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Killzone 3 Review Thread [Update: Reviews In OP]


Licorice-flavoured booze?
You see this is what annoys me, people on here were criticising me when I said that I hate COD because it effects other games negatively, mass market shooter fans think that every game should control like a floaty camera on speed, KZ2 had the best FPS control this generation imo, and 6 hour campaign? shit like this wasn't ok until COD came along, they are setting a poor precedent.
lowrider007 said:
You see this what annoys me, people on here were criticising me when I said that I hate COD because it effects over games negatively, mass market shooter fans think that every game should control like a floaty camera on speed, KZ2 had the best FPS control this generation imo, and 6 hour campaign? shit like this wasn't ok until COD came along, they are setting a poor precedent.
Don't forget $15 map packs too.
That's because Halo games don't have terrible stories.

Halo 2 certainly had a terrible story, on multiple levels.

Also, he mentioned CoD. I do not see any way that the story in MW2 can be viewed as not terrible. Yet it got a pass.


let's take multiplayer out of this for a second, how does singlepayer for Killzone 3 compare to Killzone 2. Which Killzone has a better singleplayer campaign.


bish gets all the credit :)
KAL2006 said:
let's take multiplayer out of this for a second, how does singlepayer for Killzone 3 compare to Killzone 2. Which Killzone has a better singleplayer campaign.

let me consult my Magic 8 ball.
@ lowrider007

I understand what you're saying, however I think that's an issue that should not be blamed entirely on the Call of Duty franchise.

There are numerous modern-day first person shooters that stay well clear of that 'formula' :
DancingJesus said:
That defeats the entire purpose of a review. It acts as a guide to aid you in purchasing decisions. After playing numerous games that have received high marks from a particular website and agreeing with them, they begin to build a a good rapport with the reader. Is it the end all be all? Of course not, just a general guideline.

If it was IGN or Gamespot, I could give two shits less. But say, GiantBomb or Joystiq, they have a bit more of an ounce of credibility in my book.

That being said, I just watched the GT review and the graphics are jaw-dropping. Plus, I'm a sucker for jetpacks!

i think people should be more aware of the name of the reviewers too, because often someone that does all of the AAA FPS game reviews WON'T do the review of a new AAA FPS game, and the person that took their place handled the review differently. maybe that guy/girl sucks at FPS games, and doesn't notice the small things, or maybe he/she hates FPS games in general. just an example.

so all im saying is that sometimes trusted sites can throw a curve ball so always be conscious of WHO is reviewing games. you could miss out on an awesome game because you didn't notice the intern filled in for the usual guy.
I was hoping the story would be pretty rocking this time around, but what I'm hearing so far sounds disappointing... but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised when I actually play it.

GG, let me write the story for the next KZ game.
Lord Error said:
Do IGN people normally put that much weight into the quality of the story in shooter games? I'm asking because what I read in their review doesn't seem to reflect their final score at all. It's literally like they can't stop showering the game with superlatives in the text for every category other than story (criticism to which they keep coming back to several times), then they give it a score that doesn't exactly instill confidence, by their scoring standards anyway.

Something like Joystick's review makes sense where the author's disappointment is clear, and the text and the score go hand in hand. IGN's review makes no sense this way.

It's IGN, that site is a complete joke. Listen to their podcasts, they spend more time whining about having to play videogames for a living than they do actually talking about games and news.

You'd think playing games all day and writing horrible ad riddled articles would be fun...


Tom Penny

I've never seen so many reviews dock a game major for the story. It's rather amusing. It's almost irrelevant to me in shooters. Go figure.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
They complain about the story in several of the reviews, how bad can it be? I mean COD, BF and others don't exactly have Oscar winning writing...

Guess I am not the only one, from this page alone:

RedRedSuit said:
Halo 2 certainly had a terrible story, on multiple levels.

Also, he mentioned CoD. I do not see any way that the story in MW2 can be viewed as not terrible. Yet it got a pass.

Tom Penny said:
I've never seen so many reviews dock a game major for the story. It's rather amusing. It's almost irrelevant to me in shooters. Go figure.

Always-honest said:
Most of the shooter stories suck ass anyway. Yadayadayada, skip cutscene, let me shoot shit up.

A metacritic of 87 is good though. I bet Edge will give it a 6 or 7.

I know I'll love the shit out of it, don't really care what reviewers think. There's a slight chance that I'll be disappointed I guess, but from everything I've seen I really doubt it.


Thunderbear said:
They complain about the story in several of the reviews, how bad can it be? I mean COD, BF and others don't exactly have Oscar winning writing...

It seems the problem here is that this game has a lot more story than most. Take this quote from Gamespot:

The storytelling is so awful as to be embarrassing, yet there's so much more story than before, and its frequent interruptions injure the flow of the single-player campaign.


Can't wait to play. Couldn't give a hoot about reviews complaining about the story. Too many pretentious critics out there. To me it makes absolutely no sense how inconsistent reviews are with various games in general.

Only question is now, do I really feel like buying a Move? :lol:

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
picking on the KZ story is like picking on the special kid because he's special


All you fools saying "blah blah i dont need no good story in my shooters what a waste of time" sound like someone saying "blah blah i dont need no sound in my movies god damnit i can see just fine!"

Seriously there is so much potential for a quality experience that can come from having a good story in a first-person based game even if it is a shooter. The few games that do do it usually go right on to the top of everyone's favorites lists.


Rez said:
picking on the KZ story is like picking on the special kid because he's special

The original Killzone actually had a semi-interesting story going, likeable characters and decent writing. Guerilla stopped giving a single fuck after that though.
As a person who put 350 hours in KZ2's online multiplayer, I could really care less how good the KZ3 SP is. That is not where I will be putting my time into. I am just very glad that reviews are praising the multiplayer, I was worried to say the least


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Rez said:
picking on the KZ story is like picking on the special kid because he's special

The thing is though I normally couldn't care less about a crap story in an FPS, I tend to ignore them anyway, loved Crysis for example but couldn't tell you what the hell happened, the problem I have is it's 70mins of crap story (if these reviews are correct), I'd much rather they would of spent more time on extending the length of the game and not giving in to the COD folk moaning about KZ2's controls which were fine.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
seventy minutes does seem a tad extreme.


I want to see Guerilla do something new. It feels like Killzone 2 just came out, and I'm already seeing Killzone 3, and to make matters worse, the story is not getting any sort of praise :-/.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Patriotsbball5460 said:
As a person who put 350 hours in KZ2's online multiplayer, I could really care less how good the KZ3 SP is. That is not where I will be putting my time into. I am just very glad that reviews are praising the multiplayer, I was worried to say the least

It is this COD attitude that worries me, basically your paying 60 dollars for a bunch of multi-player maps, the single player aspect of the game becomes a 6 hour pack in to justify the cost, À la Modern Warfare 2, for people that love SP games this philosophy is depressing.


jett said:
The original Killzone actually had a semi-interesting story going, likeable characters and decent writing. Guerilla stopped giving a single fuck after that though.
Regardless of that, game sites shouldnt be making a big deal out of it. COD and all other FPS have shitty ass SP stories....yet get a pass.


lowrider007 said:
It is this COD attitude that worries me, basically your paying 60 dollars for a bunch of multi-player maps, the single player aspect of the game becomes a 6 hour pack in to justify the cost, À la Modern Warfare 2, for people that love SP games this philosophy is depressing.
Hey, at least he's not one of the flipfloppers that suddenly care about the Killzone lore. :)


Cruzader said:
Regardless of that, game sites shouldnt be making a big deal out of it. COD and all other FPS have shitty ass SP stories....yet get a pass.

From what I'm reading the story seems to be more intrusive and lengthier than other similar games, so yeah it could definitely detract from the overall experience.
lowrider007 said:
It is this COD attitude that worries me, basically your paying 60 dollars for a bunch of multi-player maps, the single player aspect of the game becomes a 6 hour pack in to justify the cost, À la Modern Warfare 2, for people that love SP games this philosophy is depressing.

I see where you are coming from that basically the SP is half of the 2 main components of the game(SP & MP), and if the SP is bad, then basically its a half complete game.

But, when I am going to put 95% of my time, and possibly even more into the MP, that is where my purchase decision will be made. Now if the MP was bad but the SP was really strong, I most likely would not buy it because to me, MP is the most important part of an FPS like this. Offering endless amount of playtime is a much more important factor to me, rather than only 4-6 hours of a single player that I will only play once.

Edit: Also, if they want to just sell me the MP component of the game only on PSN for $40, I would most likely just buy that over the full retail copy


I can understand the knocks on the story if it's anything like KZ2's. One of the only games where I hated every single character and wanted them to all die horribly. If I was given a choice in the campagin I would have joined the helghast and killed all those dudebro asshole squadmates.


NullPointer said:
How many shooters have 70 minutes of cut-scenes with Hollywood actors doing dialogue and mo-cap?

This is the key here. Most shooters have in-game cutscenes that keep the action moving. If you're going to make me watch over an hour of video cutscenes, I would hope that they're actually good.
hamchan said:
One of the only games where I hated every single character and wanted them to all die horribly. If I was given a choice in the campagin I would have joined the helghast and killed all those dudebro asshole squadmates.
Ha, amen to that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
and not giving in to the COD folk moaning about KZ2's controls which were fine.
They DID NOT give into those folks. KZ3 still feels a lot like KZ2, but is simply more responsive. I was surprised at how similar it felt, given the comments.

The fact is, there was simply too much input lag in KZ2. They needed to improve it and they did so without sacrificing the sense of weight. It does NOT feel anything like CoD.

There were some bad design decisions in KZ2 as well. I mean, clicking the right stick to zoom? That shit sucked in Halo 1. With KZ2 offering iron sights, it just didn't work. The whole cover system was at odds with ADS and it never felt right as a result. Fortunately, you could change it to L1, but I don't see how this was ever a good design choice.
It's unfortunate because the first Killzone had a pretty decent story for an FPS, a few likable characters with actual interpersonal dynamics, and great voice acting. What the hell happened?


-viper- said:
When I played Reach I had no idea what was going on other than the fact: aliens came, got shot, more aliens came, and everyone died (except the aliens who killed me)
Sounds like you skipped the cutscenes like the average joe blow gamer. Great assessment.
I never skip cutscenes and I don't know what's going on storyline wise in Reach, I feel like I walked in the middle of a sopranos episode or Harry potter movie. Great game otherwise


lowrider007 said:
The thing is though I normally couldn't care less about a crap story in an FPS, I tend to ignore them anyway, loved Crysis for example but couldn't tell you what the hell happened, the problem I have is it's 70mins of crap story (if these reviews are correct), I'd much rather they would of spent more time on extending the length of the game and not giving in to the COD folk moaning about KZ2's controls which were fine.
Maybe Guerilla is actively pursuing the creation of the broest game of all time? KZ2 was already pretty far up there, maybe we're looking at a misunderstood masterwork here.
Wow, did surprisingly well with the Move controls for the first time, 9 kills 6 deaths. Feels pretty great actually...very intrigued.

It was with default settings. What are people tinkering with so far?

When you zoom and that box actually spots them through walls...yeah, not sure that's fair...


Is there any other place to see the gametrailers video? Their shitty player isn't working for me. And does the video contain any spoilers?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
revolverjgw said:
It's unfortunate because the first Killzone had a pretty decent story for an FPS, a few likable characters with actual interpersonal dynamics, and great voice acting. What the hell happened?
Beyond that, I liked Killzone's three character approach to the single player. I know alot of people did'nt, but i never herd a good reason though.

and Luger and Hakka were awesome
That's because Halo games don't have terrible stories.
halo 3 didnt have a shitty story? I cant remember a single notable thing about it, apart from Cortana being flashed across the screen in an annoying manner.


sparkle this bitch
Cruzader said:
Regardless of that, game sites shouldnt be making a big deal out of it. COD and all other FPS have shitty ass SP stories....yet get a pass.
Oh no! The Bias!!! How dare reviewers critique a major point being pushed for the title.

I'm sure they are deducting from other places too.
lowrider007 said:
It is this COD attitude that worries me, basically your paying 60 dollars for a bunch of multi-player maps, the single player aspect of the game becomes a 6 hour pack in to justify the cost, À la Modern Warfare 2, for people that love SP games this philosophy is depressing.

Agreed. It's a good reason why I pretty much don't like this generation all together.
Patriotsbball5460 said:
I see where you are coming from that basically the SP is half of the 2 main components of the game(SP & MP), and if the SP is bad, then basically its a half complete game.

But, when I am going to put 95% of my time, and possibly even more into the MP, that is where my purchase decision will be made. Now if the MP was bad but the SP was really strong, I most likely would not buy it because to me, MP is the most important part of an FPS like this. Offering endless amount of playtime is a much more important factor to me, rather than only 4-6 hours of a single player that I will only play once.

Edit: Also, if they want to just sell me the MP component of the game only on PSN for $40, I would most likely just buy that over the full retail copy

I'm the exact opposite. Although I realize I'm in the vast minority, I feel that FPS make for very poor competitive games. They simply aren't deep enough unlike games such as Street Fighter, and NBA/NFL/etc. Therefore, Co-op and Single player are huge for me. That's why I canceled my pre-order. No online co-op and poor single player makes this a no buy on day one for me.


palpabl_purpura said:
I'm the exact opposite. Although I realize I'm in the vast minority, I feel that FPS make for very poor competitive games. They simply aren't deep enough unlike games such as Street Fighter, and NBA/NFL/etc. Therefore, Co-op and Single player are huge for me. That's why I canceled my pre-order. No online co-op and poor single player makes this a no buy on day one for me.
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