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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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When a bouncy, wallriding Lucio is attacking your team's teleporter, you're trying to stop them as a Widowmaker, and your ally Roadhog teleports in and just runs off.


Every time I tell myself I'm quitting after this match, I wind up playing 3 or 4 more matches lol. Game is digital crack. Just started messing with Genji and holy shit is he fun.


No it wouldn't the trapped person has a choice to out shoot the junk rat or escape, only other option is to just sit there if the junk rat is not keeping track of his trap.

I'm sure they thought of it before, but didn't work for balancing purposes. Some people like Reaper can glide out of it,.


I'll try better next time lol

Oh I just got the game myself today heh (well unlocked PC version anyway), but I completely understand that feel. Even hits in MMOs during tough boss battles/raids/whatever.

EDIT: Lucio is fun as hell, and truly is like someone said: Jet Set Radio personified. You can even chain his wall rides.

Battle.net ID: Teknoman #1953


I can play the most amazing Torb game ever, and still no one votes for me after the game. So annoying.


I destroyed a team with my Torb/turret skills and no one votes for me even with a ton of kills. Team votes for some loser who blocked some damage as Reinhardt instead.

Particularly annoying when I was tossing armor for them all over the place. Lame.


I destroyed a team with my Torb/turret skills and no one votes for me even with a ton of kills. Team votes for some loser who blocked some damage as Reinhardt instead.

Particularly annoying when I was tossing armor for them all over the place. Lame.

Torb has a...reputation now.
I pretty much always vote for Mercys and Lucios when they come up on the end screen. Playing support is such a thankless job sometimes, The worst part is that when I start in that role, and our team is getting creamed because nobody realizes we need to change tactics, I feel like I'm stuck as the healer and can't contribute to the doomed effort. Except to trying my best to heal them as they keep banging their heads against the same brick wall over and over again.


I pretty much always vote for Mercys and Lucios when they come up on the end screen. Playing support is such a thankless job sometimes, The worst part is that when I start in that role, and our team is getting creamed because nobody realizes we need to change tactics, I feel like I'm stuck as the healer and can't contribute to the doomed effort. Except to trying my best to heal them as they keep banging their heads against the same brick wall over and over again.

This is why I prefer to use Lucio as a healer.

He is really helpful as a +1 to end the stupid little skirmishes people get into so that maybe they go back to the objective.


I pretty much always vote for Mercys and Lucios when they come up on the end screen. Playing support is such a thankless job sometimes, The worst part is that when I start in that role, and our team is getting creamed because nobody realizes we need to change tactics, I feel like I'm stuck as the healer and can't contribute to the doomed effort. Except to trying my best to heal them as they keep banging their heads against the same brick wall over and over again.

I honestly don't like being healer that much in this game, you're right it feels thankless.

I never got bitched at when we lost or anything, but if someone said something I'd be pissed even though I'm not that great.

I usually automatically switch to healer when I notice no one else is picking one.

I actually realize the same thing you mentioned too, but I think using Lucio helps more because at least they can get back faster lol...


Today I spent time trying out Genji and Widowmaker, getting up close and personal with that kind of style doesn't seem my style so I probably won't use Genji much.

I do like Widowmaker and will keep practicing.

The only Heroes I never touch are the Defensive ones aside from Widowmaker. I'm thinking of learning/practicing Bastion tomorrow. Any tips?


I can only speak for console balance, but an auto snapping 360 turret is complete bullshit, especially when you can stack 2-3 of them. Just not fun to fight against at all.


Gold Member
Anyone based in Hong Kong playing Overwatch? Does anyone know when the Loot Boxes would be available for purchase in Asia (Specifically Hong Kong)?



Winston is becoming my new fav.character now.. He is so damn powerful on some maps, especially the ones with the cap points near areas you can fall off of, so fun to ult and then knock loads of people off the map haha.

Is it just me or is the Anubis map really freaking unbalanced if you are the attacking team? The map where the only way in is through a single doorway. If the other team has multiple turrets + a mei it's freaking impossible to get through. You think they'd know that having a single chokepoint would be way too harsh for a map like that.
This is why I prefer to use Lucio as a healer.

He is really helpful as a +1 to end the stupid little skirmishes people get into so that maybe they go back to the objective.

My goto is usually Lucio on Attack, and Mercy on Defense. Easier to fly around and heal people when we're holding a point than when we're on the move, and the speed boost to get attackers back into the match is nice.

But yeah, I've lost track of the number of escort games where I'm skating around the payload all by my lonesome, wondering where the fuck everyone else is while I'm trying my best to dodge a Roadhog on my ass.


Winston is becoming my new fav.character now.. He is so damn powerful on some maps, especially the ones with the cap points near areas you can fall off of, so fun to ult and then knock loads of people off the map haha.

Is it just me or is the Anubis map really freaking unbalanced if you are the attacking team? The map where the only way in is through a single doorway. If the other team has multiple turrets + a mei it's freaking impossible to get through. You think they'd know that having a single chokepoint would be way too harsh for a map like that.

The map favors the defending team at the first checkpoint and way over corrects at the second.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
You know what's amazing about this game

The variability of 21 heroes on 12 different maps with skill and luck thrown into the mix

What I'm trying to say is there's no definitive main core that people are focusing on getting best at it so they can just be mainstays

Team makeup sometimes shine even if a disadvantage if they know their role and execute it perfectly

Crazy how sometimes shit just works
I had a game where Defend had 2 Reins, but they were fucking OP as fuck as offensive juggernauts
So many smashes, good lord
Are you saying that your dwarf play goes...overlooked?
Well-played, my good sir. Well-played.
Was not expecting this.
He's the lamest character in the game, I never vote for them.
He's almost as lame as your face. Boom!
I destroyed a team with my Torb/turret skills and no one votes for me even with a ton of kills. Team votes for some loser who blocked some damage as Reinhardt instead.

Particularly annoying when I was tossing armor for them all over the place. Lame.
No one appreciates the armor :(
This was absolutely not optimal, but I don't care because I probably scared the shit out of that Widow. :p

Winston is becoming my new fav.character now.. He is so damn powerful on some maps, especially the ones with the cap points near areas you can fall off of, so fun to ult and then knock loads of people off the map haha.

Is it just me or is the Anubis map really freaking unbalanced if you are the attacking team? The map where the only way in is through a single doorway. If the other team has multiple turrets + a mei it's freaking impossible to get through. You think they'd know that having a single chokepoint would be way too harsh for a map like that.

Adding a passage into the room on the right or to the path leading to the ledge on the left would make first point less of a crapshoot getting past.
So... Torbjörn is your typical Blizzard / Warhammer dwarf with all the tropes that go with the type, right?

But this game is set on future Earth? Is he from another dimension or just a short hairy human?


You know what's amazing about this game

The variability of 21 heroes on 12 different maps with skill and luck thrown into the mix

What I'm trying to say is there's no definitive main core that people are focusing on getting best at it so they can just be mainstays

Team makeup sometimes shine even if a disadvantage if they know their role and execute it perfectly

Crazy how sometimes shit just works
I had a game where Defend had 2 Reins, but they were fucking OP as fuck as offensive juggernauts
So many smashes, good lord

Reinhardt is core though and nothing disadvantageous about two tanks.
Damn good one too. I'm wracking my brain trying to decide which McCree skin I want. All 4 of his are amazing. I wish I would just get one in a box to make the decision for me.

Thinking another 50 boxes might just be the solution I need...

I would have preferred the darker variant of this skin. The yellow makes me stand out like a sore thumb but it's flamboyant as fuck so I don't know what to think


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Lol at this Tor hate as if turret placement, repairing/keeping an eye out while you are worried about walking around like a madman dpsing and picking up scrap to make armor packs is somehow not important, get the fuck out of here with that shit.

I had a game where I made 37 armor packs yesterday and was shooting fools in the face on all entry points. Just because the turret is automated doesnt mean you didn't win partially because of it.


I hate Route 66 now. It was okay at low levels when people weren't too good with the map but at higher levels now, it's a pain in the ass. Attacking is pretty tough.


Lol at this Tor hate as if turret placement, repairing/keeping an eye out while you are worried about walking around like a madman dpsing and picking up scrap to make armor packs is somehow not important, get the fuck out of here with that shit.

I had a game where I made 37 armor packs yesterday and was shooting fools in the face on all entry points. Just because the turret is automated doesnt mean you didn't win partially because of it.

People still sleep on his damage output. That shottie can one-shot offensive classes (I've been on the receiving end).
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