakes (Ensure, Special K, or whatever)
- Soup. I blended those chunky meat vegetable soups and that gives you meat in liquid form.
- Jello, pudding
- Ice cream
- Applesauce
- Mashed potatoes and gravy. I got my dad to buy me like 8 containers of those

So even with just the one tooth out I'm going to be bent over backwards and spanked silly for a few days? Lovely.
Getting them removed next week =|

Should've removed them last year but other plans prevented me to do it. Hope my dentist will do a decent job.


Y'all are crazy. One at a time, no alternative. There's no rush.

I never use pain killers, just deal with the blood and numbness for a day. Then it's fine for the most part.

Get one removed from your lower jaw. The agony of that will make you realize why you do one at a time.
(Uppers are easy, but still messy.)


So even with just the one tooth out I'm going to be bent over backwards and spanked silly for a few days? Lovely.

Well, dunno about that. Everyone's different...some people get all four out and are able to eat steak the next day. One probably won't be that bad but you won't want to be chewing things



I just had my surgery appointed for next Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to this. Gonna start buying loads of Ice Cream.

I'm gonna have all 4 removed at once. My 2 lower ones are impacted :( My doctor convinced me that I should go completely under because of those 2 impacted ones, she told me Local Anesthetic could be hell as the surgery can get a bit longer than usual. I dunno if she just wanted to charge me for anesthesia, lol but it worked. I don't want to know anything about the surgery.

Looking forward for the free week, at least! I hope my recovery isn't troublesome and that I don't look too much like a chipmunk.


At what age do you no longer need to worry about the possibility of needing your wisdom teeth removed?
Had the uppers removed. Was preventative surgery so they didn't breach yet nor were compacted. Dentist was not stingy with the anesthesia. Got painkillers but other than general soreness the first day, no pain. Was eating and chewing without issue like the very next day. My dentist is damn good.
Y'all are crazy. One at a time, no alternative. There's no rush.

I never use pain killers, just deal with the blood and numbness for a day. Then it's fine for the most part.

Get one removed from your lower jaw. The agony of that will make you realize why you do one at a time.
(Uppers are easy, but still messy.)

Oh hell no. I'd rather have a few weeks of agony than several spaced out events of discomfort and inconvenience. Not to mention not being able to eat all the food you like every time.


I had all three of mine (Genetics are weird.) removed a few years ago. Decided to be a huge baby and go under anesthesia for the procedure, which was probably a bigger risk than either the surgery itself or having them come in crooked. Apparently I have a Wolverine-like healing factor, because I was eating completely normally in about three days, and had no evidence of getting them removed except for some slight tenderness after about two weeks. No dry sockets, so little pain that I think I took one dose of hydrocodone total, no holes big enough for food to get caught in... I was crazy lucky.

Having my face all swollen also made a funny Facebook profile picture.



Get your dentist's opinion. They'll x-ray you and analyze it from there.

But know that if you need to get them out, the younger the better. The longer you wait the worse the recovery will be, which if you read this thread it's not really a trivial event. Teenagers bounce right back while 20s are a little harder and 30s even harder.

Pretty much this. it's amazing to see the Differnce in recovery time between ages.


bish gets all the credit :)
Got mine out a few weeks ago. They gave me nice drugs. They knocked me out, so all I remember is going in and then coming out. No real swelling or discomfort. Biggest issue is not being able to eat certain foods.
When I had my four wisdom teeth removed I followed the post-op instructions to the letter every hour I was awake and I recovered after 2 days. I remember it being a huge pain in the ass to swap out ice packs/gauze every 30 minutes or whatever they recommended. I'm not sure if being that diligent actually did anything, or if recovery time just varies person to person regardless, but I had little to no swelling or pain the whole time.

The best part was when I was getting the gas, apparently they had forgotten to release a valve or something, so they were completely flabbergasted as to why I wasn't passing out. Eventually they figured it out but for a moment I thought I had some bizarre superpower.


Thread had me worried so I went and counted: 28 teeth. I'm 26yrs old, does this mean my wisdom teeth are just going to come in late in life? I've never had anything removed in the past.

Fox Mulder

Three of mine grew in fine enough, but one on my jaw is crooked and hurts. Sucks, I thought I was going to get way with it.
I had all four of mine removed in October. It's really not as bad as people make it out to be. Or I could be really lucky. I didn't go under. It felt really weird though. You can feel the tugging and as soon as the tooth lets go of the gums you feel just a gush of blood running in your mouth.

As for recovery - extremely uneventful. Barely an swelling, no pain at all. My gums mostly stopped bleeding the same day and it was just a tiny leak for a few more days until it stopped completely. When I went in for a checkup doc said I was doing really well.


Thread had me worried so I went and counted: 28 teeth. I'm 26yrs old, does this mean my wisdom teeth are just going to come in late in life? I've never had anything removed in the past.

Go see a dentist. They'll X-ray you and see what the status of your wisdom teeth are.

You don't need to wait for them to erupt (come out of the gums), the surgeons can go in and dig them out.
Luckily when my wisdom tooth was removed it really didn't have any kind of root as I was only 16 year old at the time. I didn't use painkillers at all and had absolutely no pain after the prodecure. Couple of days later I ate like normally again. Really easy experience compared to those horror stories that I of course read before going to dentist...


I had one removed last week, it was impacted and a huge nasty cyst had formed in the gums (which I have to get biopsied just to be safe).

Still got three more to go... going to remove them all to get braces.

The worst part was taking off the gauze an hour after the operation, I wanted to die from the pain. But it eventually went away after like two hours. Was on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, didn't experience much bother at all apart from not being able to open my mouth much.

The procedure for me sucked... didn't feel much, but it was unpleasant feeling all the cutting, whirring and pulling... and all my wisdom teeth are impacted in a similar way. You guys should get them removed as young as possible, the roots on those bastards get huge and complicate things tremendously.


23 years old here.

I knew I had to get my bottom left wisdom tooth removed, but I put it off because I didn't have dental insurance or a job. Now I have both, but in my third week on the job I chipped part of my wisdom tooth off. Not even sure how it happened, but if anything touches it it hurts like a motherfucker. I went to the oral surgeon and they wanted me to get all 5 of them out, and since my insurance will cover 80% of extractions I said fuck it, why not.

They gave me antibiotics, this oral rinse and percocets but I don't know if I can wait until my appointment (christmas eve) to get this bottom one taken out. I told them I was in pain, but I'm starting to think they thought it was pain in the gums from it growing in. I think I remember being told that the antibiotics make it feel worse before it feels better, but I felt like dying on the ride home and the percocet I took about 90 minutes ago hasn't done much.


Had all four removed at the same time last year.
Felt no pain during the operation and the recovery.
Just swollen for a day and took nothing too hard to chew for two or three days and it was over.
My dentist is awesome though, that's why I trusted him to take all of them at once.



I just had my surgery appointed for next Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to this. Gonna start buying loads of Ice Cream.

I'm gonna have all 4 removed at once. My 2 lower ones are impacted :( My doctor convinced me that I should go completely under because of those 2 impacted ones, she told me Local Anesthetic could be hell as the surgery can get a bit longer than usual. I dunno if she just wanted to charge me for anesthesia, lol but it worked. I don't want to know anything about the surgery.

Looking forward for the free week, at least! I hope my recovery isn't troublesome and that I don't look too much like a chipmunk.
My impacted (very badly impacted, it was horizontal and angled downwards) one took about 45 minutes to be removed, and towards the end I had to ask for more anesthetic because I could feel the saw a bit. So 4 teeth... yeah, you don't want to be there holding your mouth open and closing your eyes for that long.


I had all 4 of mine removed at different intervals.

It wasn't as bad as I was expecting each time thanks to painkillers. Even then, the pain post-removal is actually dull, rather than excruciating, and I found it could be avoided by sticking to certain foods and drinking with a straw.


Had one taken out three years ago and stupidly waited til now to get the other three out. One is impacted and decaying. Been on antibiotics for a week now to keep from getting an infection. Looks like I'll be getting all three out at once over Christmas break. Thank god I'll have Halo 4 and painkillers to get me through the recovery.

I just had my surgery appointed for next Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to this. Gonna start buying loads of Ice Cream.

I'm gonna have all 4 removed at once. My 2 lower ones are impacted :( My doctor convinced me that I should go completely under because of those 2 impacted ones, she told me Local Anesthetic could be hell as the surgery can get a bit longer than usual. I dunno if she just wanted to charge me for anesthesia, lol but it worked. I don't want to know anything about the surgery.

Looking forward for the free week, at least! I hope my recovery isn't troublesome and that I don't look too much like a chipmunk.

Don't sweat it. If you have a high pain tolerance, the most you'll feel is a dull ache. I was eating scrambled eggs not even twelve hours after mine were out and had literally no swelling. My co-workers made me open my mouth to them just to make sure mine were actually removed. Of course everyone heals differently, but I am very thankful I opted for anesthesia. Made everything a lot less stressful, which I think helps the most.
The removal was surprisingly painful, the following pain was surprisingly managable, the lack of solid food was surprisingly annoying, and the full healing time was surprisingly long. So long in fact, that I was supposed to have a dentist appointment earlier and decided to reschedule it until a time when the hole has healed up properly and the stitches have dissolved


had all four removed at once, since i didn't want to waste time. better to get all the pain out of the way. funny, after a week and a half . i was able to eat again. everyones different i suppose.

the painkillers didn't do anything but make me sleepy.so just have fun with soup,and sleeping. and catch up on a series.

qcf x2

I need to get mine removed soon. I'm actually not worried about the pain at all, so if at all possible I'll be using local anesthesia. When I went through the most painful surgery/recovery of my life, I didn't even take the meds prescribed to me. I never take pills, so extra strength Tylenol was my friend.

Funny enough, my only concerns are not being able to eat real food for a while and to a lesser extent fitting it into my schedule (school & full time employment).
Thank God I don't think I will have to deal with that. For some reason I only have 2 wisdom teeth (on the right side) and they both came in fine. They don't push on the other teeth and they line up straight. Weird I didn't have 4 of them, I chalk it up to evolution or possible radon.

Or course the weirdness don't end there. The tooth between my incisor and k9 had 4 teeth in one slot as a kid. Seriously, a baby tooth with 3 more teeth stacked above it. I had to get surgery and it took another 4 years to that last tooth to finally drop. It was radon wasn't it.
Interestingly enough, I have five wisdom teeth and at 33 still holding up pretty well with no problems. My dentists keeps asking if I'm having any problems with them and I let her know "I'm good".


I gots a question about wisdom teeth removal: I've had a wisdom tooth for about a year and a half or so now, and I don't mind it much. It's made one of my upper teeth a bit crooked, but it doesn't sound like it's worth the procedure. Anyway, if I were to go, would they just take out the one tooth, or would they also remove my other wisdom teeth from underneath my gums? Or is that up to me?

Never really discussed removal much with my dentist.
If only one of them is out and the other shows no sign of coming out, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't bother removing it. They can if you ask them though.

Also, don't believe the lies they tell you! "Oh, sure, it's okay to have a milkshake after the procedure." So there I was with milkshake dripping out of my mouth all over my clothes in the store, looking like an idiot.


I had all three of mine (Genetics are weird.) removed a few years ago. Decided to be a huge baby and go under anesthesia for the procedure, which was probably a bigger risk than either the surgery itself or having them come in crooked. Apparently I have a Wolverine-like healing factor, because I was eating completely normally in about three days, and had no evidence of getting them removed except for some slight tenderness after about two weeks. No dry sockets, so little pain that I think I took one dose of hydrocodone total, no holes big enough for food to get caught in... I was crazy lucky.

Having my face all swollen also made a funny Facebook profile picture.


General anesthesia is the best. I get it whenever I can.


I gots a question about wisdom teeth removal: I've had a wisdom tooth for about a year and a half or so now, and I don't mind it much. It's made one of my upper teeth a bit crooked, but it doesn't sound like it's worth the procedure. Anyway, if I were to go, would they just take out the one tooth, or would they also remove my other wisdom teeth from underneath my gums? Or is that up to me?

Never really discussed removal much with my dentist.

Everything is up to you.

You can do them separately, but you might as well do them all at once so you'll never have to do it again in your lifetime. Digging up un-erupted wisdom teeth is extremely commonplace.
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