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Microsoft / Activision Deal Approval Watch |OT| (MS/ABK close)

Do you believe the deal will be approved?

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Gold Member
This is such bullshit. How would it even work? Sony doesn’t even have their PS5/PS4 games on cloud streaming unless you’re remote playing your console. Would they port all their exclusives? How much would that cost per title? Such a nonsense story.

The only way PS+ on Xbox or Game Pass on PS would ever work is with streaming apps, such as it is. You are right. It is nothing but bullshit either way.


always chasing the next thrill
that would fuck so many fanboys

the big bang theory hello GIF by CBS


Gold Member
Xbox plays PS2 games better than the PS5 does and MS hasn’t shut that down yet.
There’s no glory in battle. MS is doing everything they can to sell a Series S including playing the amazing games from the competition. PlayStation brand expansion at no extra cost for Cryin Jim Ryan.


Gold Member
That doesn't matter. Like we say in portuguese: "Chumbo trocado não doi"
I mean, it doesn't matter to you. But you're not the one making the decisions here.

Since this is all lawyer speak the order of things matters. Relationships are typically reciprocal. If Sony approached Microsoft first an Microsoft said no then, yes, Microsoft is omitting key information. If Sony approached Microsoft after blocking game pass from PlayStation then Sony is omitting key information. It establishes a pattern of behavior that shows intent.


This is such bullshit. How would it even work? Sony doesn’t even have their PS5/PS4 games on cloud streaming unless you’re remote playing your console. Would they port all their exclusives? How much would that cost per title? Such a nonsense story.

Third party native games and then any games that are available via streaming using the same app that's available on PC.

The reality is though that it would be stupid for either of Sony or Microsoft to allow competing subscription/streaming services on their consoles.
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But the wider availability of the leading provider (Game Pass), now endowed with exclusive irreplaceable content, and protected by direct and indirect network effects,
What does that even mean? What is this nonsense?

There's a lot of words for just "they didn't allow it" without any statement from MS. It's just he said she said at this point.


Seriously doubt Sony offered this... MS would probably say yeah sure fine let's go. Some people are weird jumping up and down acting like this is a gotcha haha
It destroys Phil's whole fake narrative though. Regardless of what's true or not here his whole "bringing gamers more options" is total BS. They are only pushing their own platforms, they aren't about bringing games to more places.


Bo some amazing deals on LGs this year. Just picked up a 42 C2 to use as a second monitor and spare gaming TV. Well worth the upgrade.

On your thread. I wish MS would allow it after all this goes through. I just signed up for three years of Extra with the BF deal and it would be awesome to have all services everywhere.

I would never touch any non-Android TV. My 2016 Sony X70D is still getting updates until now, my other LG is bugged as fuck and only had 1-2 years of updates then nothing. Also if I would ever buy something none Sony it would be Panasonic as they have camera knowledge so I can trust their color accuracy as well but we don't get them here as well.


Gold Member
I would never touch any non-Android TV. My 2016 Sony X70D is still getting updates until now, my other LG is bugged as fuck and only had 1-2 years of updates then nothing. Also if I would ever buy something none Sony it would be Panasonic as they have camera knowledge so I can trust their color accuracy as well but we don't get them here as well.
I can’t for the life of me buy anything else than Sony TVs. I just trust their colour accuracy for cinema. And yes, my KD-55XG8505 still gets updates.


She wants to validate her opinions. While ignoring geforce and Luna being available on Xbox. Even stadia was available.

If MS didn't want competition for gamepass, they wouldn't have allowed these on their service.
Well, that argument is a bit silly. If you can use that to say MS allows Luna/GeForce then Apple allows Game Pass on iOS via the browser and MS is crazy for siding with Epic in their lawsuit!

Xbox plays PS2 games better than the PS5 does and MS hasn’t shut that down yet.
They have no reason to shut that down. It benefits them and it isn't a service provided by their competitor (i.e Sony). Let's not pretend it's the same thing. But no surprise since it is you who is saying it.
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It doesn’t.

If Sony put ps now / streaming via web browser it would be available.

If Microsoft wants to defend their “google and apple wont let us have streaming in the App Store” position better they should allow for native apps as well downloadable from the Xbox App Store

Well, MS is quick to point out that a game console is different from a general computing device. :messenger_winking_tongue:
Both of them should bring an exclusive catered version of their service to the other platform. It benefits one company with recounting payments from the others fan base and gives fans more options. Win win to me.


Both of them should bring an exclusive catered version of their service to the other platform. It benefits one company with recounting payments from the others fan base and gives fans more options. Win win to me.

It wouldn't benefit either of them. Would do nothing but muddy the marketing positions for both.

That's like expecting Disney+ putting their content on Netflix, zero benefit to them there. Would be especially disastrous for the weaker brand.
It wouldn't benefit either of them. Would do nothing but muddy the marketing positions for both.

That's like expecting Disney+ putting their content on Netflix, zero benefit to them there. Would be especially disastrous for the weaker brand.
Those are both services not platforms. Not the same at all.


Gold Member
The Show is on Xbox, so they had to probably port parts of the underlying multiplayer and social features from the PSN stack to the the XBL stack. So maybe they had other things working on Xbox that could have been sold as a subscription? Sounds flimsy but the game shows that Sony first party games can play on the Xbox.


I wish Sony would allow Gamepass on Playstation. I understand why they won't, but it would save me from having to buy an Xbox. Maybe if they cut a deal where MS gave them half the proceeds from Gamepass, then Sony would bite ... but of course, MS wouldn't go for that. Ah well.


What's weird is you and others acting as if your blatantly hypocritical view of the two companies buying game development studios has anything at all to do with logic and reasoning rather than just pure console wars.

Some people just enjoy it when their favorite company does the buying. But this thread isn't going anywhere so I'll be back May/June next year.
How about nobody doing it? We don't need consolidation from either MS, Sony or Nintendo. Anyone trying to buy whole massive publishers should be stopped. No one should be allowed to buy Capcom, SQEX, EA and others, ffs. It's not that hard to understand that.


Gold Member
Seriously doubt Sony offered this... MS would probably say yeah sure fine let's go. Some people are weird jumping up and down acting like this is a gotcha haha

Lol. No. MS is ALL ABOUT GP these days. They don't really even care about selling Xboxes, they just want as many subscribers as possible. The Xbox is just a more affordable way to give people access to GP. And you think they would invite a competing service onto that platform?


Sony tried to bring PlayStation Plus to Xbox, but Microsoft 'will not permit' it

Here's the specific excerpt from Sony's CMA response (Page 14, para. 40):

Third, Microsoft argues that demand for multi-game subscription services would not tip towards Game Pass because Microsoft would also make Game Pass available on PlayStation (Microsoft, para.1.3(g)). But the wider availability of the leading provider (Game Pass), now endowed with exclusive irreplaceable content, and protected by direct and indirect network effects, would makes it harder - not easier - for rival multi-game subscription services to compete. Microsoft's stance that Game Pass availability on PlayStation would be a panacea for the harm from this Transaction rings particularly hollow given that Microsoft does not permit PlayStation Plus to be available on Xbox.
This is wrong, Sony didn't say that they tried to bring PS Plus to Xbox.

They say that MS does not permit PS+ to be on Xbox, which is a different thing.
Yeah, NOPE. MS played the victim by saying Sony blocked gamepass and now Sony destroyed MS by saying they did the same with PS Plus.
Well played, Sony.
How would that even work? Or are they talking about PlayStation Now running on the Xbox?
Sony said that MS doesn't allow PS+ to be on Xbox, but didn't say that Sony offered MS to put PS+ on Xbox. Notice the difference.

Makes me wonder if they'll bother having consoles in the not too far off future.
Sony, MS and Nintendo confirmed to be working on consoles for the next gen as usual. And in the case of Sony they mentioned that even if they are making PC ports and mobile games or even licensing their IPs for movies their focus will continue being PlayStation and making games for it.

Ah yes, Playstation tiers that has only existed for like 5 months.
PlayStation Plus is a multi game subscription since 2010, when back then offered games of multiple generations, time limited full game trials and discounts for games way before Game Pass existed, or years before they started to include online MP (for non F2P games) on PS+.

PS Now, which now is merged into PS+, also offered a catalog of hundreds of games and multiplatform cloud gaming, years before MS did it with GP.

These thiers are only the merge of PS+ and PS Now with some tweaks, making it more similar to the MS offering.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Yeah. Probably bullshit.
Also what would Playstation Plus even get you on Xbox and how would it work?
Game Pass would get you free games streamed
I'm not really clear how playstation plus works so I don't really understand what they mean by putting playstation plus on Xbox.
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