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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

I would say that this is usually true, but at least in my run of that quest, my map was marked with a "terminal" that I couldn't even interact with.

I had the same problem. I went to the terminal highlighted on the map, but it wasn't usable. When I loaded an earlier save and restarted the mission, the terminal worked. This game seems less polished than Mass Effect 2 and even Mass Effect.


Yes, please shh.

I will ask this, are there multiple endings? You'd think there would be.

Yes. They are entirely based on your Effective Military Strength. Fill the green line completely to have all of the choices. Decisions don't really matter, only the EMS does to get the endings you want.


Yes, please shh.

I will ask this, are there multiple endings? You'd think there would be.


Not really spoilers but in regard to the essence of the endings, if you want a bit more information :
do note, however, that multiple endings does not equate to diversified endings
ME2's ending at least left you with the sense that your big choice would make a difference. Hint:
it didn't.

ME2 ending and how it kinda ties in:
But if you blew up the Collector base it made your conflict with Cerberus in this game feel a little more personal.

ME3 ending spoiler:
I'd take that any day over CHOICE 1, CHOICE 2, CHOICE 3 K click which button, shitty winter cutscene and credits. They took the need for their to be a choice at the end way, way too far and absolutely fucked the story as a result.
How are people are saying I DOUBT I'LL HATE THE ENDING without even getting there? I'm serious when I say you're better off just stopping at the beginning of the end game.

As far as I'm concerned it's a western MGS4.
How are people are saying I DOUBT I'LL HATE THE ENDING without even getting there? I'm serious when I say you're better off just stopping at the beginning of the end game.

As far as I'm concerned it's a western MGS4.

In my opinion it's the same kind of people saying the end sucked that say Mass Effect 2 sucked. And I loved that game, so...


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
How are people are saying I DOUBT I'LL HATE THE ENDING without even getting there? I'm serious when I say you're better off just stopping at the beginning of the end game.

As far as I'm concerned it's a western MGS4.

The Reapers are nanomachines?

What happened to the 80's inspired space opera we all loved back in 2007? :(

People love operatic music and space explosions. Who needs 80's inspired hard sci fi when you have explosions?
How are people are saying I DOUBT I'LL HATE THE ENDING without even getting there? I'm serious when I say you're better off just stopping at the beginning of the end game.

As far as I'm concerned it's a western MGS4.

Oh man, that's such a good comparison. At least ME3 only stumbles in the last ten minutes, MGS4 is a clusterfuck from start to finish. I feel like for the ending of 3 they just looked at
The Matrix and Deus Ex
and somehow thought it would be good to combine the two in to some ultimate bad ending.


ME2 ending and how it kinda ties in:
But if you blew up the Collector base it made your conflict with Cerberus in this game feel a little more personal.

ME3 ending spoiler:
I'd take that any day over CHOICE 1, CHOICE 2, CHOICE 3 K click which button, shitty winter cutscene and credits. They took the need for their to be a choice at the end way, way too far and absolutely fucked the story as a result.

The decision didn't really matter to the overall plot though. Penultimate ME3 mission spoiler
Even if you blew up the base TIM still gets the human baby reaper :lol and study it to create husks


Subete no aware
Yea, I got that email and she's still nowhere to b found. I've been to the citadel around 10 times since then and no Jack.
She should be sitting at a table south of the dance floor. In between the bar and where Aria hangs out. She should be listed on the map if she's available, iirc.
The decision didn't really matter to the overall plot though. Penultimate ME3 mission spoiler
Even if you blew up the base TIM still gets the human baby reaper :lol and study it to create husks

Yeah, that's a good point. You're right. Still, I felt like
your enemies being as much Cerberus as the Reapears in this game was made more believable if you fucked over TIM at the end of 2.


What happened to the 80's inspired space opera we all loved back in 2007? :(

I don't even know. I feel like I could blame 10 different things right now who were or could be responsible.

The doctors. Mac Walters. EA's influence. I don't even know. Someone is definitely responsible though because a shift definitely happened to that company sometime in 07-08.
Oh. My. It cannot POSSIBLY be that bad.

Its not bad. I'm by no means a bioware fanatic but I am really enjoying myself in the little bit that I have played. There are quirks and a lot of nitpickers (Its Gaf. Love/Hate are one in the same).

Im looking forward to continuing when I get back from work.


Its not bad. I'm by no means a bioware fanatic but I am really enjoying myself in the little bit that I have played. There are quirks and a lot of nitpickers (Its Gaf. Love/Hate are one in the same).

Im looking forward to continuing when I get back from work.

He was talking about the ending.

Most of the game is really great and I had a blast.
I'd say ME3's ending is worse than MGS4's because ME3's finale completely destroyed any enthusiasm I had in replaying ME3 again. 20 minutes prior I was "Can't wait to see how X is if Y dies, wonder how Vanguard will play out, gotta do full renegade, etc."


What game could possibly be worth 60 euro if this isn't? So much has gone into it. The sheer magnitude of everything involved is incredible. I can't think of a game in recent memory that I played and thought "I'm glad there are huge blockbuster games with big budgets," but ME3 has me thinking that way.

I consider this on the same tier as Batman for this generation - not normally the type of game I like, but I'm glad it's there

Personally, and for 10 euros less... Witcher 2 blew this out of the water in every aspect, gameplay, presentation and story... especially the maturity of the writing. But, as everything else, personal taste :)
There is no hope for you.

Lol, that's ok. It doesn't take much to impress me. And frankly I love that. I am disappointed far less, and enjoy so many games because of it.

The ME series is by far my favorite because of the way I am, and nothing can change that. :)


SOO PISSED OFF, cant play my save file because ea servers are down and i don't have the dlc accesss WTF ARGH


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Relative to the series, MGS4 is an abysmal trainwreck of ludicrous bullshit. But not just because of the ending (which was unequivocally awful). With the exception of maybe the first two acts, MGS4's entire story, character developments and climaxes were horrific bad.

So, unless ME3 really (and I mean really) disappoints me, I doubt I'll hate it as much as MGS4, a game I've retconned out of the series because I refuse to believe it's real.

Honestly, even with all the bullshit in the trilogy, I can only think of two definitive endings that would upset me. First being Shepard and co flying off into the sunset while everybody holds hands, because that would be lazy and lame and I like me some misery. The reactions to the ending seem to imply this isn't true. The other upset would be
the Prothean device destroying all organic life in the galaxy, or all sentient life, effectively erasing each species so the galaxy can start anew. Or any galaxy-reset shit, simply because it would negate every character, event or lore investment I've ever had into the series, as none of it would matter in the slightest.

No, I do not want anybody to imply whether I'm right or wrong or on the right track. If I'm going to be cripplingly disappointed, I'd rather feel the full brunt of it.

And yeah, blanket ending discussion should be taken to the spoiler thread. It has no place here.


MidtoEnd game spoiler

LEGION DIED :(:(:(: , also the geth inviting quarian to settle back in their homeland is really well done(
Relative to the series, MGS4 is an abysmal trainwreck of ludicrous bullshit. But not just because of the ending (which was unequivocally awful). With the exception of maybe the first two acts, MGS4's entire story, character developments and climaxes were horrific bad.

May I state that I enjoyed MGS4 and then procede to argue with people for the next 200 posts?
Holy shit, they tie up some knots from ME1 real nicely.

YES. I love knot tying. I hate things that don't tie knots.


Smarmy cunt.


Very minor long time running series gag spoiler

I found refund guy! And got him his refund, amazing, He can now live in wealth with his 15 credits Lol


Is there any word on whether the Reapers ever do a cycle in any other galaxy? Or do they just chill out for 50,000 years and play scrabble....
This will be my last post related to the ending as I respect those currently playing. But it says a lot when people can openly compare it to MGS4's. Be prepared.
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