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Metal Gear Online 3 |OT| The Missing Link

I (as someone who has only played Enforcer so far) had been feeling that the Infiltrator nerf was a bit much, however last night I'm beginning to think it was fine. Though I still mow down more Infilitrators than those who get me, I forgot that Infilitrator was meant to be a more difficult class for more advanced players. Last night I kept running into a trio of Infiltrators who were absolute monsters on the field, basically each individual being able to carry their whole team alone. Many times I had racked up a +8 or something and was looking to win when one managed to sneak up behind me, knock me out, then fulton me and win the game for his team. As more figure out how to succeed I think they'll be just as potent as before.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Last night i ranked mad points by marking. I friggin' love just marking :3

Also i saw enforcers in play, which means that the patch did change things up.


Shit, all those updates look amazing. I've only really played MGO a couple of times, but this is a good incentive to jump back in.

Haven't loaded up MGSV in a few weeks and I'm feeling withdrawal.


I (as someone who has only played Enforcer so far) had been feeling that the Infiltrator nerf was a bit much, however last night I'm beginning to think it was fine. Though I still mow down more Infilitrators than those who get me, I forgot that Infilitrator was meant to be a more difficult class for more advanced players. Last night I kept running into a trio of Infiltrators who were absolute monsters on the field, basically each individual being able to carry their whole team alone. Many times I had racked up a +8 or something and was looking to win when one managed to sneak up behind me, knock me out, then fulton me and win the game for his team. As more figure out how to succeed I think they'll be just as potent as before.

I love playing as infiltrator. I'm noticing more of them being cautious but since the beginning I played infiltrator like in mgo2. Using the cqc skills and not relying on the cloak. I am noticing more enforcers though damn shield lol
So this game is practically dead on PS4. Last night, I searched for custom matches using "Any" in all fields, and I only found 5 matches total.
Between the nonsense host disconnects and level rubberbanding I feel like Konami owes everyone a month's worth of XP boost. Just tonight my level bounced back twice after a match's completion.


Played some MGO yesterday. Only did bounty hunter, but it felt basic to me. What's with the 5 minute rounds? Where's the humor? The smut mags and other trolling options? MGO2 was epic.

Hope I just scratched the surface.


This fucking patch, I'm ok with most except the two grabs for stun.
How the fuck are you supposed to stun and fulton now?
Getting tossed to the ground is actually good because the attacker cant grab you and kicking is fucking useless.

Fuck this shit.

Also fuck.
This fucking patch, I'm ok with most except the two grabs for stun.
How the fuck are you supposed to stun and fulton now?
Getting tossed to the ground is actually good because the attacker cant grab you and kicking is fucking useless.

Fuck this shit.

Also fuck.

You can still choke them out instead of throwing them down. I just started playing infiltrator on Sunday and my go-to has been grab>interrogate>choke>Fulton. If there's other enemy around them I just slam them into the ground and follow it up with a few SMG rounds in their head before running away like a coward.
I'm only level 12 but currently I manage to choke people out 3-4 times a match, and Fulton at least 2 of them. I mostly hunt for snipers to choke out since they seem to be least observant of their local surroundings.
This fucking patch, I'm ok with most except the two grabs for stun.
How the fuck are you supposed to stun and fulton now?
Getting tossed to the ground is actually good because the attacker cant grab you and kicking is fucking useless.

Fuck this shit.

Also fuck.
That's probably the best part of the patch. Throw was way too OP. What's the point of choking if you can just quickly throw?
If you wanna stun with a throw then follow up with the stun shotgun.


But the stun shotgun is also two shots for stun even at point blank, the whole non lethal approach is shit when coupled with lag (granted lag has been consistently bad).

The risk/reward for playing (non-lethal-ish loadouts) infiltrator is just no bueno, until you reach fulton cannons, fulton 3.
Throws make noise and reveal your position on the mini map, while choking doesn't.

Throw is so quick that noise doesn't even seem to matter. I can run in, throw a guy to the ground, shoot several rounds into them, then skedaddle before their allies really notice. It would just be unfair if I could quickly fulton them, because then their team has to decide between targeting me or the balloon. At least this way I'm for sure their target, since they're not distracted by me fultoning a +7 guy.
So I played a few matches today after a long break (SW:Battlefront and BO3 came out) and it's pretty much dead right ?

And then there's a bunch of cheaters who glitch under the map and murder everyone.



So I played a few matches today after a long break (SW:Battlefront and BO3 came out) and it's pretty much dead right ?

And then there's a bunch of cheaters who glitch under the map and murder everyone.


It's not dead. I find full matches all the time and in seconds in automatch.

That's the black site glitch. It's fairly common.


So I played a few matches today after a long break (SW:Battlefront and BO3 came out) and it's pretty much dead right ?

And then there's a bunch of cheaters who glitch under the map and murder everyone.


Hm, if it's dead and full of cheaters, it might be time to delete mgsv from my hard drive. I haven't really played mgo much, and it sounds like there won't be much reason to start.


Purple Drazi
I'm considering renting MGSV for a couple of weeks to get some MGO3 time in since I played the main game at a friend's house and didn't like it enough to purchase it myself. I did like the core gameplay a lot and I'm a vet of the first two MGOs. So... yeah.

How's the population on PS4? I'm seeing complaints that it's dead but then others are saying that was just a glitch. Is the truth somewhere in-between, or is it genuinely healthy?
I'm considering renting MGSV for a couple of weeks to get some MGO3 time in since I played the main game at a friend's house and didn't like it enough to purchase it myself. I did like the core gameplay a lot and I'm a vet of the first two MGOs. So... yeah.

How's the population on PS4? I'm seeing complaints that it's dead but then others are saying that was just a glitch. Is the truth somewhere in-between, or is it genuinely healthy?

PS4 has the healthiest population from what I've been reading on different MGO forums/sites.

It did certainly dip when Fallout 4 came out (myself included), but I haven't had any trouble finding matches as of late and there are many 'custom' matches going at peak times. If you are just renting it I say go for it and try it out.

However, shatter any expectations of MGO 2. It is not MGO 2 and if you want MGO 2, you will not find it. While it is understandable to compare, you will set yourself up for disappointment if you do not come to terms that this is a different game and you have to learn it "again".

I enjoy it for what it is but of course, your opinion may vary!


I'm considering renting MGSV for a couple of weeks to get some MGO3 time in since I played the main game at a friend's house and didn't like it enough to purchase it myself. I did like the core gameplay a lot and I'm a vet of the first two MGOs. So... yeah.

How's the population on PS4? I'm seeing complaints that it's dead but then others are saying that was just a glitch. Is the truth somewhere in-between, or is it genuinely healthy?

If you're a vet of MGO1&2, which were the best online shooters ever imo, then MGO3 is a no go!
It's just like a TPS version of CoD or BF, pretty similar.
Decided to boot this up and play a few rounds of MGO again...keep in mind, that I hadn't really kept up with the community...but holy shit, what are these changes? This SUCKS. Moving slower while cloaked...throwing an enemy no longer knocks them unconscious. Might've seemed unbalanced, but it was kinda part of the appeal to me. Total nerf to the stealth class I enjoyed playing as, and pretty much feels like you have to use a gun now.

Fuck this...now my urge to ever play this again is gone.


Decided to boot this up and play a few rounds of MGO again...keep in mind, that I hadn't really kept up with the community...but holy shit, what are these changes? This SUCKS. Moving slower while cloaked...throwing an enemy no longer knocks them unconscious. Might've seemed unbalanced, but it was kinda part of the appeal to me. Total nerf to the stealth class I enjoyed playing as, and pretty much feels like you have to use a gun now.

Fuck this...now my urge to ever play this again is gone.

Why even bother playing if you aren't incredibly OP?

Set your perks if you want your throws to knock people out.

You can fucking sprint+CQC for an instant takedown fulton.
There are actually some really good improvements (except nerfing Infiltrator even more via weapon changes).

Ver.1.02 Update Notes

Please see below for the complete Change Log Version 1.02 which has been applied on 12/17, 2015.

【Bug fixes】
・Fixed an issue in the "BLACK SITE" map where the player could sometimes exit outside the map from the basement.
・Fixed an issue where experience points were not properly distributed for Ascension 3.
・Fixed an issue where players would incorrectly gain experience points when completing an invalid match.
・Fixed an issue where players gained experience points by killing a teammate who is being CQC choked.
・Fixed an issue where experience points were not properly distributed when taking over an enemy controlled Walker gear with multiple players.
・Fixed an issue in "CLOAK AND DAGGER" where players gained Data Disc recovering experience points without actually recovering the Data Disc.
・Fixed an issue where the Avatar customization screen would not respond to controller input.
・Fixed an issue where the System menu would not respond to controller input.
・Fixed an issue with the Party system where players were unable to create a new party right after leaving a party.
・Fixed an issue on the Ranking screen when the player was not included on the list.
・Fixed an issue where players were able to keep the increased weapon slots given by certain abilities, even after removing those particular abilities from their loadout.
・Fixed an issue in the beginning of Round 2 where certain markers from end of Round 1 remained on the Mission Start screen.

【Host Migration】
・A new host will be selected when a host abandons the match, allowing all other players in that match to restart the match with a new host. (PlayStation®3/PlayStation®4/XboxONE)
 * This new option will allow players to join a match and stay on the same team as their party members, because the team split will not occur until enough players join the match.
・All experience points gained through the abandoned match will be given to all players in that match except the host.

【Match settings】
・Added an option to set the minimum player count in "CREATE MATCH".
 *This new option will allow players to set up a match with the desired number of team members before the teams split.
・Added an option to set Host Comment in "CREATE MATCH".
* Players can set up to 3 comments.
・Added an option to enable or disable Walker Gears in "CREATE MATCH".
・Added an option to set the frequency of weather changes in "CREATE MATCH".
 *Players can choose between 3 options; FREQUENT, STANDARD, OFF.
・Added a filter in "SELECT MATCH" to show matches which are full. (PlayStation®3/PlayStation®4/XboxONE)
・Added an option to set RUSH mode ON/OFF in "AUTOMATCH".
・Improved "AUTOMATCH" to prevent the players to play on the same map consecutively.
・Improved matchmaking in AUTOMATCH when choosing the RANDOM option. Players who chose the RANDOM option will now be prioritized into matches together.

【Titles and Medals】
・Added Titles and Medals as new features.
 ※Players will now earn Titles and Medals which are rewarded during scheduled maintenances.
 ※The title a player has earned that required the most effort within the upcoming scheduled maintenance period will be displayed in the in-game scoreboard.
・Added a new TITLE screen and MEDAL screen under [iDROID menu > STATS > PERSONAL].

【User markers】
・Added user markers as a new feature.
 * There are 3 different marker types that can be placed: "Attack," "Defend," and "Enemy."
 * User markers can be placed via the iDROID map or with the binoculars.
 * User markers are shared with your team members, and each team can place up to 3 markers.
* After placing a marker, players must wait 5 seconds before they can place another marker.
・Added a section under [System menu > Options] where you can select the Preset radio line that is automatically played when placing user markers.

【Preset text】
・Added Preset text as a new feature.
 * This feature can be accessed by holding the CALL button and switching the mode to Preset Text.
 * Players have the option to display the text to your teammates by choosing the lines from the TEAM mode, or to display to everyone including enemies by choosing the lines from the ALL mode.
 * Players can flip through the pages and choose the preset texts from total of 4 pages.

【Additional BGM (Soundtrack)】
・The following 9 tracks were added (PlayStation®3/PlayStation®4/XboxONE)

【New scoring criteria】
・The following 2 actions will now reflect on scores.
 * Walker Gear Destruction (This score is rewarded when a player destroys a Walker Gear controlled by an enemy)
 * Amazing Throw (This score is rewarded when hitting an enemy in the head with a throwing weapon)

【Round Result Screen Adjustments】
・Player characters can now be controlled while the Round Result screen is being displayed.
 ※Players cannot cause damage to enemy players during this time.
 ※Damage reactions will still be performed.
 ※Preset radio will broadcast towards all players (Enemy team and teammates).
・Added a feature to close and open the Round Result screen by pressing a button function.

【Ability Adjustments】
・Added reload speed boost for WEAPONS+ Lv.3 ability.
・Removed reload speed boost from LETHAL AIM+ Lv.3 ability and added improved firing stability while moving.
・Removed reload speed boost from NON-LETHAL AIM+ Lv.3 ability and added improved firing stability while moving.
・Added the following features to STEALTH CAMO+ Lv.3 ability.
 ※Disabled the movement speed reduction applied when Stealth Camo is activated.
 ※Extended the time required for an enemy player to mark a player with this ability.
・Shield dash can now be cancelled out by aiming a weapon with SHIELD Lv.3 ability.

【Weapon Adjustments】
・Sped up the draw speed of all handguns except the TORNADO-6.
・Reduced the draw speed of all machine guns and the SERVAL AMR-7.
・Decreased the damage value on S1000, KABARGA-83, and BULLHORN SG.
・Extended the firing interval on S1000, KABARGA-83, and BULLHORN SG.
・Increased the knockback value on S1000, KABARGA-83, RASP TB-SG, M2000-D, and URAGAN-G.
 ※Firing at an enemy with a shotgun in close range will knock the enemy to the ground.
・Decreased the knockback value on BULLHORN SG.
・Decreased the damage range on STUN GRENADE.
・Decreased the flash effect on STUN GRENADE.
 ※The flash effect will only generate if the player is taking stun damage or if the explosion happens on camera.
・Decreased the amount of sway when aiming through a weapon with attachments such as scopes and sights while moving.
・Raised the volume on the FULTON CANNON movement sound effect for easier detection.
・Equipping the C.BOX will now protect players from the effect of FULTON CANNON.
 ※Triggering the FULTON CANNON inside the C.BOX will destroy that box.
・Reduced the effective time on SMOKE GRENADE.

【Mission Adjustments】
・Significantly increased the time required to recover yourself from stunned/tranquilized state as a defender in "CLOAK AND DAGGER".
・If more than half of your team commits suicide or stuns/tranquilizes themselves, the team will automatically lose the match as penalty in CLOAK AND DAGGER.

【Buddy Adjustments】
・Players can no longer respawn at buddy’s location if the buddy is either taking damage or is in an abnormal state.  ※An abnormal state will include stunned and tranquilized state and CQC choked.
・Players can no longer use the E-RB WORMHOLE to warp towards their buddy’s location if the buddy is dead.
・The effect shown during buddy respawn and when using the E-RB WORMHOLE will now display red for enemys and blue for allies.
・Fixed an issue where players were able to cancel their inactive state right after buddy respawn by aiming their weapon or equipping the cardboard box.

・Adjusted so that overall, players can level up easier.
 ※The required amount of XP has been reduced for each level. Some players may experience a sudden increase in their level when the patch (Ver.1.02) is applied.
・The following changes have been made during the Invincible state right after spawning in.
 ※ Invincible to FULTON CANNONS
※ Player will not catch fire.
 ※ Enemy bullets will pass through body without causing damage.
・Slightly decreased the camera shake when a player takes damage in aim mode.
・The exhaustion of stamina from sprinting cannot be canceled out by switching postures.
・Extended the time required to recover from a stunned/tranquilized state.
・Extended the firing interval on the Mortar.
・Adjusted the camera controls on the Mortar.

【Other Adjustments】
・Added the “Game Type to Start” option under the System menu > Options > Controls Settings/Game Settings.
 ※Setting this option to MGO will automatically launch MGO when starting up the application.
・Added the “Remote Weapon Controls” option under the System > Options > Camera Settings.
・Improved the possibility to assign a late join player on the same team as their party member’s team.
・A new icon was added in the Objective column of the scoreboard which is displayed when a player successfully defends the Data Disc in "CLOAK AND DAGGER".
・An unique hit indicator has been added when you cause damage to mechs, such as Walker gears.
・An unique sound effect has been added when you hit an enemy in the head with a throwing weapon.
・Added MGO credits.
 ※The credits can be accessed from the System menu in Freeplay.
DLC is on the way!!


I love this game.


Finally new maps, about time.

I hope they add more costumes when survival arrives, otherwise, there's no point in winning streaks for the useless GPs.
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