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One Piece Treasure Cruise |OT3| Zephyr any day now...


I used to post "whats wrong with keys" a while ago when I really needed them. Now I completely understand why people groan about it.


Having a great time with Horizon

And not having a great time trying to beat Kalifa on Stage 2 of the Paulie Chaos Colo :(

Video I watched a while ago had the team bring a Sneaky General Zombie (green knight dudes from Thriller Bark) to use his special right before the last stage. When Kalifa lowers your attack it just cancels out the debuff you put on yourself. Pretty much the best way to cheese her BS right off the bat. Hope this helps. I know I need to farm one of these units myself again (sold it recently) but the droprate shouldn't be that bad considering how many stages they are on.

Having a great time with Horizon

And not having a great time trying to beat Kalifa on Stage 2 of the Paulie Chaos Colo :(

Do you have Fossa?

Fossa as captain. + monster chopper as sub+ as many %cutters and damage dealers as you can find.

Select Kalifa for mc's special & if the damage is really low, reboot and try again;

My MC took down like 75% of her hp in one hit with a single fossa captain, so together with a few robust damage dealers.

Just make sure to take a group damager to take care of the rest too)


I wonder if the doffy books have an even lower drop rate compared to normal legend skill books. If so I'm guessing it's because he only has 5 skill ups until max?


I wonder if the doffy books have an even lower drop rate compared to normal legend skill books. If so I'm guessing it's because he only has 5 skill ups until max?

That would match up with Lucci's rather generous droprate for Legend books and Hancock's absolutely atrocious droprate for her 4 skillups.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I got 3 Doffy books in a row earlier. Amazing. That was after days of so many runs of nothing.


The only FN I've been farming(after clearing the other FNs for gems) is Perona using natural stamina.

Peronas: 6
Kumacy: 15

RNG pls, I don't want to gem for Perona


That new event is awesome.

And everyone should be happily playing Nier Automata.

Having a great time with Horizon

And not having a great time trying to beat Kalifa on Stage 2 of the Paulie Chaos Colo :(

Double Fossa captain and MC+Mihawk as mentioned, should take care of it easily with rerolling for special damage.
Might be an incredibly annoying stage doing it another way.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Nier is on my list. After I finish Nioh. And Hoeizon. And Zelda. I think i bought two games all year last year


I stopped spending any gems on the Olivia fortnight because I'm just getting nothing out of it

another 6 runs of franky lacky books, big bun books, and turtles out the ass woo


I stopped spending any gems on the Olivia fortnight because I'm just getting nothing out of it

another 6 runs of franky lacky books, big bun books, and turtles out the ass woo
Meanwhile I've gotten pretty consistent Doffy books but I don't have him. Also have very few character slots so I can't hold onto that many. Sucks.


Meanwhile I've gotten pretty consistent Doffy books but I don't have him. Also have very few character slots so I can't hold onto that many. Sucks.

I'm being flooded by Robin books, which has a 15 turn starting CD yet SW Usopp, which starts at 21 is nowhere to be found...


Somebody on reddit mapped out the theoretical release schedule for legend skillbooks. If it's accurate:

March: Doffy (Olvia), Jimbe (CP9)
April: Corazon (Rumbar)
May: Barto (Revolutionary Arm FN), Sabo (WB Alliance)
June: Inthawk (Jailbreak Buggy FN), Law (Young Doffy)
July: Fujitora (Leo FN), Croc (Mansherry FN)
August: Lucci (Soldier-san FN), Cavendish (Big Mom FN)
Sept: Kuzan (Tashigi FN), Doffy (Sengoku FN)
Oct: Borsalino (Chinjou FN), Jimbe (Fugative of Love FN)
Nov: Blackbeard (Gatekeeper of New World FN)

At least Doflamingo returns in a few months and has multiple FNs for his books, if luck dries up this time around. But I suddenly feel way more justified in using universal skillbooks on BB. I only need two more and he's done.


Double Fossa captain and MC+Mihawk as mentioned, should take care of it easily with rerolling for special damage.
Might be an incredibly annoying stage doing it another way.

Do you have Fossa?

Fossa as captain. + monster chopper as sub+ as many %cutters and damage dealers as you can find.

Select Kalifa for mc's special & if the damage is really low, reboot and try again;

My MC took down like 75% of her hp in one hit with a single fossa captain, so together with a few robust damage dealers.

Just make sure to take a group damager to take care of the rest too)

Video I watched a while ago had the team bring a Sneaky General Zombie (green knight dudes from Thriller Bark) to use his special right before the last stage. When Kalifa lowers your attack it just cancels out the debuff you put on yourself. Pretty much the best way to cheese her BS right off the bat. Hope this helps. I know I need to farm one of these units myself again (sold it recently) but the droprate shouldn't be that bad considering how many stages they are on.


Bless every single one of you, Double Fossa worked like a charm, holy shit lol


Found an easy team for Coli Alvida, thanks 3D2Y Luffy! And Kyros, kinda. Although he should be replaceable by any hard hitting DEX character, plus points for any kind of type/class boost.

Double Luffy
Kyros/HW Zoro

Stalling is pretty easy on the first wave, meats heal for 1k+ and AH as well as 20k health makes even CDs of 20+ a non-issue.

Go to Bepo, hit him two rounds leaving him above 50%, take one hit, use Mihawk and just kill him within two rounds, might even use a Luffy special if you're feeling shaky.

At Alvida use Zoro for delay, get two green orbs on turn 1 or 2 and boost with Doffy against Alvida. Finish off mob enemies afterwards.

Easy coli farming on double stamina is fun. Will probably aim for 25/15 in terms of dupes/books. Might do the same for Urouge, although I don't see much use for him. Paulie seems doable, but I'll probably wait for him to come back soon, Vista is out of my league.


Found an easy team for Coli Alvida, thanks 3D2Y Luffy! And Kyros, kinda. Although he should be replaceable by any hard hitting DEX character, plus points for any kind of type/class boost.

Double Luffy
Kyros/HW Zoro

Stalling is pretty easy on the first wave, meats heal for 1k+ and AH as well as 20k health makes even CDs of 20+ a non-issue.

Go to Bepo, hit him two rounds leaving him above 50%, take one hit, use Mihawk and just kill him within two rounds, might even use a Luffy special if you're feeling shaky.

At Alvida use Zoro for delay, get two green orbs on turn 1 or 2 and boost with Doffy against Alvida. Finish off mob enemies afterwards.

Easy coli farming on double stamina is fun. Will probably aim for 25/15 in terms of dupes/books. Might do the same for Urouge, although I don't see much use for him. Paulie seems doable, but I'll probably wait for him to come back soon, Vista is out of my league.

Why Zoro for delay over Usopp? For the added attack of his special?


So I've gotten tired of not having all the units needed to do Colosseum so I've given up...and decided to Shiryu scum my way through. I regret having not leveled up Shiryu until now, I've been clearing so many goddamn Colosseum stages with his ridiculous nonsense and basically all you need is him, the Coffin boat and some high HP Slasher subs.

Shit feels so broken but so satisfying when you're struggling with a patchwork team that can't break through the harder bosses and then switch to him.


So I've gotten tired of not having all the units needed to do Colosseum so I've given up...and decided to Shiryu scum my way through. I regret having not leveled up Shiryu until now, I've been clearing so many goddamn Colosseum stages with his ridiculous nonsense and basically all you need is him, the Coffin boat and some high HP Slasher subs.

Shit feels so broken but so satisfying when you're struggling with a patchwork team that can't break through the harder bosses and then switch to him.

There's no shame in being a winner :^)

How did I not manage to pull Shiryu during that last Sugo, I'll never know


Why Zoro for delay over Usopp? For the added attack of his special?

If you mean SW Usopp, because I don't have him. ;(

GPU gets locked by Bepo and you really don't need more than one turn of delay on Alvida.
Could even do it without delayer if you target the mobs first/clear with Thousand Sunny.


There's no shame in being a winner :^)

How did I not manage to pull Shiryu during that last Sugo, I'll never know

I'm just happy to have Vista since he's so necessary for Akainu. As great as Shiryu is I don't think I can rely on him for whenever Akainu comes back.


If you mean SW Usopp, because I don't have him. ;(

GPU gets locked by Bepo and you really don't need more than one turn of delay on Alvida.
Could even do it without delayer if you target the mobs first/clear with Thousand Sunny.

Ah, that's right. I completely forgot about the Bepo lock. I need to remember to screenshot my crews for specific things, the only one I remembered to do was my Aokiji raid team, heh.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
So I've gotten tired of not having all the units needed to do Colosseum so I've given up...and decided to Shiryu scum my way through. I regret having not leveled up Shiryu until now, I've been clearing so many goddamn Colosseum stages with his ridiculous nonsense and basically all you need is him, the Coffin boat and some high HP Slasher subs.

Shit feels so broken but so satisfying when you're struggling with a patchwork team that can't break through the harder bosses and then switch to him.

I haven't used him yet. How would you use him to scum through a colo?


I also forgot tonight is BB. Want to see if I can finish legend BB sockets. Currently at 4 CD/3 bind/3 despair/4 heal

I thought about orbs over despair, but if I use him with a different character as friend captain, getting despaired could potentially ruin runs with enemies who have barriers.


I haven't used him yet. How would you use him to scum through a colo?
Basically from what I've seen there's two ways to use Shiryu.

The first one is to take a very heal heavy team or a team with Legend Marco and stall a lot while using Marco to heal off the damage you'll take doing the stalling. With Shiryu's special up you keep using it and the special reset trick until the special finally lands and clears the last stage.

Since I don't have Legend Marco (and the PSY Marco I have is low-level) I went with the second method which is a Double Shiryu Slasher (+GP Usopp) team and Max Coffin Boat. The idea here is that you have so much health you can stall until both Shiryu's specials are up and once again use the special reset trick until one lands and blows away the boss.

With either method basically you're able to keep trying the special so many times that statistically it's very very hard for it not to land and get you through the fight. This coupled with that fact that the special goes through all defenses, shield and barriers it's a nice fallback if you're unable to throw a team capable of doing a Colosseum fight.


Sabo raid coming to global and Im scared
Is it? Holy shit. When? I will throw gems at it even if i can't find a team to clear it 100% of the time.
*edit* ah I see it now. Didn't expect it to be updated to login screen yet. Man..... this changes everything. I was gonna dump 20 gems on Blackbeard farming for sockets and the character himself after. Now I barely want to do any and save a bunch of gems for Sabo.


I'm scared too, every team to clear it seems to have 3D2Y Zoro, even the Fuji team which I guess I could sub Shiki for
but I couldn't run him the last time he came


I just watched a video of a dude clear it 60stam with the following.
Double Sengoku
Legend doffy
GP Usopp

This can't be real can it? There's no way. Wondering if I can cheese together a ts luffy team. But every single raid I try to clear with Sengoku for fun. If I can find a way to farm with him...


Santa May Claus
I just watched a video of a dude clear it 60stam with the following.
Double Sengoku
Legend doffy
GP Usopp

This can't be real can it? There's no way. Wondering if I can cheese together a ts luffy team. But every single raid I try to clear with Sengoku for fun. If I can find a way to farm with him...

Huh, got a link? I have this team.

EDIT: Nevermind, I think I found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfWkiFEZfyQ
It seems pretty generous with the stall, though he may have had some meat orb luck. And watching the Sabo fight itself, it looks like it might rely on some orb luck.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Basically from what I've seen there's two ways to use Shiryu.

The first one is to take a very heal heavy team or a team with Legend Marco and stall a lot while using Marco to heal off the damage you'll take doing the stalling. With Shiryu's special up you keep using it and the special reset trick until the special finally lands and clears the last stage.

Since I don't have Legend Marco (and the PSY Marco I have is low-level) I went with the second method which is a Double Shiryu Slasher (+GP Usopp) team and Max Coffin Boat. The idea here is that you have so much health you can stall until both Shiryu's specials are up and once again use the special reset trick until one lands and blows away the boss.

With either method basically you're able to keep trying the special so many times that statistically it's very very hard for it not to land and get you through the fight. This coupled with that fact that the special goes through all defenses, shield and barriers it's a nice fallback if you're unable to throw a team capable of doing a Colosseum fight.

Man I need to start doing this. Thanks! Wanna try it on some forests.


Santa May Claus
Rewatching videos on raid Sabo and evaluating the different stages, I think that it's actually possible to stall out the turns necessary without skillups on Doflamingo. I'm going to give the Croc team a try. If that doesn't work out, then I'll try out Sengoku and Zephyr teams.

Yo if you guys don't mind, can you put up your Jabra/3x captains for turtle time? :p

Put up Thatch just now.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Yo if you guys don't mind, can you put up your Jabra/3x captains for turtle time? :p

My thatch is up (if we are friends).

Also Sabo seems pretty hard. I don't have any of the teams listed in Reddit thread I found. Will have to get creative!


15 copies in and Blackbeard socketing is going goooooood. 3 Bind/2 Despair/CD/AH means 9/15 sockets were good sockets. If this rate keeps up I should be one or two away from max in 30 copies which would be about 4 more gems. I doubt my luck will hold that strong, but thankfully Blackbeard is super easy to run quickly with Legend Marco.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
So can G3/LL beat Sabo? Really need a list of all viable Captains... Don't think I can beat him but people keep saying that he is on Doffy Level as a sub... Which is kinda hard to believe.

Thanks I will give this setup a try on Colo Alvida... We 3D2Y Luffy owners have to stick together lol.


So can G3/LL beat Sabo? Really need a list of all viable Captains... Don't think I can beat him but people keep saying that he is on Doffy Level as a sub... Which is kinda hard to believe.

Thanks I will give this setup a try on Colo Alvida... We 3D2Y Luffy owners have to stick together lol.

There is a problem for those 2 Leaders on first stage, where all 6 units start with 1CD.
Since there is no Anni Ship, it is pretty much impossible to clear 4 units, so we have to take minimal 18k damage on 1 turn.

This mean we need to have more HP than that(No kuja ship = no HP boost for LL Team)
Also mean we need auto heal sockets. (G3 is even worse due to unable to use meat orbs)

You can try Lucci team.



Dellinger replacable with Colo Vista if you dont have him.
Kuma with any 1.75 orb booster.

Or can also try this Lucci-Jinbe team.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'll be using a SW Ace team for Sabo

Ace / Ace
Heracles / Franky
Zephyr / Boa.
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