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Microsoft bought Crytek and will be announced at E3

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Their engine technology is some of the best in the business. When you see how much 343 has struggled in that regard an acquisition like this definitely makes sense.

But then they already have iD tech (but I'm not sure that engine scales well to open world games?) so who knows.
I was going to say rage 2 used the ID engine but that's not true it was Apex Engine by Avalanche Studios. Rage 1 did used ID tech but I don't know if that was open world.


Ms buys crytek, Sony fans run in to thead to slam crytek as has beens, useless.

Sony buys crytek, Ms fans run into thread to slam crytek as has beens, useless purchase.

The truth is, if they did buy them, it might net them the odd useful thing, and a half decent game or 2, nothing earth shattering. Keeps the games flowing for gamepass.
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Not Banned from OT
It fits what they have done. Small or mid size studios who have financial issues. I don't see how it be announced at E3 a reporter would of found the intent to buy or similar paper work.


There's no point in buying a dying studio.
I'd bet they aren't dying, wikipedia says that as of 2021 they have 250 employees and that there are some dozens of Cryengine games announced or recently released. If that would be the case, it would mean MS would get a nice IP (Crysis) plus several old known games for Game Pass and a fair amount of devs that could support games or engines from other studios.
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Hunt showdown is really good from what I hear. Crysis was great. Ryse exists. They could do worse.
i played this in the beta and thought it was hot garbage but tried it recently and was surprised at how far it came along and its now actually fun....pretty sure my sony fans will put this in the trash file if MS has bought them


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Unless they pitched some amazing new IP to Msoft I don't see.

They already got Halo so why bother with Crysis ?
Ryse isn't a quality edition to anyones portfolio.

I disagree, Ryse's story was really well put together and paced nicely throughout the campaign. The multiplayer was bloody fun as well. Technically it did wonders on shit Xbox One OG hardware too. I'd very much like to see a blow out dev creative freedom Ryse 2 personally.


Hunt Showdown.

yeah as I said in an earlier post, Crytek's own games are usually ok... but not always... see every Crysis game on any console.

also Hunt Showdown has it's own issues, which aren't related to the engine, but for example, the aiming on controller has to be among the worst I've seen in recent times.


The Sega rumor has been going on for nearly twenty years.

well at one point some Sega higher ups wanted sell the company to Microsoft. that was when they decided to leave the hardware business... that's where it started. if that happened the og Xbox would have been the actual Dreamcast 2... as it was it was only a semi-Dreamcast 2
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You cant force devs to do what you want. Insomniac were lucky that sony had spiderman. and since sony doesnt do other consoles or pc, they are pretty much locked on PlayStation console. Its why ratchet looks better. Its only on ps5.

Rare is a talent studio. but the problem with them is that they are stubborn. they like to make their own games. make ground breaking games. This is a flaw in the gaming industry. you arent special. everyone has the same thought as you. But that thing is impossible to convince Rare.

You should use Coalition as example. Made Gears series phenomenal. Look at hive buster. That is what money does. Same as how insomniac with sony IP, and money Made great spiderman game (not as great as spiderman 2), and great dlc.

Insomniac got luck? For what? lmao

Rare is just a name. Everyone that make Rare special already leave to others companies.

People make companies. Thats why you don't understand. As soon as the top tier devs from Insomniac get out, the company will start to fall. And thats why Crytek is not making good games. Even a simple port of a very old game like Crysis looks like a huge problem for them to do.
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Spidey Fan

Insomniac got luck? For what? lmao

Rare is just a name. Everyone that make Rare special already leave to others companies.

People make companies. Thats why you don't understand. As soon as the top tier devs from Insomniac get out, the company will start to fall. And thats why Crytek is not making good games. Even a simple port of a very old game like Crysis looks like a huge problem for them to do.
People arent the only thing that moves the company. There are other guys, who do better jobs than the guys you mentioned. you also have to account of the people that they work with. No matter what your talent is, if you dont have people that work with you, your talent is worthless. We have seen Rare do Sea of thieves. Where are those great guys you mentioned? They never helped them make sea of thieves.

as for insomniac, Spiderman is what released their talent. While Sunset overdrive is great game, its not on the level as spiderman, or miles morales. Heck, Ratchet and Clank shows them what they can do. If they were normal dev, they wouldnt have made those games.


Ryzen 2600
like I said the utilization on the CPU is between 20% and 30%, I might look into multithread utilization, but somethings wrong with that game. the GPU, at ultra settings and 1440p shows 80% utilization at most

if I go to 4K-ish resolutions I get 30fps and like 85% to 90% utilization

no kidding, the og Crysis runs better on this PC than Ryse...

Just downloaded it again and initially the framerate was all over the place but then I disabled vsync and made the following tweaks in the Nvidia CP as advised on Steam:


After that it was much smoother, 90%+ GPU utilisation and about 10% CPU (3900X). 70-80fps with these settings:



The in-game vsync option is broken, do not use it.

The game still looks decent considering it's age but my god the gameplay...
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People arent the only thing that moves the company. There are other guys, who do better jobs than the guys you mentioned. you also have to account of the people that they work with. No matter what your talent is, if you dont have people that work with you, your talent is worthless. We have seen Rare do Sea of thieves. Where are those great guys you mentioned? They never helped them make sea of thieves.

as for insomniac, Spiderman is what released their talent. While Sunset overdrive is great game, its not on the level as spiderman, or miles morales. Heck, Ratchet and Clank shows them what they can do. If they were normal dev, they wouldnt have made those games.

IDK why you keep mention Spiderman over and over again. Sunset was a great game, R&C too. Insomniac was a great company before Sony aquisition, in fact IDK why you bring Insomniac to a Crytek thread, there is a huge gap between those two.

And again, re-read my post. I put in plural, 'people', not an specific entity.

Spidey Fan

IDK why you keep mention Spiderman over and over again. Sunset was a great game, R&C too. Insomniac was a great company before Sony aquisition, in fact IDK why you bring Insomniac to a Crytek thread, there is a huge gap between those two.

And again, re-read my post. I put in plural, 'people', not an specific entity.
Its because Playstation is where they shine better. That was my point. Spiderman showed what they can do with big IP, and enough money. instead of small games like sunset overdrive. Ratchet and clank showed them, they can push next gen console ps5 to its maximum ability, by utilizing the ssd, and their experience with the console.

I only brought them that some devs shine with certain publisher/Console owner. They can utilize their talent to maximum, since they arent worried about money. Look at Doom remake, and doom eternal.


Just downloaded it again and initially the framerate was all over the place but then I disabled vsync and made the following tweaks in the Nvidia CP as advised on Steam:


After that it was much smoother, 90%+ GPU utilisation and about 10% CPU (3900X). 70-80fps with these settings:



The in-game vsync option is broken, do not use it.

The game still looks decent considering it's age but my god the gameplay...

SEE! Cryengine game, having weird tech issues! without a fail! :messenger_tears_of_joy:
but yeah, holy shit! I'm now at ~80-90fps at 1440p where it dropped below 40fps at 1080p before... this is so typical :messenger_tears_of_joy:

in Prey I had to lock the framerate in the ini files in order to have a smooth experience, and here I have to tweak random shit in the nvidia control panel to make it run smooth... fucking hell lol
this is why the engine sucks ass on Console, because these issues often happen on console, and there you can't just tweak it in any control panel, you're at the mercy of the engine working properly.

and yeah, this game sucks ass... it is crazy to me that there are people out there defending it with passion lol
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  • Praise the Sun
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Gold Member
I'd bet they aren't dying, wikipedia says that as of 2021 they have 250 employees and that there are some dozens of Cryengine games announced or recently released. If that would be the case, it would mean MS would get a nice IP (Crysis) plus several old known games for Game Pass and a fair amount of devs that could support games or engines from other studios.
They went through a ton of restructuring and downsizing during the previous generation. Closed down or sold a majority of their studios. I recall it being pretty ugly. People weren't getting paid. The only franchise they're known for is Crysis. Ryse was a one off title we never saw again, for good reason, and they eventually got Hunt out there but if I remember correctly it went through a lot of development trouble. Far Cry is owned by Ubisoft even though Crytek were the original developers.

CryEngine isn't really used by that many studios. It was originally used for Star Citizen but Cloud Imperium decided to go with Lumberyard, which was a heavily modified and improved version of CryEngine. Though CryEngine has since been updated itself. Still, it's pretty much in use by titles no one has really heard of. Save a couple. At this point they're just doing everything they can to stay alive. Even tried to take Cloud Imperium to court over their CryEngine licensing but that ended up goin nowhere. The Crysis Remaster they put out last year didn't sit well with critics at all. They haven't put out a hit since Crysis 2 about 10 years ago.

Crytek is likely in a position where it's sell, downsize further, or close shop for good. There's no way they can keep paying 250 people on games that aren't selling and licensing to a handful low budget studios.


Gold Member
Jez calling it fake
Good. It would be a stupid purchase for anyone. Crysis isn't a valuable franchise, hardly anyone uses CryEngine, and they haven't made a great game in a decade. That would be 250 more mouths to feed who haven't been cutting it just for the sake of buying someone.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Would like it to be true but highly unlikely. As long as I get Ryse 2, I will be happy either way which should happen since everything in their leak has happened thus far.


My friend at work said he's uncle works at Sony and said M$ is buying naughty dog so.. it's going to be finalized this Wednesday.


This won't be that bad acquisition if you think of the Crysis IP alone. At least MS can get the IP and bring a bunch of new devs to the team and make Crysis relevant again!


Gold Member
Not sure I believe it, but they'd be a good fit. In fact, I'm afraid they'll just get absorbed and become white noise.

Between Halo, Gears, Doom, etc. it's not like MS needs their IPs. Something more wacky, off-the-wall, and Japanese like Sega (well, half of Sega) or Konami would to more to diversify Microsoft's lineup than yet another western FPS factory (although, don't get me wrong, I like Crysis a lot).

Wherever they go, I'll be happy as long as they don't go under. I like the sound of that new Crysis game for sure--semi-open like Halo but with the Crysis powers would make for a fun campaign.
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Not sure why it was really necessary (if true). MS have plenty of FPS developers in their stable already (343, id, Machine Games, Arkane Studios), so it might over-saturate the platform.


SEE! Cryengine game, having weird tech issues! without a fail! :messenger_tears_of_joy:
but yeah, holy shit! I'm now at ~80-90fps at 1440p where it dropped below 40fps at 1080p before... this is so typical :messenger_tears_of_joy:

in Prey I had to lock the framerate in the ini files in order to have a smooth experience, and here I have to tweak random shit in the nvidia control panel to make it run smooth... fucking hell lol
this is why the engine sucks ass on Console, because these issues often happen on console, and there you can't just tweak it in any control panel, you're at the mercy of the engine working properly.

and yeah, this game sucks ass... it is crazy to me that there are people out there defending it with passion lol

Yeh if you're on console with this engine then RIP...

Apparently it's an issue with this game that surfaced on Windows 10 with nvidia cards. People report that Windows 7 is fine without any CP tweaks so fuck knows what's going on.

Hunt Showdown being so smooth had me fooled.
Definitely not a believable source but they definitely would seem like a smart purchase, they'd be cheap, they could turn Ryse into a franchise, their main problem seems to be resources which Microsoft would be able to give them, they would own Cryengine, and it could break them into new locations for a studio and acquiring talent (Main company in Germany and subsidiaries in Ukraine and Turkey, none of those countries have an Xbox first party studio currently). I think they're a talented studio still and it could be a good purchase, but I'm not sure I believe this rumor just based on the source


Gold Member
Cant remember the last time I played a Cry Engine game. It might had been that turd Ryse. Great game to watch in YT clips. Crap game to play.

I dont see anything special about their games the past 10 years.

2004Far CryUbisoftMicrosoft WindowsCrytek
2007CrysisElectronic ArtsMicrosoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360Crytek
2008Crysis WarheadElectronic ArtsMicrosoft WindowsCrytek Budapest
2011Crysis 2Electronic ArtsMicrosoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360Crytek, Crytek UK
2012Fibble: Flick 'n' RollCrytekAndroid, iOSCrytek Budapest
2013Crysis 3Electronic ArtsMicrosoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360Crytek, Crytek UK
2013WarfaceMicrosoft Studios, CrytekMicrosoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo SwitchCrytek Kiev
2013Ryse: Son of RomeMicrosoft Studios, CrytekMicrosoft Windows, Xbox OneCrytek
2014The CollectablesDeNAiOSCrytek Budapest
2016The ClimbCrytekMicrosoft Windows, Oculus Quest (2019)Crytek
2016Robinson: The JourneyCrytekMicrosoft Windows, PlayStation 4Crytek
2019Hunt: ShowdownCrytekMicrosoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox OneCrytek
2020Crysis RemasteredCrytekMicrosoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox OneCrytek
2020The Climb 2CrytekOculus QuestCrytek
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Back in the day, Crytek spent lot of money to buy their IP from Microsoft (Ryse), so being bought by Microsoft now could be the stupidest thing ever.

But considering Crytek has an history of stupid moves, this could be true.


Gold Member
Back in the day, Crytek spent lot of money to buy their IP from Microsoft (Ryse), so being bought by Microsoft now could be the stupidest thing ever.

But considering Crytek has an history of stupid moves, this could be true.
On the plus side at least they don't name their games with Cry in it anymore.

There was possibilty at the time for Cryface, CRyse, The Hunt: Crydown
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didn't they lose talent to Star Citizen and Lumberyard?

if Crytech only takes over the programing for Obsidian and Bethesda RPGs then this will be money well spent.


This smacks wishful thinking from gamers in general.

Everyone losses when Crytek studios inevitably be closed. MS buying them is a win for EVERYONE 100%.
So it won't happen.

Edit: Also Crytek announced a remaster Crysis 2 couple of weeks ago. If MS was in talks with them for months over acquisition, then I doubt Crytek would "waste" the reveal like willy nilly instead of announcing it on stage alongside acquisition news.
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People seem to forget why Ryse gameplay was so shit. Ryse was supposed to be a Kinect game, and then the focus kinda changed mid-development. There's no reason to believe that Crytek couldn't make a very fun Ryse 2.
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