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PlayStation 5 Pro To Release Together With Base Model – Rumor (Based on Speculation/Opinion)


RSI Employee of the Year

Nishikawa-san isn't talking about stuff he knows or he heard. He's simply speculating as he always does.

Absolutely laughable for this site to present it as a rumor or to say that Nishikawa-san is "reliable" to give credence to their crap clickbait article.


The power of the x is mostly wasted. Yes you get more fps and pixels, but the game is the same as the one running on 1TF, low clock jag x1. Same goes for the $5000 PCs running gears5 and fornite. Lowest common denominator determines game design.

so what's the point of the Pro from start of next gen when it will be held back by the base model. just doesn't seem viable to have one for that reason


Gold Member
This is the same argument that the PC guys make about consoles. That is they hold pcgaming back.

No, what holds PC gaming back is only 1-3% that own top of the line machines capable of such prowess out of the millions that PC game.

Console tech actually pushes the medium forward, so the more powerful the console, the more higher end PC users will benefit. You want consoles to be balls to the wall, since you consider them the "baseline", when actually all those Starcraft boxes in the wild are what the true PC baseline is, hence the ultra low settings that look like mud.

Another reason you want the ultra fast SSD setups next-gen for Sony and MS, since they will impact PC gaming in a positive way. Intel needs to get on that PCIe 4.0 something fierce, or they may impact PC gaming more with a negative in that regards.

It is true for console ports to pc. For pc only games, it is ten year old PCs that hold things back.


so what's the point of the Pro from start of next gen when it will be held back by the base model. just doesn't seem viable to have one for that reason

It is a BS video.
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Sounds like a bad idea to create class system environment right off the bat. On what will devs focus their optimization, base or pro? Or will they wait first few sales reports to decide. C’mon Sony, you’re not Apple and this is not smartphone business.
it'd be confusing for the average consumer too. i can already see someone's mom on the verge of a nervous breakdown in the middle of the walmart because she doesn't know which fancy game box the kid asked for and getting an xbox instead. lol. don't do it, sony.


Because you're either getting an underperforming game or a game that feels like it was developed for weaker hardware. Essentially, you risk getting that cross gen title feel forever.

To be fair, this isn't what happened with the Pro. But ruling it out would be unwise considering the industry we're talking about.

Considering these consoles are basically standardized PCs running an optimized OS, I don't see how that would be a problem.

Cross-gen feel is essentially high end vs mid-range PC. PCs have forever lived in a cross gen state by that metric.

Mass Shift

Base model, whatever that ends up being will be the boat anchor for the whole gen. this gen it was OG x1 and it held games and game design back. If next gen, it is 6tf lower clock cpu, then that will be the boat anchor.

Exactly, it would be like cross-genning for the ENTIRE generation. Devs are not going to be allowed to use the higher spec as the base model.

I know folks in here would never want to admit it, but MS had the right idea about abandoning this.
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Sony... Just stick with a base PS5 for fucks sake. I was glad when MS ditched this to begin with. Both need to Release their PRO versions in mid gen.


I’d rather wait for a mid-gen update. If there’s a base and pro at lunch, that means the base is most likely underpowered.
This is a stupid idea for so many reasons. PS5 Pro in late 2020 at 7nm will be hot and expensive as fuck. Not to mention it will put extra burden on devs from the get-go.

I mean, try to imagine a PS4 Pro APU manufactured at 28nm back in 2013... how hot and expensive would that be? There's a reason they waited until 16nm FinFET was ready.

PS5 Pro will make more sense at 5nm (double density vs 7nm, all layers will be EUV) sometime in ~2023. More RT power and probably closer to the 8K target.
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Boss Mog

I'd be happy if this were true but I doubt it. I want to buy the most powerful console I can but it wouldn't really make from a business standpoint. The only way I can see this happening is if Scarlett is more powerful than PS5, then Sony will have the PS5 Pro to surpass Scarlett.


I don't like the idea of a standard and pro version. Devs will have to step down development to the standard version for their games and the benefit of the pro will mostly be squandered.

Or will it be something like the pro model will have BC and the regular won't? Or maybe the regular will be digital only and the pro will support physical? Hmm.

Well, if they do this, I will get the pro version. Just like with the PS4, I couldn't stand knowing I had the "inferior" version and had to get the pro.
If the base model does 2k at 6 tflops and the pro model does 4k at 12 tflops, what's the problem?


I'm not so sure that multiple sku's with different processing capabilities is the best idea at launch. Wondering if this will relate primarily to storage and other upgrades outside of capabilities. But all that said, I will most likely buy the best version no matter what.


Gold Member
I hope this is true. I'll happily buy the best PS5 model.

I'm one of those who would love to have $1000 consoles, if they truly warranted the price. I realize that isn't a smart business plan though.
$1000 console!?

You're crazy, ya whole family's crazy.
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This is a stupid idea for so many reasons. PS5 Pro in late 2020 at 7nm will be hot and expensive as fuck. Not to mention it will put extra burden on devs from the get-go.

I mean, try to imagine a PS4 Pro APU manufactured at 28nm back in 2013... how hot and expensive would that be? There's a reason they waited until 16nm FinFET was ready.

PS5 Pro will make more sense at 5nm (double density vs 7nm, all layers will be EUV) sometime in ~2023. More RT power and probably closer to the 8K target.

The question is if it's even worth it to do a Pro in 2023 if the Base is $499 in 2020. That's probably no.

However if they do 2 SKUs at launch they can hit $399 or even sub $399 and also give us a 13TF model which should be plenty for the rest of the gen. Cooling wise I doubt it'd be an issue with the available budget from the higher pricing.


Gold Member
I truly don't think power is going to matter much next gen. Both consoles will do 4k, both will have 120 fps. HDR will be commonplace.

Its all about those games at this point. What are the new studios gonna come out with and how often are they dropping hits.

People keepp talking about the "special sauce" and raytracing and what not. The X team is working on Scarlett and that's great in all because they put a lot into the X...but on a next gen reset? The tech can only be so advanced if they want to keep the price down. So unless Sony or Microsoft are willing to chow down on some of their profits the consoles are going to basically come out essentially identical.

Seems the 2 SKU thing has been debunked either way...sooooo...next thread?
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I owned an Xbox One at launch and a PS4 within the first six months (and then later upgraded to a Pro).

If I buy either of these next gen consoles at launch again I'm going to buy the cheapest model available knowing full well that I'll likely upgrade mid gen again. I would def welcome a cheaper option this time, if not then I'm gonna wait a few years and not buy at launch.
Well, what we certainly know is that average consumer doesn’t care about power at all, he/she cares about games and where all the action is. That’s still Sony and Nintendo.

Vocal but tiny hardcore forum population is <1%. So if Sony does this, only thing they will achieve is to piss off large swaths of their fan base. Is it worth it?



Gold Member
I truly don't think power is going to matter much next gen. Both consoles will do 4k, both will have 120 fps. HDR will be commonplace.

Its all about those games at this point.

Every gen has always been all about the games. There is no coincidence in that this gen, and it was more so than "always online".

You have to bring the games, something that there was a stark contrast with MS from 360 to One.
Considering these consoles are basically standardized PCs running an optimized OS, I don't see how that would be a problem.

Cross-gen feel is essentially high end vs mid-range PC. PCs have forever lived in a cross gen state by that metric.

We live in a world where Anthem and Borderlands 3 crash consoles, you don't see how having to optimize your game for multiple systems could be a problem? PCs haven't lived in a cross gen state because most of the AAA isn't done with PC in mind as a priority. Those games start out as console first and then get ported to the PC. And even then, a lot of them require fan made mods to work properly, which wouldn't be a thing with consoles.

Thing is, let's take Horizon 2 as an example. If it's built to run on a base PS5, it won't be as impressive as it would be if it was a PS5 Pro exclusive. If it's built for the Pro, it will run like ass on the base model. There's a limit there. I don't understand dick about game development so I'm probably talking shit here, but if there's even a 1% possibility of the industry taking a good thing and ruining it, we have to take it as an absolute certainty.


What do you mean by that?

A PS5 Slim at 5nm in 2023 is going to cost around $299. The 2020 price for OG is irrelevant.

It's about the total spend for the target audience of a Pro, as in the repeat buyers/upgraders.

People are going to be less likely to be interested in buying a Pro if they already spent $499 on the base. It would probably even have less uptake than the PS4 Pro.

Of course, if somehow $399 11TF at launch is still on the table then it doesn't make much sense business wise. Very doubtful on that though.
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Has a console ever had a successful launch with multiples SKUs?

Concur with the "this is a terrible idea" / not likely crowd.


Has a console ever had a successful launch with multiples SKUs?

Concur with the "this is a terrible idea" / not likely crowd.
Not conventional consoles, but the iPhone/iPad have a base/pro version at launch now. I guess the different PS3/Xbox 360 consoles, with varying HDD size? Though the actual performance was identical.
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Not conventional consoles, but the iPhone/iPad have a base/pro version at launch now. I guess the different PS3/Xbox 360 consoles, with varying HDD size? Though the actual performance was identical.

with the iPhone model one has worse screen and worse camera's (iPhone 11) and iphone 11pro ihas better screen and camera's iPhone pro max bigger and also better cameras and screen.all have same memory and processor so not kinda the same really


Not conventional consoles, but the iPhone/iPad have a base/pro version at launch now. I guess the different PS3/Xbox 360 consoles, with varying HDD size? Though the actual performance was identical.

True, but iPhones have an annual cycle. Fair enough on X360.


If the base model does 2k at 6 tflops and the pro model does 4k at 12 tflops, what's the problem?

It isn't about resolution because gpus can be used for lots of different tasks, as can a cpu.

Think of the base spec console as how much money you have to build a house (computing power = $) . If you have $100k to budget, then you have to work within that. The type and style of house is up to you, the developer. You want maximum sq footage, or do you want super energy efficient, or cutting edge style?

With game dev, you need to ask how much you want to spend on AI, object permanence, interactivity, world size, etc etc. But all of it must fit into your base spec because the game (the actual gameplay) has to be the same on both machines. You do not build two games.

So you build your $100k house. The pro version of that house would be you taking the base and then spending another 100k on exterior superficial stuff like landscaping, garden gnomes, etc. The house is still the house. You dont get to take the extra $100k and build a better, different $200k house.

The pro version of the game is merely upping the rez, fps, AA, etc. The game is still the game. You don’t nt get to build a better, different game with the extra resources available..
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Gold Member
i'm more likely to buy the better machine at the start of a gen, then I am to upgrade mid gen for one.

i'm for all for this if true.


Seems silly, why buy the basic then? the price? if the pro model is too expensive it makes it a bad deal...Not saying it is a good value to have both models but there is market for it anyway. All phone manufacturers do it to squeeze some more money out of people with too much money when the mid range model is the one that sells the most and usually have the best bang for buck.
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The power of the x is mostly wasted. Yes you get more fps and pixels, but the game is the same as the one running on 1TF, low clock jag x1. Same goes for the $5000 PCs running gears5 and fornite. Lowest common denominator determines game design.

I'm an X owner and I have to disagree: the difference between the base model and the X is night and day.

The Jaguar is a garbage CPU, but with the higher clock speed and the much, much higher memory bandwidth (5x that of the base model), you can do wonders and some studios such as R* did a pretty good job getting games such as RDR2 to run at native 4k.


The way they leveraged the X on the BC titles was also brilliant, with games such as Witcher 2 getting a much needed resolution bump:



With the "double track" approach in place since the beginning of the gen, I don't see why this would be necessarily a bad decision on Sony's part. The temptation for Microsoft would be to go hard with one model that beats the PS5 "Pro" on both specs and price, cutting Sony's strategy right through the middle.


I mean the source is trustworthy but the idea isn’t good at all. Microsoft the weaker side abandoned it, what makes Sony the stronger side do it?

Actually the OP is misleading. His previous efforts look to have been speculation related and nothing at all to do with the leaking anything.



Neighbours from Hell
Anyone think they will change the controller? The DS4 is close to perfect IMO, I hope they don’t scrap it for a total redesign. I’m fine with some tweaks. Can remove the light bar, I think it’s useless.
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