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PC-GAF: Let's Build A Budget Gaming Box


ComputerNerd said:
Wow, never seen this before. Thanks for the info.
I had to reformat a PC like 2 months ago with the same SATA issue and no working floppy drive. Googled for like an hour till I found that badboy and then BAM!


This is a joke but I just wanted to show the opposite end of the spectrum.


Apples ftl


but ever so delicious
Along with nlite there is also autopatcher xp/vista/2k for those who dont want to use ms's auto update, all it does is install the entire month's worth of patches in one shot. I believe you can streamline those updates with nlite and other applications. I really don't remember how to do it, but that's what google is for.

As for the PC, overclocking should be mentioned as an option for those who are game enough to do it. It saved me $$$ back in the day when i decided to pickup my AMD 2500+ barton and OC that baby to a 3200+ speed.

Someone also mentioned sharkyextreme, which always has monthly guides as to what you should look at getting for X amount of cash. There are a couple of other sites that also do the same thing, i can't remember them from the top of my head though.

Nice list so far.


SRG01 said:
Wait, so for this system, are we aiming for lowest cost, or best performance for cost?
Both, my friend. I'm recycling some components, so my cost will be lower than the cost in the first post, but the goal is to get this down as low as possible and still make it relevant for 2-3 years. I'm aiming to spend ~$500 after rebates.

I'm still gaming on a Radeon 9600XT 128MB, Athlon XP 2500+, and 1 GB of RAM. Team Fortress 2, Portal, and all the other cool games coming out for PC soon have prompted me to think about a new PC. I have enough parts in this one to create a completely new one for gaming and general use, while letting me use the old one for a server or something. Problem is, I don't know anything about the current PC market. GAF does, so here we are.
"IzumiK's nonsense"

Why do you even post sometimes? That's a high end server right? That has nothing to do with anything. Ya big business servers are expensive, what's your point?


but ever so delicious
Lhadatt said:
I'm still gaming on a Radeon 9600XT 128MB, Athlon XP 2500+, and 1 GB of RAM. Team Fortress 2, Portal, and all the other cool games coming out for PC soon have prompted me to think about a new PC. I have enough parts in this one to create a completely new one for gaming and general use, while letting me use the old one for a server or something. Problem is, I don't know anything about the current PC market. GAF does, so here we are.

I am currently playing the TF2 beta on about the exact same setup, except my videocard is a Radeon 9700 non-pro. The game runs fine in 1024x768 with shit on low. It drops a few frames when everyone just starts to go nuts and it's all out war. Apart from that i haven't had any troubles with TF2/HL2+E1.

Of course if your wanting to play crysis when it comes out then you will really need to upgrade.
Lhadatt said:
- I found benchmarks comparing the HD2600 XT and the 1950 Pro, didn't know there was such a difference. What's ATI's reasoning behind this? Is the 2600 more for home theater systems or something?
The 2600XT is a mid-end card. It's basically the X1650, but it does DX10 and has full HDMI support and HD video acceleration. It'll handle games well enough if you're running them at 1280x1024 or less.

The X1950Pro is a high-end (near the top) DX9 gaming card.
"Seriously, get out sometimes.

And it's not a server. It's a custom Mac Pro for home use."

If only your jokes were funny once in a while... Since you brought it up though I wonder if they've sold one of those yet...


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
"Seriously, get out sometimes.

And it's not a server. It's a custom Mac Pro for home use."

If only your jokes were funny once in a while... Since you brought it up though I wonder if they've sold one of those yet...
You! GTFO of my thread. And learn how to use the Quote feature.

I thought that pic was pretty darn funny. $21k for that box is overkill. It's market prices, sure, but there's no need to have that machine unless you're going to be doing hardcore stuff, like heavy data processing, superduper rendering/CAD crap, time travel, or hacking the Pentagon from your mother's basement.

Mr. Pointy: Thank you. DX9? Hm. That changes a few things. I might just want to get a DX9 AGP card and forgo upgrading other stuff for now. Waiting until MS caves in and releases DX10 for XP (ha!) sounds like a good idea.

evlcookie: I can get 1280x720 with no problem, but I'm on a widescreen monitor and 1024x768 would be stretched. However, that 9700 should be able to perform better than my card - those things are beasts.
For reference, I bought a PC from cyberpower not long ago that had a core 2 duo 6550, 2GB RAM and a 8600 512MB video card. With the operating system, it ran me somewhere around $900.



I've been wanting to build a system for a few months now, but don't know where to start. I want to spend about 850$ or less.


Mr. Pointy said:

ATi (AMD, whatever) Radeon HD 2900Pro. An underclocked 2900XT with the same (512MB GDDR3) RAM for less than a 320MB 8800GTS. It outperforms that one, so you can breathe easy.
Holy schnikeys. That puts this build into midrange territory. I'm trying to keep the video card below $150.

booj: No problem. I know a bunch of sites are doing their own price-target builds, but I figured we could create one with our own GAF-sort of flavor. Whatever that might be. Although I'm not sure I'd like to find out. Really, the prospect kind of frightens me.


I was thinking of building a similarly specced PC and in any of your opinions is the Core2Duo worth it? I know they overclock like a dream, but I'm still going back and forth on what processor to use...


M3wThr33 said:
For KBM, I recommend the Microsoft Wireless Desktop Elite. The battery life in them is pure fucking voodoo. Logitech shit dies weekly. The MS stuff lasts for about 6-8 months at a time.
Yeah, it's spooky.


IzumiK said:
Seriously, get out sometimes.

And it's not a server. It's a custom Mac Pro for home use.

What 'home use' Mac has 16gb of RAM? Or dual Xeon quadcores? That's not even practical for most servers, you're better of farming off more lower spec machines.


As far as OS go I don't understand all that Vista hate.

I mean is buying an XP system in September 2007 really a good investment?
oo Kosma oo said:
As far as OS go I don't understand all that Vista hate.

I mean is buying an XP system in September 2007 really a good investment?
Buy an OEM version of XP pro, it's dirt cheap and get Vista later.


oo Kosma oo said:
As far as OS go I don't understand all that Vista hate.

I mean is buying an XP system in September 2007 really a good investment?
Er, this spec is a Vista-ready system. Vista just isn't ready for the market. No where have I positioned this system to not run Vista, unless you count the DX9 video card.

My current PC will run Vista with all eye candy enabled just fine. I'm sure I could game on it without any problem. I just choose not to, since Vista is a piece of garbage and market forces are making Microsoft painfully aware of this.

micky said:
Buy an OEM version of XP pro, it's dirt cheap and get Vista later.
Academic. It's cheaper.
a lot of people that hate on vista just don't have pc's that can run it properly. all of these midrange pc's you guys are building are not suitable for vista. i'd go so far as to say a serious gaming pc running vista needs 4gb ram minimum.

that being said, i run vista ultimate 64 bit on a pretty boss machine and i have no complaints. it's an excellent upgrade over xp. sp1 will only widen the gap. don't hate on vista unless you've actually used it. i know it's easy to jump on here and join in on the group think.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Lhadatt said:
I thought that pic was pretty darn funny. $21k for that box is overkill. It's market prices, sure, but there's no need to have that machine unless you're going to be doing hardcore stuff, like heavy data processing, superduper rendering/CAD crap, time travel, or hacking the Pentagon from your mother's basement.

It's not just a box. I notice that it comes with $3,600 worth of monitors, lol.


dark_preacher said:
a lot of people that hate on vista just don't have pc's that can run it properly. all of these midrange pc's you guys are building are not suitable for vista. i'd go so far as to say a serious gaming pc running vista needs 4gb ram minimum.

that being said, i run vista ultimate 64 bit on a pretty boss machine and i have no complaints. it's an excellent upgrade over xp. sp1 will only widen the gap. don't hate on vista unless you've actually used it. i know it's easy to jump on here and join in on the group think.
Edited for clarity, since people thought I was saying Vista needs expensive hardware to run right:

1) We're not focusing on Vista here. You can still buy XP. Vista is not ready for market, there are too many flaws and the user experience just isn't there.
2) This thread is not for building a Big Bad Mama. Not everyone has the cash for this. If we did, I imagine we'd all be buying Mac Pros or something.
3) You don't need a 4GB machine to run Vista. It makes it smoother, yes, but it's not needed. Further, you don't need to run Vista, period.

The attitude that Vista is all things to all people seriously annoys me, because I know it's not. I have used it, and I have serious problems with it.


dark_preacher said:
a lot of people that hate on vista just don't have pc's that can run it properly. all of these midrange pc's you guys are building are not suitable for vista. i'd go so far as to say a serious gaming pc running vista needs 4gb ram minimum.

that being said, i run vista ultimate 64 bit on a pretty boss machine and i have no complaints. it's an excellent upgrade over xp. sp1 will only widen the gap. don't hate on vista unless you've actually used it. i know it's easy to jump on here and join in on the group think.

The question then becomes, why the hell did microsoft make their OS so insanely dependent? and why the hell is it shipping on bottom of the line pcs? Why the hell does an OS need so much power? its all so confusing.


Lhadatt said:
If it requires 4 GB of RAM, a high-end processor, a $500 video card, and moving to 64-bit to run it, it's not suitable for Joe Average.
I hope you're kidding. I ran Vista on a 3 year-old machine. Sure, it didn't have Aero, but it was 3 years old with an integrated card. And it was a just a 14" Sony... Vista's reqs aren't high at all..


Please help me with my bad english
Lhadatt said:
If it requires 4 GB of RAM, a high-end processor, a $500 video card, and moving to 64-bit to run it, it's not suitable for Joe Average. This is where MS seriously flubbed up - there is no need to make an OS that requires that much hardware to run when the average user isn't going to spend that much money on it. Apple figured out how to make OS X 10.4 run on this same level hardware, so there's no excuse for MS to not follow suit.

Aside from that, Vista has a ton of basic user experience and security flaws. It's the new ME, the new 32X.
You're wrong. A HD 2400 (~50$) is good enough to run XP and there's a 32-bit version of Vista.


Vic said:
You're wrong. A HD 2400 (~50$) is good enough to run XP and there's a 32-bit version of Vista.
He's also wrong since you can run Aero with integrated cards (depending on which integrated card you have. I know new laptops have good enough integrated cards to run Aero.)


Wtf do you live, those prices are really high. Directcanada.com beats out all of those even with the current exchange rate.


LOL! I know it doesn't require all that crap, I'm just responding to preacher.

I can run Vista on my current setup just fine. I just don't think it's ready for anything useful and it shouldn't be advocated on a new build.


Please help me with my bad english
Lhadatt said:
LOL! I know it doesn't require all that crap, I'm just responding to preacher.

I can run Vista on my current setup just fine. I just don't think it's ready for anything useful and it shouldn't be advocated on a new build.
Personally, I don't see the point of installing Vista other than playing DX10 games (lol) but that me. XP SP2 is goddamn close to perfection IMO. Shit just works.


dark_preacher said:
a lot of people that hate on vista just don't have pc's that can run it properly. all of these midrange pc's you guys are building are not suitable for vista. i'd go so far as to say a serious gaming pc running vista needs 4gb ram minimum.

No, vista does NOT need 4gb ram minimum. I have 2 gigs of ram and running 32-bit Vista and everything runs fine. More than fine in fact. There is very little performance difference in games, at least not enough to be noticeable.


Vic said:
Personally, I don't see the point of installing Vista other than playing DX10 games (lol) but that me. XP SP2 is goddamn close to perfection IMO. Shit just works.
I've edited that post above to show what my point was really going for.

Yeah, we won't be seeing games that really take advantage of DX10 for a while yet, so I don't understand the need to upgrade. Example: Alan Wake looks good on DX9 as-is. It looks great on 10, but why spend the cash on a DX10 card and a new OS? Microsoft will probably have released their supersecret build of DX10 for XP or decided to ditch Vista by the time this becomes an issue.


Lhadatt said:
I thought that pic was pretty darn funny. $21k for that box is overkill. It's market prices, sure, but there's no need to have that machine unless you're going to be doing hardcore stuff, like heavy data processing, superduper rendering/CAD crap, time travel, or hacking the Pentagon from your mother's basement.

Yup, it's more like a reason why the average joe (consumed by the Apple mentality) would think PC gaming is expensive. They probably look at their PC Gamer mags and see the 1k-3k Alienware rigs ads at the back (even though I could only make an 11k max custom Alienware rig. Apple just downright beats it down.)

I like your set up. Since CAD > USD right now, it's pretty cheap. I could do better but only because I build a computer over an entire year of waiting on monthly cheap specials at my local PC place. One time I got an 8800 GTS for a hundred bucks.
I don't know I'm not trying to say that the things vista have are things that make it where you have to get vista but I mean I like a lot of the tweaks. I really like the way aero works, it's a nice addition for me and some of the other features are nice to use. Not there's anything wrong with xp, since I still use that on my laptop.


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