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N. Korea flies an unidentified projectile across border with S. Korea: military


(URGENT) N. Korea flies an unidentified projectile across border with S. Korea: military



SEOUL, May 23 (Yonhap) -- South Korean troops fired warning shots at an "unidentified object" crossing the inter-Korean border from North Korea Tuesday afternoon, the South's military announced.

The military detected the object flying across the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) southward in the Chorwon area in the eastern province of Gangwon at around 4 p.m., according to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

It added the South's military fired warning shots along with a warning broadcast.

The South's military is analyzing what the object was and has beefed up its air defense posture, said the JCS.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Yikes........ Okay I'm hoping this means a sea boundary or it just went over their airspace into the sea :(


An unidentified projectile? Not an explosive? So what like, a football?

Need more information.

News just broke. The also refer to missiles as unidentified projectile until they have identified it's type.

Could be missile, drone or artillery shells for whatever we know




More extensive write-up:

A flying object crossed into South Korea from the North at 1600 KST, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) announced on Tuesday.

”Our military detected an unidentified projectile crossing the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) in Cheorwon area of Gangwon Province at 1600 KST today (May 23) and did warning broadcasting and shots in accordance with the procedures," the JCS said in a preliminary statement.

South Korea's army responded with 90 rounds of K3 machine-gun fire in the direction of the North, according to Yonhap News Agency, and has not yet been able to identify the ”projectile".

”We are analyzing the projectile," the statement added. ”Our military is heightening the anti-aircraft surveillance and maintaining alertness."



Warning shots, at a projectile.. like that would change its trajectory?

I'm sure south Korea knows what a drone is. So is there something getting lost in translation?


My mind goes to maybe one of the worst interpretations, what if they're getting South Korea getting accustomed to these objects flying over with no consequence, in preparation for a VX drop.


Do the North and the South have some hotline between them? Sure would suck to start a war over something that might be accidental.


The world needs to get its act together, a rogue state getting nuclear weapons and medium/long range missile tech and being insane enough to use them is a worst case scenario. And that is exactly what NK is. The destructive capability of nuclear weapons is simply too great to let NK get away with this.

Either close their borders and blockade the country with China's cooperation and issue demands to the populace to overthrow the government or get the military in force into the country before they get even more powerful nuclear capabilities. You have to stop them before they can hold South Korea hostage with nuclear weapons. China doesn't want a NK refugee crisis, but they sure as hell don't want a NK that can launch nukes their way either. Form a coalition and solve this. This is one of the few times where preemptive military intervention in a foreign country is absolutely needed.
China doesn't want a NK refugee crisis, but they sure as hell don't want a NK that can launch nukes their way either. Form a coalition and solve this. This is one of the few times where preemptive military intervention in a foreign country is absolutely needed.

You could ask whether Americans want NK to cease to exist. Most will answer yes.

Then you could ask them whether America should take in all of the refugees. Im sure most wouldnt want that.


You could ask whether Americans want NK to cease to exist. Most will answer yes.

Then you could ask them whether America should take in all of the refugees. Im sure most wouldnt want that.

If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

Take note KoreaGAF. Terribly inhumane post.
If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.
Well that's just gross.


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

Wow.. seriously?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

"simply kills all the refugees"

Oh that's all it takes? Jesus, have a word with yourself.


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

Wow, quite posible the worst post in neogaf history, you should be ashamed.


tagged by Blackace
NK keeps reaching and dissin, putting SK in a fucked up position.

They gon make SK call their bros for assistance.


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

"Possible Nuke Area?" 2.0.


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

Get a load of this guy


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

Normal .morality does indeed apply. We can't toss morals out the window just because it's convenient. Being good is hard, but it's the right thing to do. There are other solutions than genocide.


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

You're a bad person.
If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.
It's a good thing you're not in charge of anything.


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.
Jesus. Why even form a coalition then? Might as well glass NK from orbit. Cmon, you can't be serious with this?


Normal .morality does indeed apply. We can't toss morals out the window just because it's convenient. Being good is hard, but it's the right thing to do. There are other solutions than genocide.
What if we just did a little bit of genocide? Just a smidge? Come on, no one will even notice!


Likely to have been a balloon carrying propaganda leaflets.

AP: "Seoul says NKorean object that drew fire was likely balloon"
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea’s military said an unidentified object that flew across the border from rival North Korea and prompted the South to respond with warning shots on Tuesday was probably a balloon carrying Pyongyang’s propaganda leaflets.

An official from the Defense Ministry said Wednesday that the military concluded that the object was most likely a balloon after analyzing information from radar and observation equipment. The official didn’t want to be named, citing office rules.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff in a statement on Tuesday said the military broadcast a warning to North Korea in response to the object before firing the warning shots, and also that the military bolstered its air surveillance.

South Korea’s Yonhap news agency, without citing a source, reported that the South fired about 90 machine gun rounds into the air and toward North Korea. Local media had speculated the object was a North Korean military drone. North Korea often uses balloons to fly propaganda leaflets to the South.

There was no immediate comment in North Korea’s state-run media, and no reports that the North had returned fire.


If China simply kills all the refugees crossing the border and the USA has to sink the boats b/c its populace wants no refugees then so be it. That's the problem with nuclear weapons. They are so incredibly destructive that normal morality can no longer apply. A few million deaths to stop potentially tens or hundreds of millions of deaths makes logical sense.

Ahahaha this is without doubt the worst post I've ever read on Gaf. No hyperbole. Give your head a wobble.

I mean, where would you even start with this guy?
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