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Leaked Marketing Agreement for RE8 Forces Parity and Blocks the Game From GamePass


Jon Stewart Queue GIF
the tools excuse wasn't working.. now they can say sony paid for parity for every single game that is coming out.


Gold Member
Didn't they pay for some of SFV development? Anyways what Sony did here is not a good look. Instead of spending money to prevent a release on other platform (and the game will still be released on Xbox) they should keep their studios instead of getting rid of them. They should spend their money on creating new content to build a better future. Another short term decision by Sony.
Sony has been transitioning to soft good for ages. They want to have as much sales and profits from software, subs, movies etc..... with as little hardware and people (overhead) as possible. That improves profit margins.

That's why over the years, they cut down on TVs, got rid of VAIO, cut back cellphones to premium models only, and gutted studios.

The more conservative way of doing is busy is less is more. And doing partnership gaming deals are less risky as they are on a game by game basis. Floating an internal studio of 100-200 people + all the office space and gear isn't worth it unless it's giant sellers like ND or Insomniac games.
You grown ass ppl still crying about this :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I can't believe the depth of some of your fanboyism to believe that only "Evil Sony" is doing this. While "Angel MS" has never made any similar deals... Bruh, you guys really go to bat for these mega corporations.


Yeah i'm starting to get a little weirded out by certain forum members on this site... one second Schreier is a Sony fan and everyone loves his coverage, then he starts posting some not so positive stuff and he's all of a sudden a hack in their eyes and shouldn't be listened to... same with Jaffe. One minute certain members think he's great and edgy but then Jaffe starts saying positive things about Gamepass and not super positive stuff about PS5 and they act like he's a nobody. It's all REALLY weird to watch the hivemind twist around in realtime lately.

Good Lord it's not referred to the graphic setup.

Section 1.4 as you posted yourself states a requirement of technical parity (subject to material platform limitations) with any equivevalent version of the game released on competitive platforms. Sounds very much like the PS5 HAS to perform as well as competing platforms within the PS5's technical limits, so if the XSX performs better it has to be scaled back to match PS5 performance.

Dr Bass

Section 1.4 as you posted yourself states a requirement of technical parity (subject to material platform limitations) with any equivevalent version of the game released on competitive platforms. Sounds very much like the PS5 HAS to perform as well as competing platforms within the PS5's technical limits, so if the XSX performs better it has to be scaled back to match PS5 performance.
That's not what it's saying at all. Other people have already explained it in this thread, and it's plain English. I don't get how people are misinterpreting this.

They must be seeing "technical parity" and freaking out.


Section 1.4 as you posted yourself states a requirement of technical parity (subject to material platform limitations) with any equivevalent version of the game released on competitive platforms. Sounds very much like the PS5 HAS to perform as well as competing platforms within the PS5's technical limits, so if the XSX performs better it has to be scaled back to match PS5 performance.
You can't be serious. The point implies the exact contrary, if ps5 can't outperform for platform limitations, Capcom is free to do whatever they prefer with the series X. Anyway technical parity is not referred to graphic parity for the fuck sake.
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I wouldn't trust that now as one still could be held back and gimped someway.

Well I already think the game is held back by last gen systems. But if the XSX runs it at a higher resolution this will all go away. Anyways people shouldn't blame Sony if there isn't massive differences between the two. Most likely the two systems are close together in peformance.
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Likes moldy games
Well I already think the game is held back by last gen systems. But if the XSX runs it at a higher resolution this will all go away.
What if it runs a lot worse than Ps5. Sony could let give the thumbs up to that. You can't trust someone who has to put shit like that in the contract.
What if it runs a lot worse than Ps5. Sony could let give the thumbs up to that. You can't trust someone who has to put shit like that in the contract.

You're honestly expecting a massive difference between the two systems? I think you just need to accept that the PS5 and the XSX are pretty close. There isn't a huge gulf in power between the two systems.
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Likes moldy games
You're honestly expecting a massive difference between the two systems?
No but you know the score, you're in the comparison threads. For example if xbox was running averages at 1800p 56fps and and Ps5 is 1440p drs upto 1800p but mainly somewhere in between but 60fps locked. Thats fucking massive on here. Man even 5 frames is over 30000 frames is here.
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No but you know the score, you're in the comparison threads. For example if xbox was running averages at 1800p 56fps and and Ps5 is 1440p drs upto 1800p but mainly somewhere in between but 60fps locked. Thats fucking massive on here. Man even 5 frames is over 30000 frames is here.

Well if you think it's massive that's your fault for setting your expectations so high. From the comparison that I've seen both consoles seem pretty close. It's not like the PS5 is a 1080P box that plays games at 30FPs while the XSX is a Native 4K box churning than out at 60FPs. They are pretty much in the same tier.


Likes moldy games
Well if you think it's massive that's your fault for setting your expectations so high. From the comparison that I've seen both consoles seem pretty close. It's not like the PS5 is a 1080P box that plays games at 30FPs while the XSX is a Native 4K box churning than out at 60FPs. They are pretty much in the same tier.
My fault, did I say it was massive. You're the one in the comparison threads saying you where expecting thegap to be bigger for Xbox.

Well at least you used to be as I rarely enter them now.
My fault, did I say it was massive. You're the one in the comparison threads saying you where expecting thegap to be bigger for Xbox.

Well at least you used to be as I rarely enter them now.

Well from what was said early last year I thought the gap would be massive. But then all the comparisons changed my mind. I really was expecting the PS5 to he a broken underpowered system but I learned my lesson.

I thought the PS5 would be a rip off compared to the XSX but it's actually priced extremely well. I wouldn't want one if there was a massive gap but since there isn't I definitely want to pick one up.
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Are you for real dude? Install base has a limited effect on how many copies get sold the bigger the installbase is. Besides it’s still audience preference on genre, ip retention on certain platforms that prevails.
Then there's no objective way to determine on what platform a title was more popular.
Section 1.4 as you posted yourself states a requirement of technical parity (subject to material platform limitations) with any equivevalent version of the game released on competitive platforms. Sounds very much like the PS5 HAS to perform as well as competing platforms within the PS5's technical limits, so if the XSX performs better it has to be scaled back to match PS5 performance.

What’s your job btw


Well from what was said early last year I thought the gap would be massive. But then all the comparisons changed my mind. I really was expecting the PS5 to he a broken underpowered system but I learned my lesson.

I thought the PS5 would be a rip off compared to the XSX but it's actually priced extremely well. I wouldn't want one if there was a massive gap but since there isn't I definitely want to pick one up.

I mean when Sony pays for technical parity and developers use GDK for cross-platform, then it's hard to show the gap even though it's there, but that won't last forever.


There's more nuance to this than a lot of people are reading. In short, it won't necessarily prevent it from coming to Game Pass, and it certainly won't prevent it from being better on Xbox.

What it does do is make it more complicated for Xbox to get select third party games into Game Pass, presuming this is a standard contract that's been being used for some time.

That just gives MS more incentive to buy publishers.

We know the focus here is Game Pass, and that means first and third parties day one. If Sony makes that harder without actually moving into that method of selling themselves, all they're really doing is poking the bear.

MS would be buying publishers even if Sony didn't get timed exclusives. How do you not understand that?
I mean when Sony pays for technical parity and developers use GDK for cross-platform, then it's hard to show the gap even though it's there, but that won't last forever.

Sure keep believing the PS5 is extremely underpowered if that's your thing. If multiplats are close you are just going to blame Sony for parity.
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Gold Member
Then there's no objective way to determine on what platform a title was more popular.
It’s called sales.

edit: let’s humor you for a bit then.
Let’s not compare PS and Nintendo consoles. Let’s compare Nintento to Nintendo.

Giving the earlier example RE4 another go.

Wii -100m
GC - 22m
PS3 - 87m

There we see that there is almost an entire PS3s worth of installbase that haven’t played RE4 before. Very in line with your comparison of an entire PS3 worth of installbase that haven’t played REmake.

Why is it that we never even come close to the increase of ratio in sales? In fact not even a fourth of what REmake has experienced. RE4 is the best selling RE game on GC.

Or maybe, just maybe, the audience who actually like survival horror or just RE in general aren’t Nintendo players. At the very least not as much as PS players like RE. Heck you can add Xbox players there as both userbases are very similar in tastes.
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Where's the word "extremely"? never mind, I see you pulled off the same thing with another user :rolleyes:

Only if you believe its extremely underpowered if not then you're fine.

When it comes to this game many people expected the PS5 to struggle at 1080P. And it's expected for the XSX to run it at a Native 4K. This is mostly based off the early rumors that Dusk have us. That's what I mean by massive power difference. If people are expecting that with games they will be disappointed and just blame Sony for parity. Although I am expecting the XSX to have the edge it won't be enough to make the PS5 look underpowered in comparison.
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You can't be serious. The point implies the exact contrary, if ps5 can't outperform for platform limitations, Capcom is free to do whatever they prefer with the series X. Anyway technical parity is not referred to graphic parity for the fuck sake.

If that helps you sleep better at night 🤷‍♂️


Gold Member
They can’t make deals for MLB The Show, they’re the developer but MLB is the publisher on Xbox and the IP owner. MLB holds the rights to any negotiations with Xbox and while Sony will get a portion of the GP money, they likely weren’t in a position to veto the deal without having the rights to the IP revoked.

There is nothing reactionary here, this is standard legal documentation in every single exclusive marketing agreement in every company on the planet.

I'd like to see how this works with the PC version of the game. Will we not be able to use native 4k?

Holy shit that is some shady shit from Sony! Disgusting, is someone going to defend this?

Dr Kaneda

The contact just basically saying that if the PS5 IS TECHNICALLY ABLE/CAPABLE of running the game at a certain technical specification that CAPCOM have managed to achieve on XBOX then that means CAPCOM is contractually obligated to get PS5 up to parity either by using the PS5's available technical ability to get their or by gimping the XBOX version if they must. But if the PS5 is literally not TECHNICALLY ABLE/CAPABLE of running it at those specs then it fine for CAPCOM to have the XBOX version run better than the PS5 version.

It just basically means that CAPCOM needs to take care into actually utilising the PS5 hardware correctly. A good example would say be Bayonetta on the PS3/360, it ran significantly worse on the PS3 than the 360 despite the PS3 actually being technical capable of running it as well as the 360 if not better. Platinum just didn't know and/or didn't care about how to utilise the PS3 correctly, it had NOTHING to do with the material limitations of the PS3. What a contractual obligation like this would have done is ensure that Platinum actually put time/effort/skill/resources into getting to gripes with the PS3 and actually delivering a game that makes full use of the system.

If a company is paying you for marketing rights then obviously you can't just hamfist and release a shoddy port/version since they are more or less partially paying for development costs, pretty obvious.
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I've never seen people be more eager to jump feet first into some shit they know nothing about but are trying to interpret it into a language they "think" they understand just to be apart of the conversation.


Love to see it. Can't ever allow the MLS The Show situation to happen again.
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So....this is what fear looks like.

Reminds me of the fear that the PS4 wouldn't be taken advantage of due to parity. While it was true in some cases the two systems were not that far apart and most games performed better on the PS5. I expect this gen to play out more or less the same. The multiplats will be similar between the two but the XSX will probably edge out. Nothing to do with Sony paying developers to hold the XSX back. It's not like you can expect one platform to run games on low while the other runs them at maximum settings.
Giving the earlier example RE4 another go.

Wii -100m
GC - 22m
PS3 - 87m

There we see that there is almost an entire PS3s worth of installbase that haven’t played RE4 before. Very in line with your comparison of an entire PS3 worth of installbase that haven’t played REmake.
This is weird, why would you compare GC wii and PS3, and not directly GC and ps2?
If the gc version sold 1.6m and the ps2 version sold 2.3m, then it seems to me that a much larger percentage of people, per console userbase bought the game on GC, making it more popular amongst GC players than ps2 players.

And if you then compare wii to ps2, and substract possible non first buyers from GC, then it's still a larger percentage of people buying RE4 on wii than on ps2.
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