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My bad about how the games ended last night.

My defense started slipping and it caused a lot of breakaways including that last one in OT that we lost from.

I also got kind of frustrated at some of the stuff that happened and if I came across as pointing fingers with my comments then i apologize

Prob wont be avail to play tonight, maybe tomorrow
nah it's cool I played like ass myself. I don't really see that stuff as finger pointing it's always a chance to learn how to do stuff better the next time or to know how to play off you guys better. the more people we add the trickier it is for now cause we haven't spent that much time on ice as a quintet


Eh, we all played pretty shitty.

We need to figure out what we're doing in the offensive zone though. Proper spacing would do wonders when we're having trouble scoring goals and it'd also cut down on turnovers. We force a lot of passes and hold the puck too long at times and it kills us. We also need to do a lot better at looking for open guys. Far too often we hurry and settle for a terrible quick shot when there's a much better play to be made elsewhere.
Yeah I personally have these going through my head in general

1) Space the place and don't get in others way; be in a place where you can be an outlet for a pass or a shot, or a deflection
2) ....That's really it.

I know I personally force horizontal passes (and sometimes passing back to the point) too much, and there's times when I hold it too long and then turn it over because my window to pass disappeared. but I actually think most of the time I get rid of it too quickly instead of allowing people to catch up and for our spacing to develop. my play style in any sports game is never to hold onto it long so if that ever happens, know that I'm not trying to hog the puck!

as for passing to the other team (unintentionally), I'm learning to be more selective about when, but I usually think of what trajectory the puck should make instead of what it is likely to make. shot selection is pretty tough for me though if I'm not the recipient of a gimme, cause I am still figuring out how to gauge when to be aggressive and not, especially once everybody is in the attacking zone and it's not a fast break.

a lot of what I do is if I see that we're on a 2 on 1 and there's a guy between us, I'll usually try to shoot off the goalie's pads to the other side, because a pass won't work. however we haven't really scored too many goals doing this so maybe it's not a good idea!


Another thing that would help immensely is if we actually communicated more. If you're planning to send it around the boards, say so so somebody on the other side can get over to the boards and pick it up. Same thing on a rush. If there isn't a passing lane, tell the person without the puck to slow up and let the defender move out of the passing lane or to keep skating so they can get a pass behind the net instead of stopping and taking themselves out of the play.

Viz is about the only one that does this on a regular basis. He's really good about letting the forwards know when he's jumping up into the play and wanting someone to cover his point or letting people know when they should cut in for a pass or letting someone know who to pick up on defense.

Small things like that would help us out since we don't have much as far as chemistry goes.


My bad about how the games ended last night.

My defense started slipping and it caused a lot of breakaways including that last one in OT that we lost from.

I also got kind of frustrated at some of the stuff that happened and if I came across as pointing fingers with my comments then i apologize

Prob wont be avail to play tonight, maybe tomorrow

It was just an off night for everyone overall.. it happens.. i was pretty bad on D so i didnt really help your case
Good points by everyone

I think Marv's one about the communication is prob most important. We just need to talk more before things happen instead of assuming we are on the same page.
I don't think I'll be around tonight. I've been a bit MIA lately and that'll continue through the week but it should clear next week. I think I'll be around Tuesday/Thursday though


for the love of fuck can someone help me..... i keep getting retrieve data errors. my NAT is open, every other online game functions fine but of course EA is a piece of fucking shit and never has their crap together... seriously worse company in the world for a reason.


for the love of fuck can someone help me..... i keep getting retrieve data errors. my NAT is open, every other online game functions fine but of course EA is a piece of fucking shit and never has their crap together... seriously worse company in the world for a reason.


Hey so can we have an EASHL All Hockey Hair Team?

I nominate myself for captain

Also, I'm debating on taking my ps4 with me, cause I'm getting bored of just pc gaming.


Hey so can we have an EASHL All Hockey Hair Team?

I nominate myself for captain

Also, I'm debating on taking my ps4 with me, cause I'm getting bored of just pc gaming.

Swim, your flow is definitely captain worthy right now. Once I grow mine out again I will challenge your leadership.
My name was mentioned in 3 posts in a row so ive been summoned here. How can I be of assistance?

While I am here, on a scale of 1-10 what is your level of satisfaction with McDonald's new McPick 2?


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
My name was mentioned in 3 posts in a row so ive been summoned here. How can I be of assistance?

While I am here, on a scale of 1-10 what is your level of satisfaction with McDonald's new McPick 2?

This post is racist against Canadians
Viz spotted his favorite McDonalds


This post is racist against Canadians

Did I miss something? Did Commissioner Gordon shine the signal in the air to call for help from all you fucks who never play EASHL anymore? All we need is cameos from Milly and RS4 to complete this unannounced alumni day reunion...

I can play around 1030 est

I can play right now, maybe later if my FIFA club doesnt get together


Did I miss something? Did Commissioner Gordon shine the signal in the air to call for help from all you fucks who never play EASHL anymore? All we need is cameos from Milly and RS4 to complete this unannounced alumni day reunion...

I can play right now, maybe later if my FIFA club doesnt get together
Hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahhaha fifa.
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