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MotorStorm: Apocalypse |OT| Where the Rubber Meets the Road


crispyben said:
There's another game mode available in Wreckreation.

What mode is it? I have the same problem. Tried every race type available, including local multi, and both Eliminator and Race online, but I'm still at 2/3. Also, it seems to me that sometime the race types don't register. Had to delete my save to make a Festival race register.

crispyben said:
It seems online as a whole has gone to shit again, I was unable to meet up with everlong416, track vote almost never shows up, I get random disconnects before, during and after races which makes it useless to use the wager system to rank up faster... I just got the level 15 trophy, but 30 and 40 seem too far away in these circumstances!

It's so sad. I really want to play this online, but it's simply nerve wrecking. As soon as I get to 1.50 multipliers, there's an error or a freeze or something. Never been able to race more than two times in a row.

Did Evolution ever say something about a patch? Did they at least aknowledge the problems?


BPK said:
For me, this will be the biggest adjustment when I get the game. I'm used to having my Motorstorms in canyons or in the jungle. It's weird to play a game in the series where you're driving on road so much. I can't help but feel that in reducing the differences between various vehicles, and in making the handling noticeably easier, the game has lost some of its charm.

Still, I'm pleased with the positive impressions so far. Evolution is a quality dev, and I'll be there Day 1.

I wouldn't say it lost it's charme. It changed it's charme. It's quite different, but still motorstorm though. And like the developers said...there really wasn't a big chance to do the same again without tiring the audience.


Varth said:
What mode is it? I have the same problem. Tried every race type available, including local multi, and both Eliminator and Race online, but I'm still at 2/3. Also, it seems to me that sometime the race types don't register. Had to delete my save to make a Festival race register.
From ps3trophies.org:
There are three standard game modes: Race, Elimination and Chase. You encounter Races and Eliminations in Festival Mode, but not Chase mode. Simply select quick race from the Wreckreation menu and change the mode to Chase, and then finish it. As long as you have played a Race and Elimination prior to Chase, the trophy will unlock at the end of Round 5 of Chase.


crispyben said:
Ah ok, thanks! :) I got the trophy now. I did actually try the Chase mode before i asked, but then i thought that it was a mode that had infinitive rounds, so i only raced for 2 rounds or so before i quit. But i tried again now and i see that it doesnt finish before you have done 4 rounds (or perhaps it ends when someone first reaches 20 points in total). When i did that, then i got the trophy =)
Got the game today. Paid £1 for it using my GAME points. Although the guy serving me didn't seem amused I used my card to pay for it.

The patch is taking forever to download so hopefully I'll get a chance to play when my Bro/Sis are in bed.


I just watched some Motorstorm 1 movies on youtube.
Talk about going back in progress, well... the whole industry does it so i guess evolution followed the lead.

Gaming is fucking going in reverse...
Shitter graphics, smaller maps, dumbed down control, less game depth.

/Rant over


Rhoxin said:
I just watched some Motorstorm 1 movies on youtube.
Talk about going back in progress, well... the whole industry does it so i guess evolution followed the lead.

Gaming is fucking going in reverse...
Shitter graphics, smaller maps, dumbed down control, less game depth.

/Rant over

Yeah, watching movies of a game just isn't the same as experiencing a game. Motorstorm 1 had it's fair share of problems, some of those were far more annoying than anything of the flaws of MS3.

I can't see the graphics complain though, at all. Game looks spectacular most of the time.


Thrakier said:
Yeah, watching movies of a game just isn't the same as experiencing a game. Motorstorm 1 had it's fair share of problems, some of those were far more annoying than anything of the flaws of MS3.

I can't see the graphics complain though, at all. Game looks spectacular most of the time.

Care to remind me of the flaws?
Or maybe i should just pop it in and play it a bit ;)


Rhoxin said:
Care to remind me of the flaws?
Or maybe i should just pop it in and play it a bit ;)

The AI was horrible, way way worse than in PR and Apocalypse. Not only the rubberbanding, but the attacking on the higher difficulties was hilarious. Try some of the later buggy levels, it's nearly unplayable. Also, on the later races they just let you drive more rounds, so that it got very tedious. You had like 5 rounds to go, but only the last half of the last round mattered. You were like 7 to 10 minutes on a track sometimes, with only 30 seconds of interessting racing. It was downright boring. That never happens with MS:A. There is always action, you really have to focus on the track, you are entertained through the whole race. The online mode in MS1 was absolutely barebones, there were no additional race mode etc. pp. - I could go on like that.

The story mode in MS3 is a nice variation and the online mode (despite it's technical problems at the moment) imo sets a new standard for online racers. It's super intense and your racing skills really matter here, because even very small mistakes (like not driving ideal line around a corner) can decide who's winning. I had some super intense fights over the first place. Betting system is great, because even if you can't win the whole race you can still "win". That's a genious idea. Also there are lots of vehicles, customisation options and and and...if you don't see what MS3 does oh so right but only concentrate on the negative things, I can't help you though. ;)

Regarding the graphics, MS1 still looks great, right. But MS3 is a completly different setup, so it's kinda hard to compare. But when MS3 looks awesome (twister stage f.e.) it blows MS1 away. And it runs at a higher resolution too. Don't forget 3D mode, even if you can't use it.

So all in all, you can like it or not, but I don't think it's fair to say that MS3 is a "devolution".

Also, I may remind you on your comments on page 5...I guess you had good times with the game as well. ;)

Ranger X

So, is this game truly easier and shorter and than the first and second installment?

'Cause if the answer is Yes this would become a must buy for me.


Neo Member
Ranger X said:
So, is this game truly easier and shorter and than the first and second installment?

'Cause if the answer is Yes this would become a must buy for me.

I would say YES. Maybe disappointing for some, but the depth in single player comes from collecting all the cards and playing the hardcore events.

I would also say the dual races and point to point races add better variety than in Motorstorm 1 and 2 single player.
Yay, my copy of the game arrived :)

holy shit @ the customization options :eek:

oh and I miss an awesome CGI intro like in the prequels!


SolidusDave said:
Yay, my copy of the game arrived :)

holy shit @ the customization options :eek:

oh and I miss an awesome CGI intro like in the prequels!

you mean, real video and then CGI?
Yeah i miss that too.

Starting to pwn in multiplayer.... it's fun :)
Rhoxin said:
you mean, real video and then CGI?
Yeah i miss that too.

Was it real footage? I think at least PR was just CGI and some (pre-rendered) ingame material.

btw. I don't think it was shown here yet, so here's a little photo mode comparison:

(click the images for the original sized file)

original shot (in 1080p):

same pic with some mild DoF and motion blur (in 1080p):

the original shot rendered in 4096×2304:
SolidusDave said:
Was it real footage? I think at least PR was just CGI and some (pre-rendered) ingame material.

The footage of the islands and volcanos were real, but when the motorstorm carrier shows up, it's cgi obviously. There's making of videos where it shows them in a helicopter shooting the footage.


BackwardsSuggestions said:
Damnit, Evo!

This is the most epic opening ever. You know it. We know it. Everyone knows it. Yet you make a shitty one for Apocalypse. :(

They made their last game a kiddy game and a kiddy intro to match.

3 weeks now and the fucking multiplayer still doesn't work properly.

MotorStorm Apocalypse - Notice of Server Updates and Maintenance (06-April-2011)
on 06-04-2011 02:03 PM

Hi everyone,

There will be server updates and maintenance for MotorStorm Apocalypse this afternoon:

(06-April-2011) 14:30 PM UK Time - 15:00 PM UK Time

The game's online connectivity and MotorStorm.com are expected to be unavailable during this time. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Well, it's almost 16:00 now and shit still sux

It's 17:00 now, the game never worked better.
Last maintenance actually fixed the crap.

Edit 3:

HAHAHa, forget what i just said.
After 30 min of the smoothest onlines service it shat it self again.
Kodus sony and evolution.

Edit 4:

I think i have lost about 60000 points because of server crashes by now....
god damn

Yep, online seems to be properly fixed now after that maintenance today. Let's hope it will stay like this. Had about 10 perfect(and full) games in a row an hour ago.


Only just started this yesterday. Not sure I like it. I'll ignore the confusing paths, as I thought pacific rift was like that too.

The handling just feels off. All vehicles seem to steer normally for a while, then suddenly snap into a drift. Either be drifty, or steer properly, make up your mind. I remember the ATVs and bikes being a bit twitchy in previous games, which is why I never chose them. But they all seem like that in apocalypse. Also I like 3rd person camera in motorstorm to see what opponents are doing. But the camera seems worse. I find i'm tending to fishtail a lot as the camera is either over or under reacting to my initial input. Combined with the confusing road layouts it's making the actual racing more like work than fun.

Oh and the rubber banding is the same crazy shit as usual. In one race i was in 1st halfway round the final lap. One crash and i'm down in 9th, on the finishing straight. Bit of boost and I finish 2nd. Just mad. The story is just stupid. Looks like they put together some animatics for the proper story mode, then ran out of time/budget to render it.

And while i'm bitching, do you ever get to choose your own vehicle? I bloody hate the ATVs, bikes and monster trucks

The 3D is very impressive, but so is the 1080p 2D mode, so i'm torn as to which I prefer.

Edit: just been looking at the customisation options. I need to be rank 5 or above for about 75% of the content? And rank is only gained by playing online? Well thanks evo for cutting out tons of content for me. I'd have liked to tweak my car for split screen multiplayer, but I suppose that's not leet enough for you?


Been playing online for a short while now (reached rank 6), and I haven't encountered any problems anymore. Good lord the MP mode is good fun; the simplicity of the betting system is addicting, and my heart was racing when I tried to reach the x2.0 multiplier. Haven't encountered any lag, and no noticeable lag warping either; as a biker, I've landed on opponents' roofs several times without any clipping issues. Fun stuff, I think this game will be my go-to MP game for a while.

mrklaw: I agree that the vehicles easily go into drift mode, but I think they did this on purpose since it's used to gather tokens in the online mode. The drifting can be a hassle if you play in third-person view, but it's not a big problem if you play in first person.


Meh tokens, meh online. Don't mess up single player because of some odd mechanic you choose to include - adapt the mechanic to fit, don't break the damn handling for it.

First person is ok for some cars, but eg the supermini its much too low to the ground, and in motorstorm you need situational awareness which you don't get in first person


mrklaw said:
Edit: just been looking at the customisation options. I need to be rank 5 or above for about 75% of the content? And rank is only gained by playing online? Well thanks evo for cutting out tons of content for me. I'd have liked to tweak my car for split screen multiplayer, but I suppose that's not leet enough for you?

You can play online in splitscreen mode. :)


BeeDog said:
Been playing online for a short while now (reached rank 6), and I haven't encountered any problems anymore. Good lord the MP mode is good fun; the simplicity of the betting system is addicting, and my heart was racing when I tried to reach the x2.0 multiplier. Haven't encountered any lag, and no noticeable lag warping either; as a biker, I've landed on opponents' roofs several times without any clipping issues. Fun stuff, I think this game will be my go-to MP game for a while.
Great, I was wondering why you weren't around after making the thread. Hopefully we can have a few races this week-end.


Neo Member
Yeah the MP is a blast when you get a fullish room of players (reached rank 10). I like the betting system but I wish you could change the amount of chips you want to bet, so you could drop a level or jump a level. Also if you don't bet on a race it automatically picks an opponent (closest rank) to bet on so you always have to bet. No lag to report!

It gets very tense when you've got a multiplier and you see your rival coming up behind you.
I won a race by about 0.10 seconds by exploding over the finish line to beat my rival. :D
I'm breezing through the story mode. Very easy this time. Though it's really nice that you basically have no repetition. Even if the same track comes up, you can hardly recognize it (reverse/different sections/different destruction).

some random pics from the campaign:

Looks like evolution studios are releasing a couple of DLC soon. 1 containing the mode editor and another with some more tracks based around a prison. There also releasing a patch to have more support for Logitech wheels. Motorstorm with a wheel and force feedback sound awesome.


SunhiLegend said:
Looks like evolution studios are releasing a couple of DLC soon. 1 containing the mode editor and another with some more tracks based around a prison. There also releasing a patch to have more support for Logitech wheels. Motorstorm with a wheel and force feedback sound awesome.

I've used my Driving Force GT with it....its fun and various vehicles handle differently. Also it seems like the environment provides different force feedback....like say the tornado level.

I wonder what they will be adding that will make it better....is it just support for more Logitech wheels?


crispyben said:
Great, I was wondering why you weren't around after making the thread. Hopefully we can have a few races this week-end.

Sounds like a plan!

SunhiLegend said:
Looks like evolution studios are releasing a couple of DLC soon. 1 containing the mode editor and another with some more tracks based around a prison. There also releasing a patch to have more support for Logitech wheels. Motorstorm with a wheel and force feedback sound awesome.

I thought the mode editor was completely scrapped, since I haven't seen any mention of it. Got any recent link that discusses upcoming patches?
BeeDog said:
I thought the mode editor was completely scrapped, since I haven't seen any mention of it. Got any recent link that discusses upcoming patches?

This morning's Top Story is the news that MotorStorm Apocalypse has some exciting-sounding updates on the way -- many of which are free.

The first is the Mode Editor, which allows players to create and share their own custom game modes. These modes can be played in private play sessions and online, and the most popular creations will be incorporated into the official multiplayer ranked playlists.

The next piece of content is a new track environment set on an abandoned Alcatraz-style prison island. Like the on-disc environments of Apocalypse, the environment contains a number of different tracks to race around.

Both the upcoming editor and the new environment/track(s) will be free DLC! :)


Saturday morning
Multiplayer is fucked again.

Game was released 3 weeks ago.
This is so pathetic it's crazy.


just got off multiplayer 5 min ago and was racing for about 3 hours straight prior. I think your connection issues are local and not server related.


Same here, about two hour ago i played for about 1 to 1.5 hours straight and i had no problems :)

Rhoxin: What type of error did you have by the way?


While situation has clearly improved with the last patch, I'm still unable to complete more than 2-3 races in a row. Incredibly poor performance for a first party game.
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