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NPD Sales Results for April 2010

TruePrime said:
Yes that is why De blob sold well from what we know, and not to mention that Monster Hunter Tri is one of only two games in Japan to crack a million at all from third parites on any platform.

Lest we also forget that Shawn White did far better on Wii then it did on PS3 and X360, as well as the CoD's have done over a million on it.

Not trying to say it will ever have the market that the HD Twins have but saying core third party games can't sell is crazy talk.

Yeah, last I heard de Blob passed 700k.

If MH3 actually is close to 150k, I'd be extremely happy.

I'm personally hoping for at least 100k.

We'll see I guess. :(


Really surprised that MH3 failed to chart in such a slow month.

I mean the game had everything it needed to succeed.

1. Huge Marketing compaign (As big as any I've seen from Capcom except for maybe RE games)
2. Best online of any Wii game. Free too unlike Japan.
3. Bundled with the new classic controller pro.
4. Help from Nintendo.


Draft said:
Dominated by the PC :)

Yeah, that sounds right. How odd that EA failed to mention their massive success on PC, though. Keeping it a secret so as not to draw attention to the gold mine?
schuelma said:
Now, I absolutely love the game and it might be my favorite game for the system, but it has limited appeal to the shooter and action crowd, at least initially. I really don't think it would do much better on the HD twins.

I dunno, looking at a game like Demon's Souls, i think an HD MH would have made the top 10 in a month like this. I mean this month was pathetic. Whether the added sales would have been enough to justify the dev costs is debatable.


obonicus said:
Yeah, that sounds right. How odd that EA failed to mention their massive success on PC, though. Keeping it a secret so as not to draw attention to the gold mine?
Blue ocean :)


Hiltz said:
True, they share the same name but the first game did sell 1 million copies despite being a launch title.

Heck, even the reviews were much better for the sequel.

I understand why Ubisoft chose to stick with the Red Steel name given that the sequel used the same fundamental concept as the original title.

I would like to go out on another limb and suggest that Red Steel sold a million copies precisely because it was a launch title.

When nobody likes your game, it's really hard to get people to care about more of it, despite any boosts in quality.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I think the UFC's WAY lower.

Call it a hunch, but I don't see that panning out into being a yearly franchise like the UFC wants.

Did over a million in combined units last May. With proper hype I could see it matching maybe.


Do we have original Street Fighter 4 first month number for PS3 n XBOX360?
n how much did the previous iteration of Splinter Cell did? any numbers?


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
oversensitive said:
Hmm, I don't see Modern Warfare 2. Didn't CoD4 and maybe WaW chart every single month following the year of their release?
They did chart for longer, but sold considerably less in the first month.


oversensitive said:
Hmm, I don't see Modern Warfare 2. Didn't CoD4 and maybe WaW chart every single month following the year of their release?

Judging by the sales of the first few months, everyone who could possibly have wanted it already bought it :lol
Burai said:
That's easy to say, but the playing field isn't level for this one. Sony and Capcom didn't exactly push the series so far which has heavily contributed to it's niche status.

Capcom and Nintendo have pushed this thing like their lives depended on it - special hardware bundles, blanket advertising. And it still seemingly couldn't break 150k.
Capcom had a much stronger lineup of supporting software to help build an audience for those sorts of games on the PS2 though. Saying their efforts on the Wii have been lukewarm would be putting it generously. It's a wash at best.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Glad SSF4 sold like shit.

SHould have at LEAST had the option for a DLC add-on.

Hopefully poor sales will force Capcom to release a 1600 point 1 or 2GB DLC. I'd buy that straight away, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy SSF4.

And go Splinter Cell. Great fucking game.

Why should it have been DLC? You would have bought a $40 DLC but not a $40 disc? I'm not seeing a difference between the two.

Probably the best fighting game released in the last 10 years and it was made of up pretty much all community feedback and is one of the most balanced games available. Solid numbers for only a few days of sales.

Also, it didn't sell like shit, so stop being glad.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Since the original sold FAR better in its debut month.

Capcom still thinks its 1994 and people are dying to get milked.

Cry more.

Original Released February 17, 2009 (12 days)
2. Street Fighter IV - Xbox 360 - Capcom - 446K
3. Street Fighter IV - PS3 - Capcom - 403K
Combined: 849k

Super Released April 27, 2010 (4 days)
Super Street Fighter IV - PS3 - Capcom - 143K
Super Street Fighter IV - 360 - Capcom - 108K
Combined 251k

If Super sells at the same rate (relatively) that SFIV did it should sell around
753k By day 12.

Fuzzy bullshit math, but the real point is taht Super is a re-release of a year old game, of course Street Fighter IV was going to sell better, but chances are a DLC addon would have sold wose than a disc based release.

You think people taught Capcom a lesson with the 'low' sales of SSFIV? You're delusional. Capcom is probably very happy with these sales and the SFIV fans are very happy to by buying it. (You'd still be paying something like 29.99-39.99 if it was DLC).

In reality SSFIV might sell around half of what the original did in a similar timeframe. That's pretty damn good tbh.


To the people condemning the Wii-audience because of MH3:

It simply isn´t a mainstream game. Simple as that. Even from seasoned gamers that bought MH3, I hear a lot complaints about the slow, difficult beginning of the game. Let alone what comes later in the game.

Should MH3 sell worse than the PS2-games, it´ll be disappointing. Anything else is your usual Gaf-hyperbole. MH3 isnt your typical 10 hour-HD game with lots of cinematics. It´s a, and here the name fits, hardcore game.


Hot damn, wasn't expecting Splinter Cell to do so well. And for $39.99, my poor SSFIV didn't do so well. WTF happened?

Hardware sales were meh.


oversensitive said:
Hmm, I don't see Modern Warfare 2. Didn't CoD4 and maybe WaW chart every single month following the year of their release?

360MW was 10th in April 2008 with 141k.

All the MH3 talk is weird.

Darthdevidem01 said:
Waiting for Top 20
I'm not sure if we should wait up anymore.


NeoGIF said:
Hot damn, wasn't expecting Splinter Cell to do so well. And for $39.99, my poor SSFIV didn't do so well. WTF happened?

Hardware sales were meh.

It had 4 days of sales compared to the originals 11. I don't think anyone was expecting it to see comparably to SFIV.


selig said:
To the people condemning the Wii-audience because of MH3:

It simply isn´t a mainstream game. Simple as that. Even from seasoned gamers that bought MH3, I hear a lot complaints about the slow, difficult beginning of the game. Let alone what comes later in the game.

Should MH3 sell worse than the PS2-games, it´ll be disappointing. Anything else is your usual Gaf-hyperbole. MH3 isnt your typical 10 hour-HD game with lots of cinematics. It´s a, and here the name fits, hardcore game.

It's not a mainstream game, but it got mainstream advertising. You'd at least expect them to sell a ton and then find them clogging up the pre-owned shelves for all of time before word of mouth killed it off.

Nintendo have sent a lot of their own games to die this gen. Great games with plenty of mass appeal too. Why did they choose to throw so much behind this one if it's bombing was such a foregone conclusion? Surely they saw something in it?
ccbfan said:
Really surprised that MH3 failed to chart in such a slow month.

I mean the game had everything it needed to succeed.

1. Huge Marketing compaign (As big as any I've seen from Capcom except for maybe RE games)
2. Best online of any Wii game. Free too unlike Japan.
3. Bundled with the new classic controller pro.
4. Help from Nintendo.
Shouldda went to psp or ps3...

Wii owners still lack their Mario karts, new super Mario bros, and wii ____.

Ultimately wii owners don't watch espn so they didn't see the advertising for it...


Cow Mengde said:
The video game fad is over. The game industry's dead. Let's find a new hobby. I hear BeyBlades is pretty hot nowadays.

They aren't for kids, they're made of metal.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Gah, I had a long streak going of getting the thread out on time, didn't realize it was today. My bad, I'll be back on it next time.


The MHTri talk is funny. I am freaking loving the game but i can tell it's a hard game. I doubt people could even get past the demo heh. So didnt expect it to hit the top ten quite pleased with Pokemon just hanging up there.


selig said:
Should MH3 sell worse than the PS2-games, it´ll be disappointing. Anything else is your usual Gaf-hyperbole. MH3 isnt your typical 10 hour-HD game with lots of cinematics. It´s a, and here the name fits, hardcore game.

My casual gamer friends always skip cinematics in games. I guess they should play MHTri.
h3ro said:
Why should it have been DLC? You would have bought a $40 DLC but not a $40 disc? I'm not seeing a difference between the two.

For me, it's actually better off as a disc because now if I decide I want to play it I can hop in on the $40 version without ever having played the first release. :lol
When the series is relatively small outside of Japan, you still expect it to crack the top and and when it doesn't you say the Wii isn't hardcore?


Who gives a shit. As long as you like the game who cares how much it sells?(besides the publishers) So sorry to all the suckers that missed out on a hit game but that isn't my problem nor concern.

Also, if they want to make sure all of the copies of a game are sold new, they would ban used game sales and rentals(like in Japan).


UFC will probably be the top selling game of next month, with RDR somewhere behind.

Lots of games are going to bomb though, thinking Split/second, Blur, and Lost Planet 2 will be the biggest bombs.


deepbrown said:
Wish my product would sell 66 thousand in one month in one country.

Then I have good news! You too can accomplish this astonishing feat by losing 900 million dollars a year.


I did my part. I bought MHTri! Now I wonder what would've happened if it was also still on the PS3...


PSP is dead. Wish they bring MGSPW and Persona 3P on the PSN.


noobie said:
Do we have original Street Fighter 4 first month number for PS3 n XBOX360?
n how much did the previous iteration of Splinter Cell did? any numbers?

First month;

Street Fighter IV* (360) 446,000
Street Fighter IV* (PS3) 403,000

Only reference I could find to what Double Agent did first month was less than 366k;


I have no idea how SCCT or PT fared first month.

jvm said:
This has traditionally been sent on Friday. Given the changes in the Thursday release, I'm not sure what to expect tomorrow.

Kind of what I was thinking.
MidnightScott said:
When the series is relatively small outside of Japan, you still expect it to crack the top and and when it doesn't you say the Wii isn't hardcore?


Who gives a shit. As long as you like the game who cares how much it sells?(besides the publishers) So sorry to all the suckers that missed out on a hit game but that isn't my problem nor concern.

Also, if they want to make sure all of the copies of a game are sold new, they would ban used game sales and rentals(like in Japan).
It's against the law to ban used games and rentals in America.


Delio said:
The MHTri talk is funny. I am freaking loving the game but i can tell it's a hard game. I doubt people could even get past the demo heh. So didnt expect it to hit the top ten quite pleased with Pokemon just hanging up there.

Ha, totally forgot about the demo. You people sure that demo didnt work AGAINST the game? :lol
Monster Hunter Tri is such an absurdly dumb name I'm shocked people are surprised it sold poorly. Should have stuck with just the 3. Or done a NA reboot.
deepbrown said:
Wish my product would sell 66 thousand in one month in one country.
Holy shit. Sixty-six thousand? That's like, nearly a hundred thousands. And there are like a million people in the world, right?

My God. Sixty-six thousand. I... I can't fucking believe it. The reign of the PSP. It will never end, will it? Once you've reached such heights... the public demand is practically boiling over with frothing desire.
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