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PPP: 52% of Americans want Obama back as president; 40% want Trump impeached

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That's the most amazing thing. I hated Dubya 10 years ago, but he was just a bumbling fool. Trump is a cancer.

The hole goes even deeper...

I was talking to my mother last night and we realized that we'd LOVE to have Cheney back rather than Bannon. I know Bannon isn't the VP, but their roles are similar.

It was... shocking.
Canada doesn't have term limits since they vote for representatives, party picks the leader.

I'm okay with a Trudeau as Prime Minister for life

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
No responses to the above quote? I'd like someone who is more knowledgeable about polling to explain this to me in any sort of way that can make me believe in the process again.

You can disapprove of someone, but still think that someone in their position ought to have access to the information necessary to do their job. I think Michael Fallon, the UK defence secretary, is a complete arsehole. I still agree that he needs security clearance. Obviously, it isn't a perfect analogy, but you get the drift.


You can disapprove of someone, but still think that someone in their position ought to have access to the information necessary to do their job. I think Michael Fallon, the UK defence secretary, is a complete arsehole. I still agree that he needs security clearance. Obviously, it isn't a perfect analogy, but you get the drift.

Yes. But no one in Bannons position has EVER had this job. This is not normal its an outlier. I would think that in a world that even made a little sense, someone who doesn't approve of him in the white house also knows that he has no military or intelligence experience and would certainly not approve of him at the NSC. And 14% is a large number. Its inexplicable to me.
If 51% of Americans voted to impeach the President, would it be allowed?

No, otherwise Bush II would have been impeached. I know there's some weird nostalgia for Bush II floating around here because Trump seems poised to be even worse, but words cant describe how furious he made half the country with his WMD lies, Abu Ghraib, torture, and the shitty policies that lead to the Iraq "insurgency."
People wanted his head on a platter.


Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, fucking Reagan... Any of them. Shit, Paul Ryan. I don't give a fuck.

Paul Ryan would probably be worse. He wouldn't be as pointlessly destructive to our allies, but he tear apart what's left of the social safety net and do so easily because he'd have the full support of Congress. There wouldn't be the same amount of resistance among both voters and the federal bureaucracy because Ryan is to milquetoast to incite any kind of revolt like that.


Done by the same people who told you Hillary would win. It's like the MSM wants us to never trust them again...

Again, the national polling was more accurate than not. She won by two points when the polling had her up by 3-4 percent usually; that's more accurate than the 2012 national polls were. The state polling is what was off.

Also, Zero Hedge is a bullshit site.


Yup. I would've voted for an Obama 3rd term.

Abuela would've basically been an Obama third term. Shame she was too lazy to campaign like Obama would've done for his third term. That's what feeling entitled does to a politician.


Provided they weren't disenfranchised, these people should've come to the polls on the day it fucking mattered. 8'D


If Bannon is trying to play shadowy puppetmaster, the fact that his role and influence have been widely exposed in less than two weeks speaks pretty poorly of his power grabs. It wasn't until we invaded Iraq and the war started going south that more people started realizing the outsize role Cheney had in the Bush administration.

Yup. I would've voted for an Obama 3rd term.

Abuela would've basically been an Obama third term. Shame she was too lazy to campaign like Obama would've done for his third term. That's what feeling entitled does to a politician.

She wasn't lazy, she worked her ass off. But the campaign miscalculated where that effort should go; assuming the blue wall would hold was a poor assumption. Just like Bernie worked his ass off, but that doesn't change the fact that his campaign completely ignored the south.
There is nothing that says Obama couldn't have run for a third term, right?

I get why he wanted out, 8 years is a long time. But if he came back in 2018 nothing would be stopping him right?


Unconfirmed Member
What percentage of Republicans polled want impeachment? Republican Congressmen and Senators will only act when their own voters revolt.


Also for race:



If Bannon is trying to play shadowy puppetmaster, the fact that his role and influence have been widely exposed in less than two weeks speaks pretty poorly of his power grabs. It wasn't until we invaded Iraq and the war started going south that more people started realizing the outsize role Cheney had in the Bush administration.

She wasn't lazy, she worked her ass off. But the campaign miscalculated where that effort should go; assuming the blue wall would hold was a poor assumption. Just like Bernie worked his ass off, but that doesn't change the fact that his campaign completely ignored the south.

She never visited Wisconsin. And focused way too much time with rich donors on the coasts.

She fucked up.


I want to see Obama come back and lead a movement to remove Trump from power. Surely he won't be able to stand idly by while this insane orange fuck dismantles the country bit by bit.


I voted for Hillary but yeah, she did.

A slab of green silly putty should have been able to win against Trump. Yeah, Hillary's campaign underestimated the appeal of an idiot spouting racism and sexism as a campaign platform but so did everyone else. Even the idiot, by some accounts.
There is nothing that says Obama couldn't have run for a third term, right?

I get why he wanted out, 8 years is a long time. But if he came back in 2018 nothing would be stopping him right?

Obama's wasn't the type of president to have been the first to try to circumvent the 22nd Amendment.


These numbers are always sobering. A huge portion of America apparently just wants fascism. Especially those that call themselves constitutionalists.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
These numbers are always sobering. A huge portion of America apparently just wants fascism. Especially those that call themselves constitutionalists.

Common people who support fascist leaders don't always see themselves as fascists. They see it as finally putting "uppity" people in their place and returning society to its proper, ordained course.
I'm a white dude, albeit I'm not of WASP descent. WASP people from the interior of the country and rural areas are generally garbage human beings, as these statistics clearly show.
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