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Microsoft bought Crytek and will be announced at E3

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Just buy the Ryse IP from Crytek, the Outriders IP from Square and Castlevania & Snatcher from Konami.

Give me:

Ryse 2 - The Coalition
Snatcher: Reborn - Kojima
Castlevania - Team Ninja or Platinum
Outriders 2 - Newly aquired People Can Fly


I have to echo the people saying they would love a full campaign based Hunt Showdown video game. I can't think of another game with a southern gothic atmosphere like that, would be so cool.

And Ryse was very fun, hoping for a Ryse 2 (Rysen?)
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What a nonsense. You cannot just “mix” engines 🤣
Simpsons Thats The Joke GIF


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
lol crytek, the wannabe unreal engine

While Unreal was still baking lights I was clicking play in editor and jumping straight in.
For all their shortcomings from the management perspective, their engine tech was is still absolutely amazing to tinker with.
Their software raytracing and SVOGI implementation were something i didnt see coming at the time they released that shit.
Weve moved forward now sure, but that engine was doing some things.....just wasnt as intuitive to use as Unreal or even early versions of Unity.
Which is a shame because it was better than both from a technical perspective.

If this is true I take it CryEngine will no longer be licensable to indies?
I hope not, with a Microsoft money injection they can complete a shit ton of milestones and UE5 can have some real competition(technically) developing in CryEngine is still unnecessarily cumbersome.......maybe they can redo their pipeline the way Blueprint pretty much made Unreal Engine a cakewalk.


Given Crytec's financial situation, it does make sense. I can already see Hunt Showdown being thrown on GP where it could gain a second life.


Another studio that i never cared about anything they have made. But i could easily see them being bought by MS in the condition they currently are.I think they would appeal to MS mostly for their tech and for the Hunt which i think it's the type of game that MS really wants to have more of in Gamepass.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
it doesn't. only in some aspects, but overall it looks way better. better draw distance, better effects, RT, better CPU utilization etc. you still can't keep the og Crysis 1 at above 60fps on ANY modern PC... impossible... there are at least 2 scenes where any CPU will not be able to keep up. the remaster runs way better

it is terrible on most consoles tho
This is mind bending… how do they lock the CPU code that much that monsters like Ryzen 3 or Intel equivalents (with enough on chip cache as some computers had main RAM back then, ok I am exaggerating, but not that much ;)) are still faking behind? There must be a massive performance gap even in single threaded performance between the top of the line CPU’s back when Crysis 1 launched and now (not to mention this is new optimised engine code).


Another studio that i never cared about anything they have made. But i could easily see them being bought by MS in the condition they currently are.I think they would appeal to MS mostly for their tech and for the Hunt which i think it's the type of game that MS really wants to have more of in Gamepass.
thanks for letting us know that you don't care. we care about your opinion

hemo memo

Gold Member
I think the only thing stopping Microsoft from buying Sony or Nintendo is Japan regulations. Microsoft is in beast gaming investment mode.


Hope MS buys Crytek so they can put more devs on Hunt. They've been touting a new map for like well over 2 years now... shit's taking ages!


I’m not sure there is anything in the portfolio considered a system seller however.

And yet another tech engine platform post Bathesda also makes little sense.


Just buy the Ryse IP from Crytek, the Outriders IP from Square and Castlevania & Snatcher from Konami.

Give me:

Ryse 2 - The Coalition
Snatcher: Reborn - Kojima
Castlevania - Team Ninja or Platinum
Outriders 2 - Newly aquired People Can Fly
Agreed. They have enough studios. Just buy IPs and feed them to your studios to reduce the risk of all of them creating brand new IPs.
Have Machine games make a Ryse sequel using IdTech or the Coalition using UE5.


I’m not sure there is anything in the portfolio considered a system seller however.
Do we know what's on their pipeline? I'm sure this kind of deals do not only look at what's available now but on the future. Maybe they have something that piked MS interest?

And yet another tech engine platform post Bathesda also makes little sense.
I'd make sense if they were to create a group like Playstation ICE's team. Between 343, iD and Crytek they would have some of the best computer graphics engineers in the world. That group could not only help other groups with their rendering tech but also heavily influence next direct X and hardware


Do we know what's on their pipeline? I'm sure this kind of deals do not only look at what's available now but on the future. Maybe they have something that piked MS interest?

I'd make sense if they were to create a group like Playstation ICE's team. Between 343, iD and Crytek they would have some of the best computer graphics engineers in the world. That group could not only help other groups with their rendering tech but also heavily influence next direct X and hardware
Anything is possible, but I’m erring on too much of a long shot to be legit.


Do we know what's on their pipeline? I'm sure this kind of deals do not only look at what's available now but on the future. Maybe they have something that piked MS interest?
From the Crytek leak back in 2020.

  • Crysis Next (probably their Unannounced AAA FPS)
  • Crysis VR
  • Crysis Collection
  • Hunt Mobile
  • Ryse Next
  • Robinson 2 aka Journey 2


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Funny rumour. Simultaneously totally on-brand with MS previous acquisitions, and even more pointless.

Main thing against it is that it'd be another engine licensor, which might make it possible the deal could get blocked on anti-trust grounds.


I’m not sure there is anything in the portfolio considered a system seller however.

And yet another tech engine platform post Bathesda also makes little sense.

I can see two big reasons - Ryse sequel - MS already wanted to own the IP back in the days and had an argue about it with Crytec, so the acquisition would be an easy way to finally grab it, and secondly, Crytec is a very talented studio when it comes to rendering tech and more noticeably, the physics - 1st Crysis is still to this day THE most advanced, interactive game ever made, so now with consoles offering 14 threads to the devs, MS could use their expertise to put those threads to use, especially in all those RGPs they're currently making.


I can see two big reasons - Ryse sequel - MS already wanted to own the IP back in the days and had an argue about it with Crytec, so the acquisition would be an easy way to finally grab it, and secondly, Crytec is a very talented studio when it comes to rendering tech and more noticeably, the physics - 1st Crysis is still to this day THE most advanced, interactive game ever made, so now with consoles offering 14 threads to the devs, MS could use their expertise to put those threads to use, especially in all those RGPs they're currently making.
Ryse as an ip can’t be worth too much or we would have seen a sequel by now surely.

The engine does produce the goods, but conversely the lack of wide 3rd party adoption generally means it lacks something. Flexibility, ease of use? Who knows.

In saying all that, maybe it can be massaged into something better. Ms can’t be happy paying 3rd parties like epic for their engine in perpetuity - maybe they do want their own in-house tech like Sony.
the only good game they've put out is Crysis and that ain't that popular anymore. Maybe the OG Far Cry. as a studio they peaked in 2004-2007.

i suppose they are only interested in the CryEngine but why would they make a big deal of announcing it at E3? Maybe they will just use the Crytek name and rebuild it with completely new developers to help other studios or start working on new IP.

i think MS is wasting money here. i think they could've put that money to better use but hey it's MS they have the money to throw away on acquisitions like this.
I've had friends work at the UK office and go months without getting paid. They've been having money issues for bloody ages now. Hopefully this Microsoft buyout stops this from happening again.


I think MS might finally be getting into VR.

Even if they have the setup in their OS for third party, they are so behind in software for VR it's not funny. Only thing I can see making a big splash is if they made a deal with Oculus or valve and got Half Life ALyx. WHich from what I've heard is already in the works for PSVR2.


Has any dev that Microsoft bought put out anything of note after MS bought them?

I feel like maybe Microsoft should work on producing content with the studios they have.


Why do they need Crytek for that?
Because they started to concentrate on VR titles and that is where they differentiate and had some success in. Robinson the journey, The Climb 1, and The Climb 2.

Even if they have the setup in their OS for third party, they are so behind in software for VR it's not funny. Only thing I can see making a big splash is if they made a deal with Oculus or valve and got Half Life ALyx. WHich from what I've heard is already in the works for PSVR2.
Yes they are very behind but I think they are trying to build it now. Phil said some nonsense about VR not being advanced enough and the xbox fanbase towed the the company line and tried to say it's a fad but it was because of the poor install base of the xbox one. Now though it doesn't matter as much.
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Maybe we might get 60fps hunt if this happens (on consoles)

& then hopefully they restrain crytek from making crysis remakes over and over.

Would much rather see crytek focus on hunt, and make a new Ryse game.


If true not a super exciting purchase but one which does align with there PC and Xbox markets.

I mean its not Sega...
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