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Pachter Predicts: Xbox One outsold PS4 in September (dance, you puppets)


Xbox having more exclusives as a phrase should be banned as it just gets spouted all the time and is factually incorrect.

Xbox having better exclusives should be laughed at whenever it appears as a statement of fact because it is a subjective viewpoint (same would go for PS4 but the statement is rolled out far more often for xbox it seems)
I get that you hate MS or the X1 or the concept behind them, but do you really want Sony to rule the market alone and MS getting out of the console game?

Yes, I do. The main reason for that is that if every game was on the same platform, it would increase competition between game developpers (more optimisation, better games), and we'd miss less exclusives titles. If I were to make an analogy with PC, is anyone missing the old days where early 3D games were compatibles with Nvidia or 3Dfx cards, but not both? DirectX imposed as a standard certainly was a blessing.
Lack of competition would eventually lead to lazyness or inflated prices from Sony's part, but that's something that is felt only when you jump a generation, not in the middle of one. And I doubt Sony would forget the PS3 start that soon.


If exclusives are how people perceive a console's worth, then Wii U both got PS4 and Xbox One beat. The thing is, multiplatform games sell consoles which is what the Wii U is lacking. Halo MCC will be big and will give XB1 a boost in sales (this is the month I would bet on MS winning.) The holidays will be tough months to pick which of the 2 systems will sell most. However, I strongly believe that Playstation will regain momentum come February.
Well tomorrow is going to be a shit storm because of Patcher.
1. If Patcher is correct, which would be a huge surprise and proving that the bundle had no affect for console sales.
2. Patcher is wrong, which wouldn't be a surprise and people who believed Patcher will get tons of shit.
Either way, shit will be flying.


Well tomorrow is going to be a shit storm because of Patcher.
1. If Patcher is correct, which would be a huge surprise and proving that the bundle had no affect for console sales.
2. Patcher is wrong, which wouldn't be a surprise and people who believed Patcher will get tons of shit.
Either way, shit will be flying.

You should read Aquamarine's post:

More well-informed GAFfers have ruled that out already (check the NPD Predictions thread). It's not happening...so there's no point in making hypotheticals.

People shouldn't even be believing what Patcher says to begin with.


Yes, I do. The main reason for that is that if every game was on the same platform, it would increase competition between game developpers (more optimisation, better games), and we'd miss less exclusives titles. If I were to make an analogy with PC, is anyone missing the old days where early 3D games were compatibles with Nvidia or 3Dfx cards, but not both? DirectX imposed as a standard certainly was a blessing.
Lack of competition would eventually lead to lazyness or inflated prices from Sony's part, but that's something that is felt only when you jump a generation, not in the middle of one. And I doubt Sony would forget the PS3 start that soon.

Your logic is flawed, we would have less games, some games are only funded because competition is still going strong... without nintendo there would be no bayonetta 2 for example. Without 1st party exclusives there wouldn't be as many other 1st party exclusives to combat those. And why would competition between devs increase? 3rd party games are competing already, they wouldn't compete more if they were on one platform. Makes no sense.

Competition is good. The proof is in the pudding. PS+, gwg, evolution of online gaming, games only existing because of competition etc...

And if you want one system to rule them all, there would be no other choice than pc. I could get that. It's best in every regard, except for lack of AAA exclusives since there is no company behind it that has to COMPETE with any other company and lack of consoles would probably lead to more living room friendly form factors and even easier and more standardized operation. Saying you only want sony, makes you sound somewhat fanboyish don't you think?


Well tomorrow is going to be a shit storm because of Patcher.
1. If Patcher is correct, which would be a huge surprise and proving that the bundle had no affect for console sales.
2. Patcher is wrong, which wouldn't be a surprise and people who believed Patcher will get tons of shit.
Either way, shit will be flying.

People believe him?

Don't forget that PS4 had a huge bump in that week too, so we are talking about a couple of hundred systems here. One week isn't enough to make up for a gap that's already around 450k... According to Eurogamer Sony sold over a million PS4 at the begining of September since launch in UK and the sales ratio is around 1,5:1, which is around 40-50% higher than xbone. The gap is huge and Microsoft has to sell at a way higher rate just to make up for the 450k gap and PS4 has to stop selling basically, which wont happen. Same situation with PS3 and 360, just the other way around. It wont be closed.

1,5:1,0 (1m vs 600k) after just 1 year of probably 8 to 9 years of this gen, does not sound so big to me.
But you are right, that MS needs a big screw up by Sony, like hacked PSN, to close the gap.
Has there been a case historically where one system has caught up in sales after 2-3 years?


1,5:1,0 (1m vs 600k) after just 1 year of probably 8 to 9 years of this gen, does not sound so big to me.
But you are right, that MS needs a big screw up by Sony, like hacked PSN, to close the gap.

Its a 400k right now. What happens if next year its 800k? Then 1.2 mil? 1.6? 2 million?

Thats the whole point. Any sales gap that continues to increase usually snowballs into an insurmountable lead.

Has there been a case historically where one system has caught up in sales after 2-3 years?

SNES vs the Genesis? Maybe? We need an expert over here!

Jack cw

1,5:1,0 (1m vs 600k) after just 1 year of probably 8 to 9 years of this gen, does not sound so big to me.
But you are right, that MS needs a big screw up by Sony, like hacked PSN, to close the gap.
Has there been a case historically where one system has caught up in sales after 2-3 years?

It might not sound big to you, but reality is a huge gap and nothing really outlines a change in consumer behaviour that could shift so much systems to close the gap AND outsell the competition. We are not talking about a security hole, but brand awareness. "Xbox" as a brand has to become something of value and lifestyle over night to move such an amount. Bundles, price cuts and firmware updates wont be selling points to the people. Xbone has to sell at double the rate of PS4 in UK to actually overtake them in the next couple of years, which wont happen. Sony has the momentum and increases the gap so it would take even more systems per month to only keep the gap at the current space. It didn't happen last generation and the market even declined since 2005/6.
Yes, I do. The main reason for that is that if every game was on the same platform, it would increase competition between game developpers (more optimisation, better games), and we'd miss less exclusives titles. If I were to make an analogy with PC, is anyone missing the old days where early 3D games were compatibles with Nvidia or 3Dfx cards, but not both? DirectX imposed as a standard certainly was a blessing.
Lack of competition would eventually lead to lazyness or inflated prices from Sony's part, but that's something that is felt only when you jump a generation, not in the middle of one. And I doubt Sony would forget the PS3 start that soon.

I miss my Diamond Monster 3D so much! LOL

I respect your opinion, but there is a reason we have laws against companies having 100% marketshare.
Let's say MS gets out of the way after this gen, you can expect a 800$ PS5 and PSN might be 10$ and much crappier than it is now. Games will probably be 89$ and people will pay if there are no othe options.

I'd rather have systems and companies challenging each other to get better/cheaper.
e.g. iOS vs Android


Your logic is flawed, we would have less games, some games are only funded because competition is still going strong... without nintendo there would be no bayonetta 2 for example. Without 1st party exclusives there wouldn't be as many other 1st party exclusives to combat those. And why would competition between devs increase? 3rd party games are competing already, they wouldn't compete more if they were on one platform. Makes no sense.

Competition is good. The proof is in the pudding. PS+, gwg, evolution of online gaming, games only existing because of competition etc...

And if you want one system to rule them all, there would be no other choice than pc. I could get that. It's best in every regard, except for lack of AAA exclusives since there is no company behind it that has to COMPETE with any other company and lack of consoles would probably lead to more living room friendly form factors and even easier and more standardized operation. Saying you only want sony, makes you sound somewhat fanboyish don't you think?

No, he's correct. You want competition between consoles between gens, forcing the manufacturers to outdo each other's tech, pricing, and features. However, during a generation you want a dominant console. You will still have competition, however, it will be between game developers/publishers and not (as much) console manufacturers.

The reasons are simple - it's cheaper, easier, and far less risk to make games for single large install base as opposed to a split market. This is a large part of the reason why we saw such a wide diversity of games over the ps2's lifetime, and had a golden era of both mainstream and niche games... 'everyone' had a ps2, so many games got greenlighted that wouldn't have seen the light of day had the market been segregated.

Your various examples are all over the place and really have nothing to do with the conversation. Bayonetta 2, for example, is a rare/unique situation and really doesn't indicate anything, and besides for all we know if any system had an install base of 100+ million it would have eventually gotten a greenlight anyway. The evolution of online gaming, etc, and all that happens anyway during next-gen competition.

As the gen ends, you then want multiple console makers competing for that dominance the next gen to start the cycle over. During a gen? You want devs focusing all their efforts on a single platform for best results. It isn't 'fanboyism' or hating 'competition' that makes me want a single dominant console, it's the chance of a gaming renaissance such a situation might bring.

Yah, i wince at what Sony/SEGA put us through pre LIVE days of console gaming. SNIP
So the poster your responding to is wrong about increasing competition on a single platform.

A console manufacturer that grows complacent will pay the price. See Sony transitioning from PS2 to PS3, for example. That just means the market is ripe for takeover, and we'd still get competition between gens. This isn't a conversation about 'no competition' vs. 'competition', it's about the focus of competition during different stages of the console lifecycle.


I miss my Diamond Monster 3D so much! LOL

I respect your opinion, but there is a reason we have laws against companies having 100% marketshare.
Let's say MS gets out of the way after this gen, you can expect a 800$ PS5 and PSN might be 10$ and much crappier than it is now. Games will probably be 89$ and people will pay if there are no othe options.

I'd rather have systems and companies challenging each other to get better/cheaper.
e.g. iOS vs Android

Yah, i wince at what Sony/SEGA put us through pre LIVE days of console gaming. There's not any ground you can take here apart for one where MS introduced and drove standards. And currently they're shaming the other 2 with how quickly theyre evolving the OS and its feature set, which sets expectations and puts pressure on the others "what the hell is Sony doing" is pretty common in X1 update threads. Expect to see this in the next update thread.

So the poster your responding to is wrong about increasing competition on a single platform.
No, he's correct. You want competition between consoles between gens, forcing the manufacturers to outdo each other's tech, pricing, and features. However, during a generation you want a dominant console. You will still have competition, however, it will be between game developers/publishers and not (as much) console manufacturers.

The reasons are simple - it's cheaper, easier, and far less risk to make games for single large install base as opposed to a split market. This is a large part of the reason why we saw such a wide diversity of games over the ps2's lifetime, and had a golden era of both mainstream and niche games... 'everyone' had a ps2, so many games got greenlighted that wouldn't have seen the light of day had the market been segregated.

A consoles dominance is based on the value it brings to the consumer, but that's constantly challenged due to competition and this idea of value is tested continuously, but what your implying there's a set amount of users per gen which is incorrect, and so must be distributed among manufacturers which incorrect also. The Wii dominated yet their was great diversity was with X360/PS3
Let's say MS gets out of the way after this gen, you can expect a 800$ PS5 and PSN might be 10$ and much crappier than it is now. Games will probably be 89$ and people will pay if there are no othe options.

Something along those lines would happen, but I'd expect this with the PS6, not the PS5 (Because the PS3 rough start isn't old enough to be completely forgotten).
But then, what happens? When a market turn into a golden goose, it is an open invitation for competition to rush in and take you shares.
And if this hypothetical competitor is a big more agressive than Microsoft (as in, more focused in contesting market shares than increasing average revenue per customer, as MS have been since a few years), we, the customers, will all win.


No, he's correct. You want competition between consoles between gens, forcing the manufacturers to outdo each other's tech, pricing, and features. However, during a generation you want a dominant console. You will still have competition, however, it will be between game developers/publishers and not (as much) console manufacturers.

The reasons are simple - it's cheaper, easier, and far less risk to make games for single large install base as opposed to a split market. This is a large part of the reason why we saw such a wide diversity of games over the ps2's lifetime, and had a golden era of both mainstream and niche games... 'everyone' had a ps2, so many games got greenlighted that wouldn't have seen the light of day had the market been segregated.

Your various examples are all over the place and really have nothing to do with the conversation. Bayonetta 2, for example, is a rare/unique situation and really doesn't indicate anything, and besides for all we know if any system had an install base of 100+ million it would have eventually gotten a greenlight anyway. The evolution of online gaming, etc, and all that happens anyway during next-gen competition.

As the gen ends, you then want multiple console makers competing for that dominance the next gen to start the cycle over. During a gen? You want devs focusing all their efforts on a single platform for best results. It isn't 'fanboyism' or hating 'competition' that makes me want a single dominant console, it's the chance of a gaming renaissance such a situation might bring.

A console manufacturer that grows complacent will pay the price. See Sony transitioning from PS2 to PS3, for example. That just means the market is ripe for takeover, and we'd still get competition between gens. This isn't a conversation about 'no competition' vs. 'competition', it's about the focus of competition during different stages of the console lifecycle.

Ok trying to work down the list,

1. Why Sony, why not PC? By your logic Console manufacturers should stop right away, and it would be best for everybody. PC has internal competition between nvidia and amd, so they'll keep on getting better without external parties. Install base is the highest of them all by far. So Sony / MS / Nintendo are basically just distracting dev's from pc? Please explain why a console manufacturer would be better here... (that's the fanboyish part I was talking about...)

2. PS2 games were not nearly as expensive as games are today, yes PS2 having a big install base is a big factor, but games costing a fraction of what they do today is an even bigger factor, and a major reason for so many greenlights. (I would love to see statistics though, have there been more games on ps2 than on 360 or PS3? Kinda seems hard to believe for me...)

3. Due to the similarity in the architecture the market isn't as "split" as it once was. There is not "far more risk" involved with creating a game for xb1 and ps4, doesn't make all that much difference for the dev. By far the biggest part of dev costs is the game itself not the optimization for the different platforms. even less so this gen. If anything more consoles with different messages means more diverse people will jump into gaming, which means less risk.

4. Bayonetta isn't so rare. I'm pretty sure Killzone wouldn't have been there wasn't it for MS pushing Halo as they did. Sony wanted that "halo killer". As Halo wouldn't be where it is without MS needing something to push their new hardware. There's a multitude of these examples...

5. If you don't have competition during a gen, you will soon loose console manufacturers. If sony would've failed big time with the ps3, let's say they only sold 10 million units. Do you think they could have swayed the stockholders to invest in consoles again? Further, since MS now needs to get their shit together to still matter this gen we are seeing great things. MS offering great bundles also means that sony is offering great bundles (and you are seeing this right now).

Jack cw

If you mean WW. X360 had almost one year headstart (and even bigger in EU) compared to PS3. Not sure how long it took from PS3 to caught X360 up in EU.

To be correct, 360 never had significant marketshare and sales in mainland EU and the EU traditionally is more towards Sony. 360 was leading in USA and UK by 2:1 and PS3 never closed this gap there. They were outsold for the whole lifetime cycle. Other markets helped Sony to reach parity with Microsoft, but all the 360 strongholds are now in Sonys hand and PS4 keeps outselling them there. No chance of closing the gap and a comeback. Worldwide it's already 2:1 for PS4, meaning 100% more systems sold than xbone.
IMHO MKV DLNA is very.. very overrated. There is like 5 other devices than can play music in less than a meter of my PS4. Is not such a big deal. Again, IMHO

I agree. It's a very nice feature to have. And I don't doubt that a few, very knowledgeable people, would care about it. But the number of people who would base their choice of console on whether it has DLNA or not is likely very small. The notion that marketing the feature would have doubled their sales is frankly ridiculous. I guess I was being too subtle. I shall have to be less subtle in the NPD thread Tonight.

Fanboys do, am I allowed to call people fanboys on NeoGAF? Some other sites call it trolling etc.

I think you are. But be careful and heed Hydrophilic Attack's Law of Fanboyism: The easiest way to spot a fanboy is to look for people who throw the fanboy word around themselves.


To be correct, 360 never had significant marketshare and sales in mainland EU and the EU traditionally is more towards Sony. 360 was leading in USA and UK by 2:1 and PS3 never closed this gap there. They were outsold for the whole lifetime cycle. Other markets helped Sony to reach parity with Microsoft, but all the 360 strongholds are now in Sonys hand and PS4 keeps outselling them there. No chance of closing the gap and a comeback. Worldwide it's already 2:1 for PS4, meaning 100% more sales.

It would be interesting to see the US/UK sales comparisons.
Xbox having more exclusives as a phrase should be banned as it just gets spouted all the time and is factually incorrect.

Xbox having better exclusives should be laughed at whenever it appears as a statement of fact because it is a subjective viewpoint (same would go for PS4 but the statement is rolled out far more often for xbox it seems)

Totally agree. This arguement is very weak, but hey OS UPDATES are the s##t these days !


To be correct, 360 never had significant marketshare and sales in mainland EU and the EU traditionally is more towards Sony. 360 was leading in USA and UK by 2:1 and PS3 never closed this gap there. They were outsold for the whole lifetime cycle. Other markets helped Sony to reach parity with Microsoft, but all the 360 strongholds are now in Sonys hand and PS4 keeps outselling them there. No chance of closing the gap and a comeback. Worldwide it's already 2:1 for PS4, meaning 100% more systems sold than xbone.

Yea, I know. I was just wondering, how many months from PS3 release (feb 2007) it took PS3 to close gap between X360 - PS3 in EU.
I miss my Diamond Monster 3D so much! LOL

I respect your opinion, but there is a reason we have laws against companies having 100% marketshare.
Let's say MS gets out of the way after this gen, you can expect a 800$ PS5 and PSN might be 10$ and much crappier than it is now. Games will probably be 89$ and people will pay if there are no othe options.

I'd rather have systems and companies challenging each other to get better/cheaper.
e.g. iOS vs Android

No we don't, there are laws against abusing a monopoly position (i.e. the ones Microsoft were prosecuted under) but not against having one.

And it's not as though there isn't competition from PC and mobile.


I miss my Diamond Monster 3D so much! LOL

I respect your opinion, but there is a reason we have laws against companies having 100% marketshare.
Let's say MS gets out of the way after this gen, you can expect a 800$ PS5 and PSN might be 10$ and much crappier than it is now. Games will probably be 89$ and people will pay if there are no othe options.

I'd rather have systems and companies challenging each other to get better/cheaper.
e.g. iOS vs Android

Huh? Is MS getting out of the console gaming business suddenly going to take Nintendo out of it too?
Something along those lines would happen, but I'd expect this with the PS6, not the PS5 (Because the PS3 rough start isn't old enough to be completely forgotten).
But then, what happens? When a market turn into a golden goose, it is an open invitation for competition to rush in and take you shares.
And if this hypothetical competitor is a big more agressive than Microsoft (as in, more focused in contesting market shares than increasing average revenue per customer, as MS have been since a few years), we, the customers, will all win.

I like how optimistic you are, and the scenario you are talking about sounds really sweet.
But business does not work that way, the Sony execs are paid by shareholders and answer only to them.
Don't believe for a second that cost savings and higher profits will be passed on to the consumers in form of better games or better service. Shareholders only care about the bottom line. Any exec will have a hard time explaining to them why they should cut profits if there is no threat that customers leave to a cheaper competitior.
Publishers will just lay off the teams that did the Xbox/Wii versions and not assign them to upgrade the PS5/6/7 version.
Just look at the Madden series now compared to back when NFL2K was still a thing, don't you think Madden would be a better game if consumers could switch to 2K?
A monopoly never works out well for customers.

Jack cw

A monopoly never works out well for customers.

All this hyperbole. There never was a monopoly and there never will be. PC will always be there and even if PS4 manages to be very successful, we are talking about a two thirds marketshare at max. Meaning 33% will be covered by Nintendo and Microsoft. Not even close to monopoly.
No we don't, there are laws against abusing a monopoly position (i.e. the ones Microsoft were prosecuted under) but not against having one.

And it's not as though there isn't competition from PC and mobile.

So you are trusting Sony that if they get to a monopoly position they are not gonna abuse it to make more money? The reason we have no monopolies (name one) is because companies always abuse it and get prosecuted.
If I may use your MS analogy. where they used their OS monopoly to push Netscape out, Sony (in that hypothetical position) can just ban Netflix and Hulu from PSN and drive subs for their own streaming service.
But yeah Sony won't do all that because they are #4thegamers right?


I miss my Diamond Monster 3D so much! LOL

I respect your opinion, but there is a reason we have laws against companies having 100% marketshare.
Let's say MS gets out of the way after this gen, you can expect a 800$ PS5 and PSN might be 10$ and much crappier than it is now. Games will probably be 89$ and people will pay if there are no othe options.

I'd rather have systems and companies challenging each other to get better/cheaper.
e.g. iOS vs Android

The console market is not synonymous with the videogame market. The poster you're referring to is suggesting that they would prefer a console environment where MS didn't exist. I can understand and appreciate that perspective. It does not mean that Sony is the only one in that space. For one, MS bowing out does not preclude other competitors stepping up. It also doesn't automatically mean that Sony would have the entire videogame industry to itself as it would still need to contend with the huge value proposition on PC. This is also a hobby, one in which we choose to engage in and spend discretionary income on. We can go elsewhere for that entertainment if the value proposition drops too heavily.

Suggesting that we're all better because MS is saving us from Sony tyranny is pretty silly, mate.
TBH Sony as a dominant market leader is not a good idea... they are a company in trouble with money problems. I don't really want them to dominate console gaming... not a lot of innovation that they can bring to the table IMHO. I would like Apple or Samsung to enter the console space, just to spice things up. MS and Sony have both produced rather meh consoles IMHO... they could have done much better.

Jack cw

So you are trusting Sony that if they get to a monopoly position they are not gonna abuse it to make more money? The reason we have no monopolies (name one) is because companies always abuse it and get prosecuted.
If I may use your MS analogy. where they used their OS monopoly to push Netscape out, Sony (in that hypothetical position) can just ban Netflix and Hulu from PSN and drive subs for their own streaming service.
But yeah Sony won't do all that because they are #4thegamers right?

Those marketing phrases mean nothing, really. A company that one year ago had the intention to force draconian DRM on the consumers in order to have a "monopoly" on digital content and their price and distribution policy by completely removing any consumer rights shot their own leg. This and the "prism" affair killed any consumer trust in Microsoft and the Xbox brand before the system even launched. Unlike all the polemic examples you are writing, this company had a executable and ready for launch plan to take over the market to take control over the "living room".

And funny that you come up with those VoD services. Sony might have the rights to many movies, but by making them available on many systems and services, the profit is higher than to have them exclusive, because you reach so much more people instead with a single platform. The royalties alone are more proitable than the few cents they would get with their own singgle service.


TBH Sony as a dominant market leader is not a good idea... they are a company in trouble with money problems. I don't really want them to dominate console gaming... not a lot of innovation that they can bring to the table IMHO. I would like Apple or Samsung to enter the console space, just to spice things up. MS and Sony have both produced rather meh consoles IMHO... they could have done much better.

Yeah.... The same Apple who still refuses to put in more than 1GB of ram into any of their tablets or phones... No thanks.

Jack cw

TBH Sony as a dominant market leader is not a good idea... they are a company in trouble with money problems. I don't really want them to dominate console gaming... not a lot of innovation that they can bring to the table IMHO. I would like Apple or Samsung to enter the console space, just to spice things up. MS and Sony have both produced rather meh consoles IMHO... they could have done much better.

LOL, sure.
Apple would do what Nintendo did, but market their system better. A way underpowered and cheap to build system with great design placed as a lifestyle product with a fancy gimmick and sell it for 599$. Ok, all this is getting absurd though.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
TBH Sony as a dominant market leader is not a good idea... they are a company in trouble with money problems. I don't really want them to dominate console gaming... not a lot of innovation that they can bring to the table IMHO. I would like Apple or Samsung to enter the console space, just to spice things up. MS and Sony have both produced rather meh consoles IMHO... they could have done much better.

So, either you want that consumers who don't want to buy an Xbox to be forced to support them or you want other actors to come and challenge Sony (unlike what Microsoft has been able to do this generation). If Microsoft decides to bow out after this generation we'll see a vacuum where new actors can enter. Another generation of Sony dominance is a good thing. Hopefully it weeds out companies that see Xbone as a console they can shove on consumers. I'd love to see Samsung and Apple. Any console that advances the medium is welcome.


TBH Sony as a dominant market leader is not a good idea... they are a company in trouble with money problems. I don't really want them to dominate console gaming... not a lot of innovation that they can bring to the table IMHO. I would like Apple or Samsung to enter the console space, just to spice things up. MS and Sony have both produced rather meh consoles IMHO... they could have done much better.

You're right, let's keep the company that a little over a year ago planned to force a virtual monopoly on content through excessive control of digital games with draconian DRM and a whole slate of anti-consumer policies. That's the kind of innovation we need!

So you are trusting Sony that if they get to a monopoly position they are not gonna abuse it to make more money? The reason we have no monopolies (name one) is because companies always abuse it and get prosecuted.
If I may use your MS analogy. where they used their OS monopoly to push Netscape out, Sony (in that hypothetical position) can just ban Netflix and Hulu from PSN and drive subs for their own streaming service.
But yeah Sony won't do all that because they are #4thegamers right?

If Sony did that then Netflix and Hulu could complain to the competition authorities and Sony would get the punishment that's coming to them. Same with any other anti-competative actions.

There's nothing wrong with a monopoly gained fair and square through competition. And in a hypothetical situation, a new console transition is when they'd be at their weakest and most vulnerable to new competition.
Those marketing phrases mean nothing, really. A company that one year ago had the intention to force draconian DRM on the consumers in order to have a "monopoly" on digital content and their price and distribution policy by completely removing any consumer rights shot their own leg. This and the "prism" affair killed any consumer trust in Microsoft and the Xbox brand before the system even launched. Unlike all the polemic examples you are writing, this company had a executable and ready for launch plan to take over the market to take control over the "living room".

And funny that you come up with those VoD services. Sony might have the rights to many movies, but by making them available on many systems and services, the profit is higher than to have them exclusive, because you reach so much more people instead with a single platform. The royalties alone are more proitable than the few cents they would get with their own singgle service.

And why did MS throw out those policies and plans?
Because they were losing to direct competition in every measure.
I do not understand why people are rooting for MS to fail, competition drives innovation.


yeah I agree, Launch day xb1 fifa for free bundle was far behind the infinitely greater save 30 bucks if you take the camera, killzone and a second controller with your purchase the ps4 had...

I think you're missing the point, there have been bundles for practically all PS4 exclusives (physical copies) from before launch.
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