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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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You wanna hear him......drop the beat?


we ran into a double Lucio, double reaper team yesterday.....god that team was fucking annoying. They would invuln near death and then mercy and a tank would move in for that split sec until reapers popped back.

Also D.vas purple skins are the best.....I really don't like her junker outfits and the bee outfits really don't impress me. Love the color schemes on carbon and white rabbit though.....badass looking.


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone else watching TaKeOver (first EU LAN tourney)?


Rogue vs Graviton Surge (LB finals, winner moves on to face Creation eSports in grand finals) is happening right now.

Very cool to see a lot of names from the EU TF2 scene doing it big. And we got Agents Rising Day 2 later on, good weekend of comp OW. :D


The fuck is this shit...


This photo accurately represents my entire Overwatch loot box experience so far.


This photo accurately represents my entire Overwatch loot box experience so far.

The only two legendaries I got (level 26 now) are the Mcree banana-man (and I don't play Mcree because he's clearly imbalanced) and young Genji (which is one of the few skins worse than the original one).

Anyone else watching TaKeOver (first EU LAN tourney)?


Rogue vs Graviton Surge (LB finals, winner moves on to face Creation eSports in grand finals) is happening right now.

Very cool to see a lot of names from the EU TF2 scene doing it big. And we got Agents Rising Day 2 later on, good weekend of comp OW. :D

This kind of play makes me hate the fact we don't have ranked. Currently most of the pubs just play this as TDM but hopefully once ranked is in and there's actually a penalty of losing it'll force people to actually think.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Mei is just so ridiculously strong, i'm not sure if they can keep her like that.


This kind of play makes me hate the fact we don't have ranked. Currently most of the pubs just play this as TDM but hopefully once ranked is in and there's actually a penalty of losing it'll force people to actually think.

I hope we have brackets though.....I would hate to get absolutely destroyed every single game for comp. Make it so wins move you up and losses move you down the bracket.

I like rocket leagues way of playing comp.....and pretty never feel I'm facing godlike players for the most part and they all seem to be equal to me in skill

we ran into a double Lucio, double reaper team yesterday.....god that team was fucking annoying. They would invuln near death and then mercy and a tank would move in for that split sec until reapers popped back.

Also D.vas purple skins are the best.....I really don't like her junker outfits and the bee outfits really don't impress me. Love the color schemes on carbon and white rabbit though.....badass looking.
Watermelon d.va, got to rock that pink zero suit


Finally broke down and bought 5 boxes because I am weak. Pulled a Legendary!

Zarya's lameass cybergoth skin.............

LOL that was my first also.
Really surprising that PS4 and XboxOne can share vids so smoothly yet PC has neglected that feature.


Just had a round where me and another guy had to keep telling the group to stay together on the point and some dope responded with there is no need when we control it.....Sometimes parts of the community in this just makes me sad. lol
I found out you can get duplicates from loot boxes and you only get +5 coins from a duplicate spray. I'm level 20 and just have a little under 400 coins so it's going to take a while to get the skins I want. I do think the cosmetic grind in this game is bad compared to some other games, too bad that one thread missed the point. Still enjoying the game though.
Alright all 4 of the McCree skins are 2 fab 2 pass up I think.... I was pretty dead set on getting wolf Hanzo but now I'm 2nd guessing myself. I play more McCree than all the defense heroes combined.

Now to just figure out which one. Those gambler skins are really good...
Riverboat plus "I'm your huckleberry." Voice line. Live the Doc Holiday.


Bastion is definitely heads above every other hero in this game. He needs to bee fixed

lol no. He has zero mobility, has to come to a complete stop to transform and has no health. If you're getting smoked by Bastion, that's a you problem. He easily is the most easily countered and killed hero in the game.


lol no. He has zero mobility, has to come to a complete stop to transform and has no health. If you're getting smoked by Bastion, that's a you problem. He easily is the most easily countered and killed hero in the game.

His stationary turret does too much damage and he has more health than half the heros.


His stationary turret does too much damage and he has more health than half the heros.

I can't tell if you're being serious right now...One, he can't move, two, he dies if someone gives him a mean look. If his turret didn't do high damage, he would literally be worthless and unplayable. Again, learn to counter.


how is there not a spiderman type character you have two heroes that can run up walls why not one that can run on walls and on the ceiling to drop down on top of people and gank them.... give them a snare high damage maybe some traps fun defense hero but can get kills, you would have a spy/rogue without the need of stealth or maybe a chameleon effect where they blend into the wall


how is there not a spiderman type character you have two heroes that can run up walls why not one that can run on walls and on the ceiling to drop down on top of people and gank them.... give them a snare high damage maybe some traps fun defense hero but can get kills, you would have a spy/rogue without the need of stealth or maybe a chameleon effect where they blend into the wall

Well new heroes will be added. Can't have every conceivable character at launch.
Is there a way to play the game just solo vs AI, ie without any other players just to get the hang of a character and their moves? Or do you always have to have other players in a match?


I found out you can get duplicates from loot boxes and you only get +5 coins from a duplicate spray. I'm level 20 and just have a little under 400 coins so it's going to take a while to get the skins I want. I do think the cosmetic grind in this game is bad compared to some other games, too bad that one thread missed the point. Still enjoying the game though.

Yeah, getting duplicates really suck in this game, since you only get 1/5 of the value of the reward. I wish they just made it so it isn't possible to get any duplicates. Play to fill your collection.


Is there a way to play the game just solo vs AI, ie without any other players just to get the hang of a character and their moves? Or do you always have to have other players in a match?

There is already a training mode for trying out stuff.

If you want to really improve and learn maps and such, I suggest playing A.I. battles on medium.

Learning how to gel with team members is a massive part of this game.



Reddit wants him nerfed. I think he's great as is. You're not supposed to win if you get caught by him. He has absolutely no mobility, and dies easily to any sort of concentrated DPS, especially sniper fire. He is the hard counter to reaper/tracer/genji, and the flashbang is necessary due to how those characters are designed. I've had a tracer recall out of the stun before the fan damage registered, so even that's not as reliable as people make it out to be.

If anyone needs to be hit with the nerf/tweak stick, it's Zarya.

Mei is really weak,people are still trash at the game,give it some time, even now shes rarely played in premade groups.

Isolated she sucks, but in a teamfight (which is most of the game), she has it all. An escape/heal, crazy CC, and her alt fire is stupid good if you can land it. Plus the walls. Fuck Mei.


Yeah, getting duplicates really suck in this game, since you only get 1/5 of the value of the reward. I wish they just made it so it isn't possible to get any duplicates. Play to fill your collection.

I'll say it again, the boxes need a serious overhaul. Either leveling needs speed up, or the box content needs a buff. I get there needs to be incentive to purchase boxes, but there has to be a happy medium. Especially since this isn't a free to play game.


I'm finding the game to be very skewed against support characters to be honest, in terms of how it highlights POTG. The game would rather reward shitty flimsy kills that are on the point rather than the efforts of a lucio or symmetra who have done most of the work keeping their team alive the whole game.

And playing support in some instances is just not fun and an exercise in frustration. No wodner no one wants to pick them on most matches and I always gotta mercy or lucio up only to see the genjis and reapers go in guns blazing and then blaming the healer because there's no output good enough to keep them alive in a pack of 4 enemies
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