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Nintendo Indie World Announced for Tomorrow 8/18 9am PT


I'd take a Silksong release date. It's also fine for it to stay in the cooker. If it's half of what Hollow Knight ended up being we're still in for a real treat.

Any of you remember Dust: An Elysian Tail? It was a pretty metroidvania one-man project that originally released on Xbox before going multiplat. It just turned 8 years old. Its creator is working on something new, tho I doubt it would pop up in this.


Still angry about that one dude selling his Switch huh? I guess you won't be ok afterall 😭

I could give a shit what he does. What I didn't like were all the smart-ass "collecting dust", and "Nintendo is teh kiddy" posts. What is this, IGN fuckin' 2004?

Thought people were over this whole "Nintendo is beneath me" bullshit.

People say dumb shit then I'm gonna call it out.

Xaero Gravity

I could give a shit what he does. What I didn't like were all the smart-ass "collecting dust", and "Nintendo is teh kiddy" posts. What is this, IGN fuckin' 2004?

Thought people were over this whole "Nintendo is beneath me" bullshit.

People say dumb shit then I'm gonna call it out.
Nah, you were seething. It's cool to admit it. Happens to all of us at some point.


Nah, you were seething. It's cool to admit it. Happens to all of us at some point.

I didn't even reply to him once, so no.

People wanna be dumbasses and waste their own money buying, selling, and rebuying shit that's on them.

OP was like "I'm not buying Nintendo again until I buy Nintendo again". Genius.
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I could give a shit what he does. What I didn't like were all the smart-ass "collecting dust", and "Nintendo is teh kiddy" posts. What is this, IGN fuckin' 2004?

Thought people were over this whole "Nintendo is beneath me" bullshit.

People say dumb shit then I'm gonna call it out.

I'm convinced it's the same people, 20 years later, with no mental growth.


No instead you made several angry posts without quoting someone. Looked completely unhinged. Trying to play it off like you weren't on the verge of tears is just dumb, but to each their own.

Sounds like you were the one taking things dead seriously. You're the one obsessing over my posts in another thread.

My post in this thread was a joke but apparently you took that seriously too.

I see shitposts, I call em out. Plain n simple.
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Xaero Gravity

Sounds like you were the one taking things dead seriously. You're the one obsessing over my posts in another thread.

I see shitposts, I call em out. Plain n simple.
I'm the last person anyone would accuse of taking things seriously 😂

You on the other hand looked like you were one post away from working on a manifesto.

Okay, Mr. I Quit The Forum For A Week And Cried In The Meta Because They Made Fun Of Craig
Nah, there's only so much console warring I can take before I need to cleanse my palate a bit, but thanks for trying. I even find the Craig stuff funny for the most part 🤷‍♂️
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I'm the last person anyone would accuse of taking things seriously 😂

You on the other hand looked like you were one post away from working on a manifesto.

Nah, there's only so much console warring I can take before I need to cleanse my palate a bit, but thanks for trying.

Mm-hmm. I remember the posts quite clearly.

Btw. Which Xbox exclusive have you decided on for launch? Nothing or nothing?

Xaero Gravity

Mm-hmm. I remember the posts quite clearly.

Btw. Which Xbox exclusive have you decided on for launch? Nothing or nothing?
Right now I'm looking at getting mostly multiplats at launch for the PS5 and SeX. Cyberpunk 2077 and Avengers in particular. Don't really see anything else that interests me unfortunately. Finding the launch line ups quite weak even by console launch standards.
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Lets stay on topic. Take the 1-1 personal arguing to PM's if needed



I'm the last person anyone would accuse of taking things seriously 😂

Except for my first post in this thread apparently which was obviously a joke.

Edit: Caught the mod post, I'm done.


Sure hope they show something cool and I'd love a general Direct soon.
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I am a virgin
what in the furry fuck ??
I think Spiritfarer looked kind of cute

I'm just starting to get the feeling that the indie scene in gaming is starting to implode on itself
Just copying each other


Raji looks REALLY fucking cool; I'm not sure how many games come out of India, but it'd be wicked cool to see their take on video games
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Grindstone (puzzle game shown off at the end) looked like a lot of fun, something I will probably buy near launch, but otherwise nothing caught my eye.

2p Untitled Goose Game is cool news.


Unconfirmed Member
The hell hack and slash didn't interest me. Spiritfarer looks just awful - the kind of thing RockPaperShotgun would rave about. Garden Story is probably not for me. Seems to want to be Golf Story but with less personality, and less golf. Subnautica is a RockPaperShotgun favourite and yeah I'm happy to skip it.
Takeshi and Hiroshi has a lovely art style and could be an interesting take on the Dungeon Keeper concept. I'm getting some BOTW vibes from Raji - it does look pretty and might well be a decent game, I'd like to see more of it and hear something from a few trusted sources.
Bear and Breakfast is obviously trying to do a Theme Park thing, but it lacks the charm and wit of the Bitmap Brothers finest. A Short Hike looks visually quite cool but I'm not sure who it's for.
Card Shark looks like an interesting concept, and visually it's quite nice, but the odds of it working are uncertain.
Torchlight wasn't interesting to me on the PC and it remains so. Manifold Garden on the other hand looks like it'll be a lot of fun.
Evergate can fuck off.

Roll on the first party stuff later in the month.
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