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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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They should probably add 2 heroes at a time so matches aren't a total clusterfuck when there are additions. But I guess if Sombra is a support then it won't really matter


So I gave into the hype and bought it to give it a real chance. Very fun and I like the style but yea I still blow at multi FPS stuff.

Pharah seems to be the easiest to use. Yes?

Also what's the plot here? Bad guys wrecking havoc on the world so the old heroes come back to stop them so the heroes and villains all chose to mix and match and fight it out in arenas?
People still complaining about Bastion



What does Tracer really bring to a team? She has very little damage and is so squishy.

Also, I am reading a Tracer guide now and it suggest that she's good against Bastion and can pick off turrets? Uhh, how does that even work?


I'm finding the game to be very skewed against support characters to be honest, in terms of how it highlights POTG. The game would rather reward shitty flimsy kills that are on the point rather than the efforts of a lucio or symmetra who have done most of the work keeping their team alive the whole game.

And playing support in some instances is just not fun and an exercise in frustration. No wodner no one wants to pick them on most matches and I always gotta mercy or lucio up only to see the genjis and reapers go in guns blazing and then blaming the healer because there's no output good enough to keep them alive in a pack of 4 enemies

This because it is really hard to properly gauge their contribution in a manner that highlights their roles.

It is really easy to do for characters on offense.

Medals are your reward for a job well done.


I'll say it again, the boxes need a serious overhaul. Either leveling needs speed up, or the box content needs a buff. I get there needs to be incentive to purchase boxes, but there has to be a happy medium. Especially since this isn't a free to play game.
I agree, I'm like level 14 or something and it already takes forever to get a new level and no one can tell me it's faster for him because Gold + Win + Group is already the max you can get.

On a different note. After getring level 11 I got a special message, something like Portrait level unlocked. What's that all about?


What does Tracer really bring to a team? She has very little damage and is so squishy.

Also, I am reading a Tracer guide now and it suggest that she's good against Bastion and can pick off turrets? Uhh, how does that even work?

Tracer can harass and distract. She can also run down any single opponent, given enough time, as long as it's not someone like Winston. She is crazy good on control maps to the point where double tracer is a good call usually.

She isn't squishy at all. She has a ton of effective HP due to recall and can grab medkits easier than anyone else in the game.
What does Tracer really bring to a team? She has very little damage and is so squishy.

Also, I am reading a Tracer guide now and it suggest that she's good against Bastion and can pick off turrets? Uhh, how does that even work?

Tracer's great for distracting people and luring them away from the objective, she's a fantastic interference character.

Tracer can counter Bastion if she knows where Bastion is located, then blinking three times to avoid fire, getting around him and popping him off and/or distracting him to the point he exits into scout mode and can be bust wide open. Her ultimate can kill him outright if you aim it correctly.


Mei is really weak,people are still trash at the game,give it some time, even now shes rarely played in premade groups.

her snare in combnation with another high dmg hero will get you killed 100% of the time, and if they know how to use the iceblock and wall in tandem is pretty tuff to kill

i dont know if she is OP by annoying as hell


Unconfirmed Member
This kind of play makes me hate the fact we don't have ranked. Currently most of the pubs just play this as TDM but hopefully once ranked is in and there's actually a penalty of losing it'll force people to actually think.
Heh, I certainly hope so... Not holding my breath though. :p

So before we get to OT2... What does this OT title even mean

Onlywatch = what the game was referred to throughout the closed betas, since so many people didn't get in and could only watch but not play. "My watch has ended" is a Game of Thrones reference.
So before we get to OT2... What does this OT title even mean

During the beta people who didn't have access could only watch streams so it became "Only Watch".

Game of Thrones phrase when someone on the Night's Watch dies, "His Night's Watch has ended"

Game is released, therefore Only Watch Has Ended.


What's this like on PC? would probably play with a controller since it's 2comfy4me but I'm gonna guess I'll be massively disadvantaged...?


Reddit wants him nerfed. I think he's great as is. You're not supposed to win if you get caught by him. He has absolutely no mobility, and dies easily to any sort of concentrated DPS, especially sniper fire. He is the hard counter to reaper/tracer/genji, and the flashbang is necessary due to how those characters are designed. I've had a tracer recall out of the stun before the fan damage registered, so even that's not as reliable as people make it out to be.

You mean the character with a roll that no only gives him a quick out but also reloads his gun so he can spray another 6 shots out has no mobility? He counters damn near anything that he can stun, he bursts down tanks faster than any other class while having an ult that can hit everything on the screen.

His Flashbang beats so much, if I run around a corner and see him at the same time he seems me, if my hook lands when he throws a Flashbang I get stunned and he doesn't. I'm going to die despite having 500 HP.

There is a reason competitive teams pick 1/2 McCrees.

Ahah a lot of Overwatch threads are "oh this hero just keeps killing me, he is clearly overpowered, he/she could be nerfed"... :D Again, again and again.

I don't mind the discussion but this thread is so full of Mei drive-by hate yet no one can explain their reasoning.


On a different note. After getring level 11 I got a special message, something like Portrait level unlocked. What's that all about?

The portrait around your level changes slightly after every 10 levels. Next time you're in a game with someone below level 1-10 and someone 11-20, compare the portraits at the hero select screen.
Ahah a lot of Overwatch threads are "oh this hero just keeps killing me, he is clearly overpowered, he/she could be nerfed"... :D Again, again and again.

Honestly it's getting annoying, people actually need to watch some high level play to understand whats OP and what works etc.

It was the same with the nonsense of people shouldn't be stacking characters and yet a lot of Pro teams do just that.
What's this like on PC? would probably play with a controller since it's 2comfy4me but I'm gonna guess I'll be massively disadvantaged...?

For what I see on twitch, pc feels like it's twice as fast and action packed compared to console play. Remember that there is no aim assist on PC so pad play will be harder then console.


This because it is really hard to properly gauge their contribution in a manner that highlights their roles.

It is really easy to do for characters on offense.

Medals are your reward for a job well done.

It's mostly psychologically for me. Medals don't do much for my morale when I'm forced to play yet another game as support because no one ever wants to be support, as the game kinda shelves you as a healing monkey. Unless you're mercy and sometimes it will reward you for pressing Q regardless if your entire team dies straight afterwards

And yeah you get medals but levels and xp is meaningless mostly. Plus for the loot box rewards like sprays or player icons...


You guessed correctly. It won't be fun.

Sadly yes. I could see you skating by as a Reinhardt main but forget about any of the attacking classes. You will lose every time.

Depends on the character really, you would be fine with some of them, but others would be an uphill battle.

For what I see on twitch, pc feels like it's twice as fast and action packed compared to console play.

thanks! I only ask because I never ever play with kb+m but wanted to get the PC version cos I recently upgraded. I might consider PS4 then.


I wouldn't say anyone is "OP" but I'm sure a few very small tweaks are in order.

For a game with 21 characters at launch, I would say that got everything pretty damned close.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Mei in the right hands is strong as hell.

Seagull for example had 40 kills and only 3 deaths with her.
Isolated she sucks, but in a teamfight (which is most of the game), she has it all. An escape/heal, crazy CC, and her alt fire is stupid good if you can land it. Plus the walls. Fuck Mei.

At a decent level of play, mei is only good in 1v1's. Mei can never dream to be competitive in game where lucio and mcree are top tier picks.


Unconfirmed Member
I jokingly hate on Mei, but I think she's fine. Her Ult is fantastic and her wall has a lot of utility, but she has very little mobility and range. If she catches you alone then yeah, she'll likely win the 1v1... but you were probably out of position if that happened.


I agree, I'm like level 14 or something and it already takes forever to get a new level and no one can tell me it's faster for him because Gold + Win + Group is already the max you can get.

On a different note. After getring level 11 I got a special message, something like Portrait level unlocked. What's that all about?

I was wondering what portrait level was too. lol


I agree, I'm like level 14 or something and it already takes forever to get a new level and no one can tell me it's faster for him because Gold + Win + Group is already the max you can get.

On a different note. After getring level 11 I got a special message, something like Portrait level unlocked. What's that all about?

I was wondering what portrait level was too. lol

The icon around your portrait where it shows your level. The higher level you get the more elaborate it gets.


The portrait around your level changes slightly after every 10 levels. Next time you're in a game with someone below level 1-10 and someone 11-20, compare the portraits at the hero select screen.

Oh cool.
The icon around your portrait where it shows your level. The higher level you get the more elaborate it gets.

Rad. I was hoping for something like that. Similar to Diablo 3.


Hey. If I'm Zarya, and I say "Wait for the team," don't run off ahead as Genji, die, and then bitch at me for not protecting you.


What does Tracer really bring to a team? She has very little damage and is so squishy.

Also, I am reading a Tracer guide now and it suggest that she's good against Bastion and can pick off turrets? Uhh, how does that even work?

Her damage isn't little. While not as much as Reaper it is certainly quite a lot.

She distracts the defense because of how hard she is to catch because if they don't pay attention to her she will kill off all the support. Plus she can chip HP off for other teammates to pick up on. She is also great at getting rid of campy enemies.

Tracer absolutely does counter Bastion because she can get behind him to finish him off, her Ult is also amazing against players who set up base in one corner with multiple characters. Such as Bastion, Reinhardt, Mercy combo. Another way to pick off Bastions (especially those who are set up really campy and no one your team seems to be able to do anything against them) is to just go kamikaze and zip-zap up to one and drop your bomb, you'll take out Bastion for sure and any other support.
What does Tracer really bring to a team? She has very little damage and is so squishy.

Tracer has decent damage and shes not really trying to kill anyone her self most the time, she just wants to be a pain in the ass and build up ult charge.

No but it shows she's far away from being useless.

It doesnt at all, i can beat every dark souls 2 boss with a ladle, but that doesnt mean the ladle aint useless...
People struggle with mei right now, cause they dont know how to deal with her.
Imagine if all lucio's knew that pressing m2 when mei gets close, makes her absolutely useless.
Imagine if all mcree's knew to save their flashbang for mei and kill her instantly.


Hey. If I'm Zarya, and I say "Wait for the team," don't run off ahead as Genji, die, and then bitch at me for not protecting you.

That is the overarching issue, regardless of class. People not sticking together. It's especially infuriating when people won't stick together and stay on a point they're supposed to be defending.
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