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Microsoft bought Crytek and will be announced at E3

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Id tech, CryTech, Slip Engine= Mind bending Crisis Reboot. If that is true, then pc players with 3090 are in for a treat. MS $$$$ is giving us hell blade 2, Avowed. Imagine What can they do with that money.
la la land lol GIF
Yo that gif is trippy.


Because they started to concentrate on VR titles and that is where they differentiate and had some success in. Robinson the journey, The Climb 1, and The Climb 2.

Yes they are very behind but I think they are trying to build it now. Phil said some nonsense about VR not being advanced enough and the xbox fanbase towed the the company line and tried to say it's a fad but it was because of the poor install base of the xbox one. Now though it doesn't matter as much.

Building it now means how far behind they will be in terms of quality software, and work in how to use different things with specifics to controller? They would have to allow third party at this point unless they are developing their own.

If you want a better seamless VR experience to me it's going to by Sony outside of PC.
It makes sense for MS, if they are bought cheap enough. It makes sense for Crytek as they need something new badly......

A poorly managed studio barely hanging onto its own existence and with no notable, commercially successful owned IP doesn't make sense for MS at any price.

No matter how cheap they are, the main studio talent could leave and the whole studio pack up a month after purchase. It's too much of a risk for very little conceivable gain.

It's not even as if CryEngine has much value either. It's far worse supported middleware engine that nowhere near as comprehensive or technologically advanced as UE.

With the Bethesda purchase, MS owns ID Tech now, so that makes CryEngine even less of a meaningful value proposition.

There really is no upside to buying CryTek in their current state. They've never shipped a hit game and in recent years have been running perpetually close to studio closure.
A poorly managed studio barely hanging onto its own existence and with no notable, commercially successful owned IP doesn't make sense for MS at any price.

No matter how cheap they are, the main studio talent could leave and the whole studio pack up a month after purchase. It's too much of a risk for very little conceivable gain.

It's not even as if CryEngine has much value either. It's far worse supported middleware engine that nowhere near as comprehensive or technologically advanced as UE.

With the Bethesda purchase, MS owns ID Tech now, so that makes CryEngine even less of a meaningful value proposition.

There really is no upside to buying CryTek in their current state. They've never shipped a hit game and in recent years have been running perpetually close to studio closure.
Crytek has CryEngine that developers license out and can be used internally. Something like that is very valuable for Microsoft and brings in money in and of itself. Outside of that, the Crysis IP has a lot of weight in it's name. If they reboot it the right way and as a graphical power house that's a win for Microsoft. That being said, Microsoft has no reason to buy Crytek and I don't see how they fit in the Xbox Studio family other than clout.
Crytek has CryEngine that developers license out and can be used internally. Something like that is very valuable for Microsoft and brings in money in and of itself. Outside of that, the Crysis IP has a lot of weight in it's name. If they reboot it the right way and as a graphical power house that's a win for Microsoft. That being said, Microsoft has no reason to buy Crytek and I don't see how they fit in the Xbox Studio family other than clout.
The Ryse IP could develop into a Sony style 3rd person story based character action title if handled properly, and Xbox could use something in that genre.


The Ryse IP could develop into a Sony style 3rd person story based character action title if handled properly, and Xbox could use something in that genre.
for Ryse to become good it would literally need to be a completely new game... this game is beyond dogshit in every way.
so why use an iP that is known to be shit, and not just make a new one?


Crytek? Really? That company in my view has not released a single truly great game.

Most of their stuff is propped up by the graphics engine tech while the gameplay is utterly mediocre. I guess Far Cry was good for its time but it aged poorly and don't get my started on Crysis and its sequels.
I don't think MS has much to gain by buying Crytek apart from tech and then again not too many other devs are using CryEngine so there must be a reason for that.

MS really doesn't need more studios at this point imo anyway.
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Id tech, CryTech, Slip Engine= Mind bending Crisis Reboot. If that is true, then pc players with 3090 are in for a treat. MS $$$$ is giving us hell blade 2, Avowed. Imagine What can they do with that money.
la la land lol GIF

I got stuck looking at this gif for like 3 minutes straight waiting for something else to happen lol


I started to type that they have not made a great game in some time but then I remembered they made Hunt the Showdown and it's amazing so I was wrong.

Saucy Papi

There'd be no reason for this. Crytek is a dying company that hasn't been very profitable lately and has abandoned the only IP anyone ever liked from them. What would be the net benefit of this transaction? More bodies? Microsoft is stacked with talent after their acquisitions, acquiring a mediocre and dying studio makes no sense.
Because they can get them for cheap and invest money into the studio to turn it around. Much quicker and cheaper than building a studio from scratch. Not saying that's what's happening but I could certainly see it going that way.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Buying Crytek wouldn't change anything. Seriously, has their game moved the needle on anything aside from taking points.
MS buying Ubisoft or Call of Duty would be HUGE.
They should do it:

Step 1) buy the tech;

Step 2) scrap the shit Halo 6 is and develop it with Cryengine for XsX only.

Step 3) Profit.
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Buying Crytek wouldn't change anything. Seriously, has their game moved the needle on anything aside from taking points.
MS buying Ubisoft or Call of Duty would be HUGE.

How does one buy "call of duty" ? They would have to buy Activision which is never going to happen.

I must say, the modern warfare 2019 engine is absolutely stellar tho.


Gold Member
The only thing I'd be excited about is how Crytek could help other studios in terms of sharing techniques. They haven't come out with a good game in ages it seems. The talent is there, but didn't they get in bed with EA at one point?

Sounds like damaged goods if you ask me.


Crytek makes sense after Ryse I think, but ultimately disappointing. Could be a good gamble for long term though having some talented people that can help Microsoft get their feet into better graphics.
Crytek has CryEngine that developers license out and can be used internally. Something like that is very valuable for Microsoft and brings in money in and of itself. Outside of that, the Crysis IP has a lot of weight in it's name. If they reboot it the right way and as a graphical power house that's a win for Microsoft. That being said, Microsoft has no reason to buy Crytek and I don't see how they fit in the Xbox Studio family other than clout.

Re-read my last post. I addressed the issue of CryEngine. It has next to no value for MS. It's never going to be able to compete with UE on cost or features and as such barely anyone uses it today.

The Crysis IP is not a commercially successful one, nor has it even faired all that well critically after Warhead. In which case, I'm not sure how else you can define "clout" in a way that is meaningful to the MS financier's assessing the business case of an acquisition.

With ID Software, MS already has a tech. powerhouse in-house. And there's really nothing stopping them from signing an exclusive 3rd party publishing agreement with Crytek to make Crysis games exclusive for Xbox/GamePass, if they really really want to take the risk on revitalizing that dead franchise.... that would be a much lower risk alternative to buying up the entire studio who have been super hit-and-miss in terms of game dev quality since Crysis Warhead.

Why would they do that? The main studio talent that's there while Crytek is in bad shape leaving when they get an injection of money does not make sense at all

I can think of a hundred reasons... for one if they dislike or find they can't work with the new studio management structure. There's a good reason why MGS doesn't own many non-US-based dev studios. MS is a very quintessentially American company, and so their studio management/publisher corporate culture may not mesh well with a principally European studio like CryTek.


aka IMurRIVAL69
There'd be no reason for this. Crytek is a dying company that hasn't been very profitable lately and has abandoned the only IP anyone ever liked from them. What would be the net benefit of this transaction? More bodies? Microsoft is stacked with talent after their acquisitions, acquiring a mediocre and dying studio makes no sense.

crytek are technical wizards but their games stink. would probably make a hell of a support studio for places like inxile and double fine who are not tech wizards.


Crytek's basically bankrupt so they would be a cheap buy, but they don't bring any value to the Microsoft portfolio.

Shifty1897 is stamping this rumor F for false.
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