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PPP: 52% of Americans want Obama back as president; 40% want Trump impeached

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"playing" dumb? unpossible
How is this any more reliable than all the polls before the election that predicted a landslide Hillary victory?

Honest question. Do these polls take into account the electoral, or is it expected that winning the popular should usually get you the presidency?
They only polled 725 people. I mean, I know you can get a decent standard deviation from a low sample size, but holy crap is that a low sample size representative of the entire US.
Meh, these polls are meaningless. The 48% that don't care are the ones that elected him and those are the ones that are happy with the hell he is wrecking.


Honest question. Do these polls take into account the electoral, or is it expected that winning the popular should usually get you the presidency?

Those polls were based on the popular vote (which were right). It was the state polls that were wrong.

(although I'm thinking that Hillary would have still won the popular vote even if the polls said Trump had a slight edge)

But yes: it's typically expected that wining the popular vote wins you the Presidency.


I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say this:

Anyone who continues to bring up how bad of a candidate Hillary was is a goddamn idiot. Sorry she ain't make ya precious hearts tingle with enthusiasm, but because you wanted your privileged asses to feel special, every minority in the country gotta deal with Cheeto Satan & Bannondorf, now.

Learn some pragmatism ffs, it'll help you in life.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

article from 2014 discussing people wanting Obama impeached

Among all Americans, those saying Congress would not be justified in beginning impeachment proceedings against Obama outnumber those who think it would be justified, 44 percent to 35 percent, while 21 percent said they weren’t sure.

The question drew a huge partisan divide. Sixty-eight percent of Republicans said beginning the impeachment process would be justified, while only 8 percent of Democrats said the same. Independents were divided, 37 percent to 37 percent, while 26 percent said they weren’t sure. Overall, 26 percent of non-Republicans said impeachment would be justified.

Seems like partisan politics will guarantee that a good percentage of the population will want the president impeached at any given time.

I'm totally on board with the idea that roughly half the country thinks Trump is an orange fuckhead and should be impeached tomorrow and roughly another half is excited about what he's doing though.


I voted for Hilary but she's not Obama and I realize now that I fooled myself into thinking that America was a lot more progressive than it actually is. Obama won and could have kept on winning the presidency (had the constitution allowed) because people really liked him as a person, not because they really believed in his politics.

I hope these polls burn Trump's soul slow though.

Oh they will.

Its probably the only thing he is actually paying attention to.


Me too. I'd take 8 more years of Bush than 2 years (crossing fingers) of Trump.

Plus he'd say some goofy things and do goofy stuff now and then....instead of everything being terrifying and fucked up....provided it makes any sense to begin with.
Oh they will.

Its probably the only thing he is actually paying attention to.

Yeah unfortunately for us it seems that when he sees bad polls/media etc he takes it to mean bad ratings and that's when he starts to announce executive orders to try and lift his "rattings" among his base and he gets egged on by Bannon to push hard like in the election because his simple mind believes that what worked within his crazy base will work nationally without even taking a single consideration of how it's going to impact people. It's all a popularity contest for him he doesn't give a shit about anything but his ego.
Exactly, there were what, 2 dissenting polls? I think CNN gave her like a 99.5% chance of winning or something. The 2 different were laughed at.
Models and % chance to win predictions are not polls. The actual polls were not that far off from the final results, but it only took a couple percentage points to swing the election.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I argued with some people I know who voted for Trump as an anti-Hillary vote that Hillary wasn't that bad.. she's a hawk, which I don't like.. but things aren't bad.. and she'd be more of that like Obama.

The fallacy of things being critical-mass in the States is one the GOP created as anti-Obama rhetoric.. and fuckers like Hannity/Beck/Limbaugh/Bannon/etc ran with it.

Some of them regret the vote.. the others are like that kidwatchingitburn.jpg.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Tweet these stats daily to Trump. Every morning he should wake up seeing how much he lives in the shadow of a greater president and individual, one that is also of a different skin color.

Every day.


How is this any more reliable than all the polls before the election that predicted a landslide Hillary victory?
Polls for an election are snapshots, not predictions. There are extra steps to make them into predictions that add extra layers of difficulty. How many people will show up, etc.

This has none of that. It's a simple, "should the president be impeached?" Also keep in mind the polls weren't that far off. That that many people say he should be impeached this early is incredible bad even if the number isn't spot in.


One good fuck up that doesn't just affect minorities and I think his support will crumble. He's giving them everything they want in the first few weeks, they can dump his ass and coast it for the rest of his term.
If people had any sense, she should've been able to sit at home all year and still win.

That's very true. I think Hillary and her campaign underestimated just how stupid and immoral voters could be. It wasn't enough to recognize them as deplorable, when you have people just casually voting against their own well beings.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Those polls were based on the popular vote (which were right). It was the state polls that were wrong.

(although I'm thinking that Hillary would have still won the popular vote even if the polls said Trump had a slight edge)

Thanks for the explanation.


These numbers are always sobering. A huge portion of America apparently just wants fascism. Especially those that call themselves constitutionalists.

When i see people say theya re constitutionalists or constitutional lawyers. It tells me that they say "Niggers" alot



I want to see a Dubya vs. Trump match up lol.

I would wear shirts supporting dubya 7 days a week and 100% cover my car in bumper stickers for even a slight chance to replace Trump with that village idiot

I rather have Bush for 8 years than to have Trump for a month.

I'd take 12 years of W over 1 day of Trump at the rate he has been going so far

Also I would take W over any of the people that ran for the Republican nomination
........I think our country has a major problem


I would most certainly like Obama back if it meant he'd replace Trump, and I was happy to vote for him and happy with what he was able to accomplish, but I don't know that I want him back just to have him as president again. Not with the rest of the government even more firmly in Republican hands. He wasn't able to get much done during his two terms and it would be even worse now. More government shutdowns and more bullshit from people who have no interest in cooperating with anyone who has a "D" next to their name. He'd have to EO anything he wanted, like Trump, only Republicans would be challenging the shit out of every EO.

But then again that might be the case if any Dem stepped into the role of president right now. Obama obviously caught a ton of shit just because he was black, but it isn't like a Republican-controlled government would be working with Hillary or anyone else right now either. So I don't know. Trump is a huge problem, THE problem, but it would be nice if all of the Republicans currently in Congress would fuck off with him, because they are all worthless as well.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
40% want him impeached? That's got to be a record high, no? Maybe Nixon levels?


It's true.
See below:
I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say this:

Anyone who continues to bring up how bad of a candidate Hillary was is a goddamn idiot. Sorry she ain't make ya precious hearts tingle with enthusiasm, but because you wanted your privileged asses to feel special, every minority in the country gotta deal with Cheeto Satan & Bannondorf, now.

Learn some pragmatism ffs, it'll help you in life.
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