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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


Junior Member
The problem with the PS3 is.... Look at it from the PS2 perspective. If anyone has the numbers, I would like to see the breakdown on those 100 million plus console sales. My guess is the vast majority came when it was under 180 dollars. Not only that, but it was the big console in town, and took that pricepoint to sell them to the vast majority. When if ever is the PS3 going to be able to get down that low? Lets assume that despite its sales, it is the number one console everyone wants to own, when is it going to get down to that level that the masses can afford it? I mean it still seems to cost Microsoft more then 150 dollars for an original XBOX, that is why they discontinued it, and that is 5 years old now. As much as technology gets cheaper, with shipping and production and the crazy number of components they have in the PS3, I dunno.


GreekWolf said:
Haven't bothered reading through the thread... but this pisses me off.

360 is slowly drifting away while the PS3 is pretty much dead in the water. What that indicates to me is that two years from now, the only AAA games we'll be able to look forward to on next-gen systems will be first party efforts. Everyone will be falling over each other to get a piece of Wii ass. Square might as well merge with Nintendo for cripes sakes.

I have seen the future... and it is Gamecube graphix. :lol

Nah, software sales have been stellar on 360, so you will still see the same type and quality of games that you have for the past few years. But yeah, everyone will be jumpin on the Wii train, if they already havent.
The Sphinx said:
That's rather lackluster. I'm disappointed.

agreed. i was waiting for the crazy new math, but they just swept it under the rug. i guess that is at least a sign that they know there is a problem... right?


TheRipDizz said:
Glad to see Nintendo back in the limelight. Sorry to see their conservative, tightwad "can't sell hardware unless we're making money on it from day one" asses take technological progression with them. :(

yeah cant wait for next gen-_- when we get another new controller-_-


If it wasn't for recent awesome stuff like the Halo 3 beta, Trusty Bell demo, and all those Sony gamer day videos I might be a bit disturbed by these numbers.:)
xaosslug said:
i think what everyone phails to realize is that so long as PS2 continues to sell the way it does, I doubt 3d parties will be so quick to abandon PS3 because the potential that it could follow suit is always gonna be there.


yeah, like the N64 after the SNES

oh wait


What I just don't get is why everyone finds such pleasure/wants to post so much about Sony "losing"?

...and before you say "because Nintendo fans had to suffer it for years"... I was there when Zelda GCN bombed or the 10k media create threads, and those threads were small and everyone was posting about the games.

It's funny to me that sales age became so big exactly when Nintendo DS started beating the PSP, no one cared before then.


MirageDwarf said:
Seriously, how can one think Sony will be doomed this generation? I agree, there isn't a steady stream of "OMG" impressive games, but we all know what is coming. I mean demos are out there. It's hard to ignore.

Sony's exclusive first party lineup is really good quality wise that will help them compete against MS. Not everyone will enjoy it but they are impressive.

What Sony needs more than anything is a price drop. They could have Jesus himself make games for Sony but $600 is still $600.
I was thinking.

Today is May 17. That means only 10 more days of NPD May reporting.

There has been no price drop yet, or any indication of a price drop.

So the May NPD is all but confirmed as having even lower PS3 and 360 sales.

May will be just as fun
Zzoram said:
I'm not going to lie, the slow adoption of the 360/PS3 and what looks like DS/Wii dominance of the market is making me regret not staying pure PC. By splitting my money across 360/DS I can't get a gaming PC, and it looks like that's where all the hardcore next gen game action is being forced (No PS3/360 game will ever surpass Crysis and Starcraft 2 is on the verge).

Also, ever since hitting consoles, it seems like the user base is so fragmented. People all hate each other and fight all the time and polarize the user base. On the PC side, the only second class citizens who get flak for no reason are noobs. That plus getting Oblivion for PC and the dozens of quality great FREE mods (on top of thousands of crap ones) made me realize how much console players miss out on.

I don't think I'll go back to consoles after this generation. Ya I know, you don't care.
Don't let the door hit ya, etc. PC is just as viable as console, but you'll be missing out by ignoring them.


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
It's not too late to save this gen:

$399 PS3
$299 360 Premium

Make it happen MS/Sony. PLEASE.

MirageDwarf said:
Seriously, how can one think Sony will be doomed this generation? I agree, there isn't a steady stream of "OMG" impressive games, but we all know what is coming. I mean demos are out there. It's hard to ignore.

Sony's exclusive first party lineup is really good quality wise that will help them compete against MS. Not everyone will enjoy it but they are impressive.
but demos are only as good as the system you can play them on and if you can't afford the system...
Vitet said:
Game boy wins!!!
Here comes a new challenger!
ps3 vs gc

How about PS3 v. PS2 . . . if you can't beat your predecessor after 6 months then you know that something is wrong. And that goes for 360 v. PS2 too.


Tabris said:
What I just don't get is why everyone finds such pleasure/wants to post so much about Sony "losing"?

Just like how Sony fans have taken the pleasure to post "Nintendo is doom3d", "third party", etc...for the last 10 years.

Quit being a whiny little bitch and take it like a man.


jamesinclair said:
I was thinking.

Today is May 17. That means only 10 more days of NPD May reporting.

There has been no price drop yet, or any indication of a price drop.

So the May NPD is all but confirmed as having even lower PS3 and 360 sales.

May will be just as fun

Ya, Forza 2 and <cough> shadowrun </cough> are out May 29th so they'll miss May NPD.


According to the latest NPD data, SCEA generated total sales of $271 million in the month of April, buoyed in part by the addition of the PS3 platform, which sold a total of 82K units for the month, as well as the strong performance of the PSP at retail, which saw a 13% year-on-year increase for the month of April, selling 183K units. The price of the PSP Core system was dropped from $199 to $169 in early April, which has received very positive retailer and consumer response. PS2 also continued to be a strong performer during the month with unit sales of 194K.

"You got knocked the fug out!"


Junior Member
1-D_FTW said:
I don't wanna start anything by naming names.

Just to say I downloaded some really cool movies this morning. Then this afternoon a developer interview was posted where the comments were made. I don't think it's that hard to figure out, but I'm still not naming it.

Fine, but I do not even know what you were implying with your comments. I would love to argue with you but I missed it.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I think Wii's phenomenal success in the world is a great news not only for Nintendo, but for gaming as a whole. Of course grapics are important, and always will be. On the other hand there's no denial wiimote has tremendous potential, that would have been barely touched without these sales. Now that we can expect most 3rd party studios to have projects on Wii, there will be the emulation needed to give this other path a chance to shine.
I don't think it's just the price points.

The HD thing has backfired on both Sony + MS I think. They emphasized HD so much that people feel like there's no point in upgrading until they buy a new TV ... and people will buy a new TV when they feel like, not when Sony/MS tell them to. That simple.

For Nintendo ... it's all about that controller I think, even more than the price. The Wii for what it is, is not exactly cheap either. The GameCube should be selling more than the Wii if price was everything. It's $99 vs. $250 ... you guys might have to face the reality that there's more going on here than the just price point arguement.
Oh yes, the bitter comments are running in quite easily already, I see.


Tabris said:
What I just don't get is why everyone finds such pleasure/wants to post so much about Sony "losing"?

...and before you say "because Nintendo fans had to suffer it for years"... I was there when Zelda GCN bombed or the 10k media create threads, and those threads were small and everyone was posting about the games.

It's funny to me that sales age became so big exactly when Nintendo DS started beating the PSP, no one cared before then.
Who cares?

Anyway, these numbers are pretty amazing.


Geezer said:
It's not too late to save this gen:

$399 PS3
$299 360 Premium

Make it happen MS/Sony. PLEASE.


at best this year we see :
$499 PS3
$349 360 Elite
$299 360 Premium


Tabris said:
What I just don't get is why everyone finds such pleasure/wants to post so much about Sony "losing"?

...and before you say "because Nintendo fans had to suffer it for years"... I was there when Zelda GCN bombed or the 10k media create threads, and those threads were small and everyone was posting about the games.

It's funny to me that sales age became so big exactly when Nintendo DS started beating the PSP, no one cared before then.

It's the first time a console king has been dethroned since the World Wide Web became popular.

Stop crying.
Tabris said:
What I just don't get is why everyone finds such pleasure/wants to post so much about Sony "losing"?

...and before you say "because Nintendo fans had to suffer it for years"... I was there when Zelda GCN bombed or the 10k media create threads, and those threads were small and everyone was posting about the games.

It's funny to me that sales age became so big exactly when Nintendo DS started beating the PSP, no one cared before then.
Well, I wasn't here back then Tabris, but I just really like seeing major market shifts. It's exciting to me to see a product come into a market unexpectedly and kick it over. Perhaps in the next market shift, we shall be on the same side. Until then, en garde!


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Geezer said:
It's not too late to save this gen:

$399 PS3
$299 360 Premium

Make it happen MS/Sony. PLEASE.


Sony is more concerned with Hi-Def movies and Microsoft is only concerned with outpacing Sony, so keep praying. Gen am ****ed total. :lol


Liquid said:
wii outsold ps3 4 to 1
360 outsold ps3 2 to 1
looks at price ratio per consoles....hmmmm :lol

few words. when 360 drops the price its gonna get interesting. if wii drops the price if wont be able to be found anywhere AGAIN so MS better have overstock ready, if sony drops the price no one will care and they'll just continue being screwed one way or another. face it. :lol
This is, for all intents and purposes, a two horse race now. Microsoft will be biting their fingernails every month up until this fall when their heavy hitters arrive. Until then, Nintendo will keep chipping away at their market share.

Sony's only prayer now is a massive pricedrop. As incredible as games like Uncharted and MGS4 look, they won't save the console. The general public has already made a strong statement that they value affordability over technology.


marc^o^ said:
I think Wii's phenomenal success in the world is a great news not only for Nintendo, but for gaming as a whole. Of course grapics are important, and always will be. On the other hand there's no denial wiimote has tremendous potential, that would have been barely touched without these sales. Now that we can expect most 3rd party studios to have projects on Wii, there will be the emulation needed to give this other path a chance to shine.

I think the Wii's dominance of the console space will push more developers interested in hardcore graphics/physics/AI into the PC space, so PC gamers benefit the most.

Eteric Rice

I love how there are people even in this thread trying to spin it.

"Wait two years, and the novelty will wear off!"

I remember around a month BEFORE the Wii was released, and they were saying the same shit. Accept it was "wait a month or two, and the novelty will wear off."

Wii isn't going anywhere. Chances are, it won't "die." And when it's bigger franchises drop, it'll further drive the steak into Sony's heart.


Kobun Heat said:
Because it's the most "significant" thing to "happen" in "a decade"?

Microsoft entering the console market isn't more significant than PS3 sales being slow to start due to price?
Tabris said:
What I just don't get is why everyone finds such pleasure/wants to post so much about Sony "losing"?

It´s not because of the "fans suffering".
It´s because the big, arrogant developers gets pulled back down to ground.
It´s like when FC Bayern fails to become champion.
It´s like when Paris Hilton has to go into jail.
It´s like when Alonso loses.

The "big evil" loses, and that´s what people are happy to see.
That the small ones have a chance as well.
And Nintendo definitely was rather small the last years with GCN as the worst selling console.


thanks for the laugh
Zzoram said:
I'm not going to lie, the slow adoption of the 360/PS3 and what looks like DS/Wii dominance of the market is making me regret not staying pure PC. By splitting my money across 360/DS I can't get a gaming PC, and it looks like that's where all the hardcore next gen game action is being forced (No PS3/360 game will ever surpass Crysis graphics/physics and Starcraft 2 is on the verge).

Also, ever since hitting consoles, it seems like the user base is so fragmented. People all hate each other and fight all the time and polarize the user base. On the PC side, the only second class citizens who get flak for no reason are noobs. That plus getting Oblivion for PC and the dozens of quality great FREE mods (on top of thousands of crap ones) made me realize how much console players miss out on.

I don't think I'll go back to consoles after this generation. Ya I know, you don't care.

Come fall, most people will be able to upgrade to a quad core DX10 rig for around the price of a PS3.


jarrod said:
Ridge Racer & Virtua Fighter also sold millions on PS2... look how that turned out.

I agree, although neither one of those series has brought anything new in years, and I suspect people are tiring of them regardless.
Lol, every freaking game coming out for the PS3 isn't a "system seller"! :lol :lol

How about adding them all up? Sony never relied on ONE "system seller"


Junior Member
Eteric Rice said:
I love how there are people even in this thread trying to spin it.

"Wait two years, and the novelty will wear off!"

I remember around a month BEFORE the Wii was released, and they were saying the same shit. Accept it was "wait a month, and the novelty will wear off."

Wii isn't going anywhere. Chances are, it won't "die." And when it's bigger franchises drop, it'll further drive the steak into Sony's heart.

Just as MTV lives, so shall the Wii.


speculawyer said:
I guess I'm a graphics 'ho because I agree. I like my Wii . . . but to me it is a waggle novelty toy.

I still think that in a year or two, the waggle novelty will wear thin (or the PS3 & 360 will have their own waggle-motes) and HD graphics will be more desired such that the Wii will begin to wane.

It is not just graphics better hardware brings about. :)

unless you believe all the hype about a waggle-volution in game creativity coming. :rolleyes


ghst said:
Come fall, most people will be able to upgrade to a quad core DX10 rig for around the price of a PS3.

In Canada you can get an E6600 (where the 4mb cache Core 2 Duos begin) for $289 and an 8800GTS 320mb for $340 which totals less than the price of the PS3 here ($699). Come Fall, DX10 PC gaming won't seem expensive compared to PS3 gaming.
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