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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

Amazing that EA STILL can't fix the Store defaulting to German and being unable to finish it. I mean, they've had huge threads about it for years on their boards...

- J - D -

One random thought: The hover cars in the ME universe are all quite ugly. People in the future don't quite care for aesthetics I suppose.


This game shits on people who say Bioware or Western RPG developers or Western developers period had shitty art design.

Many of them do. Bioware is not one of them. For all of my many issues with Bioware, art design has never been one of them. In fact, they tend to knock it out of the park.


Many of them do. Bioware is not one of them. For all of my many issues with Bioware, art design has never been one of them. In fact, they tend to knock it out of the park.

The great sci-fi visuals is the whole reason I like the games. Well, I also kinda liked the story in Mass Effect 1.



fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Why are the sidequests in this game so good? Damn.

Around Tuchanka:
Before going here I did another side mission, ended up seeing Grunt and dealing with the Rachni. Ended up freeing her and thought Grunt was going to die for that, but then the crazy bastard end up coming out of the tunnel covered in blood.
I replayed ME2 but still quite confused on this: Since stopping the Reapers using the Citadel to get back from Dark Space, how are they now attacking everything? If it's explained in ME3, just say so.

I did rush through it so maybe that's why.
I replayed ME2 but still quite confused on this: Since stopping the Reapers using the Citadel to get back from Dark Space, how are they now attacking everything? If it's explained in ME3, just say so.

I did rush through it so maybe that's why.

They've been coming to the galaxy the old fashioned way, just flying there, because they were just delayed by several years due to Shepard's actions.


One random thought: The hover cars in the ME universe are all quite ugly. People in the future don't quite care for aesthetics I suppose.

You couldn't tell by the clothes they wear? My lord, it's hideous. Allers' tank-top dress is par for the course of terrible aesthetic in this game universe.


You know what, it sucks for humanity. If only they had been held back technologically about 200 years they would have survived for another 50,000 since the Reapers would have ignored them. Shit sucks.


Can I please live here? Thanks.

I don't want to comment here because even tiny hints can give so much away. I'll be in the spoiler thread in a few minutes. I'm trying to gather my thoughts first, not that there hasn't been like 10 pages in that thread already lol

Man, is it wrong to look forward to it because I want to see how pant-shittingly terrible it is?

I'm actually kinda ready for some solid laughs at this point. I hope you aren't exaggerating much!
So what happens if you die at the end of ME2? Do they just bring you back to life Terminator style?
It won't let you import a save if you die.

I replayed ME2 but still quite confused on this: Since stopping the Reapers using the Citadel to get back from Dark Space, how are they now attacking everything? If it's explained in ME3, just say so.

I did rush through it so maybe that's why.
You stopped them from instantly arriving through the Citadel and destroying everything, instead they have to slowly fly through space to reach your galaxy.
Man, is it wrong to look forward to it because I want to see how pant-shittingly terrible it is?

I'm actually kinda ready for some solid laughs at this point. I hope you aren't exaggerating much!



"No! I must kill the Reapers!" Shepard shouted.

Then Anderson said "No Shepard. You ARE the Reapers."

And then Shepard was a zombie.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
This game shits on people who say Bioware or Western RPG developers or Western developers period had shitty art design.

The environments look very nice but oh man the people look fucking UGLY. Especially after playing XIII-2 which was one helluva lovely game.


Many of them do. Bioware is not one of them. For all of my many issues with Bioware, art design has never been one of them. In fact, they tend to knock it out of the park.

Many games all over the spectrum do. And yeah, Bioware and Blizzard are commonly brought up as examples of good art Western art design, but Bioware has always nailed it out of the park in my opinion. I see concept art and I instantly want to go into that world. I can't think of a single game of theirs that hasn't made my heart stop out of hype just seeing some painting of a background or character sketches.

Not to say the games always match my expectations.

The great sci-fi visuals is the whole reason I like the games. Well, I also kinda liked the story in Mass Effect 1.

What's strange is that they have created a beautiful universe with fantastic lore and yet the story DRIVING the series, the main story, is really weak. The side stories are so much more interesting. Cybernetics suffering health issues, Cerberus's nightmare labs on Pragia, the Protheans and their tech, C-Sec and the Citadel...and yet the main story is really blah throughout the series.

I would love a Mass Effect: Origins where you can play several characters/races throughout the galaxy from the beginning and experience different stories (turian/human C-Sec officer, asari psionic, etc).

And yeah, the art design plays a beautiful melody on my memories of 70s/80s science fiction. Even further back: the painted covers of sci fi novels from the 50s and 60s and beyond. This feels like someone made a videogame based on 80s Popular Science articles.
Just got through that bit with the cyber ninja assassin wielding a samurai sword. That cheesy and poorly executed stuff with the little boy and Shepard's dreams was bad enough. But this... I just can't take the game seriously anymore.


Just got through that bit with the cyber ninja assassin wielding a samurai sword. That cheesy and poorly executed stuff with the little boy and Shepard's dreams was bad enough. But this... I just can't take the game seriously anymore.

You have seen nothing yet... It gets worse. Trust me.

- J - D -

You couldn't tell by the clothes they wear? My lord, it's hideous. Allers' tank-top dress is par for the course of terrible aesthetic in this game universe.

Seriously, I'm walking around looking swag as fuck, and I'm looking at all these foos on the Citadel, and I'm thinking 'Da fuck are you wearing?"

Just look at this boss:


Just found a raptor in SP, I'm sad that it doesn't have the cool bullet trails that it did in the gamescom Squad Leader trailer :(


Seriously, I'm walking around looking swag as fuck, and I'm looking at all these foos on the Citadel, and I'm thinking 'Da fuck are you wearing?"

Just look at this boss:

Of course. That jacket is crucial. The hoodie looks decent too. Most of what Shepard can wear looks decent, aside from that god awful dress and commoner garb. The civilian-wear is disgusting though.

This is what people wore 200 years ago.

Okay, I'm gonna stop being facetious and just say I accept, and even agree with your point. Doesn't make what I said any less valid. It's ugly stuff.


The environments look very nice but oh man the people look fucking UGLY. Especially after playing XIII-2 which was one helluva lovely game.

Some of the characters in the series look gorgeous. The texture and design work on Thane or the Turians looks awesome (though the Turians need higher rez textures). General "walking around" NPCs have always looked pretty bad, but I always chalk it up to them looking like real people: like in real life, for every beautiful person you see walk past you, there are going to be 10 average, bland or ugly people.

Some humans look awesome though. Traynor looks and sounds exactly like Parminder Nagra, so much so that I thought they did the same thing as with Miranda, Allers, and
and scanned her face and used her voice (color me surprised that she's not Parminder). Jack's face, as I've said before, is a beautiful blend of Angelina and Natalie.

Just got through that bit with the cyber ninja assassin wielding a samurai sword. That cheesy and poorly executed stuff with the little boy and Shepard's dreams was bad enough. But this... I just can't take the game seriously anymore.

As cheeasy as that scene was, the
car chase
sequence was great.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I would love a Mass Effect: Origins where you can play several characters/races throughout the galaxy from the beginning and experience different stories (turian/human C-Sec officer, asari psionic, etc)

They have a lot of choices for future Mass Effect games that could happen in the past... Weither its during the Prothean time, Krogan Rebellions, Genophage and the Rachni war, the discovery of the Citadel by the Asari, First Contact War with humans and turians, Geth & Quarians when they were together before blowing everything up.

So many possibilities to keep them busy for years.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Thanking you!
I hope the DLC characters are better integrated than me2.

Havent beated the game yet, but i had a salarian making a quite funny comment about him in a mission, since he is a
and he didnt believe him.


How far am I in the game
I just ended the war between the geth and the quarians

Going to scan every system before i proceed further (and do the DLC).
I was trying to hold out on ME3 for a while, but I saw some screens and I realised that I couldn't...

What's the best place to buy from at the moment / best priced place atm?


They have a lot of choices for future Mass Effect games that could happen in the past... Weither its during the Prothean time, Krogan Rebellions, Genophage and the Rachni war, the discovery of the Citadel by the Asari, First Contact War with humans and turians, Geth & Quarians when they were together before blowing everything up.

So many possibilities to keep them busy for years.

Yeah, I'm guessing we'll go back to first contact in the next one.
Okay Gaf, got a pretty vital question. Just finished my perfect ME2 run with 12 saved squad mates, full renegade character except I
blew up the reaper base at the end

Firing up my ME3 copy, is it foolish for me to go against all the bad choices I made in ME2 if I choose Paragon in ME3? I basically made all renegade choices except for the very last decision, is there a point of me pursuing paragon or am I smarter to go renegade again despite my change of heart at the end of ME2?

Got my game paused so any reply would be much appreciated.


About 13 hours in now and just got done with the
Tuchanka side missions, the Primarch's son went out like a boss.
Really loving this. I also enjoyed the
ME 1 combat music playing in those missions.
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