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Killzone 3 Review Thread [Update: Reviews In OP]


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I'm buying this only because my friends are buying this. Might skip SP. Hate bad stories in games. My time is too precious.
DancingJesus said:
Wah? I'm disappointed in the game since it has a poor storyline. Joystiq is obviously a source I trust so it's a bit disheartening. I don't know what's hard to understand about that.

You're not the reviewer, you're you.

Some people (crazy moon people) think The Royal Tenenbaums was not the greatest movie ever made. If I had relied on a trusted reviewer's opinion then I may never have seen it.

My point is just that you shouldn't let a "trusted source"'s opinion disappoint you. Opinions are inherently unique to their owners, and everybody's got one. Play the game and form your own thoughts on the game. Don't get hung up on what you were hoping someone else might think of the game.


From what I can tell the only truly negative or even middling review that's been given is from Joystiq. Are you guys seriously disappointed in a 9-point review average? Every one I've looked at has been extremely positive.
PalaceBrother said:
You're not the reviewer, you're you.

Some people (crazy moon people) think The Royal Tenenbaums was not the greatest movie ever made. If I had relied on a trusted reviewer's opinion then I may never have seen it.

My point is just that you shouldn't let a "trusted source"'s opinion disappoint you. Opinions are inherently unique to their owners, and everybody's got one. Play the game and form your own thoughts on the game. Don't get hung up on what you were hoping someone else might think of the game.

That defeats the entire purpose of a review. It acts as a guide to aid you in purchasing decisions. After playing numerous games that have received high marks from a particular website and agreeing with them, they begin to build a a good rapport with the reader. Is it the end all be all? Of course not, just a general guideline.

If it was IGN or Gamespot, I could give two shits less. But say, GiantBomb or Joystiq, they have a bit more of an ounce of credibility in my book.

That being said, I just watched the GT review and the graphics are jaw-dropping. Plus, I'm a sucker for jetpacks!
Add in 3D support including online, split-screen co-op campaign, and full PlayStation Move support including the new sharp shooter peripheral and it’s more to do than you can shake a stick at.

The above is from the Sony PS blog. KZ3 will in fact NOT feature online co-op. How could Guerilla be stupid enough to fuck this up AGAIN. I felt so angry at being lied to by Sony and GG that I canceled my pre-order.


Metalmurphy said:
BC2. And to be honest, they overdid it with the freaking bloom. Almost blinds a person. Had to turn it off on the PC version.

And for the record BC2 MP > everything else
Really? I thought it looked good.


palpabl_purpura said:
The above is from the Sony PS blog. KZ3 will in fact NOT feature online co-op. How could Guerilla be stupid enough to fuck this up AGAIN. I felt so angry at being lied to by Sony and GG that I canceled my pre-order.
It pretty clearly says "split screen co-op", not online. Why do you feel lied to because of your bad reading comprehension?
DancingJesus said:
That defeats the entire purpose of a review. It acts as a guide to aid you in purchasing decisions. After playing numerous games that have received high marks from a particular website and agreeing with them, they begin to build a a good rapport with the reader.

I understand where you're coming from, and I don't want to belabor this point...I think we just have different views on when it is appropriate to use the word "disappointment".


don't ask me for codes
palpabl_purpura said:
You are the one who cant read. It says "online, split-screen co-op"

It's a very ambiguous line, but it's supposed to mean "online multiplayer" and "split-screen co-op campaign"; not "the co-op campaign is online as well as split-screen".


palpabl_purpura said:
You are the one who cant read. It says "online, split-screen co-op"
Online ",". It is just listing online as a feature otherwise it would say "online and splitscreen co-op".
IGN review said:
This liberal use of fading between scenes, along with the occasional hiccup when loading, broke me out of the experience repeatedly, exacerbating the generally boring story.

What in the fuck, Guerrilla? Again?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
subversus said:
I'm buying this only because my friends are buying this. Might skip SP. Hate bad stories in games. My time is too precious.
It's not worth playing for the set pieces and action alone?

Personally, despite the criticisms of the overall story, many of the reviews have noted that the voice acting and characters on the Helghast side are quite good. It seems as though many of the scenes are actually quite good, but the overall tale itself isn't anything special.

What in the fuck, Guerrilla? Again?
Oh, come on, it's hardly a big deal. A small hiccup here and there for an otherwise seamless experience? Even the most technically impressive PC games suffer from worse. Metro 2033, for instance, has loading screens pop up regularly that, while short, still take longer than the pauses in Killzone 2.


APZonerunner said:
Did anyone post this? Not a review, but a blog post by one of the Videogamer.com guys about the situation with the UK Review Setup. He put it up a few days ago and pulled it because of the Embargo: http://megaderived.co.uk/?p=191

I'm asking around to get some insight into this from British writers.

No offense to megaderived, but it doesn't really seem like a video game site.

Maybe another GAF member in the UK press can shed some light on this. Isn't Nofi British?
NullPointer said:
Talk about low expectations. There is no reason a shooter has to have a flimsy story.
My expectations have nothing to do with how games are being developed. Guerilla did not come over to consult me on matters of narrative or ask me what i was expecting of kz3. I was talking about the reality of modern fps games. There is no reason a shooter has to have a flimsy story, they just happen to have flimsy stories somehow, complete with silent protagonists and/or mailed in "shocking" twists. Should i have high expectations it wouldn't change a thing. And said enthusiast journo is certainly entitled to have high expectations, but that's only a reflection of his lack of knowledge of the subject matter.


I haven't seen a review touch upon the length of the single-player campaign. Can someone provide some insight into its length? Is it shorter or longer than the KZ2 campaign?


Shurs said:
I'm asking around to get some insight into this from British writers.

No offense to megaderived, but it doesn't really seem like a video game site.

Maybe another GAF member in the UK press can shed some light on this. Isn't Nofi British?
Megaderived is a personal blog run by one of videogamer.com's staff writers. For what it's worth, he knows what he's talking about. The issue has had no traction in the UK press outside a few blog posts and review comments.


BeeDog said:
I haven't seen a review touch upon the length of the single-player campaign. Can someone provide some insight into its length? Is it shorter or longer than the KZ2 campaign?

I think dennis4k posted 8hrs according to gamereactor.dk.


Woffls said:
Megaderived is a personal blog run by one of videogamer.com's staff writers. For what it's worth, he knows what he's talking about. The issue has had no traction in the UK press outside a few blog posts and review comments.

I applaud them for only reviewing the single player portion.

Shame on Sony's UK branch for doing that.
DancingJesus said:
That defeats the entire purpose of a review. It acts as a guide to aid you in purchasing decisions. After playing numerous games that have received high marks from a particular website and agreeing with them, they begin to build a a good rapport with the reader. Is it the end all be all? Of course not, just a general guideline.

If it was IGN or Gamespot, I could give two shits less. But say, GiantBomb or Joystiq, they have a bit more of an ounce of credibility in my book.

That being said, I just watched the GT review and the graphics are jaw-dropping. Plus, I'm a sucker for jetpacks!
there is no 'entire purpose' of a review. some people write reviews as guide to potential purchasers and some people write them as individual critical analysis.

either way, if you know what you're doing you'll learn where the opinions are coming from and form a matrix in your head of where your tastes and opinions of individual parts of the review differ from the writer. and note i said 'the writer' and not the site.

what i would consider a 'well written' review is one where i can tell if i'm going to like the game or not, no matter what the opinion of the writer was. i've known from plenty of good reviews that the game wasn't for me, and i've known from a handful of bad reviews that a game was indeed for me.

the notion of a score is stupid. marking a game down a set number of points for a given flaw (say, bad story) is essentially meaningless. how you or i or anyone else would weight that bad score is entirely a matter of opinion.

i don't care if a shooter has a good story or not. i love it when one does, but i could still give 10/10 to a game that had a crap story. i do appreciate a review saying that a game has given flaws and strengths because i know my own opinions on such matters well enough to know if that given flaw is going to detract from my experience.

but it doesn't matter if it detracted from the reviewer's experience or not. that's irrelevant to me.

i honestly find reviews more interesting to read after i've played a game, taking them onboard in the 'critical analysis' aspect. i almost never use them to help me to decide if i want to buy a game or not personally... but both types of reviews have value, and neither is objectively right or wrong.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
dark10x said:
It's not worth playing for the set pieces and action alone?

Personally, despite the criticisms of the overall story, many of the reviews have noted that the voice acting and characters on the Helghast side are quite good. It seems as though many of the scenes are actually quite good, but the overall tale itself isn't anything special.

Well, this and also music owns.

Oh, come on, it's hardly a big deal. A small hiccup here and there for an otherwise seamless experience? Even the most technically impressive PC games suffer from worse. Metro 2033, for instance, has loading screens pop up regularly that, while short, still take longer than the pauses in Killzone 2.

wat. PC version?


BeeDog said:
I haven't seen a review touch upon the length of the single-player campaign. Can someone provide some insight into its length? Is it shorter or longer than the KZ2 campaign?
Eurogamer said 6 hours for the campaign.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Have you already posted impressions or a review Shurs? Your taste is relatively similiar
to my own

Just need to finish some things up and I'll post some detailed impressions tonight.


EagleEyes said:
Eurogamer said 6 hours for the campaign.

6 hours? What the....I expected ore tbh. I know 6 hours tends to be the defacto we'll rip you off for your money length these days with shooters such as COD etc, I hate it. I want at least 8-10 hours minimum. 10-12 I feel like I'm really getting my money's worth, though a little on the longer side.


Keikoku said:
Sounds like KZ. Do not want.
Sounds like you, as usual, are full of shit.

"From a single-player point of view at least, Killzone 3 is the biggest disappointment of the year so far. It does have a few exhilarating moments, and it can probably still just about claim to have the best graphics ever, but it fundamentally plays more like a formulaic Call Of Duty clone than a successor to the current generations most intense, visceral FPS."

Also, the lower review scores don't make sense. They're downrating the game for having a terrible story yet this standard is not applied to the Call Of Duty or Halo games.

I would have assumed it would be something like the bad MP or the lack of online co-op, not a weak story.

The lack of online co-op is unforgivable IMO. I will pick this game up later than now.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
GameTrailers review looked really good but I still gotta spend a lot of time with the new "beta" to figure out if I want this. The best thing about KZ2 was how much objectives and winning the match were emphasized. Obviously what got released today feels a lot better than the Alpha and seems like a finished product but I'm just not interested in yet another multiplayer game like COD or Reach where people just run around and kill each other in objective modes. The new scoring seems to allow it and the fact that people on the losing team get a 1.25x bonus (you got none in KZ2) means even fewer people are going to give a shit about winning a match. :-\

Not really concerned what reviews are saying about the story since they never seem to care how bad the stories are in COD and Halo. The multiplayer and whether or not people are focusing on objectives is the dealbreaker to me.
-viper- said:
Also, the lower review scores don't make sense. They're downrating the game for having a terrible story yet this standard is not applied to the Call Of Duty or Halo games.

That's because Halo games don't have terrible stories.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
subversus said:
Well, this and also music owns.

wat. PC version?
Of course PC version. Like I said, the loading screens are short, but they pop up constantly and take longer than the short pauses in Killzone 2.

Maybe Killzone 3's story is worse than Call of Duty and Halo's
I doubt it's worse than Call of Duty, but I suspect Halo does it better.

At least Killzone 3 appears to have great performances for some of the characters.


That's because Halo games don't have terrible stories.
When I played Reach I had no idea what was going on other than the fact: aliens came, got shot, more aliens came, and everyone died (except the aliens who killed me)
-viper- said:
When I played Reach I had no idea what was going on other than the fact: aliens came, got shot, more aliens came, and everyone died (except the aliens who killed me)

Granted, I haven't played Reach yet, so maybe that's an exception.
-viper- said:
When I played Reach I had no idea what was going on other than the fact: aliens came, got shot, more aliens came, and everyone died (except the aliens who killed me)
The story elements in the Long Night of Solace level alone are ten times better than how you're describing the game as a whole. But hey, opinions and all that, so I won't harp on it.
-viper- said:
When I played Reach I had no idea what was going on other than the fact: aliens came, got shot, more aliens came, and everyone died (except the aliens who killed me)

Granted, I haven't played Reach yet, so maybe that's an exception.

Mooreberg said:
Did you skip the cutscenes?

No? Halo series' stories are by no means Pulitzer's material, but for space opera blockbusters they're pretty good.
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