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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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What's a good strategy against Trobjorn? Specifically when he has a turret tucked away in a corner.
Also I'm tired of seeing him in game highlights.

As an ocassional Torb its having other party members double up on attacking it. If the majority of your group does not target it or target it at a bad time (like in funneling sessions or when your team is just not interested in being agressive on the objective itself) you're pretty much screwed.


Just faced two really good McCrees that moved as pack.

It was fucking nasty and I want to die.

Just ran into a shitty Reaper and McCree running as a pack. Still caused a ton of mayhem because no one broke them up.

There is a special hell for people who use widow on offense. I mean, we were in OT on the destination for Nubani and this dude just stands there at a distance and does not contest the point. Or better yet, switch to someone better able to handle the craziness of late Nubani.

Rage inducing.


I've got one of Genjis legendaries, the blue turban one. I also have a few of the ones directly below that, like the wight skin. I've gotten pretty lucky with the crates, I'm at level 16.


not characteristic of ants at all
Look guys, I'm fine if you pick Tracer. But just know how to play her. A good damn Tracer is so annoying in the right hands, constantly harassing the enemy team and killing the backlines. It pains me to see a Tracer just walking with us as a group and not using her strengths at all.

Same with Genji.
Reinhart's shield can defend him turret for ages. Hell, a user just mentioned having trouble with that matchup.

As an old engie/medic main Torbjorn's turret feels relatively weak. The fact that it doesn't have a third stage innately means it lacks that extra kick. You really need to rely on his actual weapon more than engineers do.
I do really great with Torb, but the magic for me is never underestimating my gun as you said. That thing does damn good damage, and if I'm pegging a target my turret is already gunning with my canon, it drops fast. Plus, Torb's main gun has crazy far range---just have to get used to the bullet drop.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm slowly getting better. Starting to branch away from Lucio though he's still my favourite. I did surprisingly okay with Junkrat.


11 more wins to 100.
160 matches played.
Level 30.
2 Epic Pharah skins
1 Legendary Hanzo Skin
1 Legendary Reinhardt Skin
1 Legendary Tracer Skin
Only 20 Hours played.


I do really great with Torb, but the magic for me is never underestimating my gun as you said. That thing does damn good damage, and if I'm pegging a target my turret is already gunning with my canon, it drops fast. Plus, Torb's main gun has crazy far range---just have to get used to the bullet drop.

No doubt. I love hitting a solid alt fire with him, just melts away HP.



Someone play with me. XB1, gamertag psyfi. I played a bunch of the beta and I'm generally good at FPS, so I shouldn't suck too hard.
My teams have been getting crushed all night.

It's the worst.

Yeah, I don't know what's happening but my winrate has dropped like 5% in the past 24 hours.

Happened to us earlier too. Two McCrees is frustrating to fight.

I've faced two together before but these two were nuts, got headshots on almost every left click and you couldn't brute force your way in with two of them watching each other's backs.

It's one of the few moments in this game where I haven't been able to theorycraft a counter. I'll think on it some more.

But heroes never die.

I just died inside multiple times and no Mercy resurrect can save my destitute ass.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So is arcade mode going to change tomorrow or Tuesday? Lets see what it like this coming week!

Bluzz games usually update on tuesdays in US / Wednesdays in europe. Which probably means maintenance btw


Mccree's concussion shot is almost game breaking in that combined with his 6 shot spam he is overpowered in 1v1 situations. His 6 shot is already a death sentence for close range combat but together? If they don't want to take way his concussion shot then it should be used strictly as a get away ability like Reaper's cloak.


Had a great PotG of my turret farming people at the entrance while I tbagged. No one else seemed to appreciate it, but I sure got a laugh out of it.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
About motherfucking time.


Only took 25 levels

Damn good one too. I'm wracking my brain trying to decide which McCree skin I want. All 4 of his are amazing. I wish I would just get one in a box to make the decision for me.

Thinking another 50 boxes might just be the solution I need...


Was in an escort mission running defense. The escort got within a foot of the end and we held them off with 4:30 left. Me and two other people switched to bastion and were able to hold them off of the last foot for the remaining 4:30. It was kind of crazy.


Yeah, I don't know what's happening but my winrate has dropped like 5% in the past 24 hours.

I've faced two together before but these two were nuts, got headshots on almost every left click and you couldn't brute force your way in with two of them watching each other's backs.

It's one of the few moments in this game where I haven't been able to theorycraft a counter. I'll think on it some more.

I just died inside multiple times and no Mercy resurrect can save my destitute ass.

Junkrat seems like a good counter to that situation.

He can break them up and allow them to be picked off by your offense.


So what are the counters for Zarya? Encountered a pretty good one tonight.

She's wonderful on D, as anything that beats her straight out can usually be shaken off with a quick retreat. That said, D.Va's armor negates a lot of Zarya's damage allowing for successful trades, and anyone that outranges her can force her to retreat to regen.
Was in an escort mission running defense. The escort got within a foot of the end and we held them off with 4:30 left. Me and two other people switched to bastion and were able to hold them off of the last foot for the remaining 4:30. It was kind of crazy.

Yeah, some folks might think it's cheap, but when I'm on defense and the team is in panic mode I'll usually switch to Bastion as a last-ditch effort. Doesn't always work, though: last match I played I moved as quick as I could into position, and Roadhog just hooked me and ended me within a second as the payload hit the final marker. But a lot of times it's a good shutdown when the other team doesn't have time to figure out how to flank you.
I wish you could destroy junkrats trap when caught by it, sometimes its barely visible.

I tend to throw it down on health kits. We had an enemy Winston who relied on those too much for health, so I threw traps down on top of it. He got some heals, and I got to send five grenades down his stupid fuzzy maw.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Holy shit at cloud9 dominating the control point map. Double winston, double tracer, double lucio looks like hell on earth to fight.


the holder of the trombone
Was in an escort mission running defense. The escort got within a foot of the end and we held them off with 4:30 left. Me and two other people switched to bastion and were able to hold them off of the last foot for the remaining 4:30. It was kind of crazy.

That's more on the other team being bad.


Just ran into a shitty Reaper and McCree running as a pack. Still caused a ton of mayhem because no one broke them up.

There is a special hell for people who use widow on offense. I mean, we were in OT on the destination for Nubani and this dude just stands there at a distance and does not contest the point. Or better yet, switch to someone better able to handle the craziness of late Nubani.

Rage inducing.

A widow on offense can be nice for support but they have to be really good. If they're just a middling average sniper player then yeah having an extra body on the point helps a lot more.


I've come to the conclusion that Tracer and Zarya are the best. I don't care if they're not tourny competitive (they might be, idk), but they're fun as hell.


That's more on the other team being bad.

Many good players lose to Bastion though. Having 2 on the final point sure isn't optimal, but losing to it doesn't mean the other team was necessarily bad...


Oh wow, I misread, 3 Bastions... Yeah that's the point when you can just run Genji and have the Bastions kill each other.
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