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Media Create Sales: 10 - 16 July

That's f'd up, Nintendo! How you gonna release a pink DS lite right after Loco Roco??? Man, cut the PSP some slack. Give it some breathing room, sh**!


if they released a pink DS lite in the US i would without a doubt purchase one for the G/F. they need to bring that over seas!


I'm curious if the pink DS production started with the production upgrade (from 1.5 to 2.2m).

If it did and Nintendo will allocate the same % to Japan as it did before AND the demand will stay we will see 220.000 a week instead of the standard 150.000 from now on.


I don't have time to frequent these boards much, but what happened to the sales archive, it hasn't been updated in a LONG time.


Stopsign said:
Really, the week that I'm waiting for is the week that Tamagotchi 2 and Mushiking 2 come out. If those two games sell well, it will probably set a trend for the rest of the year for DS 3rd Parties. I'm expecting both to be 100-125,000. I also believe Mario Hoops comes out. So I think it will continue, with about the same sales as the this week.

Those should at the very least ease the third party arguments against the DS.


Is there a Power Pro baseball coming from Konami for the DS in a couple of weeks? I want to see how that goes I might import it.


cvxfreak said:
Those should at the very least ease the third party arguments against the DS.

Not unless they break 300k!

Seriously, who set up that arbitrary threshold for 3rd party success? Tabris?
koam said:
It's funny because at the beginning of the year, i remember nintendo saying something to the extent of them expecting the DS to sell 6 million units in all of japan by end of year. People laughed cause that would mean the DS would have to sell over 80000K+ or so per week to make that. It looks like they will far surpass that number now.

Actually, someone from Nintendo (I think it was Iwata) said that he expects the DS to have sold (it sounded like sold through afair) 10m 'not too late in the year'. And to be honest I was one of the people that thought that that's absolutely over optimistic if 'not too late in the year' meant sth. like ~September or October. Well, Nintendo obviously knew about their success :D


I don't know I'm a little concerned about Tamagotchi and Mushiking... It doesn't seem to be a great hype around these ones, also with Mario Hoops. Hope I'm wrong though.

Maybe Tamagotchi wont reach a million this time, and Mushiking will slow down earliear than expected. But on the contrary, I expect FF III to be big


Wii should make the MC threads interesting.

But come on, Mario is still making over 100k a week. How badass is that? :D:D:D
Juice said:
Not unless they break 300k!

Seriously, who set up that arbitrary threshold for 3rd party success? Tabris?

Mushikings did Over 600,000 on GBA yet less than 200,000 for the DS
Tamagotchi did 1 million on the DS,

Doing 100 - 125,000 is crap, and that's one of the few things I can agree with Mono on. I've been bothering LInk to the Past and Donny with it for about 2 weeks now, but 300k is what 3rd party games should be shooting for, not some crap-*** less than 200k.

Less than 100k is horrible, that's like being a loser in gaming. Until that trend starts breaking, 3rd party titles won't be considered well off in Japan (profit yes, but not for bragging rights). Then again they wouldn't be well off on either handheld, just less not-well-off on the DS

Very good sales for the DS though. Nintendo truly is God's company. Love those ANimal Crossing and Mario sales as well.
LanceStern said:
Mushikings did Over 600,000 on GBA yet less than 200,000 for the DS.
The DS Mushiking was a port of the GBA game.

Otherwise I agree with you. Although, some types of games wil simply have a near-impossible time selling >200k because they're limited by their genre, market, subject matter, fanbase, etc.
LanceStern said:
Mushikings did Over 600,000 on GBA yet less than 200,000 for the DS
Tamagotchi did 1 million on the DS,

Doing 100 - 125,000 is crap, and that's one of the few things I can agree with Mono on. I've been bothering LInk to the Past and Donny with it for about 2 weeks now, but 300k is what 3rd party games should be shooting for, not some crap-*** less than 200k.

Less than 100k is horrible, that's like being a loser in gaming. Until that trend starts breaking, 3rd party titles won't be considered well off in Japan (profit yes, but not for bragging rights). Then again they wouldn't be well off on either handheld, just less not-well-off on the DS

Very good sales for the DS though. Nintendo truly is God's company. Love those ANimal Crossing and Mario sales as well.
What the hell did I just read? As with any market the volume of sales is driven by many factors. Thus it's pointless to judge one game's sales against another just by numbers. A game can be made on a small budget and sell 100,000 copies delivering a large profit to the company. equally a 300,000 selling game can be judged a financial failure if it has been made with a large budget. You have to look at every game in context and on it's own merits.


God, these threads are starting to get on my nerves. I hate when people who really don't follow the numbers or know what the hell's going on just start saying things that make no sense. Rargh.
I'm not very sure but...first day...

PS2 Battle Stadium D.O.N - 180.000
GCN Battle Stadium D.O.N - 60.000? (better digestibility)

PSP Bleach 3 - (best of the series) (beats locoroco largely)
What the hell did I just read? As with any market the volume of sales is driven by many factors. Thus it's pointless to judge one game's sales against another just by numbers. A game can be made on a small budget and sell 100,000 copies delivering a large profit to the company. equally a 300,000 selling game can be judged a financial failure if it has been made with a large budget. You have to look at every game in context and on it's own merits.

Games like Lost Magic selling 31,000 in the US impressed me
Crap budget games like Digimon Story selling 81,000 in Japan impressed me.

But games like Children of Mana selling less than 150k EVEN WHEN LAUNCHED WITH THE OUTSTANDINGLY NEW AND PHENOMENON-INDUCING DSLITE is CRAP. So much work put in, so little return, it's still less than 300k

And so what if Mushikings was a port? It was still sold on the more popular DS. Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon on DS sold more, not a port but still a GBA game.

They gotta get past this crappy less than 200k benchmark. It's ugly, it's small, it's good for low-budget, un-advertised, unhyped titles... but for the big guns, selling less than 300k just won't cut it.

Final Fantasy III will be a good judge. Most posters seem to think it's going to set Japan on fire with blazing sales, but look at that same hype for Children of Mana, Megaman etc. Most people will call it la bomba just because they set ridiculously high expectations for it. . Mark my topic, which I have to find and rebump.
Soul4ger said:
God, these threads are starting to get on my nerves. I hate when people who really don't follow the numbers or know what the hell's going on just start saying things that make no sense. Rargh.

Who.... pray-tell, are you talking about?

I just hope you're not talking about me, the getting-on-nerves part I can look past and correct even, but if you're talking about me and saying I don't follow numbers or know what the hell's going on, then we've got a problem...
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I'm not very sure but...first day...

PS2 Battle Stadium D.O.N - 180.000
GCN Battle Stadium D.O.N - 60.000? (better digestibility)

PSP Bleach 3 - (best of the series) (beats locoroco largely)
I can see D.O.N. doing those numbers. It'll probably be >400k PS2 and >200k GCN lifetime.

Bleach HtS3's should be interesting if it did more than Loco Roco. I've never seen a Bleach game sell much higher than 100k (Bleach DS and HtS1; I haven't seen Bleach HtS2's figures), but this one looks like it should crack it easily and then some.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I feel the need to point something out. Please don't shoot the messenger.

But the games that have "typically" sold buttloads on the DS are non-games. Nintendogs, Brain Training, Animal Crossing, Tamagotchi, etc. Even "traditional games" by nintendo, outside of NSMB, have sold merely "ok" by comparison as well. Arguing the 3rd party DS sales to the 3rd party PSP sales is kind of apples to oranges. People who are buying the PSP are typically and intentionally buying a portable PlayStation. People who are buying a DSL are typically (and intentionally) buying a system that is "not like every other video game system". My point is this: When you go and buy a 350Z, are you more than likely interested in zipping around and generally driving it a little hard or driving it like a '79 Pinto? Conversely, when you buy a Kia Rio, are you interested in fuel economy and price or are you interested in how fast you ar egoing light to light? The majority of people who are buying the DS don't typically care about traditional type games, and the people buying the PSP typically DO care more for traditional type games than non-games. About the only thing you can deduce from these charts is that more people who are buying handheld systems are interested in new "non-games" style of gaming that people who are interested in regular gaming.

Now I'm not saying anything good or bad about this. It is what it is, and only the biggest apologist could say otherwise. All I am saying is that claiming 3rd party games sell better on the PSP than they do on the DS is completely irrelevant when the PSP 3rd parties are typically releasing what the majority of its users want, and conversely the DS 3rd parties are typically releasing games the majority of DS users couldn't care less about.

If you saw a 3rd party non-game released on the DS to the same overall high-quality of Brain Training or Nintendogs, I guarantee you would see massive sales on that also.

Edit - again I'm not saying one approach is better over the other, just stating the way things are. there certainly isn't a dearth of quality traditional games on the DS, just that the majority of the people buying a DS aren't interested in these traditional-like games, hence the low sales ratios.


Junior Member
LanceStern said:
Doing 100 - 125,000 is crap, and that's one of the few things I can agree with Mono on. I've been bothering LInk to the Past and Donny with it for about 2 weeks now, but 300k is what 3rd party games should be shooting for, not some crap-*** less than 200k.

Well, seeing as last year only 18 3rd party games were released that managed 300K+ across all platforms I guess you'd have to say that the entire Japanese 3rd party publishing world is a failure. But hey, what with the consistent declines in the industry since the tail end of the 90s that is hardly a surprise is it? Blame the DS if you want, but really it is publishers own fault that sales are so poor.

LanceStern said:
But games like Children of Mana selling less than 150k EVEN WHEN LAUNCHED WITH THE OUTSTANDINGLY NEW AND PHENOMENON-INDUCING DSLITE is CRAP. So much work put in, so little return, it's still less than 300k

They gotta get past this crappy less than 200k benchmark. It's ugly, it's small, it's good for low-budget, un-advertised, unhyped titles... but for the big guns, selling less than 300k just won't cut it.

You don't get it at all. Every single DS game that's been released so far is a budget release when compared to stuff you'd find on the ps2, and even moreso when compared to what will be hitting the ps3. You're arbritary sales measures don't change a thing with regards to that.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Too bad this won't be sold in stores.

The Pokemon Daisuki Fan Club, the official Pokemon fan club designed and run by the Pokemon Company, has announced a special summer capaign which will see 150 members walk away with a limited edition DS Lite. The DS Lite up for offer is a Crystal White unit with four Pikachu faces painted on its top, and is called the "DS Lite Pikachu Daisuki! Version" (I Love Pikachu Version). A picture can be seen at Japanese site Impress Watch.

Sadly, as this product won't be sold in stores, we're going to have to wait to find out how many people would line up for a Pokemon themed DS Lite.


On a slightly related note,
Nintendo will be releasing a special bundle to coincide with the 9/21 Japanese release of World Soccer Winning Eleven DS. The copmany will bundle the game and a specially crafted Jet Black DS Lite unit in one for a price of 19,800 yen (excluding tax). This will follow the 9/2 Japanese release of the standard Jet Black DS Lite.

Like the Pikachu DS Lite unit, the system included with Winning Eleven will have a special graphic printed on the top. Konami has yet to give a hint as to what's been chosen to represent the game, but we'll be sure and let you know once we've seen something.
LanceStern said:
And so what if Mushikings was a port? It was still sold on the more popular DS. Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon on DS sold more, not a port but still a GBA game.

Yeah, uh, except for the part where that's a completely different situation. When both are released at the same time, there's not much reason for people not to choose the DS version when they buy the game. With Mushiking, it's likely that most of the target audience already owned it in a form that was already playable on a DS. A new game's numbers could be much bigger.

Final Fantasy III will be a good judge. Most posters seem to think it's going to set Japan on fire with blazing sales, but look at that same hype for Children of Mana, Megaman etc. Most people will call it la bomba just because they set ridiculously high expectations for it. . Mark my topic, which I have to find and rebump.

I think there's just a little more evidence that people want to buy Final Fantasy III than that they wanted to buy Megaman ZX. Just a little.


borghe said:
But the games that have "typically" sold buttloads on the DS are non-games. Nintendogs, Brain Training, Animal Crossing, Tamagotchi, etc. Even "traditional games" by nintendo, outside of NSMB, have sold merely "ok" by comparison as well. [...] The majority of people who are buying the DS don't typically care about traditional type games
You're setting up a false dichotomy here. For all we know, every last person who bought Mario Kart, New Super Mario Bros., etc. is interested in the non-traditional stuff in addition to the standard games, in which case making a statement about what the majority of DS owners care about may not apply.
heidern said:
You don't get it at all. Every single DS game that's been released so far is a budget release when compared to stuff you'd find on the ps2, and even moreso when compared to what will be hitting the ps3. You're arbritary sales measures don't change a thing with regards to that.

Wait... what?
Chris Michael said:
Wait... what?
As long as an arbitrary number is being chosen for "success", it doesn't make sense for it to be the same regardless of platform. A DS games that sells 300K has probably done a lot better for the publisher than a PS2 or PS3 game that sells 300K.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Jiggy37 said:
You're setting up a false dichotomy here. For all we know, every last person who bought Mario Kart, New Super Mario Bros., etc. is interested in the non-traditional stuff in addition to the standard games, in which case making a statement about what the majority of DS owners care about may not apply.
IIRC Mario Kart has sold well less than half of the biggest brain training and aniaml crossing titles. so, even assuming cross polination (but we know there are many people on gaf alone as well as other places where the two are exlcusive), if everyone who picked up mario kart also picked up brain training, there are still more who picked up mario kart and NOT brain training taking the remainder.

there is no other real way to slice it. non-games (for lack of a better term) are way more popular than every other "genre" on the ds (save NSMB). third parties inability to captialize on the DS success falls sqaurely on their inability to capture what the majority of the DS market wants. there is simply no other explanation for the ds software landscape. like I've pointed out, even first party titles outside of NSMB (and MKDS) have performed merel "ok" compared to the non-games.

I'm telling you, if capcom released the spiritual successor (in quality and content) to nintendogs for the DS, capcom would see their first DS million seller. it's as simple as that.

now what I'm saying is exactly what most gaffers don't want to hear. down with non-games and all that.. but what we are in fact seeing is the EXACT REASON I predict the Wii will end up being "number one" this coming cycle. there are more people out there who don't want to play GTA/FF/MGS/Castlevania/Tekken/etc than do. And nintendo has figured out how to slice directly into that market and literally cut out their own piece as much as they see fit. Kudos to them.... they solved the question that Sony first discovered with the original PlayStation.


borghe said:
there is no other real way to slice it. non-games (for lack of a better term) are way more popular than every other "genre" on the ds (save NSMB). third parties inability to captialize on the DS success falls sqaurely on their inability to capture what the majority of the DS market wants. there is simply no other explanation for the ds software landscape. like I've pointed out, even first party titles outside of NSMB (and MKDS) have performed merel "ok" compared to the non-games.

I'm telling you, if capcom released the spiritual successor (in quality and content) to nintendogs for the DS, capcom would see their first DS million seller. it's as simple as that.

See this is exactly right! That's why Tamagochi was so successful as it's in the same vein as those other games. This is also why the majority of 3rd party games won't do well. It's because the majority of DS owners purchase certain type of games. This is a fact you can't deny, Nintendo products sell much better and the best selling third party games are one's that emulate popular Nintendo series (Tamagochi is similar to Nintendogs).

Watch Final Fantasy 3. Some people are expecting millions. It will have a very hard struggle to even make it near 500k and if it does reach that, it definitely won't ever top 750k. And that is considered the pinnacle of potential third party sales. Tamagochi 2 will outsell FF3.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
That's wrong. 3rd parties have tried to recreate the success Nintendo's recent games like Brain Training and Nintendogs, but at best these games are selling 50K-90K LTD like many other third party games. The fact that Tamagochi is successful has nothing to do with Nintendogs since the game is radically different, you don't take care of a pet in that game.


Dragona Akehi said:
Tabris, I thought you'd learned already. Apparently not.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I can't help it though :) I picked up VP today though, at least we have a shared love for VP in common.

and regarding Tamagochi? it's a shop simulator? huh?

I remember Tamagochi from like 8 years ago or whatever where it was that little black and white tigers electronic like game where you raised an animal.
Tabris said:
Yeah, yeah, I know. I can't help it though :)

and regarding Tamagochi? it's a shop simulator? huh?

It's kinda like a weird mix of Wario Wareish minigames and stuff.

It's an actual LEGITIMATE GAME.





He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Tabris said:
Yeah, yeah, I know. I can't help it though :) I picked up VP today though, at least we have a shared love for VP in common.

and regarding Tamagochi? it's a shop simulator? huh?

I remember Tamagochi from like 8 years ago or whatever where it was that little black and white tigers electronic like game where you raised an animal.
But the DS game by NanaOn-Sha is a shop game. You run various shops doing things for costumers.
borghe said:
IIRC Mario Kart has sold well less than half of the biggest brain training and aniaml crossing titles. so, even assuming cross polination (but we know there are many people on gaf alone as well as other places where the two are exlcusive), if everyone who picked up mario kart also picked up brain training, there are still more who picked up mario kart and NOT brain training taking the remainder.

there is no other real way to slice it. non-games (for lack of a better term) are way more popular than every other "genre" on the ds (save NSMB). third parties inability to captialize on the DS success falls sqaurely on their inability to capture what the majority of the DS market wants. there is simply no other explanation for the ds software landscape. like I've pointed out, even first party titles outside of NSMB (and MKDS) have performed merel "ok" compared to the non-games.

I'm telling you, if capcom released the spiritual successor (in quality and content) to nintendogs for the DS, capcom would see their first DS million seller. it's as simple as that.

now what I'm saying is exactly what most gaffers don't want to hear. down with non-games and all that.. but what we are in fact seeing is the EXACT REASON I predict the Wii will end up being "number one" this coming cycle. there are more people out there who don't want to play GTA/FF/MGS/Castlevania/Tekken/etc than do. And nintendo has figured out how to slice directly into that market and literally cut out their own piece as much as they see fit. Kudos to them.... they solved the question that Sony first discovered with the original PlayStation.


Sony practically hijacked Sega's audience of "jock gamers" (the Madden lovers, etc.), while boasting established and popular franchises like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Metal Gear to grab older gamers that Nintendo had cultivated (using those same games, coincidentally). They didn't grab a fresh, new market like Nintendo is doing with the DS.


NintendosBooger said:

Sony practically hijacked Sega's audience of "jock gamers" (the Madden lovers, etc.), while boasting established and popular franchises like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Metal Gear to grab older gamers that Nintendo had cultivated (using those same games, coincidentally). They didn't grab a fresh, new market like Nintendo is doing with the DS.

Sony definitely did get a new market. While Sega's jock gamers are radically different from Sony's Jock gamers. Sony's etched out a market of super casuals. People that have a game system just to occasionally play their friends in sport games on. At least the Sega Jock gamers had other games and actually played video games a decent amount.
ccbfan said:
Sony definitely did get a new market. While Sega's jock gamers are radically different from Sony's Jock gamers. Sony's etched out a market of super casuals. People that have a game system just to occasionally play their friends in sport games on. At least the Sega Jock gamers had other games and actually played video games a decent amount.

People credit Nintendogs and Brain Training, two new franchies, for Nintendo's success with the DS. Those two games practically attracted a new breed of gamers or "non-gamers" as folks here would like to refer to them as. Sony used Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Madden, and Metal Gear, established franchises, to acquire a cluster of pre-existing fanbases. It wasn't a new market.
Tabris you and I almost think alike... Don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Problem is these popular non-games aren't as high quality as the real games, and yet the real games only sell "Ok" compared to them. The Japanese market has to wake up and do something about this, figure out a way to get those non-gamers who are picking up the Brain games to at least try and pick up some of the real games.
NintendosBooger said:
People credit Nintendogs and Brain Training, two new franchies, for Nintendo's success with the DS. Those two games practically attracted a new breed of gamers or "non-gamers" as folks here would like to refer to them as. Sony used Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Madden, and Metal Gear, established franchises, to acquire a cluster of pre-existing fanbases. It wasn't a new market.

I'd give Animal Crossing a little credit as well, seeing as how it's sold more than those 2 in Japan by a nice amount.
LanceStern said:
Tabris you and I almost think alike... Don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Problem is these popular non-games aren't as high quality as the real games, and yet the real games only sell "Ok" compared to them. The Japanese market has to wake up and do something about this, figure out a way to get those non-gamers who are picking up the Brain games to at least try and pick up some of the real games.

You mean developers need to wake the Japanese market up. They need to make games that will do that. Unfortunately, only one has been able to successfully do it recently.
Dragona Akehi said:
It's kinda like a weird mix of Wario Wareish minigames and stuff.

It's an actual LEGITIMATE GAME.



IIRC, it also lets you wirelessly unlock stuff in Tamagotchi V3s. This explains a lot of why it's selling >1 million.


LanceStern said:
Tabris you and I almost think alike... Don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Problem is these popular non-games aren't as high quality as the real games, and yet the real games only sell "Ok" compared to them. The Japanese market has to wake up and do something about this, figure out a way to get those non-gamers who are picking up the Brain games to at least try and pick up some of the real games.
This is complete and utter opinion. You see them as low quality. you think the market has to wake up.

It would seem that you are in the minority, and 3rd-party game developers better figure out the DS's market, instead of releasing MegaMan 500.

Nintendo got over 2million to buy NSMB, 1.5million to buy Mario-Kart, unless of course your saying that whoever buys those games, didnt buy Brain Training, Animal Crossing e.t.c., or even vice-versa

The best way to get someone into gaming is to first give them something they want, and then see if they buy other games, and it would seem that nintendo proved that at least some of the new gamers who purchased the DS just for the "non games, have alos purchased NSMB. How else to explain the dramtic rise in this games sales, compared to other Mario games? Just becuase its new?

To call for the market to wake up, is just a tad pre-mature, as I see this experiment of getting new players into the field as something that may take an entire generation, or even onger to culitvate.


Nintendo got over 2million to buy NSMB, 1.5million to buy Mario-Kart, unless of course your saying that whoever buys those games, didnt buy Brain Training, Animal Crossing e.t.c., or even vice-versa

Those Mario games (Main Mario game or Kart games) have sold that well on all Nintendo platforms except for Gamecube. So there's nothing original there.

Every Nintendo console will have a Mario game, a Pokemon game and a Zelda game.

Both the Mario and Pokemon game will sell 3 million+. The Zelda game will sell 1 million+. It's the games outside this formula is which we're talking about.
Tabris said:
Both the Mario and Pokemon game will sell 3 million+. The Zelda game will sell 1 million+. It's the games outside this formula is which we're talking about.
Like the 1 million+ selling GBA Zelda and the 3 million+ selling GBA Marios?
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