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Microsoft bought Crytek and will be announced at E3

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Real or fake, its certainly not beyond the realms of possibility with Crytec being on life support the last few years.
Very interesting buy if true.


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its more of a cover shooter game. while that is nice, i dont get the feeling of battlefield, battle front 2, cod, or any shooter in that regard. I like to go rambo, get killed like a noob (happens alot).

Gears 5 is less of a cover shooter than any CoD... call of duty might not have a cover system (although some of them actually do) but 90% of that game is walking around corners, shooting and then going back behind the corner to heal.

in the Gears 5 campaign I barely used the cover system outside of doing wall bouncing...
and in high level Gears Multiplayer you use the cover mechanic to either dodge or move faster through wall bouncing or to cut corners fast.

basically, the worse you are at gears, the longer and more often do you use the cover system, at least in the newer ones, and especially Gears 5. In a way it's like in Vanquish, which is also a shooter with a cover system, but only bad player will actually use the cover system to take cover, while good player use it to do tricks and move faster

in this video (which was the first video coming up when i typed in gears 5 montage into youtube) you can see how the cover system is used to dodge, move fast around corners and to rush people... and rarely to actually take cover. the slides you see him do there are animations that happen when you try to get behind cover, and you can cancel these min animation to use them as a dodge
this was a bug at first but the devs made it into a supported feature of Gears because it made the gameplay way faster and the skill ceiling way higher
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Spidey Fan

Gears 5 is less of a cover shooter than any CoD... call of duty might not have a cover system (although some of them actually do) but 90% of that game is walking around corners, shooting and then going back behind the corner to heal.

in the Gears 5 campaign I barely used the cover system outside of doing wall bouncing...
and in high level Gears Multiplayer you use the cover mechanic to either dodge or move faster through wall bouncing or to cut corners fast.

basically, the worse you are at gears, the longer and more often do you use the cover system, at least in the newer ones, and especially Gears 5. In a way it's like in Vanquish, which is also a shooter with a cover system, but only bad player will actually use the cover system to take cover, while good player use it to do tricks and move faster

in this video (which was the first video coming up when i typed in gears 5 montage into youtube) you can see how the cover system is used to dodge, move fast around corners and to rush people... and rarely to actually take cover. the slides you see him do there are animations that happen when you try to get behind cover, and you can cancle these.
this was a bug at first but the devs made it into a supported feature of Gears because it made the gameplay way faster and the skill ceiling way higher

The problem is the obstacles that are there. compared to other shooter, which you use walls to hide, or obstacles like cars. they arent scattered all over the place. And if i want to do Leroy Jenkin, i would have to jumb over those first.


They wouldn't need to bother with Playstation consoles anymore so maybe that would help?

There's also the question of whether Microsoft would continue to allow them to license the engine to third party devs. I can only speak from a PC perspective but Prey 2017 and Ghost Warrior 3 ran very well for me on my previous rig. Ghost Warrior 3 was a buggy POS though but I'm not sure that can be attributed to the engine itself when it was mostly gameplay bugs.

First those id devs and now they are coming for Ali Salehi. Poor guy.

well Prey has at least 1 issue, and that is that walking speed is tied to some degree to the framerate. so you have to lock the game to a framerate you can hold at all times, or else your walking motion will be jerky as hell.
at first I thought I had framerate issues when i started playing it, but my FPS counter showed way above 60fps in most scenes... then I locked the framerate to 60 through the .ini config and the jerking during motion was gone.

so there's that... also it has weird stutters in the inventory sometimes.


The problem is the obstacles that are there. compared to other shooter, which you use walls to hide, or obstacles like cars. they arent scattered all over the place. And if i want to do Leroy Jenkin, i would have to jumb over those first.

have you ever played a Call of Duty game? or the new Doom games? all of them have walls and knee high obstacles scattered around the maps... that's almost every shooter. because every shooter uses cover. Gears has a button to go into cover, but that's all that makes it different from CoD and other modern shooters.

and that cover button is nothing more than a crouch button really. all i can say is that I spend more time hiding in corners in CoD than in Gears, because in Gears i can outskill players, while in CoD, the time to kill is so low that basically the person who sees the other person first wins the gunfight, because there will be no gunfight since you're dead in less than half a second.
that's true both in campaign and multiplayer.
try playing a CoD campaign on the highest difficulty and tell me you're not spending at least 80% of your time hiding around a corner
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Yeah lets not start all the nonsense. Crytec are good devs, and Crysis 1-3 are good games and graphical powerhouses.
Crytec with Microsofts money behind them could produce some very interesting results.

What type of results are you asking? Ryse?

Money don't solve all the problems. If so, Rare would be by today one the best dev games company.

Would be more smart just take the Cryengine.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
They might come cheap. Insomniac was bought out for just $220 million. Crytek should be half that.
Or less. But I still don't see the point, unless they really want to own the Ryse IP, or maybe sponsor a new Crysis. Guess we'll see but this sounds fake. I suspect Crytek will be dissolved within a year.


If true I want a crossover featuring Chief, Doom Slayer and Prophet.

Or Ryse 2 but with actual gameplay

I recently tried playing Ryse again (on PC this time) and holy shit that game is so fucking awful xD like... ridiculously terrible... THE WORST fighting system I've ever seen in any videogame period... I am cringing even calling it a fighting system... fucking hell... it's so bad... SO BAD... I can't emphasize enough HOW BAD IT IS. low budget cartoon license games have better fighting mechanics, I'm talking Avatar The Burning Earth, a game that was only ever played by people who wanted a fast 1000 gamerscore, even that has a better fighting system

and the game runs like ass as well on my system (tagging GHG GHG for this too) I can't hold a steady 60fps on an overclocked 1070, neither at 1440p nor at 80% res scale... and the GPU utilization is 70%, CPU like 20%... that game runs like ass on PC... not optimized at all from my experience with it
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What type of results are you asking? Ryse?

Money don't solve all the problems. If so, Rare would be by today one the best dev games company.

Would be more smart just take the Cryengine.
Ryse sucks,, party due to its Konnect origins, but taken as a tech demo for XB1, it was amazing.
Not long ago there was a rumour about Ryse 2 being in devemopment, and according to this rumour Microsoft are impressed with this Crysis reboot.
Depending on how much they cost, it could be a very nifty bit of business.


I would lie if I told you this would be an exciting acquisition in my eyes. They never made anything I cared for.
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I recently tried playing Ryse again (on PC this time) and holy shit that game is so fucking awful xD like... ridiculously terrible... THE WORST fighting system I've ever seen in any videogame period... I am cringing even calling it a fighting system... fucking hell... it's so bad... SO BAD... I can't emphasize enough HOW BAD IT IS. low budget cartoon license games have better fighting mechanics, I'm talking Avatar The Burning Earth, a game that was only ever played by people who wanted a fast 1000 gamerscore, even that has a better fighting system

and the game runs like ass as well on my system (tagging GHG GHG for this too) I can't hold a steady 60fps on an overclocked 1070, neither at 1440p nor at 80% res scale... and the GPU utilization is 70%, CPU like 20%... that game runs like ass on PC... not optimized at all from my experience with it

I might reinstall Ryse to see how it runs on my 2070 Super but I don't recall having any issues with it on my 980ti a few years back.

What's your CPU? The GPU utilisation looks solid based on the following video:

You're bang on about the gameplay though, it's absolutely awful.


I might reinstall Ryse to see how it runs on my 2070 Super but I don't recall having any issues with it on my 980ti a few years back.

What's your CPU? The GPU utilisation looks solid based on the following video:

You're bang on about the gameplay though, it's absolutely awful.

Ryzen 2600
like I said the utilization on the CPU is between 20% and 30%, I might look into multithread utilization, but somethings wrong with that game. the GPU, at ultra settings and 1440p shows 80% utilization at most

if I go to 4K-ish resolutions I get 30fps and like 85% to 90% utilization

no kidding, the og Crysis runs better on this PC than Ryse...
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  • Empathy
Reactions: GHG
their own games are the ones that do well on console, but even there it is hit and miss. Ryse and Hunt are the only 2. Crysis remaster ran like ass on any console with a multitute of issues to boot, any older crysis version ran like ass on any console. Sniper Ghost Warrior (any one) runs like ass on console... Prey runs like ass on console (except One X and Series X, although One X was just about ok)

every time I see a Cryengine splash screen I am automatically thinking "oh, this for sure will not run without a pile of issues"
one of the Sniper Ghost Warriors games (3?) was such a mess that you couldn't even really snipe in it because the draw distance didn't allow it and your targets would be invisible xD all while having literally 4 to 5 minute long loading times and a terrible framerate

even if the engine is amazing (which I disagree with given the evidence), we at least can say that third party devs who license it almost always deliver a mess of a game that has shitloads of issues. (I mean it took 2 patches for Prey in order to be somewhat playable on PS4/Pro)
People forget too... This game ran on CryEngine as well.



"I have no idea if this random bullshit post I dug up from a corner of the internet famous for random bullshit posts and tales from my ass is true, but I'll screen cap it and promote it because reasons"

Calling it a low effort self-signal boost would be an insult to the effort put into low effort self-signal boosts.


People forget too... This game ran on CryEngine as well.


ok, but to be fair, the game was rushed as hell and they singlehandedly had to port the engine to the Wii U, as it was not officially supported by Crytek. So I wouldn't count that in or use it as evidence really

Spidey Fan

have you ever played a Call of Duty game? or the new Doom games? all of them have walls and knee high obstacles scattered around the maps... that's almost every shooter. because every shooter uses cover. Gears has a button to go into cover, but that's all that makes it different from CoD and other modern shooters.

and that cover button is nothing more than a crouch button really. all i can say is that I spend more time hiding in corners in CoD than in Gears, because in Gears i can outskill players, while in CoD, the time to kill is so low that basically the person who sees the other person first wins the gunfight, because there will be no gunfight since you're dead in less than half a second.
that's true both in campaign and multiplayer.
try playing a CoD campaign on the highest difficulty and tell me you're not spending at least 80% of your time hiding around a corner
I guess you are right. I might have jumped on the gun very soon.

Spidey Fan

What type of results are you asking? Ryse?

Money don't solve all the problems. If so, Rare would be by today one the best dev games company.

Would be more smart just take the Cryengine.
You cant force devs to do what you want. Insomniac were lucky that sony had spiderman. and since sony doesnt do other consoles or pc, they are pretty much locked on PlayStation console. Its why ratchet looks better. Its only on ps5.

Rare is a talent studio. but the problem with them is that they are stubborn. they like to make their own games. make ground breaking games. This is a flaw in the gaming industry. you arent special. everyone has the same thought as you. But that thing is impossible to convince Rare.

You should use Coalition as example. Made Gears series phenomenal. Look at hive buster. That is what money does. Same as how insomniac with sony IP, and money Made great spiderman game (not as great as spiderman 2), and great dlc.
That's all fine and dandy but I don't think Crytek owns the Crysis IP, so even if Microsoft bought them they wouldn't be able to just make a new Crysis game unless they license it from EA.


I think it would be good for them to get the Crysis IP, but not sure if Cryengine would improve what they already have, or if they would want Rise for something. In fact, is there any non-Crytek game that achieved great visuals and performance using Cryengine?
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if they looking for potential partner that they used to work with, crytek fit the bill. especially if there is ip that they want to push like Ryse.

isnt few years ago Crytek has financial problem?


How much tech and engines do you need, honestly? I was under the impression ID Tech was pretty much one of the best you can get?


Gold Member
Weren't people making rumors about aquiring Sega? Why the sudden change?

This one seems more believable though.

Iced Arcade

Don't know how true it is but doesn't sound too far fetched and acquiring for the tech alone is a good buy.

Btw Ryse was a god damn beautiful game but rushed the rest.


That's not an acquisition that's going to excite anybody, unless MS is purely acquiring them for the engine. Ryse is not an important IP. Crysis doesn't add much to their portfolio when sci-fi shooters are already well represented.
Why would they want that engine when they already create or use better engines?

Weren't people making rumors about aquiring Sega? Why the sudden change?
Yes, seems MS will buy Sega next Wednesday. Many gaffers are 100% sure.
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If this also means a new or a rerelease of the old Timesplitters it's a good thing.

EDIT: I'm an idiot, Deep Silver owns that. Please ridicule my face.
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