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MotorStorm: Apocalypse |OT| Where the Rubber Meets the Road


finally received the game, today another patch was out :/

I was a bit dissapointed after the demo, and while the game does not feel like PR at all, it is still very enjoyable so far and hopefully when i learn the tracks i will enjoy even more.
America still doesn't have the game ?

No retailers followed the delayed order here in Europe, since the game was already on most shelves a couple of days before release...


That's not bad at all, 3 week delay. Indefinitely made it seem like sometime in the late summer or fall. These game releases are starting to stack up now.
Ok so after two hours or so with it so far I'm glad I rented it because it's kinda 50/50

+ Really fun scenarios and locations. Racing over collapsing skyscrapers? Fuck yes. It's great to be racing in environments that change so much and have a lot of action going on in the background.
+ The variety of vehicles is still very appealing to me and I love the difference of going from one race in a bike where you get knocked off with the smallest touch and then moving on to the next race where I'm in a giant truck and plough through everything.
+ When you get into that zone, going really fast, hitting all of the right ramps and avoiding your competitors it's a thrill that really only old school Burnout could match.

- It's been a long time since I last played Motorstorm: Pacific Rift but I don't remember the AI being so aggressive. They ram you every time you get near to them and as a result I don't overtake unless I have miles of room. Too much contact.
- The IQ of the game is really bad. It looks nice, don't get me wrong, but when things start to go batshit insane I find it hard to spot my path. Roads blend in with debris, sun glare blinds you too much and overall the game just looks a bit... fuzzy. It's probably because I've spent so much time playing PC racing games on superior hardware.
- The controls are a bit glidey and I never feel in complete control. This is partially a good thing for the thrill of the race, but also a bad thing because I feel it's a fault of the game engine and not a result of "driving at the limit" all of the time.
- Those cutscenes? So not needed. Embarrassing, to make it worse, and I skip them constantly now.

So a little bit more negative than positive looking at that list. A really fun game, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I'll be sending back this copy and then buying it.

I'll have to go back to PR to see if I have rose tinted glasses about that game because I don't recall most of my issues in this game being present there.


Mechanical Snowman said:
I'm waiting on that unlock. I've only just unlocked the faster acceleration perk, and I'm liking the fact that you're not immediately stuck in a motor storm of bigger vehicles as soon as the race starts. On that note, Monsters and Big Rigs should always start ahead of the pack; the number of times I've been destroyed within the first 5 seconds, lol.

And why are the muting options only available during the intermission? There's a 10 second window to mute everyone, even though people can join any time while in the lobby. A 'mute all' button that works in-game should be mandatory for online games.
I used the faster acceleration perk as well before i unlocked faster top speed. It's nice to espace those bigger vechiles not to ram into you at once as you say indeed. And good idea about getting moster trucks and big rigs to start first =)

Foliorum Viridum said:
- The IQ of the game is really bad. It looks nice, don't get me wrong, but when things start to go batshit insane I find it hard to spot my path. Roads blend in with debris, sun glare blinds you too much and overall the game just looks a bit... fuzzy. It's probably because I've spent so much time playing PC racing games on superior hardware.
- The controls are a bit glidey and I never feel in complete control. This is partially a good thing for the thrill of the race, but also a bad thing because I feel it's a fault of the game engine and not a result of "driving at the limit" all of the time.
I can only speak for myself, but i had a bit the same about what you mentioned about the tracks to begin with, so i kept on crash quite a bit. But after playing more and more, and getting used to the tracks, i started to crash much less. I find some of the more darker levels (like i.e 'Aces High') sometimes to be a bit difficult though.

About the controls, have you tried to change to using the d-pad instead? That helped for me at least :)
D-pad in a racing game? Doesn't sound appealing, but I'll give it a try :)

It's not a case of learning the tracks, I don't think, the IQ of the game is just generally quite bad. It still looks really nice, though - very confusing!


Foliorum Viridum said:
D-pad in a racing game? Doesn't sound appealing, but I'll give it a try :)
Personally i feel that i have more control using the d-pad, especially in games like Motorstorm Apocalypse where precition stearing can be important. In some racing games i dont mind using the analog stick though, for example in Modnation Racers :)

Foliorum Viridum said:
It's not a case of learning the tracks, I don't think, the IQ of the game is just generally quite bad. It still looks really nice, though - very confusing!
I do agree that some of the tracks can look kinda confusing where the road goes next, i have had some episodes where i thought i could drive somewhere, but then it was a dead end. But when i started to learn the tracks, like where every road went and learning pretty much every hazard in the tracks, then i started to enjoy the game more since i didnt crash so much. It took a while though, i beat the game + i had probably around 100 races online before i started to getting to know most of the tracks pretty good.

What does IQ mean by the way? I know what you're saying, but i just wonder what IQ stands for.
test_account said:
What does IQ mean by the way? I know what you're saying, but i just wonder what IQ stands for.
Image Quality. Rather than being really crisp and clean, it seems kinda fuzzy and that's when everything blurs into one.

IQ is a real problem in most console games these days with the hardware being so old.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Image Quality. Rather than being really crisp and clean, it seems kinda fuzzy and that's when everything blurs into one.

IQ is a real problem in most console games these days with the hardware being so old.
Oh ok. Yeah, maybe it can be a bit fuzzy if a lot goes on at once, especially when the boost meter is at full (which adds those red boarders on the screen). But i still think that learning the tracks quite well will make the game more enjoyable, at least it was like that for me :)

Rhoxin said:
Friday night and multiplayer just died...

I wonder what causes these online problems. It seems to me to be pretty random. Sometimes it works fine for several of races, then suddently i get disconnected. Then a few seconds later i try to join another game and it works fine again.

By the way, if someone experience that the game halts after the voting screen or something and it isnt possible to quite the session, disconnecting from PSN will quit the session, so that you dont have to restart the whole game. Maybe this "trick" is already know, but i just wanted to mention it anyway =)
Foliorum Viridum said:
- The IQ of the game is really bad. It looks nice, don't get me wrong, but when things start to go batshit insane I find it hard to spot my path. Roads blend in with debris, sun glare blinds you too much and overall the game just looks a bit... fuzzy. It's probably because I've spent so much time playing PC racing games on superior hardware.

mh, the things you describe don't really have much to do with the IQ though.
I mean... the game renders at 1280x1080 (dynamic) in the 2D mode - with MLAA. I don't really like the texture work of the engine, but the IQ is really nice compared to like 95% of console games.


I knew it!!

January: Little Big Planet 2 / DC Universe Online
February: Killzone 3
March: Move Heroes
April: Socom 4
May: Motorstorm Apocalypse
June: infamous 2



played a bit futher, almost finished the easy levels. man this only gets better and better. Sure maybe a bit crisper textures could enhance the experience but i've never experienced such a espectacular visuals in a console before. had this game been released in arcades if they weren't dead and would have become an instant classic.
Oh and the complains about the tracks, Motorstorm has always been fun AFTER you learn the tracks, otherways you keep crashing all the time and may get frustrating
I think I just became BFFs with a 13 year old; I won a race and this guy was just behind me the whole time, so in the lobby I messaged him complimenting his driving. Next race he is winning, but brakes at the finish line for me to come first :lol and in other races he kept choosing a Rig and wrecking other drivers for me to get ahead.

I ranked up to 22 from 20 in less than an hour. I love this game.


Mechanical Snowman said:
I think I just became BFFs with a 13 year old; I won a race and this guy was just behind me the whole time, so in the lobby I messaged him complimenting his driving. Next race he is winning, but brakes at the finish line for me to come first :lol and in other races he kept choosing a Rig and wrecking other drivers for me to get ahead.

I ranked up to 22 from 20 in less than an hour. I love this game.

He is an e-crush on you for being nice to him.
Mechanical Snowman said:
I think I just became BFFs with a 13 year old; I won a race and this guy was just behind me the whole time, so in the lobby I messaged him complimenting his driving. Next race he is winning, but brakes at the finish line for me to come first :lol and in other races he kept choosing a Rig and wrecking other drivers for me to get ahead.

I ranked up to 22 from 20 in less than an hour. I love this game.
This begs for an avatar quote. ;)

I might have to try this online today, though. Are people less aggressive than the AI in general? I doubt it, haha.


Foliorum Viridum said:
This begs for an avatar quote. ;)

I might have to try this online today, though. Are people less aggressive than the AI in general? I doubt it, haha.

Seriously, the online drivers often drive pretty clean. You can see that most are scared of trying to ram you, even if they have a heavy vehicle and you have a bike. Though I also tend to stay away from the pack as much as possible anyhow.


BeeDog said:
Seriously, the online drivers often drive pretty clean. You can see that most are scared of trying to ram you, even if they have a heavy vehicle and you have a bike. Though I also tend to stay away from the pack as much as possible anyhow.
Well, wait for us ...american drivers!!!! Fuck yeah!!! :p


i'm about half way through the pro level now and the tracks are pretty dam amazing. wasn't impressed too much with the rookie campaign. so looking good.

some levels i have no idea how i'm winning though lol....too busy slack jawed watching stuff going on around me.

it's the worst MS soundtrack ever tho ..i loved the first two's OST's ... this one just sucks.

and while i guess the new intro allows for the VERy cool tranisition from in game cinimatic intro to the campaign's ..i still really miss the iconic MS over the top CG intro's and where the fuck is my "wellllcome ...to motorstorm" .. just aint right with out it.

but awesome game, ive yet to try online yet.
sun-drop said:
i'm about half way through the pro level now and the tracks are pretty dam amazing. wasn't impressed too much with the rookie campaign. so looking good.

some levels i have no idea how i'm winning though lol....too busy slack jawed watching stuff going on around me.

it's the worst MS soundtrack ever tho ..i loved the first two's OST's ... this one just sucks.

and while i guess the new intro allows for the VERy cool tranisition from in game cinimatic intro to the campaign's ..i still really miss the iconic MS over the top CG intro's and where the fuck is my "wellllcome ...to motorstorm" .. just aint right with out it.

but awesome game, ive yet to try online yet.
The fuck. That's disappointing, especially the latter. MotorStorm Guy's intro narrations are the best!


ConradCervantes said:
The fuck. That's disappointing, especially the latter. MotorStorm Guy's intro narrations are the best!

Soundtrack's muuuuuch, much better than the one in Pacific Rift, mainly because it's all-electronic. The rock and all that other shit in Pacific Rift is thankfully gone. But of course, this is highly subjective.
BeeDog said:
Soundtrack's muuuuuch, much better than the one in Pacific Rift, mainly because it's all-electronic. The rock and all that other shit in Pacific Rift is thankfully gone. But of course, this is highly subjective.
Agreed on subjectivity, a lot of Pacific Rift's music clicked with me and introduced me to some groups I listen to to this day. But I do enjoy a healthy dosage of electronica, so we shall see.
ConradCervantes said:
The fuck. That's disappointing, especially the latter. MotorStorm Guy's intro narrations are the best!
The festival intro for the first Motorstorm has got to be the best CG intro for any game, ever. It sends shivers down my spine watching it with a home theater system, the atmosphere is just insane.

That's part of the reason why I hate (haaate) the motion comic style stories in MS:A. It turns the back-story 'canon' into a sort of jokey, comedy bullshit that doesn't take itself seriously, whereas I always imagined it as it was portrayed in the first and second CG intro.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
So, after a weeks vacation I've logged back on and found that everyone is like level 50+ now and know the tracks a whole lot better than me. What happened?


kinoki said:
So, after a weeks vacation I've logged back on and found that everyone is like level 50+ now and know the tracks a whole lot better than me. What happened?

The online ranks are so misleading; I regularly beat people 20-30 levels above me. But yeah, people are starting to learn all tracks, so just man up and keep practicing. :p
ConradCervantes said:
Agreed on subjectivity, a lot of Pacific Rift's music clicked with me and introduced me to some groups I listen to to this day. But I do enjoy a healthy dosage of electronica, so we shall see.

MS1's soundtrack got me into Primal Scream.

I thought PR's soundtrack was utter cack, though.


People, I need to know one thing before I buy this.

Can you turn off the camera zoom/pan + slomo when a structure is about to collapse. It looks fucking annoying.
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