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PlatinumGames Community Thread | Platinum maintains its luster forever

Best Platinum boss fight?

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Bayo 2 is GAF GotY.

Incredible year for the Wii U. It says it all that Bayo 2 would be GOTY for me if it was released in half of the years of the past decade, but this year I would give GOTY to Smash 4. Between that, the surprise for me that's been Hyrule Warriors, and the fact I didn't have a Wii U until this year (meaning all other games including TW101 were "new" for me as well), it's been such a crazy year. And if they really release Xenoblade, Zelda and Starfox next year, wow...
Well congrats guys ;)

I was only slightly surprised to see you were my #1 on the voting affinity list.

I'm boggled by the GOTY results thread. I don't understand the number of "what a shit year I guess" posts, even by people I usually like to read. I didn't think much of the first half of the year (I filled it by buying a WiiU and playing the games I missed last year), but the last half was great for my tastes. I'm trying to understand the angle, or at least I'm trying to figure out if there is a reasonable angle beyond "fucking Nintendo all over the top 5?" I've always been a multi-platform kind of guy. If the best game of the year was released on iOS, I don't think it would break my heart.

Is this just an opinion trying to pull in the greater scope of the industry as a whole hurting financially and creatively because the low-selling WiiU delivered some of the highest quality titles this year? Is that even a fair conjecture to base on a small sample of opinions from die-hard enthusiasts? Is there any correlation between the quality of titles this year and overall software sales? Seems to me a bigger example of the inherent problems in the industry this year were the number of broken and unfinished releases.

I think maybe a more fair argument could be made that the WiiU's had an extra year in the oven for devs to work out kinks, but then again I don't think anything Nintendo released last year was broken either.

Maybe I'm projecting or being unfair, but I found the whole thread embarrassing. I love reading the voting thread, but I doubt I'll read another results thread. I don't recall the previous two years I've been here being like this.


Late to the party, but I just picked up and started playing Vanquish. It's fun and I'm enjoying it but I feel like I'm not playing the game to its full potential. I don't just cover and shoot all the time, but I still do it regularly. When I try to zip and dodge and bullet time regularly I overheat, of course. Are there any tricks to the game besides git gud?


I was only slightly surprised to see you were my #1 on the voting affinity list.

I'm boggled by the GOTY results thread. I don't understand the number of "what a shit year I guess" posts, even by people I usually like to read. I didn't think much of the first half of the year (I filled it by buying a WiiU and playing the games I missed last year), but the last half was great for my tastes. I'm trying to understand the angle, or at least I'm trying to figure out if there is a reasonable angle beyond "fucking Nintendo all over the top 5?" I've always been a multi-platform kind of guy. If the best game of the year was released on iOS, I don't think it would break my heart.

Is this just an opinion trying to pull in the greater scope of the industry as a whole hurting financially and creatively because the low-selling WiiU delivered some of the highest quality titles this year? Is that even a fair conjecture to base on a small sample of opinions from die-hard enthusiasts? Is there any correlation between the quality of titles this year and overall software sales? Seems to me a bigger example of the inherent problems in the industry this year were the number of broken and unfinished releases.

I think maybe a more fair argument could be made that the WiiU's had an extra year in the oven for devs to work out kinks, but then again I don't think anything Nintendo released last year was broken either.

Maybe I'm projecting or being unfair, but I found the whole thread embarrassing. I love reading the voting thread, but I doubt I'll read another results thread. I don't recall the previous two years I've been here being like this.

Affinity bros eh? XD

Yeah, i think the industry is going to hell and most people are too blinded by their fandom to see that.

Yes, Nintendo had great non broken games last year too, and the year before that, and yes Nintendo is a publisher that tries the most to deliver fun, finished, polished games all the time, and that for me is a fact, not personal opinion. Some may like their games, some may not, but the fact is that they are well made.

And just because people have jumped before to accuse me for being a 'Nintendo fan', something that i have proven with my whole stance in GAF that is completely false simply because i don't give a fuck for HW, but i only care about SW, i have to say that Nintendo is not alone there, other developers and publishers had a great year as well. I am a multiplatform kind of guy as well, and i believe it's the best way to play games.

I believe that Japanese games are better made than western games. I believe that huge budgets, 'production values', 'cinematic experiences' and streamlined gameplay are dragging me further away from western games every passing year, and i never was too fond of western games to begin with.

I think that not only Nintendo, but the Japanese games industry in general had a great year, and while the west pumped one broken game after another, Japan released some of the best games I've ever played.

Yes i believe that the GotY thread was embarrassing, and that Bayonetta 2, as the GotY, would be wildly celebrated if it wasn't a WiiU exclusive, which shows the hypocrisy of some people.

It generally was a great year for me. Bayonetta 2 exists and it's awesome, other amazing games released in 2014 that will make history and that's all i care about.

Just you, and everyone here remember, that this first place is not just good for Nintendo, or PG, or even us fans. It's good for the entire industry if games like Bayonetta 2, while sadly continuing to sell like shit draw attention and positive comments.

Late to the party, but I just picked up and started playing Vanquish. It's fun and I'm enjoying it but I feel like I'm not playing the game to its full potential. I don't just cover and shoot all the time, but I still do it regularly. When I try to zip and dodge and bullet time regularly I overheat, of course. Are there any tricks to the game besides git gud?

What i did, and I'm ashamed to say i haven't played Vanquish for more than a year, is taking cover to cool down, then moving out boosting and on AR mode guns blazing and reached the next cover when i wanted to cool down again. I think it's more 'as intended' and more fun anyway than cover shooting.


Just for shits and giggles, I imported the Japanese version of Metal Gear Rising so I can replay the game with the white blood and Japanese voices.

Should arrive tomorrow. Looking forward to the buckets upon buckets of ambiguous white fluid.


Yeah the GotY results thread was embarassing and downright painful to read. I can understand that Bayonetta games in particular or the character action genre in general are not for everyone, I'm okay if someone doesn't consider Bayo 2 their GotY because it's not up their alley and they have no urge to play it. But the numerous posters stating the game is outright bad/thrash/shit/poorly designed are objectively, factually wrong and it's disgusting to read this kinda stuff on an enthusiast forum like GAF where "facts and evidence" are supposed to be the basis of discourse.

tl;dr I get how Bayo2 might not be someone's GotY, I don't get statements that it's undeserving of GotY or a bad game in general. And yes I blame the anti-WiiU bias for this, to a certain extent at least.

And I think 2014 was a great year overall. Started out kinda slow but autumn was downright incredible.


I'm just happy that a game I care about got GAF GOTY. Couldn't care less about what the haters say.

Also, having Wii U dominate the top 3 is hilarious.


Figured it was time to share this with all you Platinum/Bayonetta fans...

I love the design of the Kafka weapon in Bayonetta 2. I found this concept art and decided it'd make a killer tattoo.

Original concept art:

The tattoo artist did an amazing job.





So, PlatinumGaf, I started playing W101 recently. I'm not very far in (just got the Unite Gun), but honestly I can see why people consider it confusing. There's so much going on on the screen I can hardly keep up at times.
So far I'm mostly getting consolation prizes, but that's hardly surprising as my playstyle consists of spamming Team Attack till an enemy glows yellow, then whacking at them with the fist and forming some AI Unite Swords for help. I seem to be getting decent combo points, actually (though this "strategy" makes me feel like a chimpanzee trying to handle a microchip), but I honestly don't have much idea of what I'm doing. Is there a movelist somewhere in the game?

P* should seriously hire some tutorial experts or something.

I really do love this game's sense of humour though. The animations are great, and that parry move that turns my Wonderfuls into a jelly cracks me up everytime.


Nemmy, first of all watch Saur's videos, and play a couple of missions getting your ass kicked just trying to replicate what you saw on these videos.
Find a good way to draw shapes. Some do it using the stick, while others prefer drawing on screen, and some, like i do, use a mix, find what's comfortable to you and don't read internet talk about which way is the 'best'.
Learn what shapes work best against each enemy and take advantage of it.
Buy spring and guts ASAP.
Throw them up the air so you can juggle them. Once you are up there, you can juggle them as much as you want as even if you lose momentum you can slow time by changing shapes, which works at your advantage and helps with your score.
For a dedicated player, W101 is just a matter of time until you register its gameplay to muscle memory. I'm not saying you'll end up doing what Saur does. I can't guarantee that and i know i can't do most of it myself, but you will learn to play the game properly and win those Platinum trophies if you train.

Which reminds me, i owe you and a couple of others some Bayo 2 team play that my drag of a work denies me. I'm still at work btw :(
I promise I'll make it up to you. Have fun ;)
Nemmy, first of all watch Saur's videos, and play a couple of missions getting your ass kicked just trying to replicate what you saw on these videos.
Find a good way to draw shapes. Some do it using the stick, while others prefer drawing on screen, and some, like i do, use a mix, find what's comfortable to you and don't read internet talk about which way is the 'best'.
Learn what shapes work best against each enemy and take advantage of it.
Buy spring and guts ASAP.
Throw them up the air so you can juggle them. Once you are up there, you can juggle them as much as you want as even if you lose momentum you can slow time by changing shapes, which works at your advantage and helps with your score.
For a dedicated player, W101 is just a matter of time until you register its gameplay to muscle memory. I'm not saying you'll end up doing what Saur does. I can't guarantee that and i know i can't do most of it myself, but you will learn to play the game properly and win those Platinum trophies if you train.

Which reminds me, i owe you and a couple of others some Bayo 2 team play that my drag of a work denies me. I'm still at work btw :(
I promise I'll make it up to you. Have fun ;)

It's also important to learn how to destabilize enemies and all the things you can do from there (juggling, surrounding with the wonder liner to pick up and throw them, scooping and shooting with the gun, grabbing with the whip, etc.). Also abusing the gun or combo points (I use the gunstinger while mashing both attack and team attack, which gets wonderful ones to grab onto enemies twice as fast).


I dreamed of dragons last night. This is clearly a sign of more Scalebound info coming soon.
MS pls. This is getting ridiculous.


Given how much he loves Divine Comedy, I wouldn't be surprised. lol.

EA bought PlatinumGames.

Sweet Nightmares.

Would that make any sense from the business perspective though?

I'd laugh out loud if they wanted to hire P* to make a game for them tho. Deals with Nintendo, Activision, Microsoft and now EA? It's like hiring P* is the big pubs' cool new way to show off now. The equivalent of lighting a cigar with dollar bills, more or less.


Would that make any sense from the business perspective though?

I'd laugh out loud if they wanted to hire P* to make a game for them tho. Deals with Nintendo, Activision, Microsoft and now EA? It's like hiring P* is the big pubs' cool new way to show off now. The equivalent of lighting a cigar with dollar bills, more or less.

I'd be absolutely fucking ok with that. lol. As long as PG's projects get funded, I'm happy.
Specially if its by third party companies.

Maybe Kamiya is just trolling us. Let's not forget he's the fucking master troll.

IF there's something going on between he two companies, my first guess would be a Force Unleashed-like Star Wars game by Platinum.


I'd be absolutely fucking ok with that. lol. As long as PG's projects get funded, I'm happy.
Specially if its by third party companies.

Maybe Kamiya is just trolling us. Let's not forget he's the fucking master troll.

IF there's something going on between he two companies, my first guess would be a Force Unleashed-like Star Wars game by Platinum.

The more P* games get made the better, as far as I'm concerned. So I say bring it on!

But yeah, Kamiya's twitter is not exactly a reliable source XD


It had to happen. We knew it did. All is right in the world!

Here's hoping the sequel actually gets proper dev time. I can't see how it could be otherwise at this point. So it has to end up fucking legendary.

Just please no child characters this time. PLEASE. For real.


Just please no child characters this time. PLEASE. For real.

There's nothing wrong with how Sunny was implemented, beyond a few cheesy lines in the ending. George...could have been a little better, but I didn't exactly dislike him. They might end up toning down his accent in the sequel anyway, especially if it's set a few years later.


There's nothing wrong with how Sunny was implemented, beyond a few cheesy lines in the ending. George...could have been a little better, but I didn't exactly dislike him. They might end up toning down his accent in the sequel anyway, especially if it's set a few years later.

I was totally OK with Sunny. George I found really annoying, but skipping all cutscenes on the next playthroughs allowed me to essentially forget he existed.
But I still can't deal with Loki. I just fucking can't. Which is why since I played Bayo 2 I really, really want P* to stop with child NPCs for a while.


OMFG, Akiller where are you? Wake the fuck up!!

This reminds of
"Nero, wake up!You gonna miss all the fun!"

I was totally OK with Sunny. George I found really annoying, but skipping all cutscenes on the next playthroughs allowed me to essentially forget he existed.
But I still can't deal with Loki. I just fucking can't. Which is why since I played Bayo 2 I really, really want P* to stop with child NPCs for a while.

"Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!"


"Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!""Littleone""Stop silling around!"

Aaaarghhh! STOP IT
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