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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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The concern over fake cures is precisely why people are defaulting to time-honored, scientifically-vetted methods of improving immune system health. We're not going full-blown crystal healing.... yet.

Anytime I see a story about a new vaccine or cure I make sure to read if they are a publically traded company. Right now with the markets dying and being the first to market there is a huge oppurtunity for a company to defraud the public and make a huge amount of money. Never underestimate human greed.

If you see a story about cure/vaccine, look into the company behind these drugs.
Watching GameXplain stream Animal Crossing earlier and Andre could not stop coughing he lives in Seattle :messenger_expressionless:
sure sure you better brush that off and pay your debt to Tom Nook buddy


Well we have it here now. I live in rural western Kentucky and we got our first case in our small town (approx 30,000 population).
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Amazon restocked TP and it sold out within a couple of minutes.. insane.

This is why I'll take my chances in an actual store. If it comes down to pure insanity all out fighting for toilet paper I want to be there in person. I'm a big dude, you know how many people and old ladies I could potentially take down in my quest for toilet paper? Let alone how many packages I could store under the impressive wingspan of my arms?

Fuckin internet means everyone is on the same level. Some 110lb dweeb can out click me on amazon and scoop it all up with no effort at all. My evolutionary advantages are completely wiped out.
Two emergency room doctors test positive for coronavirus in Illinois
From CNN's Melissa Alonso

Two emergency room physicians at Rush Oak Park Hospital in Illinois tested positive for novel coronavirus and are isolated at home, according to a statement from hospital spokesperson Nancy Di Fiore.
"One doctor has not been seeing patients for several days prior, when he would have been contagious," the statement said.
"The other may have had patient and peer contact and we are assessing the overall risk of exposure," according to the statement.
Di Fiore said the cases were likely "community acquired."
"In these uncertain times, one thing is for certain staff in our healthcare systems are heroes for providing comfort and care under difficult circumstances with a highly transmissible disease," the statement said.

CDC already eased the rules so doctors can keep working if infected ealier


When the virus peaked in China it was just in Wahun city affected or other major cities like Pekin or Shangai affected at the same level?

It Seems in the US bsides New York other major cities like LA or Miami would be affected at great levels..

Did China managed to avoid spread in the country?
It doesn't feel right betting on this subject.

It's about seeing how in-tune we are with how things are progressing, to see if we even vaguely understand what is going on. We are hoping we've hit the peak, or near the peak of cases in Italy. I don't know that we've peaked in deaths yet, since they trail by a few days, but they also don't jump up linearly.


Has this been posted?

An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

"Recent guidelines from South Korea and China report that chloroquine is an effective antiviral therapeutic treatment against Coronavirus Disease 2019. Use of chloroquine (tablets) is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stay. US CDC research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed. Chloroquine is an inexpensive, globally available drug that has been in widespread human use since 1945 against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions." (In consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicine and National Academy of Sciences researchers)
My Dad is a Doctor and we were talking about this over the weekend. It's Hydroxychloroquine(500mgx2) + Zinc is what will kill the virus. That's why countries like China and S. Korea have been able to put a stranglehold on it and have fewer people dying. But if you just treat the virus with Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine by itself it won't really do much, you need to be taking a Zinc supplement with it. Zinc is what stops the virus from replicating. It's getting Zinc into the cells and that's where Hydroxychloroquine comes into play.

Here's a good video on it:
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My Dad is a Doctor and we were talking about this over the weekend. It's Hydroxychloroquine(500mgx2) + Zinc is what will kill the virus. That's why countries like China and S. Korea have been able to put a stranglehold on it and have fewer people dying. But if you just treat the virus with Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine by itself it won't really do much, you need to be taking a Zinc supplement with it. Zinc is what kills the virus. It's getting Zinc into the cells and that's where Hydroxychloroquine comes into play.

there's going to be a run on zinc supplements now - better grab some while you can...


Rodent Whores
My Dad is a Doctor and we were talking about this over the weekend. It's Hydroxychloroquine(500mgx2) + Zinc is what will kill the virus. That's why countries like China and S. Korea have been able to put a stranglehold on it and have fewer people dying. But if you just treat the virus with Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine by itself it won't really do much, you need to be taking a Zinc supplement with it. Zinc is what stops the virus from replicating. It's getting Zinc into the cells and that's where Hydroxychloroquine comes into play.

Here's a good video on it:

Interesting. This guy was talking about it too last week.

Chinese coronavirus experts warn northern Italy's lockdown measures are not enough
From CNN's Sharon Braithwaite in London and Nicola Ruotolo in Rome

The coronavirus measures in place in the hard hit Lombardy region of northern Italy are “not strict enough,” according to Chinese medical experts helping the country deal with the crisis.
The situation in Lombardy right now "is similar to what we experienced two months ago in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of COVID-19," the Chinese Red Cross vice president, Sun Shuopeng, said Thursday in a press conference in Milan, Italy.
"In the city of Wuhan after one month since the adoption of the lockdown policy, we see a decreasing trend from the peak of the disease," Sun Shuopeng said. "Here in Milan, the hardest hit area by COVID-19, there isn't a very strict lockdown: public transportation is still working and people are still moving around, you're still having dinners and parties in the hotels and you're not wearing masks. We need every citizen to be involved in the fight of COVID-19 and follow this policy.”
He advised Italians to stop all “economic activities and cut the mobility of people.”
Everyone should just stay at home, he added.

China knows best

Crazy to think.

I still think Chiner's numbers are somewhat fake, but we'd know if they were being full-on ravaged and lying about it.

Also, a real travesty.


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Chinese coronavirus experts warn northern Italy's lockdown measures are not enough

The situation in Lombardy right now "is similar to what we experienced two months ago in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of COVID-19," the Chinese Red Cross vice president, Sun Shuopeng, said Thursday in a press conference in Milan, Italy.

Ok when is this racism going to stop? Chinese Red Cross, thats racist right there. Saying Wuhan is the epicenter of COVID-19 thats racist.

I bet we are going to see Asians being nailed to Red Cross's now. So racist. Trumps America indeed.


Chinese coronavirus experts warn northern Italy's lockdown measures are not enough
From CNN's Sharon Braithwaite in London and Nicola Ruotolo in Rome

The coronavirus measures in place in the hard hit Lombardy region of northern Italy are “not strict enough,” according to Chinese medical experts helping the country deal with the crisis.
The situation in Lombardy right now "is similar to what we experienced two months ago in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of COVID-19," the Chinese Red Cross vice president, Sun Shuopeng, said Thursday in a press conference in Milan, Italy.

He advised Italians to stop all “economic activities and cut the mobility of people.”
Everyone should just stay at home, he added.

China knows best

i am not surprised. We saw all the videos out of China locking it down. Every country needs to do the same
Yeah, it makes sense that it would be somewhat harder to spread with some people now supposedly immune to it. I don't see how the disinfecting does not much for a new outbreak, though. It only took a few people in Wuhan back in December to get this shit started, so if there are still a few people in the country with the disease, it seems like it could happen all over again, especially in a country of nearly 1.4 billion, not even accounting for foreign travel.
I totally understand what you're saying and maybe there are people in China still getting it and just not showing symptoms. I don't know to what extent China is disinfecting things still or quarantining. They've supposedly reported no new cases but they could be lying. Anyways, it's a slope. Theyve hit their peak awhile ago and are on the downward swing.
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