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Nintendo Going Mobile: Smartphone Game Deal with DeNA [First Games Fall 2015]


2k doesn't make exclusive mobile premium games though. They sell multiplatform games on mobile for premium price. Stuff like GTA, X-Com, etc. I was mostly commenting on how S-E attempted the exclusive method with stuff like Chaos Rings, Final Fantasy Dimensions, etc in the past, and they've completely abandoned that route. It's definitely telling of how tough the premium market is if mobile is the primary (or only) platform for a title.

It has gotten so bad that Apple had to launch a section of the App Store to highlight premium apps.
Smartphone games are so cheap to make that I doubt Nintendo is expecting Angry Birds levels of return on their investment. I especially doubt that Nintendo is trying to make mobile their primary platform. I think they just want some extra cash on the side. Their development teams are so talented that it's practically like shooting fish in a barrel. Just have a rotating 1% of development staff doing smartphone games in between major releases.

I doubt they will be trying to make it their primary platform either... just don't see that happening. But, I dunno, there have been some pretty harsh droughts on Nintendo platforms in the past so I'm not sure if this bodes well for the level of support each platform will receive (especially with them talking about needing ongoing support for their mobile games)


I wonder if they can bring any kind of innovation to the smartphone market or if they're just going to try to take advantage of whatever current trend is selling the most.


Good move either way, and highly unoffensive.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Why do people think this?

Maybe something like advance wars or simple like Pokemon or fire emblem, but the action games just don't work on that style of control.

Nintendo are not going to be offering a comparable experience to their $50 games, they would be destroying the company by doing that. The last thing they want to do it take away the market for their premium games.

What they will do now is offer typical phone software with the intention of boosting their IP recognition. They want you to play Pokemon Shuffle on your phone, then buy their handheld system to play the Pokemon RPG. They are basically treating their IPs like movies, every big Mario/Zelda/Pokemon release will get companion phone games, amiibos, etc.
You mean first to the party, right? Sony has dipped their toes in mobile a bit, Microsoft has basically ignored it entirely. Nintendo is the first to go all in on mobile.
If you limit it to the console manufacturers, I guess.

But from traditional publishers, EA was the 7th biggest mobile publisher by revenue in 2014. Bandai Namco was 10th. Sega 13th, Square Enix 14th.

If it comes to the point where the console model is no longer viable, I don't expect either Microsoft or Sony to begin developing mobile games.
Well this is probably the end of buying new games for me if true.

1983 - 2015 still a pretty good back catalog of Nintendo games to dig into and play.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Nintendo are not going to be offering a comparable experience to their $50 games, they would be destroying the company by doing that. The last thing they want to do it take away the market for their premium games.

What they will do now is offer typical phone software with the intention of boosting their IP recognition. They want you to play Pokemon Shuffle on your phone, then buy their handheld system to play the Pokemon RPG. They are basically treating their IPs like movies, every big Mario/Zelda/Pokemon release will get companion phone games, amiibos, etc.

This is what I understand.
2k doesn't make exclusive mobile premium games though. They sell multiplatform games on mobile for premium price. Stuff like GTA, X-Com, etc. I was mostly commenting on how S-E attempted the exclusive method with stuff like Chaos Rings, Final Fantasy Dimensions, etc in the past, and they've completely abandoned that route. It's definitely telling of how tough the premium market is if mobile is the primary (or only) platform for a title.

How do we define 'premium' content? Anything over $1? SE failed in the mobile space because their pricing was incredibly stupid. They were charging $12-$15 for Chaos Rings, which was amazing and had great productions values for a JRPG, but I beat it in a few hours. Then they would charge $8-$10 for Final Fantasy NES/SNES enhanced ports. Tactics came out between $10-$20 I believe...

That's suicidal pricing, all of those games should have launched at half the price but square was incompetent/greedy and saw mobile as a quick cash grab without doing any market research.
Why do you ignore existing powerhouse like King, Supercell, Gungho and Mixi?

Because they're not first party console game companies and Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are. It's comparing Apples to Oranges.

Nintendo is first major platform holder to go all in for mobile. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is, this is one thing they actually aren't behind on.


You can also use it to educate their stuff. You start in creating small mobile games and get a taste of developing games and how team-management in the company work. Then you go up the ladder and develop download games for their hardware and in the end are build up to work on bigger titles.
Also you can give developers something to do, while their are in between projects. You don't need everybody all the time at some phase of development. While you only need a few programmers to build prototypes, the others can work on a simple Mobil-Game. So everybody stays in the flow.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This is pretty unexpected from a timing perspective (thought this would surely be post-Iwata) but seems like a good move on its face. It's basically what the "go mobile" non-extremist crowd has been saying for a long time. I guess we shall see if all those doom prognosticators were right in time, though I'm fairly sure they will end up big fans.
Nintendo are not going to be offering a comparable experience to their $50 games, they would be destroying the company by doing that. The last thing they want to do it take away the market for their premium games.

What they will do now is offer typical phone software with the intention of boosting their IP recognition. They want you to play Pokemon Shuffle on your phone, then buy their handheld system to play the Pokemon RPG. They are basically treating their IPs like movies, every big Mario/Zelda/Pokemon release will get companion phone games, amiibos, etc.

I think that's the plan.

But, if their mobile ventures start making significantly more money for them than home/dedicated consoles... do you really think they would stick with that plan?


Because they're not first party console game companies and Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are. It's comparing Apples to Oranges.

Nintendo is first major platform holder to go all in for mobile. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is, this is one thing they actually aren't behind on.


It's obvious I'm speaking about the current state of mobile markets. Do you consider Nintendo late to the toys-to-life market when Skylanders sold a whooping 240m figurines? What does Sony and Microsoft even matters in this aspect?


I think that kind of stuff sees limited appeal on mobile. If its an easy port they do it, but its not going to shift Significant units.

Why bother with premium product when IAP is so much more desirable by so much of the market?

It's #6 on the top paid apps on the App Store. Along with Minecraft ($7), Terraria ($5), Monument Valley ($4), and Frozen ($8).


Can I just ask people who watched the conference, as I just got home, did they say at any point that these nintendo smartphone games WOULDN'T be mobage games? I dont want to see a nintendo version of THIS!
I'd be interested in Target Blast from Smash being ported to mobile with a scaled down version of the engine (from the 3DS), and maybe like 3 starting characters (Mario, Link and Kirby) with some IAP characters (Bowser, Peach, Luigi, Samus, Pikachu and Marth) or whatever. You could transfer coins and custom moves to the WiiU/3DS using the account system thing.

It's basically a variant on Angry Birds anyway, might as well go all in.


I wonder if they can bring any kind of innovation to the smartphone market or if they're just going to try to take advantage of whatever current trend is selling the most.

I'm hoping that Nintendo will strive to be mobile software leaders. They're perfectly capable of being that.
Another thing the neogaf crowd doesn't quite grasp is that kids these days would rather have an iphone than a 3DS. 7 years ago my friends little sister was all about the DS Lite but now, despite owning a Wii U, all she wants to do is play games on her iphone when it comes to mobile gaming. The same goes for her middle school friends; the market is shifting. Nintendo is smart to introduce their IPs to a new generation who might not be as familiar with them, perhaps playing Brain Age/Pokemon Puzzle/Nintendogs on ios will get them interested in buying dedicated hardware.


So once we remove the clickbait headlines the real news is probably that Nintendo is not going to make mobile games, but it’s loaning some of it’s IP to mobile developer to make their own games.


Ushojax said:
What they will do now is offer typical phone software with the intention of boosting their IP recognition. They want you to play Pokemon Shuffle on your phone, then buy their handheld system to play the Pokemon RPG. They are basically treating their IPs like movies, every big Mario/Zelda/Pokemon release will get companion phone games, amiibos, etc.

This is what I understand.

Why would they buy 10% of a mobile game developer that will just do ads? They will lose money if DeNA loses value.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
I dont believe this is going to work in their favor outside Japan.Not only are their late to the party (again) and have a massive uphill battle to even gain a strong foothold in the market but looking at other Japanese developers who jumped on the mobile bandwagon (looking at you Capcom,SNK,Square-Enixe etc) those games just don't seem to sell enough and heck even Sony is closing their little venture into the mobile scene once they close down PSM later this year.

No I'm not in the mindset that they will make millions simply because they are "Nintendo" because if their sales of the Wii U and declines sales of the 3DS (compared to previous handhelds) is any indication than the Nintendo brand isn't as prominent as the hardcore fans make it out to be. So until proven otherwise this is going to end up in failure in my opinion.


I had to go to sleep before the conference since it was at like 3 AM, but this made 5000 times more sense than DeNA working on 3DS or handling eCommerce for Nintendo or Nintendo buying DeNA given this is what DeNA normally does.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I think that's the plan.

But, if their mobile ventures start making significantly more money for them than home/dedicated consoles... do you really think they would stick with that plan?

I think that the design ethos of the company would have to change completely for them to transition fully to mobile. Something like Xenoblade Chronicles X or Zelda U could not exist if they had to sell their games for less than $5. They are used to taking their time to develop the highest quality software, knowing that people will pay $60 at launch. You cannot spend 4 years developing a phone game.

I don't think the designers at Nintendo would be happy making touchscreen only games that cost $1.99. Perhaps at some point in the future the mobile market will have evolved to support more expensive software, but I doubt it.

Why would they buy 10% of a mobile game developer that will just do ads? They will lose money if DeNA loses value.

They are not going to make ads, they will make decent phone games. But the intention is that the phone software is a gateway to their dedicated hardware. DeNA are also working on their new account system, not just phone software.
So once we remove the clickbait headlines the real news is probably that Nintendo is not going to make mobile games, but it’s loaning some of it’s IP to mobile developer to make their own games.

Can we put this PR in the OP please?


Leveraging the strength of Nintendo's intellectual property (IP) and game development skills in combination with DeNA's world-class expertise in mobile games, both companies will develop and operate new game apps based on Nintendo's IP, including its iconic game characters, for smart devices


I'm hoping that Nintendo will strive to be mobile software leaders. They're perfectly capable of being that.

Absolutely. They're best when curating and developing a software library (1st party) so there is no reason to assume that they'd just lazily slap Mario skins on a Clash of Clans clone and call it a day.

Pokemon Shuffle is a good example of what they can do if they're trying. It's not exactly inventive but it takes existing match-3 tropes from existing games and applies them to their IP in a very addictive and satisfying way.
As long as Nintendo doesn't go the S-E route of mobile, I'll be okay with this. If mobile money allows Nintendo to keep putting out high quality software on consoles, let Nintendo eat cake!

It's obvious I'm speaking about the current state of mobile markets. Do you consider Nintendo late to the toys-to-life market when Skylanders sold a whooping 240m figurines? What does Sony and Microsoft even matters in this aspect?

Because you're unfairly chastising Nintendo for not entering a market their peers have not entered yet and that Nintendo had no real reason to enter until now. There was no point in Nintendo entering Mobile back when those other mobile companies did, they were rolling in the cash from the Wii and DS.

I think it's unfair to claim Nintendo was late to enter Mobile because nobody else that is in the same group as Nintendo has yet either. Nintendo doesn't even come close to comparing to Ravio or any other mobile-centric company, saying Nintendo came after them and is therefore late and should be ridiculed is comparing two unequal things.
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