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NPD Sales Results for February 2013 [Up5: Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Official PS3/WiiU]

Okay so...

[360] 302K
[PS3] ~201K - 249K..."very close to 250K?"
[3DS] ~151K - 199K..."~190K?"
[DS] ~101K - 149K
[WII] ~51K - 99K..."above 80K?"
[WIU] ~66K
[PSV] ~38K
[PSP] ~1K - ~9K..."above 8K?"

Wii + Wii U + PS3 = 435K
Wii + DS + 3DS + Wii U = 455K
PSV + PSP + PS3 + PS2 (negligible) = Less than 302K


Hence why there is no Heavenly Sword 2 or Enslaved sequel. And hence why Ninja Theory was stuck working on a preexisting licence than being given the flexibility to work on their own IP. The worst lesson from those two bombings was to not trust Ninja theory with a new IP.

And DmC's bombing is far more complex than Ninja theory making an unappealing game. But overall Capcom knew exactly what they were getting into when they signed up for Ninja Theory's DmC game. And I'm willing to bet that it was Capcom's prerogative to make a more "casual appealing" DMC.

Ninja Theory did exactly what they were suppose to in this case: they made a well-reviewed, more casual appealing DmC (even if it failed to capture casuals or the original DMC audience). At best, NT is making DmC 2. At worst, they're work on progressively less appealing IPs from now on. But they're certainly not folding and I'm positive they'll continue to get work from publishers.

Yes Capcom basically says this:

VG247 said:
I then asked Jones for his thoughts on Capcom’s drive to collaborate with Western developers and to create a family of worldwide partners, to which he replied, “There are very few good independent developers, and if you get the chance to lock one or two down and continue to work with them, as a publisher you have to do that.

“Because firstly you’ll never have enough internal capacity – given the expense involved in making games – to keep your portfolio level where it needs to be. Guys like Ninja Theory and Dontnod who – in the case of Ninja Theory have a proven track record of delivering quality products more or less on time, and at an expected level of quality – I mean yeah, you have to keep working with those guys.”
Source: http://www.vg247.com/2013/01/09/dmc-devil-may-cry-ninja-theory-have-been-amazing-say-capcom/


Oh, yes, 3 more passed 100k.


If those are the only ones to cross 100k, I'm just now realizing how poorly MH3U is going to do on Wii U next month. There just aren't enough systems out there owned by MH fans and it's gonna be like 20k or less.



He edited.
Wii < 100k
I don't get it.

If Xbox 360 = 302K and is 41% of the market, then we get that the total market is about 737K. Remove the Xbox 360 and that leaves 435K for the other three systems.

But Wii U is 66K. And Wii is less than 100K. And PS3 is less than 250K.

At most that leaves a 20K gap and I don't see how to fill it.

66K + 100K + 250K = 416K at most...

Am I missing something?

Bruno MB

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Retail sales - 95,000
Bundle sales - 22,000
Digital sales - 63,000

Total - 180,000

So Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time at least sold 95,000 units.


Those games will definantely bomb (dont know about pikmin) But the whole NPD thread of march will be about ridiculing lego city and MonHun.

The market has changed so much here. Halo pioneered the charge, coupled with Gears and in last few years CoD. Besides your annual sports and dance games, anything that doesn't have guns and/or isn't distinctly Westernised will do badly. There are only a few exception.


I don't get it.

If Xbox 360 = 302K and is 41% of the market, then we get that the total market is about 737K. Remove the Xbox 360 and that leaves 435K for the other three systems.

But Wii U is 66K. And Wii is less than 100K. And PS3 is less than 250K.

At most that leaves a 20K gap and I don't see how to fill it.

66K + 100K + 250K = 416K at most...

Am I missing something?

Yup, I noticed the same thing:

If Wii is less than 100k there's something wrong with the numbers.
Microsoft said that they had 41% of market share.
That means that Wii+WiiU+PS3 = 434k
If Wii U = 66k and Wii=100k, PS3 would be 268k not < 250k.


I don't get it.

If Xbox 360 = 302K and is 41% of the market, then we get that the total market is about 737K. Remove the Xbox 360 and that leaves 435K for the other three systems.

But Wii U is 66K. And Wii is less than 100K. And PS3 is less than 250K.

At most that leaves a 20K gap and I don't see how to fill it.

66K + 100K + 250K = 416K at most...

Am I missing something?

Can it be interpreted as revenue? I'm guessing not.

If those are the only ones to cross 100k, I'm just now realizing how poorly MH3U is going to do on Wii U next month. There just aren't enough systems out there owned by MH fans and it's gonna be like 20k or less.


3DS version to the rescue!!!


Why would the bundle count as a physical sale if it comes with a digital copy?

Well, for NPD, the bundle comes with a copy of the game in a physical media. It doesn't matter if that media is a DVD, UMD, memory card, HD or flash memory.

Maybe if the bundle came only with a download code, NPD wouldn't count it?


Damn, even with the new game bundle/color 3DS couldn't break 200k this month?

the bundle wasn't particularly good- essentially $10 off. plus, it's fire emblem, which hasn't ever been a system-seller outside of japan. a pokemon bundle for x/y or an animal crossing bundle probably would have increased yoy sales.


Okay so...

[360] 302K
[PS3] ~201K - ~249K..."very close to 250K?"
[3DS] ~190K
[DS] ~101K - 149K
[WII] ~50K - ~99K
[WIU] ~66K
[PSV] ~38K
[PSP] ~1K - ~9K

Wii + Wii U + PS3 = 435K
Wii + DS + 3DS + Wii U = 455K
PSV + PSP + PS3 + PS2 (negligible) = Less than 302K

You're leaving out another set of data.

NPD said:
Looking at hardware sales on an average per week basis, all platforms showed an increase from January into February.

So PSP > ~8k and Wii > ~ 80k


Fire Emblem: Awakening

Retail sales - 95,000
Bundle sales - 22,000
Digital sales - 63,000

Total - 180,000

So Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time at least sold 95,000 units.

So if this is set in stone, then I guess Sly didn't do too terribly in the end then. Hopefully the game has some legs...


Confused as to where Sly stands right now, but I knew that over 117K sounded too good to br true. Hopefully it's at least > 100K.
If those are the only ones to cross 100k, I'm just now realizing how poorly MH3U is going to do on Wii U next month. There just aren't enough systems out there owned by MH fans and it's gonna be like 20k or less.
Because all the MH fans will be buying a Wii U in March...right?


Fire Emblem: Awakening

Retail sales - 95,000
Bundle sales - 22,000
Digital sales - 63,000

Total - 180,000

So Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time at least sold 95,000 units.
Couldn't it alternatively be.

Retail 117k
Bundle 22k
Digtal 41k

Total - 180k

Sly > 117k <139k?

Depending on what Nintendo is counting as retail and digital.
If Wii is less than 100k there's something wrong with the numbers.
Microsoft said that they had 41% of market share.
That means that Wii+WiiU+PS3 = 434k
If Wii U = 66k and Wii=100k, PS3 would be 268k not < 250k.

Yeh, I noted the same. Even taking 41.4%, doesn't sum right.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I know this may be a bit far off but do you have LTDs for Persona 4 Golden and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (PSV and/or 3DS), creamsugar?
I think they have used revenue, but only when their unit share didn't keep their streak.

Their unit share would be higher than 41% given the info we're getting.


Yeh, I noted the same. Even taking 41.4%, doesn't sum right.

Numbers don't match unless MS had a marketshare slighlty over 42%...but then why would they report they had 41%? :D

Still I think that the problem is on MS' side, creamsugar knows what he's posting considering he has the numbers.
PS3 should be really close to 250k anyway.


If those are the only ones to cross 100k, I'm just now realizing how poorly MH3U is going to do on Wii U next month. There just aren't enough systems out there owned by MH fans and it's gonna be like 20k or less.


I have played every US MH release with the same friends since MH on PS2's original release and now I have to play MH3G solo or with randoms, so yeah, it sucks. I could probably at least push a couple copies if the 3DS version had online, though.


So if this is set in stone, then I guess Sly didn't do too terribly in the end then. Hopefully the game has some legs...

Will likely appear on PS+ since its a Sony game. Even if it does terrible sales, there's still a slight purpose for it, to make PS+ service more attractive with retail games.


Neo Member
I feel like at this rate developers and publishers should start lowering their expected sales goals and how much they invest into these games and projects. At least until the market looks to be expanding in a positive manner that would warrant a stronger focus and heavier investment.
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