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Metroid 25th anniversary Thread: Gaf does what Nintendon't


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Amazing thread, Metroid Killer. Contributing to the art section was a pleasure :)

For my artwork, I'd like to add some special thanks to tachiSama (for helping with coloring) and EarthPainting (the concept is based on a sketch he did about one year ago).


Metroid Killer said:
The most interesting thing is that Echoes is moving from being the black underappreciated sheep of the Prime saga to being regarded as the best Prime game (see Alkaline's write-up on Echoes), this is mostly in Metroid fan circles for now.
This is pretty similar to the new appreciation MM's has been getting lately as well. They completely nail all the elements from which they deviate from the norm, so for longtime fans, a certain charm exists.

Crunched said:
Super feels more alien. I didn't like Zero's animated interludes, and I thought the music was more "fuck yeah badass adventure" compared to Super's "weird ass creatures and oppressive places."

Some people prefer Zero's more responsive controls to Super's floaty stuff. I like them both a whole damn lot, but I thought Super's were more cohesive and appropriate for an alien world. Everything about the game felt foreign and strange, and I loved it for that.

They are both fantastic though.
*nods in agreement*
Metroid Killer said:
Super Metroid has been regarded as the best video game for quite some time all over the gaming websites. It kinda alternated with OoT on the top spot on the many 100 best games lists.
I don't think Super Metroid has been a real rival to OoT in terms of widespread recognition as the best video game; it often shows up in top ten lists but is never number one as often as OoT. Just as Super sits firmly as the fan favourite within the Metroid series, OoT has comfortably been regarded as the best video game for quite some time.

Boney said:
This is pretty similar to the new appreciation MM's has been getting lately as well. They completely nail all the elements from which they deviate from the norm, so for longtime fans, a certain charm exists.
Yeah but they still end up being polarising games anyway and don't quite have the widespread appeal of their predecessors.


Man, love your OP! Also like the commentary after each game.

Does it make me a bad person that Prime was my favorite game and I thought Metroid 2 was okay?


This is why i love GAF. I'm going to have to bookmark this for later, this thread is going to require commitment to read!
Metroid Killer said:
Super Metroid has been regarded as the best video game for quite some time all over the gaming websites. It kinda alternated with OoT on the top spot on the many 100 best games lists.

Here at gaf I would say that Super Metroid is regarded as the best classic Metroid and Prime 1 the best modern Metroid.
The most interesting thing is that Echoes is moving from being the black underappreciated sheep of the Prime saga to being regarded as the best Prime game (see Alkaline's write-up on Echoes), this is mostly in Metroid fan circles for now.
I feel very identified with that.

On a side note, something I forgot to say before, the first Metroid is the first game I ever had in property. I was seven and died millions of times. I hated the password system. But now I love it, and I really hope Nintendo includes it among the 10 NES free games for 3DS early adopters.


Unconfirmed Member
Franchuzas87 said:
I feel very identified with that.

On a side note, something I forgot to say before, the first Metroid is the first game I ever had in property. I was seven and died millions of times. I hated the password system. But now I love it, and I really hope Nintendo includes it among the NES free games for 3DS early adopters.
I thought that was already confirmed? Metroid NES and Fusion.

Nevermind, I guess it's just Fusion that's confirmed. Could have sworn I saw Metroid as well.


Magicpaint said:
I don't think Super Metroid has been a real rival to OoT in terms of widespread recognition as the best video game; it often shows up in top ten lists but is never number one as often as OoT. Just as Super sits firmly as the fan favourite within the Metroid series, OoT has comfortably been regarded as the best video game for quite some time.
This probably has to do with it recieving a worse consumer reaction than OoT, both for the readers and the writer. And Metroid being a harder concept to grasp for the player, not anybdoy can enjoy Metroid.

Yeah but they still end up being polarising games anyway and don't quite have the widespread appeal of their predecessors.
Yeah, naturally. That's exactly my case, I enjoy Prime and OoT, much more than they're counterparts. Heck I don't even enjoy the counterparts that much even though I can appreciate the beauty in their design.
Fantastic thread.

My first Metroid Game was Prime, I wasn't expecting to much from it. To me at the time Samus was just that "robotic" women from Smash Bros. But I borrowed Prime from a friend and when I started it I wasn't feeling it too much. The style of gameplay was rather alien to me. None the less I carried on, my transition from feeling indifference to the game to loving it was a slow and not so obvious one. I waltzed through the ruins, got irritated by Flagraah. Stepped into the snow of Phendrana, got stuck after the boost ball was obtained and needed the hint to pop up so I knew where to go and I was still not entirely sold on the game yet. I'd say it was around the point you get the space jump boots when It suddenly clicked. The exploration factor was now very much apparent, the fact that this wasn't your standard first person game had been well and truly revealed and thus my love for the Metroid games had begun to take hold.

As of now it's one of my favourite game series and the "Metroidvania" sub genre ranks very highly for me as well. Hell even the often disdained Metroid Prime Hunters holds a highly regarded position among me and my friends for it's hilarious multiplayer, Elder Passage is the best stage by the way.
Boney said:
This is pretty similar to the new appreciation MM's has been getting lately as well. They completely nail all the elements from which they deviate from the norm, so for longtime fans, a certain charm exists.

*nods in agreement*

Very true, same goes for Fusion as well. I remember how it was more or less universally hated, but recently it has gained a following (Though I always loved the game ;) )

I wonder if the same will happen to Other M? For all of the problems with its story, there's a great game underneath that. (In addition to its strange story choices, a lot of people were disappointed in how they were expecting Super Metroid 2, but instead got a Metroid Fusion prequel)

Oh and because it doesn't get enough credit around here, props to Metroid Prime Pinball! Easily one of the best pinball games ever made (Seriously! To go from the garbage that was Mario Pinball Land to Metroid Prime Pinball is astounding! Easily the biggest developer comeback I've ever seen!)

BTW: Zero Mission and Prime 1 are tied for best game in the series (Suck it Super Metroid!)
Franchuzas87 said:
I feel very identified with that.

On a side note, something I forgot to say before, the first Metroid is the first game I ever had in property. I was seven and died millions of times. I hated the password system. But now I love it, and I really hope Nintendo includes it among the 10 NES free games for 3DS early adopters.
oh yeah that reminds me.

Nintendo have made an official announcement that the Nintendo 3DS system will be receiving a price drop in all regions, and Nintendo are also offering a Nintendo ambassador program to those who bought or buy the 3DS console before August 12th will have access to 20 FREE NES, Gameboy and Gameboy Advance titles. One of these titles have been confirmed as Metroid Fusion.
3DS owners must connect to the Nintendo eShop on their consoles BEFORE August 12th to be eligable for the Ambassador program. Nintendo Ambassadors can then download their 10 NES titles starting September 1st and by the end of 2011, they will be able to pick up the GBA titles, including Metroid Fusion.

How is that? Fusion for free you mother*****s!


Nuclear Muffin said:
Very true, same goes for Fusion as well. I remember how it was more or less universally hated, but recently it has gained a following (Though I always loved the game ;) )

I wonder if the same will happen to Other M? For all of the problems with its story, there's a great game underneath that. (In addition to its strange story choices, a lot of people were disappointed in how they were expecting Super Metroid 2, but instead got a Metroid Fusion prequel)

Oh and because it doesn't get enough credit around here, props to Metroid Prime Pinball! Easily one of the best pinball games ever made (Seriously! To go from the garbage that was Mario Pinball Land to Metroid Prime Pinball is astounding! Easily the biggest developer comeback I've ever seen!)
I think MOM is different. Because Echoes and MM are outstandingly well made, although not without fault, they're pretty consistent in quality. MOM is more like Return of Samus in that regard, in which there's great core mechanics but there's many recurring nagging elements.

And yeah Prime Pinball is awesome. <3
Well this is hands down the most impressive thread I've seen since being a member here, it's amazing!
I've only ever played Metroid II and the Prime series so a lot of this is completely new information to me, for which I am very thankful for!
Looking forward to Fusion on the 3DS then I'll dig in to Super and the rest


Nice job, Metroid Killer!

Here are some of my favorite fanarts I have come across...









Boney said:
This probably has to do with it recieving a worse consumer reaction than OoT, both for the readers and the writer. And Metroid being a harder concept to grasp for the player, not anybdoy can enjoy Metroid.
Yeah, I can definitely see that.

Boney said:
Yeah, naturally. That's exactly my case, I enjoy Prime and OoT, much more than they're counterparts. Heck I don't even enjoy the counterparts that much even though I can appreciate the beauty in their design.
You better! :p Prime 2 and Majora's Mask are God-tier games that deserve all the love they're getting.

Nuclear Muffin said:
I wonder if the same will happen to Other M? For all of the problems with its story, there's a great game underneath that. (In addition to its strange story choices, a lot of people were disappointed in how they were expecting Super Metroid 2, but instead got a Metroid Fusion prequel)
Actually I think most of us were expecting something more like Fusion than Super Metroid (it was what Sakamoto alluded to). I went into Other M expecting that level of quality and it fell wayyyy short of it. I loved Fusion from day 1 (as I did Prime 2) but Other M failed to click with me and so I don't know if I'll ever find enough good in it to accept it as a proper entry in the series :/


Boney said:
I think MOM is different. Because Echoes and MM are outstandingly well made, although not without fault, they're pretty consistent in quality. MOM is more like Return of Samus in that regard, in which there's great core mechanics but there's many recurring nagging elements.

And yeah Prime Pinball is awesome. <3
Return of Samus is too often ignored. I wish there'd be a remake already. It's a very good game that no one seems to have played, and some don't even know about.
The only Metroid game I finished...oh, I haven't beaten any in my life D: I have Super Metroid (I only got it this year as a gift on the VC), Fusion, and Corruption (though I played a good amount of the original Prime).

I am really, really bad at these games, that's why i usually drop them for a while. Maybe I'll change that...
I really want a 2D style Metroid on the 3DS :( I hope something gets announced at OctoberTon
+ Nintendo bring 3D Classics:Metroid on eShop NOW at least to celebrates the series's 25th anniversary.


Words can't describe how much I love the Metroid games.

I sometimes wish another company had made the series or that Nintendo would show it more love. Nin has been good these days, but for a while they completely ignored the series.


Im sure we'll see a 3DS remake or 3DS classics version of Metroid II at some point.

Anyway my only contribution is posting one of the best underwater themes in gaming:

Franchuzas87 said:
Fantastic piece. This one is also amazing.
Op got that one covered :p

I was more than happy when _Alkaline_ gave his 3 chosen songs for Metroid II.

The ending music from Metroid II is my absolutely favorite music track of Metroid. The relieving song playing when you leave with the Metroid hatchling and then once the Staff music kicks in... wow. It fits the end of a journey theme perfectly, it's almost like a catharsis after having ventured the depths of hell on SR388... And I have never played this game myself...


Franchuzas87 said:
Fantastic piece. This one is also amazing.

Now thats how big of an effect Metroid soundtrack has on people. Before the video even loaded up, the theme started playing in my head.

Metroid Killer said:
If anyone wants have a go at the original Metroid you can use these map drawings I made last year during my playthrough. I recommend that make your own though :)

So glad i'm not the only one who did this. I played through Metroid 1 on the VC for the first time, right before Corruption released. It was half out of necessity and half out of feeling compelled because of the old school feeling surrounding the experience.


Teknoman said:
Now thats how big of an effect Metroid soundtrack has on people. Before the video even loaded up, the theme started playing in my head.

Makes you want to play the game, doesn't it?


Prime's main theme is glorious

Prime actually sold me on the Gamecube. The first time when I set foot on Tallon IV, it was amazing. I'll never forget how my jaw droppend when raindrops hit my visor. Prime also got me into the series. I did play Super Metroid back in the day, but I couldn't remember everything of it. So everything really started for me with Prime. Soon afterwards I got Fusion which is fantastic as well.

Several years later, except for Metroid II and Pinball I've played every Metroid game. Fantastic series.
Amazing OP.
I recently replayed Metroid Fusion for the millionth time, and I gotta say, it's still my favorite Metroid game.
The music, the atmosphere, the linearity, (yes, I consider it a plus) the graphics, the gameplay; it's just awesome.
Prime was my first Metroid title and my first Gamecube game. One of the best times I've ever had. ;A;

Dammit, Trilogy needs to arrive faster!


Fantastic OP, I'll never forget the first time I played Super Metroid, it was an amazing experience, trying to get every item, discovering new areas and the ending was superb. It's just the best game I ever played.
As one of the artist contributors to the thread I have to say that all the artworks in the OP are incredible. Great work guys!

And also cograts to Metroid Killer for an awesome thread!


Wow, some fantastic art in this thread. It's a shame that Metroid isn't getting more of a push on its anniversary, but then so many classic Nintendo games were made within a short space of time that there wouldn't be time to celebrate all of them. I think it's Donkey Kong's 30th anniversary this year as well, isn't it?

Anyway, I can't offer anything to compare to all this artwork, but I did republish an old article I had written analysing Metroid: Other M's story and why it perhaps deserves a little more credit than it generally gets. I don't think it tells its story well, but does have clear themes about gender and surrogacy - weirdly mirroring BioShock 2, released in the same year, I think - which at least give it more of a narrative purpose than a lot of games.

I'm trying to get my hands on a cheap copy of MP Trilogy so I can do a playthrough, particularly as I never finished MP2. Can you guess which boss I gave up on...?


the piano man
Thanks to everyone who was involved in creating this thread. I have read everything and it feels so well to have a place where we can just be happy that metroid exists.

a great way to celebrate one of the best IPs in videogame history.


Sadist said:
Prime's main theme is glorious

Prime actually sold me on the Gamecube. The first time when I set foot on Tallon IV, it was amazing. I'll never forget how my jaw droppend when raindrops hit my visor. Prime also got me into the series. I did play Super Metroid back in the day, but I couldn't remember everything of it. So everything really started for me with Prime. Soon afterwards I got Fusion which is fantastic as well.

Several years later, except for Metroid II and Pinball I've played every Metroid game. Fantastic series.
Ah yes still incredible, despite using so many different instruments, sounds and styles the composition is unmatched.
Crunched said:
Zero Mission and Echoes released in '04. Those were the last greats.
Zero Missions is a remake and the Prime series is not what Metroid is all about. It's a shooter making use of the Metroid universe.


Mailenstein said:
Zero Missions is an Remake and the Prime series is not what Metroid is all about. It's a shooter making use of the Metroid universe.
If you consider Prime 1 and Echoes shooters, that's too bad.

Zero Mission was also quite a bit more than a simple remake.
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