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One Piece Treasure Cruise |OT3| Zephyr any day now...


2/32 is pretty bad. I had some bad streaks with Tesoro but I don't think it reached that level. Is Lucci even good? I never see him discussed much.

Eneru tomorrow... is this the time I finally farm him for skill ups? Ugh. No desire.

Powerhouse is kind of weak on Global but gets crazy once the Hody batch drops and we get the Rocketman. Lucci's special is actually pretty good, think Breed but (in my experience) way more consistent with 4+ orbs at a minimum. He's actually who I plan to rely on most for reliable orbs on my Blackbeard team. As a captain, Lucci's strong but squishy and he works well with Hody Jones. But he's someone that I think really needs a 6+ with the recent powercreep.


TS Sanji actually seems like a pretty awesome lead.
And works well with SW Luffy for pretty hefty damage.


Works pretty well. 30% health cut, end of turn damage and 6+ WB special even gives another reroll for Lucci's orb boost. And since you've lots of sockets for all important abilities, all specials can be ready by turn 15 (WB special brings Luffy there as well).
You can also run double TS Sanji and use one for the 6 turn CD of his stage one special to burst hard waves in raids.

Don't know what to do about colosseum tomorrow. Vista would be the first choice, but I probably don't have a chance to comfortably farm him. Alvida should be easy enough, but Paulie also seems like a good idea for my PH teams down the road.

And I didn't even farm Urouge yet for anything, need both his STR form and sockets for PSY, although both units are pretty low priority I guess.


Recap for the first day:

Notable units i have

Sw usopp
3d2y robin

Skillbook drops

SW Usopp: 5
Sugar: 8
3d2y Robin: 5
Child Robin: 7
Doffy: 8



Can I do a good powerhouse team with these units? RR Dellinger, 3D2Y Sanji, Fujitora, Zeo, Daruma, Hyozou, Nightmare Luffy, RR Marco


Recap for the first day:

Notable units i have

Sw usopp
3d2y robin

Skillbook drops

SW Usopp: 5
Sugar: 8
3d2y Robin: 5
Child Robin: 7
Doffy: 8


The rule continues to hold true
unless you're me, zero Doffy books so far

TS Sanji actually seems like a pretty awesome lead.
And works well with SW Luffy for pretty hefty damage.


Works pretty well. 30% health cut, end of turn damage and 6+ WB special even gives another reroll for Lucci's orb boost. And since you've lots of sockets for all important abilities, all specials can be ready by turn 15 (WB special brings Luffy there as well).
You can also run double TS Sanji and use one for the 6 turn CD of his stage one special to burst hard waves in raids.

Swap Lucci with Raid Akainu if you really wanna party. I don't think there's any DEX content that requires this much overkill but damn would those numbers feel good.


Can I do a good powerhouse team with these units? RR Dellinger, 3D2Y Sanji, Fujitora, Zeo, Daruma, Hyozou, Nightmare Luffy, RR Marco

You're missing an orb booster there, but double 3D2Y Sanji with RR Marco is incredibly tanky, Zeo and Hyozou compliment each other well and Fuji is a monster. With the rocket man this would be a slow but pretty safe team.
You could use a Jabra FC to get the orb booster in there for higher burst and less bulkiness.

Swap Lucci with Raid Akainu if you really wanna party. I don't think there's any DEX content that requires this much overkill but damn would those numbers feel good.

Yeah you're right, would push it past 12 million damage against DEX. The team to use against Perona!

Buuuut I wanna use my new legend!


You're missing an orb booster there, but double 3D2Y Sanji with RR Marco is incredibly tanky, Zeo and Hyozou compliment each other well and Fuji is a monster. With the rocket man this would be a slow but pretty safe team.
You could use a Jabra FC to get the orb booster in there for higher burst and less bulkiness.

I have TS Sanji and Raid Kuma as Powerhouse orb booster


I'm on one book for Doffy. 932 more to go!

Look at the bright side. One book a day gets you to 24 books, which equals ~5 skillups on Doffy with average luck, maxing his special. You're on track!

EDIT: I can't math. 1.5 books per day will almost get you there.


TREASURE CRUISE PROTIP: Don't run a Marco team with the Moby Dick set as your ship. Not quite sure what I was thinking there. At least I managed to get enough meat to salvage it.

Croc team works well for Vista (easy to build, only requires 1 legend, 3 RRs, and a 60stam raid boss). I need to figure out the best stalling method, but otherwise I should be able to farm with that easy. I tried the SW Ace team that Reddit recommended, but they somehow expect you to go into stage 4 with 45k left out of a 50k HP total. I guess if you had max AH and CD it might work.


Oh hey, Paulie dropped in the lowest Coliseum. That'll save some time.

Looking at some teams for Vista, I'm scared. I... don't think I can handle it reliably. Still working my way there, so we'll see...

EDIT: Oh wow, Paulie dropped on the Underground difficulty as well.
TREASURE CRUISE PROTIP: Don't run a Marco team with the Moby Dick set as your ship. Not quite sure what I was thinking there. At least I managed to get enough meat to salvage it.

Pfft, that's nothing. Real badasses accidentally run the Moby Dick instead of the Navy Ship on Blackbeard teams.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Just saw Timeskip Brook... Wow... He is so good lol.

Is he part of the Legend Zoro banner? Didnt wanna pull anytime soon but will likely go all out for him.


Just saw Timeskip Brook... Wow... He is so good lol.

Is he part of the Legend Zoro banner? Didnt wanna pull anytime soon but will likely go all out for him.

I will most likely go all out when he comes out. He is one of the best units for TS Luffy teams. I usually have good luck pulling the new batch units when they hit so I hope thats the case when that sugo comes out. How big of a gap was the TS characters on JPN? Could we see the last batch come out next sugo?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I will most likely go all out when he comes out. He is one of the best units for TS Luffy teams. I usually have good luck pulling the new batch units when they hit so I hope thats the case when that sugo comes out. How big of a gap was the TS characters on JPN? Could we see the last batch come out next sugo?

I'm tempted to farm some frankys to socket him. But the odds of me getting him are near 0, and I need those Doffy books. I also have SW Franky to socket..


So I went to feed my Rayleigh Forbidden Tomes thinking "Eh may as well save the space and he's who I want slots on anyway" when suddenly I ask "wait why is his skill going up...oh fuck".

So I wasted 5 Almighty Tomes on Rayleigh instead of my 5 forbidden tomes. Think I have to uninstall my game now...


So I went to feed my Rayleigh Forbidden Tomes thinking "Eh may as well save the space and he's who I want slots on anyway" when suddenly I ask "wait why is his skill going up...oh fuck".

So I wasted 5 Almighty Tomes on Rayleigh instead of my 5 forbidden tomes. Think I have to uninstall my game now...
At least you got a skill up, count your blessings


So I went to feed my Rayleigh Forbidden Tomes thinking "Eh may as well save the space and he's who I want slots on anyway" when suddenly I ask "wait why is his skill going up...oh fuck".

So I wasted 5 Almighty Tomes on Rayleigh instead of my 5 forbidden tomes. Think I have to uninstall my game now...

I know that exact feeling because I did the same thing a while back. But hey, look at the bright side. You got a skillup off of it during no skillup time.


Cleared the new colo content. Yeah, Cista is doable with a Croc team but you really have to hit your perfects against Franky to clear it. Not gonna farm him the next weeks though. Need Doffy books (2 so far).


I fumbled Alvida colosseum multiple times today. In theory I should clear her final stage easily, but I always mess up my specials or perfects. After 120 wasted stamina I gemmed to get my tomes and will put off farming her for another time.

At least Legend Lucci is almost done after 30 tomes. Will probably not feed him any more for now, since the rest of my PH team needs books and sockets anyways and will only be usable in a few months. Don't regret a thing, farming Lucci sockets on his FN seems like a total nightmare from what little I remember about the drop rates there.


Cleared the new colo content. Yeah, Cista is doable with a Croc team but you really have to hit your perfects against Franky to clear it. Not gonna farm him the next weeks though. Need Doffy books (2 so far).

Yeah, you've actually got more leeway against Vista than Franky. I can still one-shot Vista with a Great, and you've also got a second turn to finish him off if you get a miss or something (though you'd need a lot of orb luck for that).

Still, a team I win with 85-90% of the time is actually pretty solid for Chaos Colo. I'll take it. I know we all want the permanent skill-up boost, but damn do I wish we had it already. I'd like to be able to finish Colo Vista ASAP and try socketing RR Vista (or farm Paulie, even).
I fumbled Alvida colosseum multiple times today. In theory I should clear her final stage easily, but I always mess up my specials or perfects. After 120 wasted stamina I gemmed to get my tomes and will put off farming her for another time.

At least Legend Lucci is almost done after 30 tomes. Will probably not feed him any more for now, since the rest of my PH team needs books and sockets anyways and will only be usable in a few months. Don't regret a thing, farming Lucci sockets on his FN seems like a total nightmare from what little I remember about the drop rates there.

I just use a really REALLY obnoxious enel stalling team on her;

green Doffy/Movie Z Robin

I just stall out my kizaru who has zero skill ups and slowly get her down to 50% health;

then I use enel + doffy + kizaru to guarantee I can burst her down from 50% to zero, movie robin and boa are just there for survivability.


Santa May Claus
It was really nerve wracking, but I finally cleared Shanks forest today!

Around 470 cola or so later, and I've got her fully upgraded. It's good because I think it'll help for some of the harder stuff coming down the pipeline for Croc teams, like Raid Sabo and Invasion Shanks/Whitebeard.


Santa May Claus
Grats! I'm not close to even trying that I think. What was your team

Thanks! I pulled Corazon during the 2 year anniversary, so I used:

LOG Luffy / Corazon
Elizabello / Raid Doflamingo
INTvankov / SW Usopp

I basically had to stall a ton on almost every stage past stage 15 for Elizabello special.


Thanks! I pulled Corazon during the 2 year anniversary, so I used:

LOG Luffy / Corazon
Elizabello / Raid Doflamingo
INTvankov / SW Usopp

I basically had to stall a ton on almost every stage past stage 15 for Elizabello special.

Good job! I haven't tried the Whitebeard forest again because the Striker ate all of my cola but I think I have the team to clear it. Hopefully I'll be able to join the 'All Forests Cleared' OPTC club in the nearish future, since not having cola shouldn't stop me from giving it the old college try.

On another note, Free Spirit should be the next rate up during the next Sugofest. I reeeeeeaaaaally hope we Strawhats Pt. 2 so that I can do a few pulls for a double boosted Brook then call it a day. If we get the Marine batch....eh. I don't feel like pulling a whole bunch of Garps.


Santa May Claus
Good job! I haven't tried the Whitebeard forest again because the Striker ate all of my cola but I think I have the team to clear it. Hopefully I'll be able to join the 'All Forests Cleared' OPTC club in the nearish future, since not having cola shouldn't stop me from giving it the old college try.

Thanks! I think Moby Dick ends up opening a lot of options and teams for taking on other forests, so it can definitely act as a gateway of sorts.

Right now I only have Mihawk, Whitebeard, Ace, and Shanks down. I was really eager to get Shanks done quickly since I was hitting the 999 cola cap.


On another note, Free Spirit should be the next rate up during the next Sugofest. I reeeeeeaaaaally hope we Strawhats Pt. 2 so that I can do a few pulls for a double boosted Brook then call it a day. If we get the Marine batch....eh. I don't feel like pulling a whole bunch of Garps.

Considering that I'm really wanting SW Franky, SW Luffy, or TS Brook, a Free Spirit banner is pretty tempting. Not sure if we'll get a new batch that quickly, though.


Grats GuardianE!

Free spirit is the next rate up? next sugo is going to hurt my wallet. Need time to recover Bamco...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Thanks! I pulled Corazon during the 2 year anniversary, so I used:

LOG Luffy / Corazon
Elizabello / Raid Doflamingo
INTvankov / SW Usopp

I basically had to stall a ton on almost every stage past stage 15 for Elizabello special.

Elizabello was one of my first units, and I hear he's great for Forests, but what does his special do? Just kill everything? Is the plan to just stall as long as possible until it's up? I want to tackle Boa forest next.

Edit: Dying because someone texts you while in the middle of an attack on the boss.... *shakes fist*


Said I wasn't gonna buy a switch the other day.

So today I accidentally bought a switch and the LE zelda, with zero plans to ever open either. Got caught up in the novelty of walking up 5 minutes before opening and having a new console just be there, I haven't had that happen since the Gamecube.

Said I was gonna not farm shit in OPTC for awhile.

Yesterday I ran out of time to run chaos Paulie, because I was having such a pain of a time with Franky in Vista's tree of stages. I used Corazon to get past Franky, but holy crap did I see his stupid special animation about 400 times.

Looking forward to actually farming Alvida when it's back up, because I feel like I had a great team for her chaos version. I just can't recall what it was. I want to say it was a 3D2Y Luffy team?


Santa May Claus
Grats GuardianE!

Thanks! I've wanted this ship for some time now. Feels good to finally have it.

Elizabello was one of my first units, and I hear he's great for Forests, but what does his special do? Just kill everything? Is the plan to just stall as long as possible until it's up? I want to tackle Boa forest next.

He has a pretty unique special. Out of the box, it has a 26 turn cooldown or so, and at level 3 it does 25x his ATK in type less damage to all enemies.

But, if you wait longer than 26 turns, it continues to charge at a rate of an additional 23.75x damage per turn for up to 20 turns. That means if you overcharge his special by the full 20 turns, he does 500x his ATK to all enemies, which once he is max level ends up being 700,000 damage, or 800,000 with ATK cc.

This is important because it allows you to do a ton of damage to the heavy density powerful mobs on the later stages of forests. Either wiping them out completely, or weakening them so that a moderate burst can take them out.

For a Corazon team, that lacks damage, he gives a much needed AoE burst for clearing stages. Mine is only level 70 or so, but still deals 600,000 with a full charge.


This lack of an event has made the game so slow that this thread almost fell to page 3...yikes. Hopefully Bandai starts off the post-2YA strong next week.


I love rng.

My box got to full, so i decided to feed away some stuff.

Kid robin wen 3/7 sweet
Mhm ich could try sw usopp....0/10
God dammit...well let's do olivia....3/5


We got keys, that's like 10 anniversaries in one!

I only saw the event because I needed to level up and spend my stamina even though I would rather be playing Zelda right now. They got their sugo-dollars, gloabal has been relegated back to ugly red-headed stepchild status.


We got keys, that's like 10 anniversaries in one!

I only saw the event because I needed to level up and spend my stamina even though I would rather be playing Zelda right now. They got their sugo-dollars, gloabal has been relegated back to ugly red-headed stepchild status.

Bandai knows that people are playing Zelda or Horizon, that's why we are getting this event.
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