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Official Xbox 360 Game Installs thread


Installed Earth Defense Forces 2017 and it has crashed once on me so far while fighting a dino-mech but since then its all been peachy.


Do I have to install all 4 discs in order to play Lost Oddysey or can I install/delete as I go?
(Install disc 1 -> play until the end of disc 1 -> delete disc 1, install disc 2 ->.... ?)
dhelfric said:
Do I have to install all 4 discs in order to play Lost Oddysey or can I install/delete as I go?
(Install disc 1 -> play until the end of disc 1 -> delete disc 1, install disc 2 ->.... ?)
Sure why not, though never forget to save before switching discs.


UraMallas said:
Any info on The Last Remnant install? I looked at the OP and it isn't there and I don't want to go through the official thread for fear of spoilers...
Installing is essential. Many flaws vanish and load times are cut in half.

TJ Spyke

Looks like I can't install Blue Dragon, I only have the 20GB HDD and the load for all 3 discs is 19.9 GB (I know I don't need all 3 on at once, but still.)


nods at old men
TJ Spyke said:
Looks like I can't install Blue Dragon, I only have the 20GB HDD and the load for all 3 discs is 19.9 GB (I know I don't need all 3 on at once, but still.)
But still what?

You only play 1 disc at a time.
TJ Spyke said:
Looks like I can't install Blue Dragon, I only have the 20GB HDD and the load for all 3 discs is 19.9 GB (I know I don't need all 3 on at once, but still.)
You barely can even put 2 on it since you only have 13gb of usable space...


If you have Lost Odyssey do yourself a favor and install it. It plays wonderfully. If your tight on space do one disc at a time.


Hey sean... What about GRID? in the OP is market with red color, any problem with the install of the game??

Thanks in advance for the answer ;)


Just curious,

Picked up Crackdown and came here to check on the install size-why cant it be installed?
I installed VF5. No noticable difference, really.

Dead Rising: A little better.

Devil May Cry 4: MUCH better. Next to no loading now.

Armored Core IV: marginal difference.

Senko No Ronde: 3 second loads are now 1 second. This game had no loading to begin with really.


How fast are loading times in Tales of Vesperia if you don't install?

Because, fuck, the thing does load like it's practically running off a cartridge when you install it. It's incredibly nice.
I've finally cleared up enough space for some installs. The first one I tried was Burnout Revenge, which was barely playable for the crash mode because of the long loads. This is actually playable now!

Any other suggestions, besides the obvious: NG2, Orange Box.
Zeliard said:
How fast are loading times in Tales of Vesperia if you don't install?

Because, fuck, the thing does load like it's practically running off a cartridge when you install it. It's incredibly nice.

It's already really good. The "Now Loading" screen rarely pops up, and when it does, it's not really there for long. I guess it'd be like comparing DMC4 disc vs hard drive.


Sega Rally Revo...maybe a few seconds better but for the most part load times are the same.
My 360 plays the game allot more quietly,whereas before it sounded like the disk and the drive were going at it.
Street Fighter 4 - 5.7gb

Seems to load fights a bit faster, I've noticed as soon as the announcer stops it fades to black, on my friends arcade it definitely stays on the screen for a few seconds longer


Neo Member
I've read through this thread and didn't see mention of this, but does anyone else experience really long Dashboard and Guide delays with having a 120GB HDD and a number of games installed?

When I bring up any Marketplace item, for detailed view or the purchase view, I get that Xbox icon with the "receiving data" glowing circle animation for about 10~15 seconds. Every single new window/view does this. My load times for videos on the Spotlight (IGN tips, OXM, etc.) also have really long load times as it begins to gather the stream data. It will sit there for 60~120 seconds showing nothing but that icon and "LOADING" -- I've given up using the streaming videos now.

Things didn't take this long when I was using my 20GB HDD. I can still connect to XBL and have full chat across a Party, can participate in online games with no additional discernible lag.

I've seen the 120GB HDD blamed for the delay elsewhere, and a claim that deleting the HDD cache
will alleviate the issue. I've done the delete a couple times, but didn't notice much improvement.

Anyone know?
The biggest effect I've seen on the delays is from the number of games downloaded rather than the number of games installed. I posted some test results in one of the "slow nxe" threads but I can't seem to find it right now.


shrinkingviolet said:
I've read through this thread and didn't see mention of this, but does anyone else experience really long Dashboard and Guide delays with having a 120GB HDD and a number of games installed?

When I bring up any Marketplace item, for detailed view or the purchase view, I get that Xbox icon with the "receiving data" glowing circle animation for about 10~15 seconds. Every single new window/view does this. My load times for videos on the Spotlight (IGN tips, OXM, etc.) also have really long load times as it begins to gather the stream data. It will sit there for 60~120 seconds showing nothing but that icon and "LOADING" -- I've given up using the streaming videos now.

Things didn't take this long when I was using my 20GB HDD. I can still connect to XBL and have full chat across a Party, can participate in online games with no additional discernible lag.

I've seen the 120GB HDD blamed for the delay elsewhere, and a claim that deleting the HDD cache
will alleviate the issue. I've done the delete a couple times, but didn't notice much improvement.

Anyone know?

Exact same problem.

Interesting Psychotext, time for some spring cleaning I think.


shrinkingviolet said:
I've read through this thread and didn't see mention of this, but does anyone else experience really long Dashboard and Guide delays with having a 120GB HDD and a number of games installed?

When I bring up any Marketplace item, for detailed view or the purchase view, I get that Xbox icon with the "receiving data" glowing circle animation for about 10~15 seconds. Every single new window/view does this. My load times for videos on the Spotlight (IGN tips, OXM, etc.) also have really long load times as it begins to gather the stream data. It will sit there for 60~120 seconds showing nothing but that icon and "LOADING" -- I've given up using the streaming videos now.

Things didn't take this long when I was using my 20GB HDD. I can still connect to XBL and have full chat across a Party, can participate in online games with no additional discernible lag.

I've seen the 120GB HDD blamed for the delay elsewhere, and a claim that deleting the HDD cache
will alleviate the issue. I've done the delete a couple times, but didn't notice much improvement.

Anyone know?
Mine's been doing this a lot lately and I still have the 20GB. It's gotten really bad over the last couple weeks for some reason.


Finally got a Jasper Elite and have been using the install to HDD feature. This shit is so fucking awesome. The Elite is super quiet too!

Going to install Orange Box and GTA later to see the differences for myself.


Neo Member
NIN90 said:
Did anyone try Bully?
I heard it has really bad load times off the disc.

Initial load seems faster, in-game transitions between indoor/outdoor spaces feel about the same. As with most installs, the big win is not having drive spin noise while you play. There's a subtle soundscape in BULLY that really comes out if you don't have the 360's jet-engine noise going.


Has anyone tried Fuel? I'm thinking of installing, but it seems a lot of the 'load' times are spent 'generating', so I'm not sure if an install would help.

Edit: Installed. I'm not noticing a big difference in initial/menu loads, but it certainly helps in respawning during a race.
LCfiner said:
definitely. eliminates stuttering of menus entirely and cuts down area loading by a fair amount.
Good to know, after playing a few hours worth of fable 2 goty the menu is starting to get annoyingly slow now, and loading areas faster would be a nice bonus.


Zzoram said:
Does installing Mass Effect reduce pop-in?

Maybe the gameplay pop-in, but the cutscene pop-in can still be bad. It seems to be random whether the cutscenes have textures loaded in quickly or not.

The install removes that disc loading thing during gameplay entirely, though.
Hey guys, super quick question.

I don't mind the loading times in Mass Effect, but the screen tearing and pop-in usually disturb my experience a bit. Does installation improve the performance of this game at all? Or reduce the noise of the machine?

Thanks GAF :--D


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
permutated said:
Hey guys, super quick question.

I don't mind the loading times in Mass Effect, but the screen tearing and pop-in usually disturb my experience a bit. Does installation improve the performance of this game at all? Or reduce the noise of the machine?

Thanks GAF :--D

Yeah, in my experience installing greatly reduces the chances of you dashing in a dungeon and running into a low rez area, and the noise of the system obviously.
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