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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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At level 25 I finally got my first non-blue-tier skin -- my first legendary too. Night Ops Soldier 76.

I also finally got the hang of Master Yi / Genji for the first time. Doing reset dashes for kills was fun even when I wasn't hitting reflects.

About the game being frustrating, in solo play it's pretty good. When I queue with friends who are varying levels it's really rough though. I lost maybe 6 games in a row earlier today, and a friend of mine hasn't won a game since release as far as I know (just playing in groups with us).


Unconfirmed Member
reddit is killing me this morning
Had to use my one Blizzard ID change last night because people kept asking if I was 9. I just graduated college, no way do I want to be confused for a nine year old. It's also rather unnerving to be asked how old you are by random pubs who send you a friend request. So I'm going by Bumbletron now. Is there any particular staff member I can contact to change my username here?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make sure my doors and windows are locked before I go to bed for the night..


I can play the most amazing Torb game ever, and still no one votes for me after the game. So annoying.

Gold medals for eliminations and damage on the final defense, armour packs for days, no votes. Standard Torb game.

Hard work is its own reward


Do people not understand overtime? It's so annoying when a person could easily walk over and reset the timer so others could get there... Only for them to value their own lives and not reset the timer and then lose.


Do people not understand overtime? It's so annoying when a person could easily walk over and reset the timer so others could get there... Only for them to value their own lives and not reset the timer and then lose.

That's a common thing in my experience: people worrying about dying when the objective is seriously compromised. I think a lot of players don't realize that the few seconds they could buy by taking a death could possibly win the match if you have allies en route. One of the reasons I roll with D.Va so much in low time. Can get in, distract, maybe get a kill and THEN jump around like an ass on foot still buying seconds.


I hadn't even noticed, but I am pretty chill during matches as well, and I normally get pretty anxious. I think part of it is the focus on objectives and room for error in regard to approaching them. Getting back into the action isn't hard, and swapping is a no-brainer, so I don't feel like it's the end of the world if someone rocks me as long as I learn from it. That and, like you said, it's often a very viable tactic to just harass and scatter enemies, or to lead them away (I use that un-meched D.Va tactic too.)

So many ways to be useful even if you aren't a pro gamer hotshot. It's great.

Yeah, I think a lot of it is just you don't need to do everything the optimal way or the "right" way to be useful. You don't even necessarily have to be an amazing twitch gamer to get kills. And when you're losing, there's usually some other approach that can turn the tides.


Do people not understand overtime? It's so annoying when a person could easily walk over and reset the timer so others could get there... Only for them to value their own lives and not reset the timer and then lose.

Thats what I dont get. There are tons of times where if a move is vital I'll sacrfice myself. Getting behind a Reinhardt mercy and bastion for a triple kill pulse bomb is worth more than me standing their while my team gets mowed down.


Could use some feedback...

I'm interested in possibly picking this up. As someone coming off UC4 MP, i really hate competitive shooters. Mainly because of the obligatory upgrade/perk/progression system that's crammed into every online shooter nowadays where as a newcomer it's frustrating to to feel like your getting killed by weapons/perks/abilities/etc that you don't even have access to because the next person is already better than you or has spent more time grinding. So a lot of times if you don't get in on the ground level when the MP is still fresh and new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and outmatched as time passes.

However, looking at overwatch, there's no typical progression. Everyone one has access to the same weapons, skills abilities, etc yeah? And because of the team based nature of it, killing enemies isn't necessarily the main focus and it seems like you can still be productive and contribute to the team even if you're not the greatest at shooter or get killed alot.

Would you guys recommend this for someone who isn't fond of the typical TDM MP shooter?


I'm no expert, but I watched all the video guides on The Cynical Nerds YouTube channel, and they helped bring me up to speed. Gives the game as a whole solid coverage with "the basics" videos, and the hero guides are simple, quick, and cover all the bases.

Don't worry, there's nothing cynical in them in the slightest, at least not in these videos.
Okay, will give these a watch when I'm back home. Thanks.

I'm reading Kotaku's Tips for playing Overwatch and How to counter Overwatch's most overused Heroes at the moment.


Slowed the rotation speed and upped the DPS, that'd make sense.

Straight nerfing a mediocre character doesn't really.

With the number of people posting that it's impossible to deal with Torb's turret I don't think increasing its DPS is the right call, although admittedly since most people don't seem to understand how terrible its damage is maybe making it match their expectations would actually help.

I think people just need to stop applying TF2 ideas to Overwatch. Torb's turret is really different (and significantly weaker) than Engi's. Strafing around the turret doesn't work. Wait for a teammate that's good at killing turrets, wait for somebody else to start tanking it, or just switch to a tank and clean it up.


Gaming anxiety is real. I never talk to randoms even when I want to and the stress of letting down people in ranked matches makes it so I usually don't compete in most games. Rocket League and now Overwatch will be the exceptions because the matches are pretty short. CSGO and MOBA with their 40 minute matches were a night\mare for me.

I'm with you on this one. I'd love to play with everyone here and chat with them but I get so damn shy. Seems like a fun thing to do though.


I hadn't thought about it before, do gold medals mean that I was actually the best on my team in that category? Or just that I did well?


Could use some feedback...

I'm interested in possibly picking this up. As someone coming off UC4 MP, i really hate competitive shooters. Mainly because of the obligatory upgrade/perk/progression system that's crammed into every online shooter nowadays where as a newcomer it's frustrating to to feel like your getting killed by weapons/perks/abilities/etc that you don't even have access to because the next person is already better than you or has spent more time grinding. So a lot of times if you don't get in on the ground level when the MP is still fresh and new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and outmatched as time passes.

However, looking at overwatch, there's no typical progression. Everyone one has access to the same weapons, skills abilities, etc yeah? And because of the team based nature of it, killing enemies isn't necessarily the main focus and it seems like you can still be productive and contribute to the team even if you're not the greatest at shooter or get killed alot.

Would you guys recommend this for someone who isn't fond of the typical TDM MP shooter?

Yeah it doesn't have things like unlockable weapons/perks/abilities so there's no tangible advantage someone playing day 1 has over someone playing a year from now. However, it does have a steeper learning curve since you're not playing generic soldier vs soldier (even Soldier 76 has his own nuances) and so there's a need for knowledge of team composition, map advantage and disadvantages, counters and so on that comes with time and study.

Also there's a bunch of characters who aren't focused on shooting if you don't like that about competitive shooters too.
Do people not understand overtime? It's so annoying when a person could easily walk over and reset the timer so others could get there... Only for them to value their own lives and not reset the timer and then lose.

I honestly think a lot of people don't understand how overtime works, or even what "contesting" means.

Sad days


Unconfirmed Member
Could use some feedback...

I'm interested in possibly picking this up. As someone coming off UC4 MP, i really hate competitive shooters. Mainly because of the obligatory upgrade/perk/progression system that's crammed into every online shooter nowadays where as a newcomer it's frustrating to to feel like your getting killed by weapons/perks/abilities/etc that you don't even have access to because the next person is already better than you or has spent more time grinding. So a lot of times if you don't get in on the ground level when the MP is still fresh and new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and outmatched as time passes.

However, looking at overwatch, there's no typical progression. Everyone one has access to the same weapons, skills abilities, etc yeah? And because of the team based nature of it, killing enemies isn't necessarily the main focus and it seems like you can still be productive and contribute to the team even if you're not the greatest at shooter or get killed alot.

Would you guys recommend this for someone who isn't fond of the typical TDM MP shooter?

my fiancée never played a shooter before and in all the MMO's she played so far she was always a heal and never went into PVP.

She loves overwatch..maybe that helps :/?


Could use some feedback...

I'm interested in possibly picking this up. As someone coming off UC4 MP, i really hate competitive shooters. Mainly because of the obligatory upgrade/perk/progression system that's crammed into every online shooter nowadays where as a newcomer it's frustrating to to feel like your getting killed by weapons/perks/abilities/etc that you don't even have access to because the next person is already better than you or has spent more time grinding. So a lot of times if you don't get in on the ground level when the MP is still fresh and new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and outmatched as time passes.

However, looking at overwatch, there's no typical progression. Everyone one has access to the same weapons, skills abilities, etc yeah? And because of the team based nature of it, killing enemies isn't necessarily the main focus and it seems like you can still be productive and contribute to the team even if you're not the greatest at shooter or get killed alot.

Would you guys recommend this for someone who isn't fond of the typical TDM MP shooter?
Yes. Exactly.


Once the game has been out for a bit more, I think a lot of players will realize that KDR means literally nothing and that keeping enemies away from the objective and allies near it is all that matters, no matter how you do it. The best way is, imo, a coordinated effort of point-centric heroes and supporting flankers/snipers working together. Works for pretty much any map type.

Some players think that snipers and roaming flankers are just selfish pricks by default, but if they are focused on eliminating threats to your core point players, then they are making the main job much easier. Without roaming counters, the team is just sitting around waiting to react to heroes designed to kill targets who are unprepared.
I also had a PoTG as Zenyatta yesterday. Haven't seen many of those.

Discord is so powerful! Zenyatta is the only support who heals and deals damage massively when used properly.

The others are not great at dealing damage.
Could use some feedback...

I'm interested in possibly picking this up. As someone coming off UC4 MP, i really hate competitive shooters. Mainly because of the obligatory upgrade/perk/progression system that's crammed into every online shooter nowadays where as a newcomer it's frustrating to to feel like your getting killed by weapons/perks/abilities/etc that you don't even have access to because the next person is already better than you or has spent more time grinding. So a lot of times if you don't get in on the ground level when the MP is still fresh and new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and outmatched as time passes.

However, looking at overwatch, there's no typical progression. Everyone one has access to the same weapons, skills abilities, etc yeah? And because of the team based nature of it, killing enemies isn't necessarily the main focus and it seems like you can still be productive and contribute to the team even if you're not the greatest at shooter or get killed alot.

Would you guys recommend this for someone who isn't fond of the typical TDM MP shooter?

Yeah, no unlocks or level progression, and you can definitely take on a role that doesn't involve getting in the fray. I'm very iffy when it comes to my aiming in FPS (pretty much never play McCree as a result; too much focus on accuracy), but there are plenty of roles you can take on where pinpoint accuracy in shooting, or shooting at all, isn't necessary.

Just as an example, lately I've been enjoying playing Symmetra on defense, where her focus isn't on shooting but on knowing the map and where to place her turrets in a way to catch enemies by surprise. And even if you do get into a firefight, her gun doesn't require aiming at all. A very different experience than your usual shooter play, and it's made me look at every map more closely now, like "Where are the flanking areas where people might try to sneak around us, and where can my turrets go to stop them in their tracks?"

I said this back in the old thread, but not only am I not a fan of TDM MP shooters, I wasn't a fan of MP anything until this game. But on a hunch I picked up, and I've spent every day since playing at least 3-4 hours. It's that damn good.


I honestly think a lot of people don't understand how overtime works, or even what "contesting" means.

Sad days

I've had to yell: "Dumbass" too many times due to people either not resetting the timer or stay off the objective when they could contest.

Edit: I guess some got confused, but I wasn't saying it to them in voice chat, I was saying it aloud to no one.


I got the trophy for keeping Zarya's power level above 70 for 60 seconds. Felt good to finally master her unique "parry" shields and wreck fools :)

Also dat gravity ult...

i once faced a game with a bunch zarya's coming at me. They had their barriers on, they could give each other shields... shit. Facing 5 zarya's and a healer like Lucio, I would be very curious to see what would happen.

I think she can be really strong. I still suck at her though. I die a lot before my beam goes to the next level, and the ultimate seems to be good on combo's, and being on ps4, where there is zero communication between players, it's just a random gravity well where I toss a few grenades in before I die.

The beam is hard to control on ps4, IMO. I suck with sniper characters as well. I feel Zarya can be really good once people start communicating. Solo-wise, it's hard.


How rapid is the falloff on Pharah's rocket splash damage? I feel like hitting the ground right next to people barely does any damage at all, or often absolutely none.


Why is the OT subtitle "A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems"? It's pretty generous compared to other games with unlocking and microtransactions I thought?



Also - 70% win rate with Symmetra. My Indian Queen cannot be stopped.

Do you Offense with Symmetry as well? I'm really good at defense, and since she's starting to become my main defense, I feel I'm becoming a prick, shaking my head when other Symmetra's have shitty turret placements, only giving us shields and teleports but zero kills.


Yeah it doesn't have things like unlockable weapons/perks/abilities so there's no tangible advantage someone playing day 1 has over someone playing a year from now. However, it does have a steeper learning curve since you're not playing generic soldier vs soldier (even Soldier 76 has his own nuances) and so there's a need for knowledge of team composition, map advantage and disadvantages, counters and so on that comes with time and study.
I can deal with that. I feel like i'd want to be a healer or a defensive player to see how others are playing while still feeling like i'm contributing to the team

my fiancée never played a shooter before and in all the MMO's she played so far she was always a heal and never went into PVP.

She loves overwatch..maybe that helps :/?
It definitely helps a lot. I think i'd be a healer at the start until i better understood things and what not and that's appealing to me. I just don't want to feel like im up against a wall by feeling like im a liability to my team because my K/D ratio is shitty or that im being out matched because already good players have access to items and gear that make them even better.

Thanks for the input :)



Only issue with the turrets is the instant turn speed which reveals your position if you try and flank or sneak behind.

I'd be OK if they changed the cone of fire or rotation speed.

It's not instant, beside it can only shoot one target at a time so if it's already shooting at someone it's open to attack from you.

You haven't played TF2 if you think this is instant, Torb's turrets are nowhere near as powerful or quick as Engineer's turret and it can be taken out by a long range character easily if you have the LoS or a tank like Roadhog and Reinhardt in short range if you don't have LoS. D.Va can take them out long or short, doesn't matter.

You know that platform in Hollywood where Torb likes to put his turrets? Why don't people use D.Va or Widowmaker to just take it out instead of dying to it 10 times ?
I've been dominating on the PC with Pharah but earlier today I went to play on the X1 version of the game with my little bro but much to my surprise I was doing utterly terrible. The controls feel off. They feel very floaty and there feels like there is a ton of input lag. I've been playing with a controller my whole life so I don't attribute it to not being familiar with one. The controls just feel really sluggish.
I've been playing on Xbox One exclusively, and I can't find a control sensitivity setup that feels right. Something just feels off to me about the controls in this game on Xbox One.
Why is the OT subtitle "A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems"? It's pretty generous compared to other games with unlocking and microtransactions I thought?

Because voices are the SOUL of the game, the fact that they make you pay for them is super gross dude


Yes. Exactly.

Yeah, no unlocks or level progression, and you can definitely take on a role that doesn't involve getting in the fray. I'm very iffy when it comes to my aiming in FPS (pretty much never play McCree as a result; too much focus on accuracy), but there are plenty of roles you can take on where pinpoint accuracy in shooting, or shooting at all, isn't necessary.

Just as an example, lately I've been enjoying playing Symmetra on defense, where her focus isn't on shooting but on knowing the map and where to place her turrets in a way to catch enemies by surprise. And even if you do get into a firefight, her gun doesn't require aiming at all. A very different experience than your usual shooter play, and it's made me look at every map more closely now, like "Where are the flanking areas where people might try to sneak around us, and where can my turrets go to stop them in their tracks?"

I said this back in the old thread, but not only am I not a fan of TDM MP shooters, I wasn't a fan of MP anything until this game. But on a hunch I picked up, and I've spent every day since playing at least 3-4 hours. It's that damn good.

This is awesome. Thanks. Gonna purchase it right now :)


Ok the Symmetra love has won me over. Gonna try her. What do y'all do when pressed away from your sentry drones? Find a hallway, jump a lot, and hold LMB? Or do you just bait enemies to your cunningly-placed deathzone?
Ok the Symmetra love has won me over. Gonna try her. What do y'all do when pressed away from your sentry drones? Find a hallway, jump a lot, and hold LMB? Or do you just bait enemies to your cunningly-placed deathzone?

Bunny hop and crouch like crazy while moving erratically so you become impossible to hit, and hold M1.

congrats you am real symmetry


Pharah tends to get shredded by them, too. I usually main as her on offense, but if I see a turret I immediately know to switch. Bastion you can at least take by surprise since there's a human being having to keep watch, but that auto-targeting turret is just a killer.

Eh? I am hunting turrets as Pharah easily. o_o

I am amazed how different the playstyles are. :D
Ok the Symmetra love has won me over. Gonna try her. What do y'all do when pressed away from your sentry drones? Find a hallway, jump a lot, and hold LMB? Or do you just bait enemies to your cunningly-placed deathzone?

From what I've seen, you can put a halt to most closely knitted groups around a Reinhart with your charged alt fire. Other than that I don't quite know. Try to kill the squishies? Her beam seems to lock on, so you can just try not to be hit in the meanwhile.
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