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Possible Resident Evil VIII Information


I'd be fine if CAPCOM was releasing third person and first person Resi games, beats doing the same thing over and over again.
That is what they do for some time already.

RE7-9 first person view.
REMake 2-3 (spin offs?) third person view.

RE10-12 will change again... let’s see how it will be.
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Airbus Jr

Gona miss these guys, such a lovely caring family with fantastic unforgetable dinner

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Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
I dont really get the confusion with FPS choice again. The game had a great reception and sold very well. I expected nothing but a FPS for the follow up. RE7 wasnt some spin-off, it was a legit entry just like RE4 was. It would be wierd for it to go back to third person.

There were 3 tank control RE, 3 over the shoulder and Im pretty confident RE 7,8,9 are all FPS. You already got 2 remakes in 3rd person as fan service and thats fine because i wouldn't want RE2 to ever be a FPV either. But comon get on board, RE7 in fps was way creepier than any 3rd person. The molded were a great design, scared the shit out of me when i heard their slimy ass crawl towards me, better than zombies 50m away with their "argh" moans taking 20 seconds to get to me.

No sir .. RE7 was great not because they called it by doing it in FPS ! .. and certainly not better than 3rd person in previous games ..you see I can put you now in a forest during the night with a FPV and you would call that a scary game not to mention " wind howling "

There is a difference between a scary game and great game .. I don't need to make it FPV to be scary ! .. silent hill is a perfect example

And sure jumbscare not counted as a great feature in so called great games


A persistent enemy that will disapate when shot... what is it with Capcom and unkillable enemies.
Ugh, could be a boring cheap ammo dump, or could be great. We will see.

Not over the moon about fps either, but at least proper zombies are coming back. I recently played through most of RE7 again, gave up once I go at to the ship, the game really shits the bed in the last third. Capcom, please don't do it again. The poorest part of REmake2 was the lab, again, the last third.


No sir .. RE7 was great not because they called it by doing it in FPS ! .. and certainly not better than 3rd person in previous games ..you see I can put you now in a forest during the night with a FPV and you would call that a scary game not to mention " wind howling "

There is a difference between a scary game and great game .. I don't need to make it FPV to be scary ! .. silent hill is a perfect example

And sure jumbscare not counted as a great feature in so called great games

FP makes it easier to be scary by default, but yes obviously TP can still be scary.

But going FP cripples many of the action and strategic possibilities which IMO is what's made RE great in the past.


I liked Ethan. Some of his dialogue was actually pretty funny/charming. I wouldn't mind expanding him. The village to castle progression seems like straight RE4 though. Also, I hate first person. RE7 was still one of the best REs IMO (up there with REmake, both versions of RE2, and 4), but I would have prefered OTS.

Still, I'll be all over this assuming the rumors are true.


Neighbours from Hell
I absolutely adored RE7. I don’t mind them building on that. As long as they mix in some 3rd person titles still along the way. If Ethan is back I wonder what takes him to Europe.


Gold Member
Excellent news if true, I was so hard against RE7 being FPP but when it finally arrived - just made me eat it all with a smile. Hoping for next gen only with full VR support.
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Don't fall for this shit. This is all BS.

First of all, this joke of a website is running this story based off of an unverified email.

Second, they mentioned Evil VR as a way to possibly back up this random email they got.



Don't give shitty clickbait websites like this hits.


Gold Member
Don't fall for this shit. This is all BS.

First of all, this joke of a website is running this story based off of an unverified email.

Second, they mentioned Evil VR as a way to possibly back up this random email they got.



Don't give shitty clickbait websites like this hits.

Normally I would agree if Nibel didn't back it up and he has a decent track record with some stuff.

and Evil VR posted something like this? Why wouldn't they bring back Ethan if this ties into his story.



Normally I would agree if Nibel didn't back it up and he has a decent track record with some stuff.
Regardless of Nibel retweeting, we actually know the source this time:

A random email to a shitty RE fan site that will report on ANYTHING for clicks.

Not sure what posted another Evil VR tweet proves. He makes stuff up all the time, claims it's a leak, ends up completely wrong, deletes tweet, rinse and repeat. And people are still dumb enough to use him as a source.
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Why wouldn't the "leaker" just say what the title is? Haha

This is so stupidly fake that it makes me want to slap my own ass.
Honest question: what would be the point of RE8? RE3 remake is on the way, then there's the (inevitable) RE4 megacashcow remake. By that point, they could re-remake Resident Evil 1 again.


Honest question: what would be the point of RE8? RE3 remake is on the way, then there's the (inevitable) RE4 megacashcow remake. By that point, they could re-remake Resident Evil 1 again.
To continue moving the franchise forward, my friend. Some of us want more than remakes, even if they are great.
To continue moving the franchise forward, my friend. Some of us want more than remakes, even if they are great.
I didn't play RE7 but I heard it was incredible, with a full-blown VR mode thrown in as a cherry on top.

So the hope for RE8 would be that it is another "experiment" to push the franchise ahead? Fair enough.


Thank christ for first-person. I've been tired of over-the-shoulder since RE6. Reason why I'm not interested in RE2make or 3make.


I hope it's fake.

Ethan is a terrible character, bland, boring and too normal to be a RE main character.

If they want to use a REVIII character, why not use Joe Baker?

Look at this dude:


He could be a fucking Witcher or something. The guy can punch monsters like they were piñatas.


Capcom free idea: Make a game about Joe and Zoe, both joined Chris organization and are sent in a mission somewhere...

That's it! Easy money!!



Gold Member
Why would they make another game in first person, especially regarding how well RE2 was received. I mean the fact that RE3 is coming out hot on the heels of RE2, that has to say something (yeah they have assets they can use from RE2, in RE3, but they wouldnt be releasing it so soon if RE2 didnt do absolutely terrific).

I have a feeling they are gonna scrap the design for Chris as well, since it didnt seem to be received too well.

Airbus Jr

"There is a persistent shadowy “female” enemy that will follow you but will dissipate if shot"

RE7 Eveline returns


Writes a lot, says very little
No shit .. I loved RE7 but no way I'm playing another RE in FPS ! .. come on and we need the main characters not Ethan

I don't care if its FPS or TPS...

If it has the old concepts like 7 did, its a day 1. I don't cry over such things. The folks who lost series that have never returned don't get to cry over Dead Space being in FPS, they don't get to complain over Banjo being in FPS etc. Be glad it exist back to its roots in the first place.

Other gamers do not have that luxury.

Inspector Q

I am kind of hoping this is fake news.

RE7 was actually a pretty good game. However, I consider the colorful cast of characters to be the heart of the RE series and Ethan was a complete failure in that regard. However, I did kind of like the Bakers...and Mia wasn't as bland as Ethan, at least.

Regardless of 1st or 3rd person perspective, what I do hope RE8 does is stick with the more classic level design of RE7 and RE2make. Having a large environment where you slowly unlock new pathways via items is a hell of a lot more interesting to me than simple A to B checkpoints.
I don't believe this.

It's convenient to leak supposed details like this since the last rumor talked about a new unannounced Resident Evil (Revelations 3?) coming before Resident Evil 8. Wishful thinking from fans and the hope that no one will bring it up again when enough time passes and it turns out to not be true.
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