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One Piece Treasure Cruise |OT3| Zephyr any day now...

I have an IntHawk that's only 1 CD away from max and a maxed out 3D2Y Zoro, so I think I should be fine for Sabo.

Here's an example using a non-CD maxed team of Double IntHawk, 3D2Y Zoro, Mr. 1, Doffy and GPU.

I'm not sure if I'll need Mr. 1 or not. If he had tanked a second hit from the penguin, then I don't think he would have needed to tank two hits from Sabo. I may use Arlong instead just as a beatstick.


^ I can make this team and my Mr. 1 is maxed so the HP should be a little bit more. I don't know how my sockets shake out on this team though, but the video makes it look fairly reliable.

Kinda wish I'd built up my shooters, because I have every unit for the dream team but only Zephyr socketed and skill-maxed.

edit - BB is fully socketed now. That went fairly well, I only had three copies fed that didn't give a useful socket. Now to get some cotton candy on him and hope for universal skill books to be freebies at some point.


Looking over potential Sabo teams and it seems I'm always missing one unit or one unit's CD.
I can do the SWAce/Zephyr team with SW Franky, but my Boa is still at 28 CD and I don't have the striker ship. Missing Pica and Sanji skill-ups for LegLucci team. Missing Raid Akainu for STR teams.

My best bet would actually be something like this:


Using GPU on the wave with the two shields, then stalling on the penguin to get all specials ready (Lucci is still at 23 because I was waiting for increased base skill up, thanks Bandai) and then hoping for good orbs, although even average luck should be enough with one full burst, another orb burst and a third normal attack turn.

Although there is way too much stuff that could ruin my run on every stage.
I don't think I can realiably farm Sabo. Maybe get a copy and wait for him to return.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
There is a problem for those 2 Leaders on first stage, where all 6 units start with 1CD.
Since there is no Anni Ship, it is pretty much impossible to clear 4 units, so we have to take minimal 18k damage on 1 turn.

This mean we need to have more HP than that(No kuja ship = no HP boost for LL Team)
Also mean we need auto heal sockets. (G3 is even worse due to unable to use meat orbs)

You can try Lucci team.



Dellinger replacable with Colo Vista if you dont have him.
Kuma with any 1.75 orb booster.

Or can also try this Lucci-Jinbe team.

Thanks man.
Sadly I only have Blueno and not 3D2Y Sanji...my Raid Kuma has a 23CD so I cant really use him, could use Squardo instead.. Though this would lower the damage to Sabo even more.

Not even mentioning that I don't have the AH sockets.

Man I still like this game but the fact they just keep dropping 60stam level Raids on us while holding out on stuff more people could beat like NM Luffy or Pica kinda sucks. Sure I stopped playing the game for a while so that's on me but it feels like the gap can't be closed again with the way they release content.

Now I really wished we got Sabo or Bob while the 2YAnni ship was available at its full capacity.

Feels like there is always one essential part missing on my main teams... Lucci is good but im missing the Powerhouse boat and Sanji 3D2Y, Ace would be great I had SW Franky... Without him the squad is much worse, Legend Doffy without his ship is just too difficult to manage and the fact that I couldn't farm Shiki before his Raid left forever is kinda messed up for any Driven teams I will run down the line.

G3 can't clear most of the Raids at all... So yeah a bit in a shitty situation. I need that one pull that would put one of my teams from good to very good.


Looking over potential Sabo teams and it seems I'm always missing one unit or one unit's CD.
I can do the SWAce/Zephyr team with SW Franky, but my Boa is still at 28 CD and I don't have the striker ship. Missing Pica and Sanji skill-ups for LegLucci team. Missing Raid Akainu for STR teams.

My best bet would actually be something like this:


Using GPU on the wave with the two shields, then stalling on the penguin to get all specials ready (Lucci is still at 23 because I was waiting for increased base skill up, thanks Bandai) and then hoping for good orbs, although even average luck should be enough with one full burst, another orb burst and a third normal attack turn.

Although there is way too much stuff that could ruin my run on every stage.
I don't think I can realiably farm Sabo. Maybe get a copy and wait for him to return.

Oh hey, I can do this team! That makes me feel a little better.

Honestly, as a Legend Lucci owner, I'm just sitting over here waiting for Nightmare Luffy. Or Pica...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I can, in theory, put together two usable teams for Sabo but they are way under socketed/sP level. Will get one and wait and not try to force it.


I can, in theory, put together two usable teams for Sabo but they are way under socketed/sP level. Will get one and wait and not try to force it.

If this Mihawk team ends up working out for me, I may go in deep. I'm off that night and will have zero plans, and raid Sabo is a pretty great unit. Some of the more recent raids, I've just gemmed for my copy and called it a day, because the teams I could use just aren't there yet. So it'll be cool if this is reliable for me.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
If this Mihawk team ends up working out for me, I may go in deep. I'm off that night and will have zero plans, and raid Sabo is a pretty great unit. Some of the more recent raids, I've just gemmed for my copy and called it a day, because the teams I could use just aren't there yet. So it'll be cool if this is reliable for me.

I've gone super conservative with raids and gems. If I can't beat it safely then I just wait. Before I'd be okay with losing 3 or 4 out of 10 but now I want a sure thing unless I just hit a miss, which I still do sometimes :) I should be spending my gems on these damn Doffy books. 0 yesterday.


I've gone super conservative with raids and gems. If I can't beat it safely then I just wait. Before I'd be okay with losing 3 or 4 out of 10 but now I want a sure thing unless I just hit a miss, which I still do sometimes :) I should be spending my gems on these damn Doffy books. 0 yesterday.

I'm trying Olvia on natural stamina, and I had two books so far. Fed them and got nothing to show for it. I doubt I'll get him down, but that's okay. I'm done pulling my hair out trying to farm these things. I think trying to skill up raid Doflamingo is what broke me. Now if it happens, cool. If not, I try and find a workaround.


15 copies in and Blackbeard socketing is going goooooood. 3 Bind/2 Despair/CD/AH means 9/15 sockets were good sockets. If this rate keeps up I should be one or two away from max in 30 copies which would be about 4 more gems. I doubt my luck will hold that strong, but thankfully Blackbeard is super easy to run quickly with Legend Marco.

25 copies later, my prediction about my luck not holding came true. I got 4 sockets on the first 5 I fed, 1 on the next, 2 after that, then 0 on the next 10. So I'm currently a 5 Bind/3 Despair/5 Charge Special/3 Autoheal. After whiffing on those last 10 I'm tempted to say I'm good for today, but natural stamina should get me 3 more runs. Toss in one more gem and that's approximately 7 copies. I'll do that then say I'm done. I figure average probability should get me 2 of the missing sockets and I may just let socket books carry me to the finish line.


Yeah, not sure what my chances are for Sabo either. I lack SW Franky for Ace teams, and I lack Legend Doffy for Croc teams (also for Sengoku teams, since that's a thing for some dumb reason). Might have to see what people come up with between now and Friday.


It is rather frustrating we keep getting the harder raids while missing all the in between lead up ones.

Hey you can have a better chance at killling Sabo if you have a maxed out raid Boa or Akainu.... you know. The hardest raids besides Sabo itself.

Also I don't think that Sengoku team I posted is reliable at all. I just got excited because I seen video with someone that had Sengoku clearing it. Probably requires orb luck and a maxed out GP.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
It is rather frustrating we keep getting the harder raids while missing all the in between lead up ones.

Hey you can have a better chance at killling Sabo if you have a maxed out raid Boa or Akainu.... you know. The hardest raids besides Sabo itself.

Also I don't think that Sengoku team I posted is reliable at all. I just got excited because I seen video with someone that had Sengoku clearing it. Probably requires orb luck and a maxed out GP.

Completly agree... They really need to throw us regular players a bone. Unless you already farmed/gemmed for Boa, Akainu etc..... You don't have much chance against Sabo... And who knows when he will come back.


8 Doffy books so far. Really frustrating drop rates and now time because of Horizon and Zelda. Wanted to max two Doffys but it would be great to just get 25 books...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Okay, I think this team might work for Sabo ...would only take 4 legends o_O

Plan is to Use Blamenco on Stage 4 then kill Sabo over 2 turns on Stage 5. TSL, TSL and Franky on turn 1 then Doffy/Sabo on turn 2. Not confident enough in my perfects to use Sabo on turn 1. Also not sure if Doffy in Turn 2 will overwrite the weaker Franky buff. I could get level 5 AH with this team along with level 2 Charge reduction. Hmmm not sure this is enough for Stage 5 if I don't use Sabo on T1 and get all perfects. Wish I had max boa! 26 turns is just too much to stall to use the one I have.

Does anyone know if he removes buffs on Turn 2 even if delayed? Is it a buff clear on second attack? or always on turn 2? If it's on 2nd attack then I have a safer way of doing it with Monet.


Santa May Claus
Also I don't think that Sengoku team I posted is reliable at all. I just got excited because I seen video with someone that had Sengoku clearing it. Probably requires orb luck and a maxed out GP.

I think actually replacing Arlong with Dalmatian might be more consistent, since you'll have two turns of added damage. I do think some of the earlier stages will be a little meat or AH dependent. I have little doubt that an almost maxed GPU is required.

Completly agree... They really need to throw us regular players a bone. Unless you already farmed/gemmed for Boa, Akainu etc..... You don't have much chance against Sabo... And who knows when he will come back.

While I lament the missing raids and it totally sucks, you don't have to farm Sabo right now. I know it's frustrating because it's fun new content, but we have new Colis, fortnights, and story mode units to potentially farm. It's not as though it's during a special up event or some other huge opportunity, and it's not a race or anything. Boa raid has come out during a special up event the last three times, I believe, so they did give us a lot of opportunities to max her.

Okay, I think this team might work for Sabo ...would only take 4 legends o_O

Plan is to Use Blamenco on Stage 4 then kill Sabo over 2 turns on Stage 5. TSL, TSL and Franky on turn 1 then Doffy/Sabo on turn 2. Not confident enough in my perfects to use Sabo on turn 1. Also not sure if Doffy in Turn 2 will overwrite the weaker Franky buff. I could get level 5 AH with this team along with level 2 Charge reduction. Hmmm not sure this is enough for Stage 5 if I don't use Sabo on T1 and get all perfects. Wish I had max boa! 26 turns is just too much to stall to use the one I have.

Does anyone know if he removes buffs on Turn 2 even if delayed? Is it a buff clear on second attack? or always on turn 2? If it's on 2nd attack then I have a safer way of doing it with Monet.

Doffy will not overwrite Frankys orb boost. Any preexisting buff/debuff, even a lesser version of the same buff, will restrict you from replacing said buff/debuff.

That's why some Shanks Forest strats involve taking a lesser poison on an early stage to avoid the major toxic poison later on. Or how green general zombie is sometimes used in coliseum to circumvent a damage debuff stage.

Gamewith labels the buff clear as an interrupt, so I think it happens whether he attacks or not.


It is rather frustrating we keep getting the harder raids while missing all the in between lead up ones.

Hey you can have a better chance at killling Sabo if you have a maxed out raid Boa or Akainu.... you know. The hardest raids besides Sabo itself.

Also I don't think that Sengoku team I posted is reliable at all. I just got excited because I seen video with someone that had Sengoku clearing it. Probably requires orb luck and a maxed out GP.

I agree, I barely even got a copy of Boa, much less Boa with some special levels.

Maybe I'll keep up the Shiryu team attempts on Sabo.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Doffy will not overwrite Frankys orb boost. Any preexisting buff/debuff, even a lesser version of the same buff, will restrict you from replacing said buff/debuff.

That's why some Shanks Forest strats involve taking a lesser poison on an early stage to avoid the major toxic poison later on. Or how green general zombie is sometimes used in coliseum to circumvent a damage debuff stage.

Gamewith labels the buff clear as an interrupt, so I think it happens whether he attacks or not.

Hmmm that is unfortunate! Need to rethink this. Thanks!


My lust for Sabo is just extremely high right now considering I have a TS Luffy. I know I don't have to have him right now but its frustrating when most of the greatest subs we have for his teams aren't even on global. The ones we do have are extremely fucking hard to farm (raid Sabo and raid Boa) Not like invasion Shanks will be any different. That sounds like an absolute nightmare. He's also a unit that you can't use without plenty of special lvls.

Side note. I'm absolutely sick and tired of seeing guides with Shiki as a sub or captain. Makes me sour man. I know some of them were made when he wasn't a ghost from the past but still. If they made replacements for SW units why can't we get one for him or any of the movie units we lost.


My lust for Sabo is just extremely high right now considering I have a TS Luffy. I know I don't have to have him right now but its frustrating when most of the greatest subs we have for his teams aren't even on global. The ones we do have are extremely fucking hard to farm (raid Sabo and raid Boa) Not like invasion Shanks will be any different. That sounds like an absolute nightmare. He's also a unit that you can't use without plenty of special lvls.

Side note. I'm absolutely sick and tired of seeing guides with Shiki as a sub or captain. Makes me sour man. I know some of them were made when he wasn't a ghost from the past but still. If they made replacements for SW units why can't we get one for him or any of the movie units we lost.
The SW costumes Were the problem not the characters, the movie characters are the problem themselves


My lust for Sabo is just extremely high right now considering I have a TS Luffy. I know I don't have to have him right now but its frustrating when most of the greatest subs we have for his teams aren't even on global. The ones we do have are extremely fucking hard to farm (raid Sabo and raid Boa) Not like invasion Shanks will be any different. That sounds like an absolute nightmare. He's also a unit that you can't use without plenty of special lvls.

Side note. I'm absolutely sick and tired of seeing guides with Shiki as a sub or captain. Makes me sour man. I know some of them were made when he wasn't a ghost from the past but still. If they made replacements for SW units why can't we get one for him or any of the movie units we lost.

No kidding. Every time I see Shiki in a guide my salt levels bump up a little. I've got a team that can kill him five times over, easy, but I sure as hell didn't back then :(


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
While I lament the missing raids and it totally sucks, you don't have to farm Sabo right now. I know it's frustrating because it's fun new content, but we have new Colis, fortnights, and story mode units to potentially farm. It's not as though it's during a special up event or some other huge opportunity, and it's not a race or anything. Boa raid has come out during a special up event the last three times, I believe, so they did give us a lot of opportunities to max her.

Its not just about Sabo...but the combination of getting Boa/Kizaru/Akainu and now Sabo...if they drop more managable Raids its always the really old content. Unless you stone a bit or pull the right units you are out of luck the latest Raids.

Well as Legend Lucci owner i would be happy to just get NM Luffy or Pica at some point to at least get some Sockets on that team.

So yeah having Boa during x skillup was grat...but at the end it benfits the people that can already beat the stage without too much effort.


Its not just about Sabo...but the combination of getting Boa/Kizaru/Akainu and now Sabo...if they drop more managable Raids its always the really old content. Unless you stone a bit or pull the right units you are out of luck the latest Raids.

Well as Legend Lucci owner i would be happy to just get NM Luffy or Pica at some point to at least get some Sockets on that team.

So yeah having Boa during x skillup was grat...but at the end it benfits the people that can already beat the stage without too much effort.

I largely agree with your sentiments. Their current release schedule only favors longtime veterans at the moment, but we can't do much about it.

Although maybe the bright side is that it's unlikely they'll withhold Nightmare Luffy and Pica past the Hody Jones batch...right?


Santa May Claus
Its not just about Sabo...but the combination of getting Boa/Kizaru/Akainu and now Sabo...if they drop more managable Raids its always the really old content. Unless you stone a bit or pull the right units you are out of luck the latest Raids.

Well as Legend Lucci owner i would be happy to just get NM Luffy or Pica at some point to at least get some Sockets on that team.

So yeah having Boa during x skillup was grat...but at the end it benfits the people that can already beat the stage without too much effort.

The newest raids are definitely geared towards long time players, but that does allow newer players to level and farm the existing raid units. If players don't have those maxed, they should be a priority anyway because those units allow you to comfortably farm Boa and Kizaru.

Both Boa and Kizaru can be beaten with F2p or largely f2p slasher teams. Kizaru in particular has pretty consistent options.

Hopefully we get Pica and NM Luffy soon, though. They're long overdue.


Blackbeard sockets would be going good if I wanted poison resistance or rcv boost :( would have them maxed two times over now. Oh well I'll keep at it. Blackbeard is a joy to farm on TS Luffy. I stall on the red unit on the first stage, lobster, and then the penguin. Use sunny or GP Usopp to deal with stage 4 because I absolutely suck at manually targeting. With 2 luffy specials, Koala, and Kaku I can pretty much finish Blackbeard with 2 greats from both Luffy's.


The newest raids are definitely geared towards long time players, but that does allow newer players to level and farm the existing raid units. If players don't have those maxed, they should be a priority anyway because those units allow you to comfortably farm Boa and Kizaru.

Both Boa and Kizaru can be beaten with F2p or largely f2p slasher teams. Kizaru in particular has pretty consistent options.

Hopefully we get Pica and NM Luffy soon, though. They're long overdue.

One of the biggest problems I see with most F2P farming teams for the newest raids is how bad the captain filtering works. Most teams have *insert F2P captain* + *insert Legend as friend captain*.

Which teorically works, until people uses the available friend captains. You can refresh some stuff, but since you need both you and your friend to reopen the app to refresh it, the list grows thinner and thinner as you play.

They seriously need to rework the captain system.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I largely agree with your sentiments. Their current release schedule only favors longtime veterans at the moment, but we can't do much about it.

Although maybe the bright side is that it's unlikely they'll withhold Nightmare Luffy and Pica past the Hody Jones batch...right?
The newest raids are definitely geared towards long time players, but that does allow newer players to level and farm the existing raid units. If players don't have those maxed, they should be a priority anyway because those units allow you to comfortably farm Boa and Kizaru.

Both Boa and Kizaru can be beaten with F2p or largely f2p slasher teams. Kizaru in particular has pretty consistent options.

Hopefully we get Pica and NM Luffy soon, though. They're long overdue.
Yeah I get that, I also don't wanna bitch too much in this thread because things can change quite fast in OPTC.

Thing is I wouldn't even bring it up if we had gotten Raids like Enel/Aokiji/Kuma or at least one of them during the 2YAnni period. It just feels off... They made sure that new players could advance fast and that the hardcores have challenging new Raids with powerful units. I kinda feel caught in the middle...and the road to higher level Raids and Colo stages is blocked. Wish the had done a bit more to get players like me ready for the current new Raids.

Well enough of the bitching... It's not like I had enough time for anything else with all the Doffy farming. Been running Olivia pretty much non stop since the release and only have 8 books so far. Thanks God Doffy doesn't start with a very high cool down to begin with.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Well enough of the bitching... It's not like I had enough time for anything else with all the Doffy farming. Been running Olivia pretty much non stop since the release and only have 8 books so far. Thanks God Doffy doesn't start with a very high cool down to begin with.

This is what I keep telling myself. Honestly, even at 20 Doffy has been usable in just about everything. If I can get him down to 17 or 18, I would be satisfied. I can bring him down the rest next time.


The funny thing is, with the raids we're waiting on (NM Luffy, Pica, Magellan, G.Franky), we've got 3 40stam and 1 60stam. So while it's been hard lately, we might have a stretch of easier content coming up (even moreso if Bellamy ends up as 40stam). I guess that would give people time to catch up with Kizaru/Boa/Akainu/Sabo.

EDIT: Although I just remembered we should be getting Invasions/Ambush quests soon. So here's your easy 40 stamina raid boss with a Young Whitebeard chaser. :p


This is the full analysis of every Legend I own, and why they can't clear the Sabo raid. Prepare yourselves:

-Whitebeard: 0 special up
-Lucci: No Rocketman, no skilled up 3D2Y Sanji, at most Lv. 2 Autoheal
-Barto: Perhaps my best chance, but Blamenco's special is nowhere close to low enough to get me through Stage 4. Will investigate alternatives

-Ace: No autoheal, no Raid Hancock, no SW Franky
-Crocodile: No Red Force to survive round 1
-Corazon: I can find zero guides on Youtube, but I figure I'd need a Free Spirit team and a maxed Kuja ship to pull it off if there even is a way
-Blackbeard: No Legend Doffy/Raid Hancock, or Shiki, or maxed Raid Akainu. But regardless, probably still my best bet to pull a hat trick out of my ass

-Marco/Boa: Ahahahaha.....
-Cavendish: I'd need either the Doffy Ship and Shiki, or 3D2Y Zoro to have a chance at making it work
-Kuzan: Nothing stands out for the same reasons as Cavendish, minus boats. I don't have a big, bad unit to boost my STR units with, my most prolific STR units are Strikers, and I only have Raid Aokiji to boost em(I can't stall 23 turns for Don Sai). Still worth investigating


-Sengoku: Let's not start a meme here....plus no Legend Doffy
-Shanks: No Raid Boa to even begin entertaining the idea
-Law: No 3D2Y Zoro

-Mihawk: 3D2Y Zoro
-Fujitora: No Shiki
-Jinbe: No ship, no autoheal sockets. But I do have Legend Marco, a maxed Koala, TS Sanji, Hack, Dellinger, INTvankov, etc. There may just be a team somewhere in that mix but I need to dump levels on Jinbe ASAP

The lesson here is all the Legends in the world can't save you without skillups, supporting units, or properly farmed raid bosses. I may not reliably clear Sabo, but I'm looking forward to smashing Hancock and Borsalino the next time they show up....


Santa May Claus
One of the biggest problems I see with most F2P farming teams for the newest raids is how bad the captain filtering works. Most teams have *insert F2P captain* + *insert Legend as friend captain*.

Which teorically works, until people uses the available friend captains. You can refresh some stuff, but since you need both you and your friend to reopen the app to refresh it, the list grows thinner and thinner as you play.

They seriously need to rework the captain system.

Definitely true. I'm not sure how they'd do it exactly, but they could make searching for legend captains easier. At least reddit has a friend request thread, but it's far from an optimal solution. And as the F2P player in the pairing, you're going to have fewer people jumping at the bit to add you.

Don't think we are friends, unless your name is different from your GAF name. I'll leave my id in quote. Anyone here can add, always happy to add GAF members.

I ended up missing TT anyways yesterday by a few minutes because we ended up watching Logan last night and there were too many previews. lol

Yeah, I think we're friends. I have a Kumo in my friends list. The pirate name is Paizuri Pirates.

Yeah I get that, I also don't wanna bitch too much in this thread because things can change quite fast in OPTC.

Thing is I wouldn't even bring it up if we had gotten Raids like Enel/Aokiji/Kuma or at least one of them during the 2YAnni period. It just feels off... They made sure that new players could advance fast and that the hardcores have challenging new Raids with powerful units. I kinda feel caught in the middle...and the road to higher level Raids and Colo stages is blocked. Wish the had done a bit more to get players like me ready for the current new Raids.

Well enough of the bitching... It's not like I had enough time for anything else with all the Doffy farming. Been running Olivia pretty much non stop since the release and only have 8 books so far. Thanks God Doffy doesn't start with a very high cool down to begin with.

Yeah, I agree. The last week and new event has been super beginner stuff for the most part, and pretty lackluster in general. I'm sure they'll cycle in the mid-tier raids pretty soon.


Used about 13 gems to get my Blackbeard sockets in a better place.
5/5 Bind
5/5 autoheal
5/5 cooldown
2/5 despair

I would have had 5/5 slots but I figured where 90% of other BB friends have despair as well I should take it. I kind of regret that in a way... I feel like I would rarely need despair with him.


Is Raid Blackbeard important enough to gem and farm another 3 copies? Debating bothering or just leaving him alone and going back to natural Sta farming the Olivia fortnight.


Final Blackbeard socket setup was

5 Bind
3 Despair
5 Charge Special
4 Autoheal

Good enough, I'll just finish the rest with freebie socket books whenever we next gem. It's not worth the Rayleigh points to buy them outright unless I desperately need that one socket for something, and it's also not worth gemming further(IMO). Time will reward me(I hope).


Interesting boosts on the sugo. Three of the best 3D2Y characters, three of the best SW characters, the Revolutionaries, and Kuma (because he fits with the Revos, I guess).

I mean, 3D2Y Zoro, SW Luffy, and SW Franky are all high on my want list, and the latter two are double-boosted. Gonna be tempting.


Interesting boosts on the sugo. Three of the best 3D2Y characters, three of the best SW characters, the Revolutionaries, and Kuma (because he fits with the Revos, I guess).

I mean, 3D2Y Zoro, SW Luffy, and SW Franky are all high on my want list, and the latter two are double-boosted. Gonna be tempting.

Double rate up SW Franky, and boosted SW Usopp and 3D2Y Zoro.

...fuck me, I'm in. It's not like I can use them for Sabo anyways! :<


Oh man I really want Legend Law. But I've heard horror stories about a specific Law sugofest that makes me scared. SW Ace would also be great since his presence would open up all the Shooter Teams I've been unable to make.


I did some more theorycrafting and it turns out that a Fujitora team may actually be my best bet for clearing Sabo, using this as my basis, although on paper it'd probably be even less risky than this guy thanks to my maxed GP Usopp.

The Team:

The Theorycrafting:

-Stage 1: Somewhat risky with zero matching orbs but in theory, survivable even through 4 enemies with careful manual target selection. Take 2-4 hits, stall as long as possible without taking damage while farming orbs for next stage.

-Stage 2: KO the Sea Horse and the entire backrow, second turn KO the PSY unit on the front row and let GP Usopp get bound. Stall without taking hits.

-Stage 3: Stall without taking hits, KO units as needed. Take a single hit from the lobster while trying to farm RCV/TND orbs.

-Stage 4: GP Usopp special, start KOing units with hit barriers. Stall as long as possible without taking a hit. By the time the Penguin is at 1 CD, Fuji special as well as all other specials should be ready to roll

-Stage 5: Use Fujitora special, followed by Diamante special. Attack normally for two turns. Once he clears debuffs, use GP Usopp and other Fuji special. Start farming matching orbs. After two turns, activate Caesar and Doffy specials, put a matching orb on Diamante, and clear.

The Math:

Sabo starts at 3,734,034 HP

-Turn one, Sabo loses 20% of his HP twice to Fuji's special: 2,389,781 HP
-Turn two, Sabo loses another 20% of his HP and clears Fuji's HP cut: 1,911,825 HP
-Turn three, Sabo loses another 20% twice to the second Fuji special, and Sabo shuffles your orbs: 1,223,568 HP
-Turn four, Sabo loses another 20% to the second Fuji special BUT gains a Good hit barrier at the end of his turn: 978,854 HP

Turn four or five is burst time, depending on your orb luck. And note that this is Sabo's HP assuming you did zero damage the entire time; in all likelihood he's probably ~100k-200k lower than predicted, depending on orb luck making him even easier to burst. Two matching orbs, one on Diamante, is enough to clear him. A little bit luck dependent, but not horribly so, especially with Fuji as a captain.

feelsgoodman, I've got a shot!


Not sure what to do for this upcoming Sugo. I did a search for free spirit characters on global + RR. I think I have what I want out of that pool outside 3 characters. Leo, Monet, and Jabra. I had no idea Leo was THAT good. His stats and special are incredible. Just having it be free spirit boosted alone won't be enough to have a shot at him, but it has me curious.


Yeah I get that, I also don't wanna bitch too much in this thread because things can change quite fast in OPTC.

Thing is I wouldn't even bring it up if we had gotten Raids like Enel/Aokiji/Kuma or at least one of them during the 2YAnni period. It just feels off... They made sure that new players could advance fast and that the hardcores have challenging new Raids with powerful units. I kinda feel caught in the middle...and the road to higher level Raids and Colo stages is blocked. Wish the had done a bit more to get players like me ready for the current new Raids.

Well enough of the bitching... It's not like I had enough time for anything else with all the Doffy farming. Been running Olivia pretty much non stop since the release and only have 8 books so far. Thanks God Doffy doesn't start with a very high cool down to begin with.

It will get harder soon with those Invasion raid.
F2P will definitely have serious trouble without access to many max/max raid bosses.
show your box, pretty sure you have access to some great units we can come out to.
especially Driven character, as we should make use of OP Fujitora friend and clear these.

I did some more theorycrafting and it turns out that a Fujitora team may actually be my best bet for clearing Sabo, using this as my basis, although on paper it'd probably be even less risky than this guy thanks to my maxed GP Usopp.

The Team:

The Theorycrafting:

-Stage 1: Somewhat risky with zero matching orbs but in theory, survivable even through 4 enemies with careful manual target selection. Take 2-4 hits, stall as long as possible without taking damage while farming orbs for next stage.

-Stage 2: KO the Sea Horse and the entire backrow, second turn KO the PSY unit on the front row and let GP Usopp get bound. Stall without taking hits.

-Stage 3: Stall without taking hits, KO units as needed. Take a single hit from the lobster while trying to farm RCV/TND orbs.

-Stage 4: GP Usopp special, start KOing units with hit barriers. Stall as long as possible without taking a hit. By the time the Penguin is at 1 CD, Fuji special as well as all other specials should be ready to roll

-Stage 5: Use Fujitora special, followed by Diamante special. Attack normally for two turns. Once he clears debuffs, use GP Usopp and other Fuji special. Start farming matching orbs. After two turns, activate Caesar and Doffy specials, put a matching orb on Diamante, and clear.

The Math:

Sabo starts at 3,734,034 HP

-Turn one, Sabo loses 20% of his HP twice to Fuji's special: 2,389,781 HP
-Turn two, Sabo loses another 20% of his HP and clears Fuji's HP cut: 1,911,825 HP
-Turn three, Sabo loses another 20% twice to the second Fuji special, and Sabo shuffles your orbs: 1,223,568 HP
-Turn four, Sabo loses another 20% to the second Fuji special BUT gains a Good hit barrier at the end of his turn: 978,854 HP

Turn four or five is burst time, depending on your orb luck. And note that this is Sabo's HP assuming you did zero damage the entire time; in all likelihood he's probably ~100k-200k lower than predicted, depending on orb luck making him even easier to burst. Two matching orbs, one on Diamante, is enough to clear him. A little bit luck dependent, but not horribly so, especially with Fuji as a captain.

feelsgoodman, I've got a shot!

If you have LaoG, you can try him with friend Maxed Shiki for full matching orb.
some extra health for stalling.
maxed skill shiki should have good sockets too.


Yeah I get that, I also don't wanna bitch too much in this thread because things can change quite fast in OPTC.

Thing is I wouldn't even bring it up if we had gotten Raids like Enel/Aokiji/Kuma or at least one of them during the 2YAnni period. It just feels off... They made sure that new players could advance fast and that the hardcores have challenging new Raids with powerful units. I kinda feel caught in the middle...and the road to higher level Raids and Colo stages is blocked. Wish the had done a bit more to get players like me ready for the current new Raids.

Well enough of the bitching... It's not like I had enough time for anything else with all the Doffy farming. Been running Olivia pretty much non stop since the release and only have 8 books so far. Thanks God Doffy doesn't start with a very high cool down to begin with.

I feel the same, honestly. Either they throw early raid bosses (or even worse, Ivankov every 3 weeks) or they release the newest and hardest one to get gems out of the most hardcore fans. People in the middle keep getting much less than them.

Doffy doesn't come THAT often. I think I came back to the game in September and I've seen Buster Call once (and in a day when I had 0 time to play). Kuma is another boss that is necessary for a lot of Coliseum bosses yet it comes once every 2 months.

And, at this point, I think allowing people to pay 2x stamina to farm bosses from the first wave of raids would be a welcome change for both their beloved newcomers and the rest of us that may have got a new Legend or RR unit that needs to be socketed there.

If I had been Bamco, I would have done some kind of "Legendary Clash" after the Anniversary, where every raid boss with a Legend version would appear in order to make people that has dumped cash in the Anniversary dump more money to farm them :p

Something like:

Mihawk, Doflamingo, Aokiji, Kizaru, Boa and then *insert empty slot that everybody thinks is Nightmare Luffy
but it turns out it's fucking Sabo

And I don't want to get started in how lackluster Anniversary Pt.2 and Pt3 were.

Definitely true. I'm not sure how they'd do it exactly, but they could make searching for legend captains easier. At least reddit has a friend request thread, but it's far from an optimal solution. And as the F2P player in the pairing, you're going to have fewer people jumping at the bit to add you.

Maybe, allow people to mark a limited amount of units in the "Character List" tab as "Preferred Captains". Have a red star instead of the normal one. They'll be at the top of your box and have some special shine when you are editing the captain of a team.

They could limit it a bit if they want.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
So much for not pulling anytime soon. I only can do like 3-4 pulls but i wanted to save at least some for the Legend Zoro Sugo.

Thing is i already own 3D2Y Zoro, SW Luffy, Koala, Hack, Ivankov, Inazuma and Kuma. But the ones are missing...3D2Y Sanji and especially SW Franky would be such a boost for my Powerhouse or Shooter/Ace team.

Should I just save the stones or risk? Only two units I don't

It will get harder soon with those Invasion raid.
F2P will definitely have serious trouble without access to many max/max raid bosses.
show your box, pretty sure you have access to some great units we can come out to.
especially Driven character, as we should make use of OP Fujitora friend and clear these.
Yeah I should post my box at some point. But I'll also have to prepare some type of Shiryu solution so I can at least clear some of the tougher stages once for the stone.
Something like:

Mihawk, Doflamingo, Aokiji, Kizaru, Boa and then *insert empty slot that everybody thinks is Nightmare Luffy
but it turns out it's fucking Sabo

And I don't want to get started in how lackluster Anniversary Pt.2 and Pt3 were.
Yeah it's combination of all of that makes it feel like Bamco doesn't care about you... Unless you just started the game or already are heavenly invested and ready to pull and farm the best units. We are caught in the middle lol.

btw. I don't remember.... Did you had some solid AnniSugo luck?


Haha, a sugo! I will not pull because....

*sees 3d2y zoro and sanji boosted*


Also, I need a more F2P friendly Sabo raid team, or at least one with legends Goku/INTHawk/Shanks/Lucci/Corazon. I really want at least one copy of him for Corazon forests since I don't have Elizabello. Thoughts? And I don't have 3d2y zoro of course ....


So much for not pulling anytime soon. I only can do like 3-4 pulls but i wanted to save at least some for the Legend Zoro Sugo.

Thing is i already own 3D2Y Zoro, SW Luffy, Koala, Hack, Ivankov, Inazuma and Kuma. But the ones are missing...3D2Y Sanji and especially SW Franky would be such a boost for my Powerhouse or Shooter/Ace team.

Should I just save the stones or risk? Only two units I don't

Yeah I should post my box at some point. But I'll also have to prepare some type of Shiryu solution so I can at least clear some of the tougher stages once for the stone.

Yeah it's combination of all of that makes it feel like Bamco doesn't care about you... Unless you just started the game or already are heavenly invested and ready to pull and farm the best units. We are caught in the middle lol.

btw. I don't remember.... Did you had some solid AnniSugo luck?

I had some amazing Sugo luck. 6 Legends in 6 multis with only one dupe.

I still need to fine tune them though.

I don't really have a love/hate relationship with the game (like it may seem at times). I really like it, that's why I often complain about the stuff I don't like.


If you have LaoG, you can try him with friend Maxed Shiki for full matching orb.
some extra health for stalling.
maxed skill shiki should have good sockets too.

That's a good point, there'll probably be fair number of people rolling with a F2P Shiki team that need Fuji friends. I have Lao G, I'll be happy to oblige them
nobody wants a Friend Fuji that isn't socketed yet :'(

EDIT: I also found a Blackbeard guide that doesn't require anything particularly crazy. Log Luffy sub should be replaceable with a a lot of options. SW Luffy, Hack, Dalmatian, Lao G, Don Sai, (probably) FN Jean Bart, Raid Akainu, Monster Chopper, etc.
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