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LGBTQIA+ |OT8| PrEPare Yourself.

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Astral Dog

Definitely, really suits you.

Anyway hi guysssss congrats on the new thread.

About a week ago I started noticing a cute guy at work, he works in the same building but on a different floor in a different section, but we go on our lunches around the same time and I keep running into him since I walk through the breakroom he uses. He's super cute and wears very tight white shirts, so I'm always checking him out.

Anyway he messaged me on Grindr and we started chatting, much to the jealousy of all my female friends at work (and one male friend) and he sent me a tastefully cropped nude. He plays rugby so has an incredibly hot body, and hes also a gamer, around my age and really fun to talk to, we agreed to go for coffee last night when we were chatting until early in the morning, and he sent me a drunken horny message after I went to bed asking for cuddles ;)

Looking forward to coffee with him :)

There's also a cute guy doing training in the office, and hes on Grindr too, we have a load in common and I'm trying to be friendly with him but I dunno, sometimes he seems to check me out and sometimes he ignores me, I talked to him alone earlier in the week and we were both blushing and stammering and nervous, and then when I said good morning to him the day after he blanked me :p

He also lives within walking distance so I see him on Grindr both at home and at work, and he keeps changing his profile picture every day and they are getting progressively more lewd and revealing, he must know I can see them right? Whatever the case he is super hot and I'm totally lusting for him. He knows I'm gay and I know he is bi, so at least that bullshit is out of the way.
jellies, but which one are you going to choose? :O
For real guys. Need to know if this works on me
Looks cute! You kinda look like how i wish i looked.
But i dont know what was the previous haif cut :p


just watched the first episode of Lucifer on Fox.... if the devil looks anything like Tom Ellis does in this show send me to hell right now!



Neo Member
He's a really attractive guy, but Lucifer as a character isn't very likeable so far for me.

Some feedback regarding the character based on what I have seen. No major spoilers, but thought it would be best to add the tag.

I haven't bothered to watch the latest episode yet because of the attitude. The show should really tone it down down a bit. It's not much fun watching a procedural TV show when 1 of the characters can literally force anyone to confess and goes around telling anyone that will listen that he is the devil. Obviously, it's just my opinion. I'll probably get round to watching it sooner than later.

My current TV show crush is dreamy Brian Finch off Limitless. Jake McDorman could do anything to me. :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
unity of the void, occasional poster here.
Saw Deadpool last night, was pretty amazing. Can't wait for the sequel. Everything was on point, happy for Ryan and his commitment to the project paid off!


irresponsible vagina leak
I'm so sleepy today and I haven't done anything that would be considered tiresome. In other news I want cuddles.


Neo Member
I'm so sleepy today and I haven't done anything that would be considered tiresome. In other news I want cuddles.

Cuddles are always nice. Even better whilst binge watching a TV show.


Hard to get guys are usually a turn off for me as well. That and guys that make you feel like you are the one always getting in touch. Haven't got the patience these days. I'm not getting any younger.


irresponsible vagina leak
Cuddles are always nice. Even better whilst binge watching a TV show.


Hard to get guys are usually a turn off for me as well. That and guys that make you feel like you are the one always getting in touch. Haven't got the patience these days. I'm not getting any younger.

I got netflix now so I could netflix and chill right about now (cuddle in this case)
Confession Time:
I haven't seen House of Cards

Hard to get guys I can see them trying to make themselves look more important than they are and it eventually gets boring to continue pursuing them. As for the guys that make you feel like you are the one always getting in touch I guess I don't mind much cause I like showing that I'm interested. Now I do expect a good flow of conversation cause if it feels forced I'll probably stop talking.
Hey, everyone seems to be re-introducing her-/himself, so why not.

Your gender? male
Your sexual orientation? somewhere between gay and bi, honestly more on the gay side
Where Are You From? middle west of Germany
How Old Are you? 23
Favorite Type of Music? I like house and electro music, but I'm not very picky at all.
Profession or Career interest? I'm still a poor student
Favorite video game(s)? Metroid Prime, Ace Attorney, Zelda, Bayonetta, most things Mario, Pokemon and Monster Hunter
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? the standard stuff, I like reading (I'm working my way through the game of thrones books at the moment), going out with friends, watching movies, some sport...and thats pretty much it .....heh

And a picture because it'd be unfair not to post one when almost everyone has shared a picture already:

Heh, you can't press blood from a stone(excuse the spot above my head, it's one of those patafix things you use to put posters on your wall, it still refuses to come off )


I should post in here more
and PopGAF
. You guys are delightfully messy.

E: oh, I'll do this thing again too:

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay as spring time.
Where Are You From? Down on the west coast.
Where Do You Live? Las Vegas
How Old Are you? 29
Favorite Type of Music? 90% pop, 9% rap, and 1% ????
Profession or Career interest? I work in forensic science right now, but I'm getting a degree in mechanical engineering and eventually biomedical engineering (I have a degree in biochemistry already).
Favorite video game(s)? Dark Souls/Bloodborne, Kingdom Hearts, Bayonetta, certain Final Fantasies.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Lifting, running, and objectifying men.


Neo Member
I got netflix now so I could netflix and chill right about now (cuddle in this case)
Confession Time:
I haven't seen House of Cards

Hard to get guys I can see them trying to make themselves look more important than they are and it eventually gets boring to continue pursuing them. As for the guys that make you feel like you are the one always getting in touch I guess I don't mind much cause I like showing that I'm interested. Now I do expect a good flow of conversation cause if it feels forced I'll probably stop talking.

I haven't watched it either. I think the last time I used Netflix was to binge watch some other TV shows months ago. I'll probably subscribe again when Unbreakable Kimmy season 2 is available for streaming.

It's one of the reasons I've stopped using apps. The rare instance where you come across guys that behave like decent human beings is not worth all the bollocks you get.
Even Tinder got boring. I remember some photos that guys shared when "Moments" were available - 1 actually shared a photo of him using a dildo. I laughed when I opened it.
I have a few flaws I need to work on as well and it makes me feel like I can't date until I deal with them. It's a work in progress. Nice to have a break for now and peace of mind. :)

Hi Orniletter! I'm currently reading the A Song of Ice and Fire books as well. I'm on the 1st part of the 5th book. Nearly there.

Laughed when I read the train comment, Dead Prince.

Hello hello!! :)

This is exciting. I used to dress up as Polly when I was younger. Go to a local convention and take photos with some of the other Ace Attorney fans. Still got the suit and my bracelet. :)
It actually is really weird how Pampel get so much shit (even though half of it is probably in jest) for simply having strong opinions about music and other innocuous stuff.

I mean we've had people display legitimately gross and harmful behavior, with basically no backlash.
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