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Media Create Sales: Week 50, 2011 (Dec 12 - Dec 18)


I think AC 3ds will be different and will sell very well, better than CF, but AC can never change enough to meet fan demands. In the end you're still planting and picking stuff and doing lots of collecting and after dozens of hours of doing so from one AC to the next its seems like people just burn out on the core gameplay which isn't going to change.
Its like Harvest Moon in that sense. The reason it sells to people and continues to sell is because the core gameplay doesn't change.


Its like Harvest Moon in that sense. The reason it sells to people and continues to sell is because the core gameplay doesn't change.

True but then you get a very avid minority that wants it to change because theoretically they love AC but in practice they no longer want to play "the same game" anymore. Or something like that.
I see Animal Crossing as a pure handheld experience, since you must take care of on a daily basis and it has a heavy social aspect, hardly replicable on a home console. That's why I think Animal Crossing on 3DS will do far better than City Folk, even if not as good as Wild World.


If Nintendo just releases a cheap update again, I hope it falls flat on its face. Here's to hoping that they learnt their lesson from the Wii version.

i think the problem with city folk was that it was too different from wild world. stuff like talking to people was weird and a radical departure from the norm.


Today was the peak of holidays.

According to many retailers 3DS>>everything else
Everything back to stock for Vita except for 32GB memory cards
PSP was purchased from many kids as a holiday gift
Just Dance could face supply problems due to high demand
At long last. OK, the retailers have not said if the 3DS sales pace was shattering everything in the past seasons so it may not reach 600k :-( 450k-500k would still be damn damn good.

Just Dance at 90k-ish would be epic. Maybe Nintendo could try to re-launch the guitar genre and see what results they can pull.
No other mention, such as Vita software, MH3G or anything else ?


Just Dance at 90k-ish would be epic. Maybe Nintendo could try to re-launch the guitar genre and see what results they can pull.

I think one of the big advantages of the dance game is that it doesn't require more than the controller you already have, no big plastic accessories. I don't think the Guitar genre will be back anytime soon...


I think one of the big advantages of the dance game is that it doesn't require more than the controller you already have, no big plastic accessories. I don't think the Guitar genre will be back anytime soon...

Not to mention local songs.
I think AC 3ds will be different and will sell very well, better than CF, but AC can never change enough to meet fan demands. In the end you're still planting and picking stuff and doing lots of collecting and after dozens of hours of doing so from one AC to the next its seems like people just burn out on the core gameplay which isn't going to change.

How can we really know that when there haven't actually been any efforts to mix things up with Animal Crossing?

I mean, yes, the core gameplay elements will always be the same, but I don't see any inherent reason why every iteration of Animal Crossing needs to have the exact same N64 aesthetic, the exact same town, the exact same neighbor animals, the exact same Tom Nook extortion racket, the exact same fruits you can grow, etc. There's a lot of room to play around within the vague bounds of the Animal Crossing formula and I think if this entry fails to excite it would at least be worth considering shaking up the routine.
How can we really know that when there haven't actually been any efforts to mix things up with Animal Crossing?

I mean, yes, the core gameplay elements will always be the same, but I don't see any inherent reason why every iteration of Animal Crossing needs to have the exact same N64 aesthetic, the exact same town, the exact same neighbor animals, the exact same Tom Nook extortion racket, the exact same fruits you can grow, etc. There's a lot of room to play around within the vague bounds of the Animal Crossing formula and I think if this entry fails to excite it would at least be worth considering shaking up the routine.

These two are gone from the 3DS game...


Its like Harvest Moon in that sense. The reason it sells to people and continues to sell is because the core gameplay doesn't change.

I don't think that comparing a multi-million franchise with a series that sells to a rather dedicated fanbase of 100-150k people works. A good-selling Harvest Moon still sells considerably worse than AC -- if Animal Crossing would fall down to Harvest Moon levels it would be a catastrophe for Nintendo.

I think it's also worth noting that Harvest Moon DS sold very well in Europe (it even made the top chart spot in some countries iirc) but the following releases bombed nevertheless in comparison. Selling a game that doesn't change might not be that good for great success after all!


ac is a pretty lazy series (and boy do i love it) but city folk was just inexcusable. 3ds seems to be a much bigger improvement... relatively. heheh.
I think if you accumulate all of the advancements of the Animal Crossing series since the original on the N64, you might have enough for a proper sequel. Will I still buy the 3DS game? Probably. I did skip the Wii game though, after putting hundreds of hours into the Wild World.


I think if you accumulate all of the advancements of the Animal Crossing series since the original on the N64, you might have enough for a proper sequel.

You don't, because the most awesome part of the game (the friggin NES games) was actually taken away :(


And DQ, and MH, and RE and probably KH by now and maybe FF in the near future... lol.

I never liked Dragon Quest, or Monster Hunter, though I at least appreciated the latter. Depending on the entry, I do find RE, and FF enjoyable. I think KH's a pretty swell franchise if you just skip through all the story non-sense.


How can we really know that when there haven't actually been any efforts to mix things up with Animal Crossing?

I mean, yes, the core gameplay elements will always be the same, but I don't see any inherent reason why every iteration of Animal Crossing needs to have the exact same N64 aesthetic, the exact same town, the exact same neighbor animals, the exact same Tom Nook extortion racket, the exact same fruits you can grow, etc. There's a lot of room to play around within the vague bounds of the Animal Crossing formula and I think if this entry fails to excite it would at least be worth considering shaking up the routine.

How can we really know what exactly?

We know it has a new graphical style including new character models and environments, the ability to become the town mayor, a few new gameplay features like swimming, and a new town layout that looks like in reincorporates the island, a larger beach, and moves the mall into the town layout. There's also a streetpass feature that swaps houses with other AC 3ds players and Tom Nook has a new role.

I didn't make any argument for an "inherent reason" why every iteration of AC needs to have the same elements, gameplay, etc. What I'm saying is that the core gameplay will be the same based on what I've seen from the trailers but Nintendo will dress it differently and add some 3ds specific features.
How can we really know what exactly?

How can we know how well a drastically changed Animal Crossing will performwhen there's never been one.

Having gone to look up some more details on AC 3DS, I'm pleased that there seem to be some significant new features, but I disagree that there's any real meaningful change in the visual style.


paid requisite penance
How can we know how well a drastically changed Animal Crossing will performwhen there's never been one.

Having gone to look up some more details on AC 3DS, I'm pleased that there seem to be some significant new features, but I disagree that there's any real meaningful change in the visual style.

Do you think it's (potentially) crucial that AC 3DS have a new artstyle? An evolution of that artstyle brought forth both by technology and just plain new content, sure, but what's wrong with the basic visual style of the game?


needs 2 extra inches
Where can I find a comprehensive video of AC? I skipped the past two games, and I'm still extremely wary, but suddenly I'm curious to see what changed in the last decade.

I think what Stimp is trying to say is Medabots and DB games suck.
Since the topic has died down; I:d like to hear people:s thoughts on how they think tales of innocence will do(espically compared to tales of abyss remake);

- estimates on its sales
Is it a ps brand?
- if it does worse compared to tales of abyss how does that effect judgement of psp vita etc?
Do you think it's (potentially) crucial that AC 3DS have a new artstyle?

No, but it's one of those things that adds up. If you look at some of Nintendo's other major properties -- Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. -- they've tended to see quite a bit of visual differentiation between entries, in a way that keeps the games visually related but still stamps out a unique identity for each entry. With Animal Crossing you look at screens from literally any entry in the series and they all look superficially the same, to the point where you'd need to actively dig around in bullet-point feature lists to tell what the differences are between the game. Even the Harvest Moon games have started designing new townsfolk, switching around visual styles and motifs, and branching off into variants (like Rune Factory) at this point.

I mean, it's entirely possible that AC will be a huge hit and "the exact same game, but with a decent number of real feature improvements" will actually have been the right thing to put out. But if it isn't, I don't think suggesting "hey, maybe this game shouldn't cultivate the image of being exactly the same game repackaged over and over" would be crazy.


Since the topic has died down; I:d like to hear people:s thoughts on how they think tales of innocence will do(espically compared to tales of abyss remake);

- estimates on its sales
Is it a ps brand?
- if it does worse compared to tales of abyss how does that effect judgement of psp vita etc?
Abyss on the 3DS was a port, not a remake. Innocence R is a "remake" that I'm not sure would look good even on a PSP. I personally would be very surprised if it manages to outsell the original on DS. Effort wise I want it to bomb. =P 3DS got the better deal by receiving a port of a good game instead a questionable "remake" of a questionable game. It shouldn't affect the judgment of Vita, but if the lack of game announcements stays the current way it may still do that.
if they're so good where are the english releases????????

edit: holy shit the true stumps avatar is back
in a situation like this, I am always against the dilemma of whether to sign our or get the settings to show avatars, so hard

edit: lol, it's the dog

Abyss on the 3DS was a port, not a remake. Innocence R is a "remake" that I'm not sure would look good even on a PSP. I personally would be very surprised if it manages to outsell the original on DS. Effort wise I want it to bomb. =P 3DS got the better deal by receiving a port of a good game instead a questionable "remake" of a questionable game. It shouldn't affect the judgment of Vita, but if the lack of game announcements stays the current way it may still do that.
I don't if the game is actually good or not, but it looks considerably worse than even ToA; Scamco.

edit: wait a sec, how does it come that he has a gif avatar? Yo!!!!!!!! It's not fair :( Time to turn off the avatars and enjoy the communist life.
Since the topic has died down; I:d like to hear people:s thoughts on how they think tales of innocence will do(espically compared to tales of abyss remake);

- estimates on its sales
Is it a ps brand?
- if it does worse compared to tales of abyss how does that effect judgement of psp vita etc?

Abyss on 3DS sold barely above 100k units, while Innocence on DS did approximately 250k, plus 15k with the Best Price version. I can see its lazy remake on Vita selling in between the two results, so probably around 150k, just because Tales fanbase is very faithful on Sony platforms, and it is not a straight porting.


How can we know how well a drastically changed Animal Crossing will performwhen there's never been one.

Having gone to look up some more details on AC 3DS, I'm pleased that there seem to be some significant new features, but I disagree that there's any real meaningful change in the visual style.

Well that depends on your definition of drastic. I don't think AC 3ds will have drastic changes but it looks to have the most changes to AC since the original. The visual style has been changed to emphasize height and to give the game a more modern look. I don't know what meaningful means in relation to graphics but it is undeniably the biggest graphical change the series has seen.
Abyss on 3DS sold barely above 100k units, while Innocence on DS did approximately 250k, plus 15k with the Best Price version. I can see its lazy remake on Vita selling in between the two results, so probably around 150k, just because Tales fanbase is very faithful on Sony platforms, and it is not a straight porting.
150K will correspond to a very high attach rate, probably around 15%. (That is, if Vita manages to sell 1m by end of January.)


Since the topic has died down; I:d like to hear people:s thoughts on how they think tales of innocence will do(espically compared to tales of abyss remake);

- estimates on its sales
Is it a ps brand?
- if it does worse compared to tales of abyss how does that effect judgement of psp vita etc?

Full-blown remake of one of the worse Tales games vs a lazy port of one of the better ones. I think they will sell roughly the same.
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