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New screens from RE4 PS2

mckmas8808 said:
At the end of the day aren't both versions pretty close to comparible. They look about the same to me. So who cares.

Oh, the fanboys will care my lad, how the fanboys would care!!

They are so passionate sometimes I wish could invent a tool so I can beat people over the internet.

I would be a millioniare I tells ya!!


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Oh, the fanboys will care my lad, how the fanboys would care!!

They are so passionate sometimes I wish could invent a tool so I can beat people over the internet.

I would be a millioniare I tells ya!!

I wish it was that simple...

I've said plenty of times I'll be getting this for the extras, and I've said in this very thread that I think the PS2 looks great...but just because I say a sci fi gun has no place in the game, I get called a fanboy and whatever else (I can't remember what but it was enough to get a few people on the ignore list). I've played this game enough times to know what is and isn't going to make it better...and an electric gun is NOT going to make the game better
123rl said:
I wish it was that simple...

I've said plenty of times I'll be getting this for the extras, and I've said in this very thread that I think the PS2 looks great...but just because I say a sci fi gun has no place in the game, I get called a fanboy and whatever else (I can't remember what but it was enough to get a few people on the ignore list). I've played this game enough times to know what is and isn't going to make it better...and an electric gun is NOT going to make the game better

Perhaps, but the chainsaw is a nice treat, if only for the chance at payback for being flanked and head sawed off from those Texax Chain Saw Massacre rejects!!!

Going from behind and taking my head off will you?!! It's my turn MOTHERFUC@*#($(!!


Oh, the chainsaw sounds like damn fun :D I don't know how much I'd want to use short-range weapons like the chainsaw, but it'll be fun to try. But the other weapons sound a bit too much of a gimmick

btw have you seen the PS2 Chainsaw controller? It has motion detection like the Onimusha sword controller. You swing the chainsaw and Leon will respond to it :D All they have to do is mention that in one advert and the game will sell billions :lol
HomerSimpson-Man said:
I already noted it is due to video compression and I work with what I got. People tend to never look past things like that...why? You should try to match pics scene to scene from moving trailers of various pics. Even in light of the shots, you can see the overall textures and poly counts being used. Being defensive in such matters is highly unneeded. Go to gametrailers.com if you wish and see them for yourself.

You honestly think RE4 would even remotely look like that in terms of video output in actual play or something? Hell, I already have the GC version, of course not. These are freaking trailer grabs!!

I just had to get at you for posting those pics, I know you played the GC version. Actuallly what I thought you were showing was the difference in the affects of having panoramic widescreen instead of the built in borders. Which I don't believe were implemented for technical reason, but for gameplay. I choose to believe Kobayashi, although some prefer to believe otherwise.
123rl said:
Oh, the chainsaw sounds like damn fun :D I don't know how much I'd want to use short-range weapons like the chainsaw, but it'll be fun to try. But the other weapons sound a bit too much of a gimmick

btw have you seen the PS2 Chainsaw controller? It has motion detection like the Onimusha sword controller. You swing the chainsaw and Leon will respond to it :D All they have to do is mention that in one advert and the game will sell billions :lol

That sounds neat, but then we might get that Thompson ass telling the media it encourages chainsawing human beings!!! OMGWTF!!!

I'm not sure how much I would use a close range weapon either, but I could take advantage of running to room and closing the door on them. They would probably try to open and walk in only to be sawed one by one.....it's sick.....but brilliant!!
OG_Original Gamer said:
I just had to get at you for posting those pics, I know you played the GC version. Actuallly what I thought you were showing was the difference in the affects of having panoramic widescreen instead of the built in borders. Which I don't believe were implemented for technical reason, but for gameplay. I choose to believe Kobayashi, although some prefer to believe otherwise.

Just some miscommunication then, it's all water under the bridge.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OG_Original Gamer said:
I just had to get at you for posting those pics, I know you played the GC version. Actuallly what I thought you were showing was the difference in the affects of having panoramic widescreen instead of the built in borders. Which I don't believe were implemented for technical reason, but for gameplay. I choose to believe Kobayashi, although some prefer to believe otherwise.
How would adding anamorphic wide screen change a damn thing?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
mckmas8808 said:
At the end of the day aren't both versions pretty close to comparible. They look about the same to me. So who cares.

I'm waiting to see how the PS2 version looks in MOTION. I'd like to know if it will have the same frame rate, same number of enemies per screen, and more slowdown.

RE4 rocked on GC, and it looks like it will rock on PS2. I still say if you own a GC and you still haven't played this game, go and buy or rent it NOW. It's too damn good to wait for.
This thread needs a dose of GC/PS2 Leon glamour headshots!!






Don't worry Louis, I didn't forget you!!



dark10x said:
How would adding anamorphic wide screen change a damn thing?

I thought having true anamorphic wide screen would give the gamer a wider view of the games surrounding, since whats being used in the GC version is considered a faked widescreen.


Anamorphic widescreen just means that if you have a native widescreen display you get added resolution, unlike the way they do the widescreen in the GC version which uses something like 30%-50% of the resolution for the black bars. The playable viewing area is the same size and shape in either case, the anamorphic just has to render more useful information in more of the resolution than the non-anamorphic.
EDIT:^^^^^What teiresias said too.

OG_Original Gamer said:
I thought having true anamorphic wide screen would give the gamer a wider view of the games surrounding, since whats being used in the GC version is considered a faked widescreen.

Actually no. Having animorphic widescreen over the letter boxed GC widesceen means that people who have widescreen t.v., the PS2 natively supports it currectly. Playing the GC version on a widescreen t.v. would result in borders to the left and right side, not just the top and bottom, in which case if the option is there they might have to zoom in to try to get rid of the borders. That would cause an increase of the games native pixel size and thus more pixelation on such tv's.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OG_Original Gamer said:
I thought having true anamorphic wide screen would give the gamer a wider view of the games surrounding, since whats being used in the GC version is considered a faked widescreen.
No, the view would remain unchanged.

The black boxes create a 16:9 window, but if you were actually using a 16:9 TV (or wanted the full resolution from a 16:9 image), you could not achieve that with the GC version. On a widescreen set, you had to use zoom modes in order to achieve a full screen image. On the PS2 version, you can now have a full image with no zooming. Basically, you'll have a much sharper image as a result.


Damn this whole RE4 PS2 fiasco is like driving a stake through a Nintendo fanboys heart. What has to hurt even more is that the PS2 has to work harder than the GC at displaying its image since it is true anamorphic widescreen. Can't wait to get the superior version in October! :D


Mrbob said:
Damn this whole RE4 PS2 fiasco is like driving a stake through a Nintendo fanboys heart. What has to hurt even more is that the PS2 has to work harder than the GC at displaying its image since it is true anamorphic widescreen. Can't wait to get the superior version in October!

Well yeah. They have to do something with the left-over power they got when they scrapped the lightning in the PS2 version.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mrbob said:
Damn this whole RE4 PS2 fiasco is like driving a stake through a Nintendo fanboys heart. What has to hurt even more is that the PS2 has to work harder than the GC at displaying its image since it is true anamorphic widescreen. Can't wait to get the superior version in October! :D
the biggest asset the PS2 has in being able to pull off RE4 is its bandwidth.
rod said:
you already know the ps2 version will smash the GC in that regard

I'ill be honest, I not so sure anymore.

I don't have too much of an idea on what's left of PS2 RE fanbase after all these years. In a way the legacy of the RE franchise is both pushing forward and holding back RE4, since it's such a radical departure for a RE game, it could have been utilized on an whole new franchise with a few changes here and there instead it might be hit with a bit of the stigma of being "Another RE game?" to the PS2 masses.

EDIT: Well then again it could be "Hey, RE is back!!"


I'ill be honest, I not so sure anymore.

I don't have too much of an idea on what's left of PS2 RE fanbase after all these years. In a way the legacy of the RE franchise is both pushing forward and holding back RE4, since it's such a radical departure for a RE game, it could have been utilized on an whole new franchise with a few changes here and there instead it might be hit with a bit of the stigma of being "Another RE game?" to the masses.

Well it really doesn't matter if the attach-ratio is half or even 30% of the NGC. It's still going to sell more.
Besides masses = sheep = dumb. Most of them probably don't even know it has been exclusive for the GC for some time now.


excuse my paint skillzors, but this what you get and not get when something is anamorphic.


hope that explains it.


Shompola said:
kill the black bars in the PS2 version and explain that the GC version is running in 4:3 mode on a WS TV.
i believe the black borders will still be in the ps2-version on a widescreen tv (like a dvd movie, 2.40). correct me if i'm wrong.


No the borders wouldn't be on the PS2 version. RE4 on the PS2 will be widescreen 1.78:1, which is going to fill a widescreen display without borders. 2.35:1 is widescreen, but in a wider ratio and has borders


oh ok, thanks for clearing that up. i thought the borders were still gonna be there, good they're not. i'll remove my lame picture :lol
Solid said:
oh ok, thanks for clearing that up. i thought the borders were still gonna be there, good they're not. i'll remove my lame picture :lol

Looks like you would need the exact same screen scale, the comparision looks a bit confusing. The PS2 pic need to the perfect fit and the GC would need to be scaled down to have borders on all side while retaining it's visual dimensions.


It all depends how Capcom put the anamorphic widescreen mode in. If it's the 'normal' way then it'll be the same as the GC version, but without the borders. But they might end up doing what a lot of PS2 devs do and crop the image to make it widescreen (where they cut off the top and bottom, rather than showing more information at the left/right).

Hopefully they'll do it properly, with an anamorphic version of what you see in the GC game. Either way, it'll fill the screen on a widescreen display or have small borders on a fullscreen TV


I'm confused ^^''
The PS2 version will be 2.35:1 anamorphic or 1.75:1?
The GC version is 2.35:1 but has not a true panoramic view right?
might be a stupid question, but for non-widescreen owners, will there be a option to put the bars in?

Personally, although I won't be buying a HD/widescreen tv for awhile, I like the idea of widescreen games, even if they put bars in. AAA games are just as cinematic as movies, so why not? MGS4 in widescreen should be a must
Elios83 said:
I'm confused ^^''
The PS2 version will be 2.35:1 anamorphic or 1.75:1?
The GC version is 2.35:1 but has not a true panoramic view right?

I don't think RE4 aspect ratio is 2.35:1 because it would then look like this on a regular screen:


That's far too slender.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
But they might end up doing what a lot of PS2 devs do and crop the image to make it widescreen
For one thing, that isn't common at all. The only game off hand that I know does that is GTA (OK, that's three games).

Secondly, what on earth would they corp to make it "fake" widescreen? I mean, the game only displays in a 16:9 box. What would they do, cut the sides off? Hell no they wouldn't as it would destroy the game.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Damn this whole RE4 PS2 fiasco is like driving a stake through a Nintendo fanboys heart. What has to hurt even more is that the PS2 has to work harder than the GC at displaying its image since it is true anamorphic widescreen. Can't wait to get the superior version in October!"

Are you kidding?

RE4 is old news for Nintendo fanboys - they're already starting the happy count down to the next killer app ... GIEST! ;)
"What has to hurt even more is that the PS2 has to work harder than the GC at displaying its image since it is true anamorphic widescreen."

if the models had the same polys and lighting, then it would be - but it doesn't , so it isn't working harder :D

now serious : any word on 480p for PS2 version?
Guy LeDouche said:
might be a stupid question, but for non-widescreen owners, will there be a option to put the bars in?

Personally, although I won't be buying a HD/widescreen tv for awhile, I like the idea of widescreen games, even if they put bars in. AAA games are just as cinematic as movies, so why not? MGS4 in widescreen should be a must

The game will be viewed letterboxed in a regular screen anyway. Anamorphic widescreen benefits people who own widescreen sets.

A shot like this on a regular t.v.:


Would look like this on a widescreen set if it's anamorphic widescreen:


The GC version had borders on the left and right, not just on the top and bottom on widescreen sets.
DCharlie said:
now serious : any word on 480p for PS2 version?

dark10x said:
It was already confirmed a while ago. As for the source? It's been too long, so I can't recall...

"As an added bonus for IGN readers, Capcom also elaborated a bit on the technical goodies that will be a part of Resident Evil 4's presentation... specifically the widescreen mode, which unlike the GameCube original, will be truly anamorphic 16:9 (meaning that it will appear letterbox on normal televisions and true widescreen on capable televisions). Moreover, RE4 PS2 will also support progressive scan and Dolby Pro Logic II surround sound. They're minor details to be sure, but interesting ones nonetheless."



I really doubt having true widescreen is going to make a big difference in the sharpness of the display compared to the GC version, especially since the PS2 version will most likely be a bit more jaggy/shimmery.

The GC version will probably still come on top visually, but the PS2 version should be close enough for most people not to notice. I'll be honest, I'm now less impressed with RE4's graphics after seeing how close the PS2 port is.
I was never really impressed with RE4's graphics. GC works well with cartoonish or stylized graphics, but when it tries a realistic look, comes off looking ultra compressed. Didn't like the textures either. Too muddy looking. REmake however....had some choice graphics.


works for Gamestop (lol)
MidgarBlowedUp said:
Yeah, thanks Viewtiful Joe 2 for ruining BOTH my memory cards.
Stupid GAP.

hah, man that sucks. i took advantage of the situation and got a free copy of Hot Shots Golf Fore without corrupting my memory card
Anamorphic Widescreen delivers 33 percent more vertical resolution than a regular Letterboxed image. This means you gain 33% more vertical detail or information when using Anamorphic Widescreen over Letterboxed.

In the film world you lose about 170,000 pixels of resolution in letterboxed mode vs Anamorphic. I don't know what resolution RE4 is running in though but, even at 640x480 the GC letterbox version would be losing about 100,000 pixels vs the PS2 anamorphic version.

Below is a guess based on my limited damage control straw grasping ability:
Standard TV @ 640x480 = 307200 pixels
Letterbox @ 640x480 = 204800 pixels? (I'm guessing)
Anamorphic @ 640x480 = 307200 pixels

So, if the PS2 version holds up, as it appears to be doing.
PS2 +1 @ 16:9
GC +1 @ 4:3

And if Capcom can't get the PS2 to do reflections on the water they should be ashamed.
That kind of thing was done on PS2 way back in 2001.
I still wish Namco would have handled this port.
Wario64 said:
hah, man that sucks. i took advantage of the situation and got a free copy of Hot Shots Golf Fore without corrupting my memory card

I kept mine. I use it to format my memory card when one of them goes on the fritz, so it does come in handy once in a while. It actually fixed an old memory card that got corrupted by an Action Replay disk. I tried reformatting it with the AR disk but kept getting corrupted data. The VF2 Demo fixed it though.
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