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Magic: the Gathering - Oath o/t Gatewatch |OT| Look again, the mana is now diamonds!

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Having two morph costs seems a bit strange. I think just having a morph cost of 3W and a triggered ability feels more elegant.

"When ~ is turned face up, choose one
-You may pay U, if you do draw a card.
- You may pay G, if you do, put two +1/+1 counters on ~."

Also, the blue mode feels a lot more powerful.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Not to be a jerk, but don't post custom cards during spoiler season. It's confusing.
Got some good games in with buddies tonight. Paper Legacy Cube draft, followed by some Cube Sealed and finished up with Standard and Modern after dinner.

here's the black one


Turn 1 Dark Ritual -> Ob Nixilis, Dead -> Put Nicol Bolas on to the battlefield.


"Embodiment of Fury" - 3R
Land creatures you control have trample.
Landfall— Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may have target land you control becomes a 3/3 Elemental creature with haste until end of turn. It's still a land.

Well, time to put landfall back in the OP. Anyway, this seems really good for an uncommon.


Compare to Azure Mage.

Prophet of Distortion is cheaper, but it doesn't hit as hard and you have to "splash" colorless for it.



Skinning Tendrils 1BB
Sorcery Uncommon
All creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn. If a creature would die this turn exile it instead.
The defenders were outnumbered even against a single Eldrazi.



Skinning Tendrils 1BB
Sorcery Uncommon
All creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn. If a creature would die this turn exile it instead.
The defenders were outnumbered even against a single Eldrazi.

Infest with upside again. Man. Seems kind of ok to me.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Skinning Tendrils 1BB
Sorcery Uncommon
All creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn. If a creature would die this turn exile it instead.
The defenders were outnumbered even against a single Eldrazi.
Wow hope you didn't like Aristocrats goddamn


My guess is limited balancing? It's awful though.

Nifty that the Oath is legendary though. It does seem like a pretty OK card.

Does this mean there's no black oath though?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
And oh god all of the Oath cycle is gonna have one cheesy ass line that combines together into the full King Cheese Cornball Oath of Being the Bestest Heroes.

This is probably Kimberly Krienes doing.


And oh god all of the Oath cycle is gonna have one cheesy ass line that combines together into the full King Cheese Cornball Oath of Being the Bestest Heroes.

This is probably Kimberly Krienes doing.

"In brightest day, in blackest night,

No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil's might

Beware my power--Green Lantern'sPlaneswalker's light!"


Taking bets now: Which Oath will be most playable? I'm going rogue and saying green.

I really want it to be red. But it will probably end up the blue one.

What could the other ones do though?

Green - make 0/1 plants
Red - fake card draw
White - Give creatures +1/+1 until EoT
Black - lol get out of here

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The appropriate flavor text is "TRICERATOPS!" but yeah these rares that care about Mythics are weird as fuck

Oath of Nixilis 1BB

At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player sacrifices a Jace, Chandra, Gideon or Nissa card.

"Fuck off cheesy cornballs."

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Duh. That explains it. It's a Commander card.

Yeah, its in the article that its for Commander but I fucking hate hate hate when they put "THIS IS FOR COMMANDER" shit straight into normal sets. Put that shit in the fucking Commander sets or make a supplemental set for Commander.


Thank goodness Tarzi puts the card in hand. It feels like a card they could have easily had tutor to the top of the library like many recent tutors.

OGW really puts BFZ to shame. They "got it".

Can you elaborate? Not because I disagree but because I think this would be an interesting discussion to have but I think requires more in depth posts.
Yeah, its in the article that its for Commander but I fucking hate hate hate when they put "THIS IS FOR COMMANDER" shit straight into normal sets. Put that shit in the fucking Commander sets or make a supplemental set for Commander.

Yeah, and while we're at it they should have separate sets for other formats too. A Standard set, a Modern set, and probably a Legacy set. Then they can make sets exclusively for drafting, to make for a more pure limited experience. This business about designing sets that have something for everyone? That's a sucker's game if I've ever heard one.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yeah, and while we're at it they should have separate sets for other formats too. A Standard set, a Modern set, and probably a Legacy set. Then they can make sets exclusively for drafting, to make for a more pure limited experience. This business about designing sets that have something for everyone? That's a sucker's game if I've ever heard one.


But they do have those

The problem with THIS IS FOR COMMANDER is that they're useless in normal play and really, I think its kind of lame for Commander to just have special cards that are specifically for the format too.


Can you elaborate? Not because I disagree but because I think this would be an interesting discussion to have but I think requires more in depth posts.
Exciting new mechanic (Colorless mana matters), an Ally mechanic that doesn't fuck you over if you draw all the Stonework Pumas first, exciting individual cards at Mythic, no sign of Converge- the only 5c stuff we're seeing IS the allies so far. The Eldrazi "feel" like Eldrazi, even as smaller critters, because the colorless matters stuff allows them to give them a mechanical identity outside of RoE's big monsters w/ big swiingy effects on attack and cast..

This design clearly should have been the fall set, with the Processor stuff in the follow up.
The problem with THIS IS FOR COMMANDER is that they're useless in normal play and really, I think its kind of lame for Commander to just have special cards that are specifically for the format too.
That card's just fine in casual constructed - its perfect for ally decks.
I don't get the hate for Tazri. He seems like the perfect mythic: he does flashy things, he enables cool decks, and he clearly won't be a competitive staple.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't get the hate for Tazri. He seems like the perfect mythic: he does flashy things, he enables cool decks, and he clearly won't be a competitive staple.

Tazri's a lady (who's super tsundere for Gideon)
OGW really puts BFZ to shame. They "got it".

So a cool thing is that with two-set blocks, and the second sets being more like "medium" than small now, and the draft formats being BBA, this seems like solid evidence that it's much more possible to salvage a bad big set than it used to be, since now you're looking at three extra months with a new set that can have its own major themes, instead of six to nine extra months with sets that don't do much new.

I don't get the hate for Tazri. He seems like the perfect mythic: he does flashy things, he enables cool decks, and he clearly won't be a competitive staple.

People want mythics to be cool and expensive so they open something good in their packs and also bad and narrow so they don't have to get expensive cards for their decks and don't always act in ways that acknowledge that these goals are mutually exclusive.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So a cool thing is that with two-set blocks, and the second sets being more like "medium" than small now, and the draft formats being BBA, this seems like solid evidence that it's much more possible to salvage a bad big set than it used to be, since now you're looking at three extra months with a new set that can have its own major themes, instead of six to nine extra months with sets that don't do much new.

People want mythics to be cool and expensive so they open something good in their packs and also bad and narrow so they don't have to get expensive cards for their decks and don't always act in ways that acknowledge that these goals are mutually exclusive.

The actual answer is opening Mythics that are worth nothing and useless even in draft feels bad.


Y'all really don't play Commander if it took more than two seconds to figure this out, lol. That ability is a giant-ass flag saying "I have a 5 color identity!"

I always forget that abilities create Commander identities. Honestly, I feel like it's a cop-out.
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