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Next gen's elephant in the room


Lol you’re actually trying to use people that literally act (and overact) to try and get views and therefor $$$$ to prove a point. Amazing.

Astral Dog

The Jaguar CPUs and slow hard drives were still a huge limiting factor this generation even counting game budget, a next generation of systems is completely justified no matter what some people think. Plus the developers will waste less time fighting with the CPU
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High tech gaming is a dark road to go down. Hardware has been powerful enough since we could also do 3D...hell, before hardware acceleration really.

I remember buying every new gpu back in the voodoo2/3, and geforce2-3 days. Before long you're triggered by stupid shit, and spending all your time and money NOT gaming.

...don't forget to report my opinion, you triggered little turds.


i'm not trying to make an enemy here or anything, I look at this forum once a day or something at the moment and you're the only quote that I can focus on... you seem to be blind to how distorted your evaluation of graphic fidelity was at the time... I have long since realized that old games look worse and worse as the years go, heck even games from just a short time ago are starting to look pretty poor to me now - I assume that any gamer would share that realization... I don't think you're really accounting for that drift with your position on ps2 graphics.

nobody at that time expected graphics to come near pixar et al, and nobody had ever seen anything better than mgs2 on a console. The intro video of him walking along a bridge, the entire tanker section with raindrops on waves and red light trails from the soldier's NV goggles... Raiden's floppy hair... Snake's incredibly clear, 3 dimensional and expressive face. Nobody was saying 'actually this is pretty crap really' like you're proposing... The game, and others of similar quality, were celebrated as milestones in computer game graphics. It was a quantum leap over ps1, and that's that. Looking back we can say 'lol look at this shit', but that is a purely hindsight-powered exercise and it reveals nothing about the true quality of those visuals when they came out.

The whole point of me bringing up this precedent of mgs 2 vs mgs 1 is to highlight that the scope for generational graphical jumps was much larger then than it is now. That statement has nothing to do with what you actually think of PS2 games today. If you were really sitting on your couch huffing at PS2 games on release then I'll eat my own back's switch... PS2 games were the sexiest games on the market until GCN and later xBox did things differently. There was a window there - however brief - when it was the best looking console ever and at that moment it was a lightyear ahead of the previous generation.

You can't expect Goldeneye > Metroid Prime to happen again in this generation. Expecting such a clear and obvious leap is disingenuous - like I said in my OP here, you're asking consoles to play a game that they can't possibly win. So, like my OP, what I'm saying here is you expecting a generational leap in graphical fidelity this time around that is of similar magnitude to ps1>ps2, ps2>ps3 or even ps3>ps4, you're contriving a way to rubbish stuff before it is even available for genuine appraisal.

The leap between MGS 4 and MGS 5 was drastically lower than the leap between MGS 1 and 2. There was a clear leap, but it was way less pronounced. RDR and RDR2. A big, big leap, but not mgs1 snake to mgs2 snake big. Is RDR3 going to look a lightyear better than RDR2? If it's a release title for this generation? No. (of course, if there ever is an RDR3 it'll be five or six years away and definitely a big ol' jump over RDR2 - but that's got to do with Rockstar's standards more than the progression of graphics)


EDIT: Watching Digital Foundry's reaction the gran turismo video, they say that it looks very close to the previous gen iteration, only they've put in ray tracing - among a few other tweaks. I think that's likely to be the way of early-generation games. It'll be some years yet before our brains are departing through our earholes, I deem.

Pretty much we are heading towards a point where it's barely a leap, even the ugliest ps2 launch title was planets ahead compared to the best ps1 graphics.


I don't really know why you're taking issue with what I wrote.

I agree that this generation's relative jump is minor compared to previous ones, but I'm saying that because the absolute quality of the visuals is so good these days, people can still find them extremely impressive - note the huge praise given to Demon's Souls, which imo doesn't look that much better than something like God of War.

That's all I'm saying. I honestly don't understand what your complaint is with that point.
You're saying the elephant in the room is that the games don't look much better than the previous generation. An elephant in the room is generally a big issue that nobody wants to talk about.. you're painting diminishing returns as a big, negative issue. I think that's invalid. Anyway, you're clearly not in a place to let your criticism be criticised so I'll give up.


You're saying the elephant in the room is that the games don't look much better than the previous generation. An elephant in the room is generally a big issue that nobody wants to talk about.. you're painting diminishing returns as a big, negative issue. I think that's invalid. Anyway, you're clearly not in a place to let your criticism be criticised so I'll give up.

That's not what I'm saying at all!


That's not what I'm saying at all!
Most of the next gen catalog will be comprised of games that could have been released on current generation consoles equivalent pc HW, or even worse.
That's how i interpreted this, sorry... ah well, at least my posts addressed some ethereal point that some people somewhere may very well hold xP


While I can understand everyone being hyped for the next gen consoles and PC HW refreshes with mammoth specs, I can't help but notice the following:

Most of the next gen catalog will be comprised of games that could have been released on current generation consoles equivalent pc HW, or even worse.

Budgets and not specs have been the real constraints since the Xbox one and PS4 were released. 2d Metroidvanias, walking simulators and tired pixel art games will still flood PSN xbox live and steam.

We will be buying Ferraris to drive them on a crowded city environment vs an open road or a race track.

Just my 2 cents. Hopefully we can see more AA single player games this generation. Like we had until the ps2 era. You could tell those games had lower budgets but still looked like a current generation game. The indie boom started on the 7th gen was not enough to replace all the AA studios lost

I still think you are going to get a couple of games a year that will really impress using the new tech.

You are right though, the majority of games over the first few years will not be massively upgraded.

Then of course you will have all of those excellent indie games that simply don't have the budget to produce next gen AAA content so they don't really show off the hardware (nor do they need to).

It's one of the reasons I will tend to play most indies on Switch, in handheld mode, so many of the pixel art games especially benefit from the smaller screen.

The real power of next gen should be on what can be done gameplay wise and design wise with all the new upgrades.
However as long as we are so focused on announcement trailers and reaction videos it's going to be graphics that are most important.


The Elephant is simply that as gaming expands in terms of scope, it needs more and more writers to help stitch those worlds together -- And there aren't nearly enough of those -- So the worlds all feel empty and half baked.

There are very few games that manage to tell stories that are comparable to books or films, but here the task is to try and write a story around something that is constantly changing (the tech) and shifting with the market. It's an almost impossible task, and one that also pulls us further and further from pure gameplay.
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