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Noclip is putting together a Blacklist




Can we cancel him?

Ya' love to see it.


Those people are usually the ones hiding all kinds of racist/homophobic/non-woke shit. Just out here virtue signaling for brownie points.

Fucking phony.


So this guy is trying to hide his sins under the rug, by making woke statements so he can be accepted by the woke crowd.
How miserable.


Every. Single. Time.

It's just so funny seeing these folks usually pluck out old tweets and things to use as ammo, when people could EASILY do the same to them. It's hysterical!

Danny is calling to blacklist anyone that tweets "harmful" shit (while doing so himself).

Rob isn't calling for others to be blacklisted and showed that Danny is a massive hypocrite.

I also believe the past is in the past, But when someone wants to punish others for their past don't you think they should be held to their own standard?


It’s a shame what‘s become of him. Guy used to do great Stuff at gamespot or ign or whereever he was before this whole noclip thing (which Started out great as well).


I want to know how Danny boy has managed to survive those tweets, because this isn't the first time they've come up. Some of them are really disgusting like claiming he'd be entertained by 911 rape calls if narrated by a soothing voice, and others are just straight "I hate [minority group] and [other minority group]."

Dude is still thriving. How is this?

It basically comes down to who is pointing these things out.

Danny claims that it's "a right wing group" that keeps bringing up these tweets so he is immune.
Same with James Gunn.

If these things had been tweeted by, say, Colin Moriarty or the dudes at RedLetterMedia or Cinemassacre and the like then they would be remembered for ever and brought up at every opportunity.
If they were tweeted by a smaller youtuber or someone like that then they would for sure be demonetized etc.

A few of these people have that kind of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" immunity.

Look at Joe Biden as the best recent example.
People are 100% willing to look the other way and forgive almost anything if it's someone on "our side" being attacked by "the other side".

As you say, those tweets are a disgrace and it's insane to me that this slimy little weasel can try to take the high-ground with anyone when those tweets are out there but that's where we are at.

You could point out those tweets and he will just claim you are "far right" and try to pass it off as "cancelling me would be a win for right wing groups and you don't want to support those people, do you?"

Look at what Colin Moriarty was cancelled over. A very, very, tame joke.
The difference is that people already hated Colin for his politics and it was an opportunity to go wild and dish out excessive punishment.

Danny on the other hand gets to say "I'm an ally and the right wing is trying to destroy me over pretty extreme sexist, racist tweets I sent so lets not let them win".

Colin made a dad joke. He was cancelled and blacklisted. Just a terrible misogynist.
Danny made rape jokes. He's fine though. One of the good guys, really.

To the ResetEra lurkers. Think about that for a minute. Think about that double standard.

Oh and for the record, since we are all supposed to be horrible assholes over here, if that was one of my friends sending those tweets I'd be personally saying to them "not cool dude". So it shows you where we are at when tweets like that are too offensive for us terrible people over here but people are willing to look the other way cos the guy making them is an "ally".
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All this shit is soo stupid, so what if one day a female co-worker walked in looking bad and you say you look really good today wow, even though you don’t even wanna smash, is that sexual harassment? If so that’s at damn near every job. You not gonna have any workers.

Scotty W

This did not work out so well last time they tried it during #metoo:

In early October, 2017, following the emergence of the Harvey Weinstein allegations, a writer and activist living in Brooklyn named Moira Donegan created a Google Doc entitled “Shitty Media Men.” She sent it to female friends working in media and encouraged them to add to it and forward it on. The idea was to spread the word about predatory men in the business so that women would be forewarned. Anyone with access to the link could edit and add to the list. At the top of the spreadsheet were the following instructions: “Log out of gmail in order to edit anonymously, never name an accuser, never share the document with any men.” In the first column was this disclaimer: “This document is only a collection of misconduct allegations and rumors. Take everything with a grain of salt.” Nobody did.

My entry reads: “Rape accusations, sexual harassment, coercion, unsolicited invitations to his apartment, a dude who snuck into Binders???”

I was shocked to find myself accused of rape. I don’t like intercourse, I don’t like penetrating people with objects, and I don’t like receiving oral sex. My entire sexuality is wrapped up in BDSM. Cross-dressing, bondage, masochism. I’m always the bottom. I’ve been in long romantic relationships with women without ever seeing them naked. Almost every time I’ve had intercourse during the past 10 years, it has been in the context of dominance/submission, often without my consent, and usually while I’m tied up or in a straitjacket and hood. I’ve never had sex with anyone who works in media


It all happened so fast. It's so funny.

Also, sure, people change as years pass, situations change, their brain and way of thinking matures, context matters. And I'm against cancel culture and claims against people via twitter.

But clearly his blacklist idea was a shitty move and by that token he got exactly what was coming to him. I don't care about him getting "canceled" but that slap across the face is indeed delicious.
Just checked... In the UK blacklisting IS illegal, and was outlawed in 1999 under the The Employment Relations Act 1999 (Blacklisting) and amended again in 2010.

If Mr Dwyer has said this in a UK Legal jurisdiction, he's committed an offence just by admitting he runs a personal blacklist.
Can you link the actual law? I find that kind of hard to believe.
What a false good idea. Imagine some girl in your office really can't stand you, or if she wants your job... Just sayin'

And if someone ends up on the list, they lose their career as well as opportunity to find work again in certain businesses, for what essentially amounts to rumors.

If they find out they're on the list it could end up in a libel lawsuit (maybe, I am no lawyer).

Obviously un most situations in the current way of doing things the person who is harrassed is let go, I know a girl who went through this 😐. I also know a guy who lost his job because he grabbed a colleague boobs, apparently completely out of nowhere, in the elevator (she was director of operations where we were).


Even better, apparently someone in the Twitter thread spotted he lives in a state where it’s illegal.

Way to open yourself to a class action lawsuit for woke points!


A shame.
I enjoyed the approach of his channel, interviews, making of, taking behind the scenes looks at games with the devs, etc. It's the sort of stuff I'd like to see more in games media instead of all these reactionary hot takes.

But this approach of blacklisting people over what are often vague and unconfirmed accusations is something I don't want to support, and it makes me take him and his content less seriously.

Also LOL at his Tweets and how context and time suddenly become important when it's good for them.
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This is like trying to start a lynch mob off right by slinging a Molotov cocktail, but the Molotov bounces off a mural of yourself and back onto you. As you burn up in a quick, bright nova, all you can hear is the loud, collective orgasm of innocent bystanders lapping up the schadenfreude. Fascinating strategy!
Ordinarily I'd tell you to google it, as all the info was in the post, but you've caught me on a good day because it's nice and sunny here, and I'm a bit sunburnt.


And the specific instances covered by Mr Dwyer's tweet would begin n Section 6.
I'm no lawyer or anything, but doesn't this only apply to employers and employment agencies? The purpose behind Danny's blacklist isn't to deny people employment or employment services. He isn't looking to hire anyone, or help them get hired elsewhere. It's just a list of companies he is unwilling to take on as clients.
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I'm no lawyer or anything, but doesn't this only apply to employers and employment agencies? The purpose behind Danny's blacklist isn't to deny people employment or employment services. He isn't looking to hire anyone, or help them get hired elsewhere. It's just a list of companies he is unwilling to take on as clients.

No, what he's talking about is Pre-contract, which's specifically a blacklist. It's what a fucking blacklist is all about!

In any case, it seems the law in the US State Danny is in is even more equivicle - he simply can't run ANY KIND of blacklist AT ALL!

(and I'll leave you to do the legwork to look all that up...)


Can we have one for every woman who has been caught lying about sexual harassment too.

EDIT: Or men. They have been known to do it too.

I personally want a list of all the people who slept and flirted their way into jobs.

On a serious note, this is the most juvenile thing I have seen in a long time. They better keep that list private or I see some lawsuits in their future. They have publically stated their intention is to harm these people's careers.... that is half of a defamation case
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I'm no lawyer or anything, but doesn't this only apply to employers and employment agencies? The purpose behind Danny's blacklist isn't to deny people employment or employment services. He isn't looking to hire anyone, or help them get hired elsewhere. It's just a list of companies he is unwilling to take on as clients.
Seconded. This legislation looks to be just about protecting trade union members from being denied employment by an employer or an employment agency.

No, what he's talking about is Pre-contract, which's specifically a blacklist. It's what a fucking blacklist is all about!

In any case, it seems the law in the US State Danny is in is even more equivicle - he simply can't run ANY KIND of blacklist AT ALL!

(and I'll leave you to do the legwork to look all that up...)
Why did you even bring up the UK in the first place or particularly that piece of legislation? Possibly a bit too much sun there, fella? :messenger_winking:
No, what he's talking about is Pre-contract, which's specifically a blacklist. It's what a fucking blacklist is all about!
I'm not saying this stuff isn't illegal. I have no idea, really. However, if it does violate some sort of law, it doesn't seem to be the one you linked, which clearly defines just what kind of list will land you in hot water:
The Law said:
A “prohibited list” is a list which—

(a)contains details of persons who are or have been members of trade unions or persons who are taking part or have taken part in the activities of trade unions, and

(b)is compiled with a view to being used by employers or employment agencies for the purposes of discrimination in relation to recruitment or in relation to the treatment of workers.
I don't see how these definitions could apply to Danny's list. It does not contain the names of current or former trade union members, or the names of those involved in trade union activities. It also wasn't compiled to discriminate in relation to recruitment or the treatment of workers.
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I'm no lawyer or anything, but doesn't this only apply to employers and employment agencies? The purpose behind Danny's blacklist isn't to deny people employment or employment services. He isn't looking to hire anyone, or help them get hired elsewhere. It's just a list of companies he is unwilling to take on as clients.
He also explicitly says he intends to aggressively and publicly encourage others to follow his blacklist.


I wonder how long before he is arrested for molesting children or something similar... it‘s always the same with those people. It‘s all so tiring.

You remember Asia Argento: Queen of the Diddlers? Amazing how everyone on Twitter just looked the other way and she got to fade into obscurity; after eventually concocting a convoluted and fictitious account that blamed the whole ‘miscommunication‘ (pictures, payoff, the lot) on a dead man (Anthony Bourdain). She was one of the figureheads of #metoo who literally fucked a 17 year old boy as a 38 year old woman and no one gave a shit.

Appalling and galling behavior and we’ve seen it in every instance since when one of the flock is revealed to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And there are more wolves than sheep in that flock.
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